Version 2.80

Status Information


Term Description

(Status in last 7 days, unless other time frame indicated)

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Original Form Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Original form upon which the LOINC panel is based. MDS full assessment form

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
45981-8 Deprecated MDS full assessment form - version 2.0
Indent45982-6 Identification and background information section
IndentIndent45965-1 Resident Name
IndentIndentIndent45394-4 Patient Last (Family) name
IndentIndentIndent45392-8 Patient First (Given) name
IndentIndentIndent45393-6 Middle initial
IndentIndentIndent45395-1 Jr/Sr
IndentIndent45403-3 Room number [Location]
IndentIndent54593-9 Assessment reference date - observation end date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndentIndent45453-8 Date of last day of MDS observation period [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45454-6 Original or corrected copy of form # [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45455-3 Date of reentry to facility [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45404-1 Marital status
IndentIndent46106-1 Medical record no.
IndentIndent45984-2 Current payment sources for nursing home stay Set
IndentIndentIndent45456-1 Medicaid per diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45457-9 Medicare per diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45458-7 Medicare ancillary part A [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45459-5 Medicare ancillary part B [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45460-3 CHAMPUS Per Diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45461-1 VA Per Diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45462-9 Self or family pays for full per diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45463-7 Medicaid resident liability or Medicare copayment [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45464-5 Private insurance per diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45465-2 Other per diem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent50943-0 Reasons for assessment (full) Set
IndentIndentIndent50787-1 Primary reason for assessment [Minimum Data Set (MDS) full]
IndentIndentIndent45409-0 Codes for assessments required for Medicare PPS or the State [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45985-9 Responsibility/legal guardian Set
IndentIndentIndent45466-0 Legal guardian [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45467-8 Other legal oversight [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45468-6 Health care durable power attorney [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45469-4 Financial durable power attorney [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45470-2 Family member responsible [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45471-0 Patient responsible for self [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45472-8 Responsibility - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45986-7 Advance directives Set
IndentIndentIndent45473-6 Advance healthcare directive completed
IndentIndentIndent45474-4 Advance directive - do not resuscitate [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45475-1 Advance directive - do not hospitalize [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45476-9 Advance directive - organ donation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45477-7 Advance directive - autopsy request [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45478-5 Advance directive - feeding restrictions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45479-3 Advance directive - medication restrictions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45480-1 Advance directive - other treatment restrictions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45481-9 Advance directive - none [Minimum Data Set]
Indent45987-5 Cognitive patterns section
IndentIndent54597-0 Comatose during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent45988-3 Memory Set
IndentIndentIndent45483-5 Short-term memory OK [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45484-3 Long-term memory OK [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45989-1 Memory recall/ability Set
IndentIndentIndent45485-0 Can recall current season [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45486-8 Can recall location of own room [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45487-6 Can recall staff names/faces [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45488-4 Can recall that he or she is in nursing home [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45489-2 Memory/recall - none of above are recalled [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45490-0 Cognitive skills for daily decision making [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45990-9 Indicators of delirium - periodic disorded thinking or awareness Set
IndentIndentIndent45491-8 Easily distracted [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45492-6 Periods of altered perception or awareness of surroundings [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45493-4 Episodes of disorganized speech [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45494-2 Periods of restlessness [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45495-9 Periods of lethargy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45496-7 Mental function varies over the course of the day [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45497-5 Change in cognitive status [Minimum Data Set]
Indent45991-7 Communication and hearing patterns section
IndentIndent45498-3 Hearing [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45992-5 Communication devices and techniques Set
IndentIndentIndent45499-1 Hearing aid present and used [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45500-6 Hearing aid present and not used regularly [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45501-4 Other receptive communication techniques used [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45502-2 No communication device [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45993-3 Modes of expression Set
IndentIndentIndent45503-0 Uses speech [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45504-8 Uses written messages to express or clarify needs [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45505-5 Uses American sign language or Braille [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45506-3 Uses signs/gestures/sounds [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45507-1 Uses communication board [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45508-9 Uses other modes of expression [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45509-7 Modes of expression - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45510-5 Making self understood [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45511-3 Speech clarity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45405-8 Ability to understand others [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45406-6 Change in communication/hearing [Minimum Data Set]
Indent45994-1 Vision patterns section
IndentIndent45407-4 Vision [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45995-8 Visual limitations and dificulties Set
IndentIndentIndent45512-1 Side vision problems [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45513-9 Sees halos or rings around lights, flashes of light, or curtains over eyes [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45514-7 No visual limitations [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45515-4 Visual appliances [Minimum Data Set]
Indent45996-6 Mood and behavior patterns section
IndentIndent45997-4 Indicators of depression, anxiety, sad mood Set
IndentIndentIndent45998-2 Verbal expressions of distress Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45516-2 Resident made negative statements [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45517-0 Repetitive questions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45518-8 Repetitive verbalizations [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45519-6 Persistent anger with self or others [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45520-4 Self deprecation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45521-2 Expression of what appear to be unrealistic fears [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45522-0 Recurrent statements that something terrible is about to happen [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45547-7 Repetitive health complaints [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45548-5 Repetitive anxious complaints or concerns [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45999-0 Sleep-cycle issues Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45549-3 Unpleasant mood in morning [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45550-1 Insomnia/change in sleeping pattern [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46000-6 Sad, apethetic, anxious appearance Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45551-9 Sad, pained, or worried facial expressions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45552-7 Crying or tearfulness [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45553-5 Repetitive physical movements [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46107-9 Loss of interest Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45554-3 Withdrawal from activities of interest [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45555-0 Reduced social interaction [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45556-8 Mood persistence [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45557-6 Change in mood [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46001-4 Behavioral symptoms Set
IndentIndentIndent45558-4 Frequency of wandering [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45559-2 Alterability of wandering [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45560-0 Frequency of verbally abusive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45561-8 Alterability of verbally abusive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45562-6 Frequency of physically abusive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45563-4 Alterability of physically abusive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45564-2 Frequency of socially inappropriate or disruptive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45565-9 Alterability of socially inappropriate or disruptive behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45566-7 Frequency of resists care [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45567-5 Alterability of resists care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45568-3 Change in behavioral symptoms [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46002-2 Psychosocial well-being section
IndentIndent46003-0 Sense of initiative/involvement Set
IndentIndentIndent45569-1 At ease interacting with others [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45570-9 At ease doing planned or structured activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45571-7 At ease doing self-initiated activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45572-5 Establishes own goals [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45573-3 Pursues involvement in life of facility [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45574-1 Accepts invitations to most group activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45575-8 Sense of initiative - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46004-8 Unsettled releationships Set
IndentIndentIndent45576-6 Covert/open conflict with or repeated criticism of staff [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45577-4 Unhappy with roommate [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45578-2 Unhappy with residents other than roommate [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45579-0 Openly expresses conflict/anger with family/friends [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45580-8 Absence of contact with family/friends [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45581-6 Recent loss of close family member/friend [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45582-4 Does not adjust easily to change in routines [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45583-2 No unsettled relationships [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46005-5 Past roles Set
IndentIndentIndent45584-0 Strong identification with past roles and life status [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45585-7 Expresses sadness/anger/empty feeling over lost roles/status [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45586-5 Resident perceives that daily routine (customary routine, activities) is very different from prior pattern in the community [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45587-3 Past roles - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46006-3 Physical functioning and stuctural problems section Set
IndentIndent46007-1 ADL self performance or support Set
IndentIndentIndent45588-1 Bed mobility - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45589-9 Bed mobility - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45590-7 Transfer - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45591-5 Transfer - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45592-3 Walk in room - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45593-1 Walk in room - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45594-9 Walk in corridor - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45595-6 Walk in corridor - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45596-4 Locomotion on unit - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45597-2 Locomotion on unit - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45598-0 Locomotion off unit - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45599-8 Locomotion off unit - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45600-4 Dressing - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45601-2 Dressing - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45602-0 Eating - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45603-8 Eating - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45604-6 Toilet use - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45605-3 Toilet use - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45606-1 Personal hygiene - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45607-9 Personal hygiene - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent46008-9 Bathing during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45608-7 Bathing - self-performance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45609-5 Bathing - support provided during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent46009-7 Test for balance Set
IndentIndentIndent45610-3 Balance while standing [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45523-8 Balance while sitting - position, trunk control [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46010-5 Functional limitation in range of motion Set
IndentIndentIndent45524-6 Range of motion Neck [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45525-3 Voluntary movement Neck [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45526-1 Range of motion Upper extremity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45527-9 Voluntary movement Upper extremity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45528-7 Range of motion Hand [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45529-5 Voluntary movement Hand [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45530-3 Range of motion Lower extremity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45531-1 Voluntary movement Lower extremity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45532-9 Range of motion Foot [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45533-7 Voluntary movement Foot [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45534-5 Other limitation or loss - range of motion [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45535-2 Other limitation or loss - voluntary movement [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46011-3 Modes of locomotion Set
IndentIndentIndent45536-0 Uses cane, walker or crutch [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45537-8 Wheeled self [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45538-6 Other person wheeled [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45539-4 Wheelchair primary mode of locomotion [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45540-2 No modes of locomotion [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46012-1 Modes of transfer Set
IndentIndentIndent45541-0 Bedfast all or most of the time [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45542-8 Bed rails used for bed mobility or transfer [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45543-6 Lifted manually [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45544-4 Lifted mechanically [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45545-1 Transfer aid [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45546-9 No mode of transfer [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45611-1 Task segmentation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46013-9 ADL functional rehabilitation potential Set
IndentIndentIndent45612-9 Resident believes he or she is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45613-7 Direct care staff believe resident is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45614-5 Resident able to perform tasks or activity but is very slow [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45615-2 Difference in ADL Self-Performance or ADL Support, comparing mornings to evenings [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45616-0 Activities of daily living rehabilitation potential - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45617-8 Change in activities of daily living function [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46014-7 Continence in last 14 days section Set
IndentIndent46015-4 Continence self-control categories Set
IndentIndentIndent45619-4 Bladder continence [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45618-6 Bowel continence [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46016-2 Bowel elimination pattern Set
IndentIndentIndent45620-2 Bowel elimination pattern regular - at least one movement every three days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45621-0 Constipation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45622-8 Diarrhea [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45623-6 Fecal impaction [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45624-4 Bowel elimination pattern - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46017-0 Continence appliances and programs Set
IndentIndentIndent45625-1 Any scheduled toileting plan [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45626-9 Bladder retraining program [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45627-7 External catheter [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45628-5 Indwelling catheter [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45629-3 Intermittent catheter [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45630-1 Did not use toilet room/commode/urinal [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45631-9 Pads/briefs used [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45632-7 Enemas/irrigation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45633-5 Ostomy present [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45634-3 Continence appliances and programs - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45635-0 Change in urinary continence [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46018-8 Disease Diagnoses
IndentIndent46019-6 Diseases
IndentIndentIndent46020-4 Endocrine/Metabolic/Nutritional
IndentIndentIndentIndent45636-8 Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45637-6 Hyperthyroidism [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45638-4 Hypothyroidism [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46021-2 Heart/Circulation
IndentIndentIndentIndent45639-2 Arteriosclerotic heart disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45640-0 Cardiac dysrhythmias [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45641-8 Congestive heart failure [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45642-6 Deep vein thrombosis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45643-4 Hypertension [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45644-2 Hypotension [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45645-9 Peripheral vascular disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45646-7 Other cardiovascular disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46022-0 Musculoskeletal
IndentIndentIndentIndent45647-5 Arthritis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45648-3 Hip fracture [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45649-1 Missing limb [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45650-9 Osteoporosis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45651-7 Pathological bone fracture [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46023-8 Neurological
IndentIndentIndentIndent45652-5 Alzheimer's disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45653-3 Aphasia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45654-1 Cerebral palsy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45655-8 Cerebrovascular accident [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45656-6 Dementia other than Alzheimer's disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45657-4 Hemiplegia or hemiparesis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45658-2 Multiple sclerosis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45659-0 Paraplegia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45660-8 Parkinson's disease [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45661-6 Quadriplegia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45662-4 Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45663-2 Transient ischemic attack [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45664-0 Traumatic brain injury [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46024-6 Psychiatric/Mood
IndentIndentIndentIndent45665-7 Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45666-5 Depression [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45667-3 Manic depression [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45668-1 Schizophrenia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46025-3 Pulmonary
IndentIndentIndentIndent45669-9 Asthma [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45670-7 Emphysema or COPD [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46026-1 Sensory
IndentIndentIndentIndent45671-5 Cataracts [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45672-3 Diabetic retinopathy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45673-1 Glaucoma [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45674-9 Macular degeneration [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46027-9 Other
IndentIndentIndentIndent45675-6 Allergies
IndentIndentIndentIndent45676-4 Anemia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45677-2 Cancer [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45678-0 Renal failure [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45679-8 None of the listed diseases or conditions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46028-7 Infections Set
IndentIndentIndent45680-6 Antibiotic resistant infection [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45681-4 Infection with Clostridioides difficile [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45682-2 Conjunctivitis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45683-0 HIV infection [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45684-8 Pneumonia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45685-5 Respiratory infection [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45686-3 Septicemia [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45687-1 Sexually transmitted diseases [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45688-9 Tuberculosis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45689-7 Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45690-5 Viral hepatitis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45691-3 Wound infection [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45692-1 Infections - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46029-5 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes Set
IndentIndentIndent45693-9 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45958-6 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes # 2 [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45959-4 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes # 3 [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45960-2 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes # 4 [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45961-0 Other current or more detailed diagnoses and ICD9 codes # 5 [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46030-3 Health conditions section
IndentIndent46105-3 Problem conditions Set
IndentIndentIndent46031-1 Indicators of fluid status Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45694-7 Weight gain or loss of 3+ Lbs. within a 7 day period [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45695-4 Inability to lie flat due to shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45696-2 Dehydrated [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45697-0 Insufficient fluid; did NOT consume all or almost all liquids provided during last 3 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46032-9 Other indicators Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45698-8 Delusions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45699-6 Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45700-2 Edema [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45701-0 Fever [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45702-8 Hallucinations [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45703-6 Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45704-4 Recurrent lung aspirations in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45705-1 Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45706-9 Syncope [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45707-7 Unsteady gait [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45708-5 Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45709-3 Problem conditions - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46033-7 Pain symptoms Set
IndentIndentIndent45710-1 Pain frequency [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45711-9 Pain intensity [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46034-5 Pain site Set
IndentIndentIndent45712-7 Back pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45713-5 Bone pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45714-3 Chest pain while doing usual activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45715-0 Headache [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45716-8 Hip pain
IndentIndentIndent45717-6 Incisional pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45718-4 Joint pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45719-2 Soft tissue pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45720-0 Stomach pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45721-8 Other pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46035-2 Accidents Set
IndentIndentIndent45722-6 Fell in past 30 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45723-4 Fell in past 31-180 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45724-2 Hip fracture in last 180 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45725-9 Other fracture in last 180 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45726-7 Accidents - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46036-0 Stability of conditions Set
IndentIndent45727-5 Conditions/diseases make resident's cognitive, ADL, mood or behavior patterns unstable [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45728-3 Resident experiencing an acute episode or a flare-up of a recurrent or chronic problem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45729-1 End-Stage disease, 6 or fewer months to live [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45730-9 Stability of conditions - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46037-8 Oral and nutritional status section
IndentIndent46038-6 Oral problems Set
IndentIndentIndent45731-7 Chewing problem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45732-5 Swallowing problem [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45733-3 Mouth pain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45734-1 Oral problems - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46039-4 Height and weight Set
IndentIndentIndent3137-7 Body height Measured [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured 0..1 [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent46040-2 Weight change Set
IndentIndentIndent45735-8 Weight loss [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45736-6 Weight gain [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46041-0 Nutritional problems Set
IndentIndentIndent45737-4 Complains about the taste of many foods [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45738-2 Regular or repetitive complaints of hunger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45739-0 Leaves 25%+ food uneaten at most meals [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45740-8 Nutritional problems - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46042-8 Nutritional approaches Set
IndentIndentIndent45741-6 Parenteral IV [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45742-4 Feeding tube [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45743-2 Mechanically altered diet [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45744-0 Syringe or oral feeding [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45745-7 Therapeutic diet [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45746-5 Dietary supplement between meals [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45747-3 Plate guard, stabilized built-up utensil, etc. [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45748-1 On a planned weight change program [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45749-9 Nutritional approaches - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46043-6 Parenteral or enteral intake Set
IndentIndentIndent45750-7 Proportion of total calories received through parenteral or tube feeding in last 7 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent86684-8 Mean fluid intake per day by IV or tube feeding during entire 7 days [CMS Assessment] mL/d;L/d
Indent46044-4 Oral or dental status section
IndentIndent46045-1 Oral status and disease prevention Set
IndentIndentIndent45769-7 Debris - soft, easily movable substances - present in mouth prior to going to bed at night [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45770-5 Has dentures or removable bridge [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45771-3 Some or all natural teeth lost but does not have or use dentures or partial plates [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45772-1 Broken, loose, or carious teeth [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45773-9 Inflamed, swollen, or bleeding gums, oral abscesses; ulcers or rashes [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45774-7 Daily cleaning of teeth or dentures or mouth care by resident or staff [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45775-4 Oral status/disease prevention - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46046-9 Skin condition section
IndentIndent46047-7 Ulcers Set
IndentIndentIndent45776-2 Ulcers.stage 1 # [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45777-0 Ulcers.stage 2 # [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45778-8 Ulcers.stage 3 # [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndentIndent45779-6 Ulcers.stage 4 # [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndent46048-5 Type of ulcer Set
IndentIndentIndent45780-4 Pressure injury stage [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45781-2 Stasis ulcer stage [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45782-0 History of resolved ulcers [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46049-3 Other skin problems or lesions present Set
IndentIndentIndent45783-8 Abrasions or bruises [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45784-6 Second or third degree burns [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45785-3 Open lesions other than ulcers, rashes, cuts [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45786-1 Rashes [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45787-9 Skin desensitized to pain or pressure [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45788-7 Skin tears or cuts (other than surgery) [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45789-5 Surgical wounds [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45790-3 Other skin problems - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46050-1 Skin treatments Set
IndentIndentIndent45791-1 Pressure relieving devices for chair [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45792-9 Pressure relieving devices for bed [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45793-7 Turning or repositioning program [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45794-5 Nutrition or hydration intervention to manage skin problems [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45795-2 Ulcer care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45796-0 Surgical wound care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45797-8 Application of dressings (with or without topical medications) other than to feet [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45798-6 Application of ointments or medications other than to feet [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45799-4 Other preventative or protective skin care other than to feet [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45800-0 Skin treatments - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46051-9 Foot problems and care Set
IndentIndentIndent45801-8 One or more foot problems [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45802-6 Infection of foot [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45803-4 Open lesions on the foot [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45804-2 Nails/calluses trimmed during last 90 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45805-9 Received preventative or protective foot care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45806-7 Application of dressings (foot) - with or without topical medications [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45807-5 Foot problems and care - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46052-7 Activity pursuit patterns section
IndentIndent46053-5 Time awake Set
IndentIndentIndent45808-3 Awake in morning [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45809-1 Awake in afternoon [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45810-9 Awake in evening [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45811-7 Time awake - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45812-5 Average time involved in activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46054-3 Preferred activity settings Set
IndentIndentIndent45813-3 Preferred activity setting - own room [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45814-1 Preferred activity setting - day or activity room [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45815-8 Preferred activity setting - inside NH/off unit [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45816-6 Preferred activity setting - outside facility [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45817-4 Preferred activitty setting - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46055-0 General activity preferences Set
IndentIndentIndent45818-2 Activity preferences - cards or other games [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45819-0 Activity preferences - crafts or arts [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45820-8 Activity preferences - exercise or sports [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45821-6 Activity preferences - music [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45822-4 Activity preferences - reading or writing [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45823-2 Activity preferences - spiritual or religious activities [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45824-0 Activity preferences - trips or shopping [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45825-7 Activity preferences - walking or wheeling outdoors [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45826-5 Activity preferences - watching TV [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45827-3 Activity preferences - gardening or plants [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45828-1 Activity preferences - talking or conversing [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45829-9 Activity preferences - helping others [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45830-7 Activity preferences - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46056-8 Prefers change in daily routine Set
IndentIndentIndent45831-5 Type of activities in which resident is currently involved [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45832-3 Extent of resident involvement in activities [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46057-6 Medications section
IndentIndent45833-1 Number of medications [Minimum Data Set] {#}
IndentIndent45834-9 New medications [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45835-6 Number of days injections received [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndent46058-4 Days received the following medication Set
IndentIndentIndent45836-4 Number of days antipsychotic medication received [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45837-2 Number of days antianxiety medication received [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45838-0 Number of days antidepressant medication received [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45839-8 Number of days hypnotic medication received [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45840-6 Number of days diuretic medication received [Minimum Data Set] d
Indent46059-2 Special treatments and procedures section
IndentIndent46060-0 Special treatments, procedures and programs Set
IndentIndentIndent46061-8 Special care Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent46062-6 Treatments Set
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45841-4 Chemotherapy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45842-2 Dialysis [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45843-0 IV medication [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45844-8 Intake/output [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45845-5 Monitoring of acute medical condition [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45846-3 Ostomy care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45847-1 Oxygen therapy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45848-9 Radiation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45849-7 Suctioning [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45850-5 Tracheostomy care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45851-3 Transfusions [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45752-3 Ventilator or respirator [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent46063-4 Programs Set
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45753-1 Alcohol or drug treatment program
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45754-9 Alzheimer's or dementia special care unit [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45755-6 Hospice care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45756-4 Pediatric unit [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45757-2 Respite care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45758-0 Training in skills required to return to the community [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent45759-8 Special treatments/programs - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent46064-2 Therapies Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45760-6 Number of days with at least 15 minutes of speech language pathology and audiology services in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] d/(7.d)
IndentIndentIndentIndent45761-4 Total minutes of speech language pathology and audiology services in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] min
IndentIndentIndentIndent45762-2 Number of days with at least 15 minutes of occupational therapy in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] d/(7.d)
IndentIndentIndentIndent45763-0 Total minutes of occupational therapy in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] min
IndentIndentIndentIndent45764-8 Number of days with at least 15 minutes of physical therapy in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] d/(7.d)
IndentIndentIndentIndent45765-5 Total minutes of physical therapy in the last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] min
IndentIndentIndentIndent45766-3 Number of days with at least 15 minutes of respiratory therapy in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] d/(7.d)
IndentIndentIndentIndent45767-1 Total minutes of respiratory therapy in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] min
IndentIndentIndentIndent45768-9 Number of days with at least 15 minutes of psychological therapy by any licensed mental health professional in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] d/(7.d)
IndentIndentIndentIndent45852-1 Total minutes of psychological therapy by any licensed mental health professional in the last 7 days [CMS Assessment] min
IndentIndent46065-9 Intervention programs for mood, behavior and cognitive loss Set
IndentIndentIndent45853-9 Special behavior symptom evaluation program [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45854-7 Evaluation by a licensed mental health specialist in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45855-4 Group therapy [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45856-2 Resident-specific deliberate changes in the environment to address mood/behavior patterns [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45857-0 Reorientation [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45858-8 Mood, behavior, cognitive loss programs - none of above [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent46066-7 Nursing rehabilitation and restorative care Set
IndentIndentIndent45859-6 Number of days of passive range of motion [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45860-4 Number of days of active range of motion [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45861-2 Number of days of splint or brace assistance [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45862-0 Number of days of training and skill practice in bed mobility [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45863-8 Number of days of training and skill practice in transfer [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45864-6 Number of days of training and skill practice in walking [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45865-3 Number of days of training and skill practice in dressing or grooming [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45866-1 Number of days of training and skill practice in eating or swallowing [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45867-9 Number of days of training and skill practice in amputation or prosthesis care [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45868-7 Number of days of training and skill practice in communication [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndent45869-5 Other d
IndentIndent46067-5 Devices and restraints Set
IndentIndentIndent45870-3 Bed rails - full bed rails on all open sides of bed [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45871-1 Bed rails - other types of side rails used [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45872-9 Trunk restraint [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45873-7 Limb restraint [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45874-5 Chair prevents rising [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45875-2 Number hospital admissions in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set] {#}/(90.d)
IndentIndent45876-0 Number of emergency room visits in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set] {#}/(90.d)
IndentIndent45877-8 Number of physician visits in last 14 days [Minimum Data Set] {#}/(14.d)
IndentIndent45878-6 Number of days physician orders changed in last 14 days [Minimum Data Set] d/(14.d)
IndentIndent45879-4 Abnormal lab values in last 90 days [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46068-3 Discharge potential and overall status section
IndentIndent46069-1 Discharge potential Set
IndentIndentIndent45880-2 Resident expresses/indicates preference to return to the community [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45881-0 Resident has a support person who is positive towards discharge [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45882-8 Stay projected to be of a short duration - discharge projected within 90 days [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45883-6 Overall change in care needs [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46070-9 Assessment information section
IndentIndent46071-7 Participation in assessment Set
IndentIndentIndent45884-4 Resident
IndentIndentIndent45885-1 Family
IndentIndentIndent45957-8 Significant other
Indent46072-5 Therapy supplement for Medicare PPS section
IndentIndent46073-3 Special treatments and procedures Set
IndentIndentIndent46074-1 Recreational therapy Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45886-9 Number of days recreation therapy administered for greater than 15 minutes [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndentIndent45887-7 Total recreation therapy in last 7 days [Minimum Data Set] min
IndentIndentIndent46101-2 Ordered therapies Set
IndentIndentIndentIndent45888-5 Therapy orders to begin in 1st 14 days of stay [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndentIndent45889-3 Through day 15, provide an estimate of the number of days when at least 1 therapy service can be expected to have been delivered [Minimum Data Set] d
IndentIndentIndentIndent45890-1 Through day 15, provide an estimate of the number of therapy minutes (across the therapies) that can be expected to be delivered [Minimum Data Set] min
IndentIndent46075-8 Walking when most self sufficient Set
IndentIndentIndent45891-9 Furthest distance walked without sitting down during this episode [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45892-7 Time walked without sitting down during this episode [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45893-5 Self-Performance in walking during this episode [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45894-3 Walking support provided [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45895-0 Parallel bars used by resident in association with this episode [Minimum Data Set]
Indent46076-6 Deprecated Minimum Data Set (MDS) supplemental items section - version 2.0
IndentIndent46078-2 Pneumococcal vaccine Set
IndentIndentIndent45956-0 Reason pneumococcal vaccine not received during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent45955-2 Pneumococcal vaccine status up to date [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45952-9 National provider ID
IndentIndent46077-4 Influenza vaccine Set
IndentIndentIndent55020-2 Reason influenza virus vaccine not received during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent55019-4 Influenza virus vaccine received in facility during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
Indent46079-0 Resident assessment protocol summary section
IndentIndent45896-8 Delirium trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45917-2 Resident assessment protocol 1--Delirium - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45916-4 Resident assessment protocol 1--Delirium - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45897-6 Cognitive loss or dementia trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45919-8 Resident assessment protocol 2--Cognitive loss - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45918-0 Resident assessment protocol 2--Cognitive loss - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45898-4 Visual function trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45921-4 Resident assessment protocol 3--Visual function - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45920-6 Resident assessment protocol 3--Visual function - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45899-2 Communication trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45923-0 Resident assessment protocol 4--Communication - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45922-2 Resident assessment protocol 4--Communication - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45900-8 ADL-rehabilitation trigger A [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45925-5 Resident assessment protocol 5--ADL functional/Rehab - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45924-8 Resident assessment protocol 5--ADL functional/Rehab - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45901-6 ADL-rehabilitation trigger B [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45902-4 Urinary incontinence and indwelling catherter trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45927-1 Resident assessment protocol 6--Urinary incontinence - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45926-3 Resident assessment protocol 6--Urinary incontinence - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45903-2 Psychosocial well-being trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45929-7 Resident assessment protocol 7--Psychosocial - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45928-9 Resident assessment protocol 7--Psychosocial - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45904-0 Mood state trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45931-3 Resident assessment protocol 8--Mood state - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45930-5 Resident assessment protocol 8--Mood state - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45905-7 Behavioral symptoms trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45933-9 Resident assessment protocol 9--Behavioral symptoms - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45932-1 Resident assessment protocol 9--Behavioral symptoms - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45906-5 Activities trigger A [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45907-3 Activities trigger B [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45934-7 Resident assessment protocol 10--Activities - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45935-4 Resident assessment protocol 10--Activities - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45908-1 Falls trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45937-0 Resident assessment protocol 11--Falls - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45936-2 Resident assessment protocol 11--Falls - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45909-9 Nutritional status trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45938-8 Resident assessment protocol 12--Nutritional status - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45939-6 Resident assessment protocol 12--Nutritional status - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45910-7 Feeding tubes trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45940-4 Resident assessment protocol 13--Feeding tubes - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45941-2 Resident assessment protocol 13--Feeding tubes - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45911-5 Dehydration/fluid maintenance trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45942-0 Resident assessment protocol 14--Dehydration/Fluid maint - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45943-8 Resident assessment protocol 14--Dehydration/Fluid maint - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45912-3 Dental care trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45944-6 Resident assessment protocol 15--Dental care - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45945-3 Resident assessment protocol 15--Dental care - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45913-1 Pressure injuries trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45946-1 Resident assessment protocol 16--Pressure injuries - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45947-9 Resident assessment protocol 16--Pressure injuries - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45914-9 Psychotropic drug use trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45948-7 Resident assessment protocol 17--Psychotropic drug - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45949-5 Resident assessment protocol 17--Psychotropic drug - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45915-6 Physical restraints trigger [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45950-3 Resident assessment protocol 18--Physical restraints - triggered [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndent45951-1 Resident assessment protocol 18--Physical restraints - proceed with care [Minimum Data Set]

Fully-Specified Name

MDS full assessment form - version 2.0

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (DEL)
Change Reason
Release 2.73: Status: LOINC will keep most current version and one prior version of CMS assessments active and discourage all older versions.;
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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