Version 2.80

Term Description

The Impacts of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) can be used to assess traumatic stress. It expands upon the original Impacts of Events Scale by Horowitz, Wilner & Alvarez, by including questions to evaluate hyperarousal in addition to intrusion and avoidance. PMID: 14705607

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Citation Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin Weiss, D. S., & Marmar, C. R. (1997). The Impact of Event Scale-Revised. In J. P. Wilson & T. M. Keane (Eds.), Assessing psychological trauma and PTSD (pp. 399-411). The Guilford Press.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
100232-8 Impacts of Events Scale-Revised panel
Indent100233-6 Any reminder brought back feelings about it.
Indent100234-4 I had trouble staying asleep.
Indent100235-1 Other things kept making me think about it.
Indent100236-9 I felt irritable and angry.
Indent100237-7 I avoided letting myself get upset when I thought about it or was reminded of it.
Indent100238-5 I thought about it when I didn't mean to.
Indent100239-3 I felt as if it hadn't happened or wasn't real.
Indent100240-1 I stayed away from reminders of it.
Indent100241-9 Pictures about it popped into my mind.
Indent100242-7 I was jumpy and easily startled.
Indent100243-5 I tried not to think about it.
Indent100244-3 I was aware that I still had a lot of feelings about it, but I didn't deal with them.
Indent100245-0 My feelings about it were kind of numb.
Indent100246-8 I found myslef acting or feeling like I was back at that time.
Indent100247-6 I had trouble falling asleep.
Indent100248-4 I had waves of strong feelings about it.
Indent100249-2 I tried to remove it from my memory.
Indent100250-0 I had trouble concentrating.
Indent100251-8 Reminders of it caused me to have physical reactions, such as sweating, trouble breathing, nausea, or a pounding heart.
Indent100252-6 I had dreams about it.
Indent100253-4 I felt watchful and on-guard.
Indent100254-2 I tried not to talk about it.
Indent100255-9 Total score [Impact of Event Scale-Revised] {score}

Fully-Specified Name

Impacts of Events Scale-Revised panel

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.73
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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