Version 2.80

Term Description

The Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) is a minimum collection of core variables needed by nurse managers to make decisions and compare nursing practice across institutions and geographical areas. It identifies common elements to represent nursing care delivery or the context of nursing care at the unit level or service line in any setting.

Part Description

LP174447-5   NMMDS
The Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) is a researched-based set of core essential data used to support the administrative and management information needs for the provision of nursing care. NMMDS consists of 18 data elements grouped into three broad categories - environment, nursing care, and financial resources. Environment data elements include unit/service unique identifiers, type of nursing delivery unit/service, patient/client population, volume of nursing delivery unit/service, and method of care delivery. Nursing care data elements include manager demographic profile, nursing staff and client care support personnel, nursing care staff demographic profile, and nursing care staff satisfaction. Financial resources data elements are payer type, reimbursement, nursing delivery unit/service budget, expenses. Copyright Copyright © 2006 Diane Huber and Connie Delaney. Source: NMMDS , NMMDS

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
52826-5 Nursing Management Minimum Data Set panel [NMMDS]
Indent52827-3 Facility unique identifier panel [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent45399-3 Federal provider number Facility R
IndentIndent52830-7 State, district or territory federal abbreviation Facility R
IndentIndent52831-5 Postal code [Location] Facility O
IndentIndent52829-9 Place of service R
IndentIndent52832-3 Survey reporting period start date Facility O
IndentIndent52833-1 Survey reporting period end date Facility O
IndentIndent52828-1 Federal provider name Facility O
Indent52834-9 Nursing delivery unit or service panel [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent52836-4 Nursing unit cost center O
IndentIndent52835-6 Nursing unit name O
IndentIndent52837-2 Type of nursing unit or service [NDNQI] O
Indent52838-0 Patient or client population panel O
IndentIndent52840-6 Total population of fetal age Population O %
IndentIndent52841-4 Total population of age birth to 28 days Population O %
IndentIndent52842-2 Total population of age 29 days to 1 year Population O %
IndentIndent52843-0 Total population of age 1-4 years Population O %
IndentIndent52844-8 Total population of age 5-9 years Population O %
IndentIndent52845-5 Total population of age 10-14 years Population O %
IndentIndent52846-3 Total population of age 15-19 years Population O %
IndentIndent52847-1 Total population of age 20-24 years Population O %
IndentIndent52848-9 Total population of age 25-29 years Population O %
IndentIndent52849-7 Total population of age 30-34 years Population O %
IndentIndent52850-5 Total population of age 35-39 years Population O %
IndentIndent52851-3 Total population of age 40-44 years Population O %
IndentIndent52852-1 Total population of age 45-49 years Population O %
IndentIndent52853-9 Total population of age 50-54 years Population O %
IndentIndent52854-7 Total population of age 55-59 years Population O %
IndentIndent52855-4 Total population of age 60-64 years Population O %
IndentIndent52856-2 Total population of age 65-69 years Population O %
IndentIndent52857-0 Total population of age 70-74 years Population O %
IndentIndent52858-8 Total population of age 75-79 years Population %
IndentIndent52859-6 Total population of age 80-84 years Population O %
IndentIndent52860-4 Total population of age GE 85 years Population O %
IndentIndent52861-2 Catchment area panel [NMMDS] Population O
IndentIndentIndent52862-0 Neighborhood catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52863-8 City or town catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52864-6 District catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52865-3 County catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52866-1 Parish catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52867-9 State catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52868-7 Region catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52869-5 Nation catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52870-3 World catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52871-1 Aerospace catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndentIndent52872-9 Nautical catchment area Population [Estimated] O %
IndentIndent52839-8 Total patient population # {#}
Indent57126-5 Volume of nursing delivery unit or service panel [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent57120-8 Type of nursing provider [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent57121-6 Type of client [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent57122-4 Type of encounter [NMMDS] O
IndentIndent57123-2 Hours designated [Estimate] O h
IndentIndent57124-0 Care capacity # [Estimate] O {#}
IndentIndent57125-7 Care provided # O {#}
Indent57127-3 Method of care delivery [NMMDS] O
Indent77548-6 Client accessibility panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77549-4 Time to access a patient [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77550-2 Time to access all patients in a Report Period [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77551-0 Total number of patient encounters in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndent77552-8 Average time to access a patient in a Report Period [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77553-6 Distance to access a patient [NMMDS] m
IndentIndent77554-4 Distance to access all patients in a Report Period [NMMDS] m
IndentIndent77555-1 Average distance to access a patient in a Report Period [NMMDS] m
IndentIndent77556-9 Method used to connect with a patient [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77557-7 Time required to gather essential resources for a patient encounter [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77558-5 Time required to gather essential resources for all patient encounters in a Report Period [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77559-3 Average time required to gather essential resources for a patient encounter in a Report Period [NMMDS] min
IndentIndent77560-1 Distance required to gather essential resources for a patient encounter [NMMDS] m
IndentIndent77561-9 Distance required to gather essential resources for all patient encounters in a Report Period [NMMDS] m
IndentIndent77562-7 Average distance required to gather essential resources for a patient encounter in a Report Period [NMMDS] m
Indent75533-0 NMMDS accreditation, certification, and licensure panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75532-2 Applicable accrediting agency for unit [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75534-8 Accreditation received [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75536-3 Applicable certification agency for unit [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75535-5 Certification received [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75537-1 Applicable licensing agency for unit [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75538-9 Licensing received [NMMDS]
Indent77255-8 Nursing staff job positions, quantity, turnover, and retention panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77284-8 Nursing staff job positions panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77286-3 Direct care staff [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77287-1 Management, administrative, AndOr support staff [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77256-6 Nursing staff quantity panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77257-4 Number of actual nursing staff by job position in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77258-2 Full time equivalent hours of actual nursing staff [NMMDS] h
IndentIndentIndent77259-0 Number of budgeted nursing staff by job position in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77260-8 Full time equivalent hours of budgeted nursing staff [NMMDS] h
IndentIndentIndent77263-2 Number of productive staff in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77264-0 Number of new nursing staff by job position in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77265-7 Number of new nursing staff by job position who remained in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77266-5 Number of new nursing staff by job position who left in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77267-3 Number of nursing staff by job position at beginning of a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77268-1 Number of nursing staff by job position at beginning of a reporting period who remained [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77269-9 Number of nursing staff by job position at beginning of a reporting period who left [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77270-7 Number of nursing staff by job position who left in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77271-5 Average number of nursing staff by job position in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent77272-3 Number of unfilled nursing staff job positions in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndent77273-1 Nursing staff turnover panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77262-4 Nursing staff.voluntary turnover/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77261-6 Nursing staff.voluntary turnover.transfer/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77274-9 Nursing staff.voluntary turnover.terminate/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77275-6 Nursing staff.involuntary turnover/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77276-4 Turnover rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77277-2 Vacancy rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77278-0 Number of budgeted nursing staff job positions filled in a reporting period [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndent77279-8 Nursing staff retention panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77280-6 Accession rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77281-4 Stability rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77282-2 Instability rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77283-0 Survival rate [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77285-5 Wastage rate [NMMDS] %
Indent74182-7 Job satisfaction panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent74183-5 Nursing job class [NMMDS]
IndentIndent74181-9 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with this job
IndentIndent74180-1 I rarely think of quitting this job
IndentIndent74179-3 I am generally satisfied with the kind of work I do in this job
IndentIndent74178-5 Most nursing staff on this job are very satisfied with the job
IndentIndent74177-7 Nursing staff on this job rarely think of quitting
IndentIndent74176-9 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with nursing management
IndentIndent74175-1 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with nursing administration
IndentIndent74174-4 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with interactions with physicians
IndentIndent74173-6 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with interactions with non-physician health care team members
IndentIndent74172-8 Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with my own level of autonomy
IndentIndent74171-0 Total number of staff completing the job satisfaction survey [NMMDS] {#}
Indent76354-0 Nurse demographics per unit or service panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent76355-7 Employment position panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76356-5 Nurse employment position Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76357-3 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by employment position [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76358-1 Licensed nursing staff by employment position/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76359-9 Licensed nursing staff and sex panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76661-8 Sex of Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76360-7 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by sex [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76361-5 Licensed nursing nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76362-3 Race or ethnicity panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76663-4 Race or ethnicity of Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76363-1 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by race or ethnicity [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76364-9 Licensed nursing staff.race or ethnicity/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76365-6 Age category panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76366-4 Nurse age range Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76367-2 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by age range [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76368-0 Licensed nursing staff.age range/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76369-8 Entry level nursing degree panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76370-6 Entry level nursing degree Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76371-4 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by entry level nursing degree [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76372-2 Licensed nursing staff.entry level nursing degree/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76373-0 Highest level of education in a nursing degree panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76374-8 Highest level of education in a nursing degree Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76375-5 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by highest level of education in a nursing degree [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76376-3 Licensed nursing staff.highest level of education in a nursing degree/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76377-1 Highest level of education in non-nursing degree panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76378-9 Highest level of education in a non-nursing degree Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76379-7 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by highest level of education in a non-nursing degree [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76380-5 Licensed nursing staff.highest level of education in a non-nursing degree/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76381-3 Nursing license type panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76382-1 Primary nursing license type Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76383-9 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by primary nursing license type [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76384-7 Licensed nursing staff.primary nursing license type/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76385-4 Nursing certification panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76386-2 Nursing certification Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76387-0 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by nursing certification [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76388-8 Licensed nursing staff.nursing certification/Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76389-6 Employment specialty panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76390-4 Nurse employment specialty Provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76353-2 Licensed nursing staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76391-2 Licensed nursing personnel [#] by employment specialty [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76392-0 Licensed nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent76393-8 National provider indentifier panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent76398-7 Provider has a national provider ID
IndentIndentIndent76394-6 Registered nurse staff # [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76395-3 Registered nurse personnel [#] with a national provider ID [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndentIndent76396-1 Registered nurse staff with national provider ID/Registered nurse staff [NMMDS] %
Indent77221-0 Clinical knowledge, decision making, and mental workload panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent57120-8 Type of nursing provider [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77222-8 Knowledge required level [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77223-6 Nursing staff.knowledge required level/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent77224-4 Decision making required level [NMMDS]
IndentIndent77225-1 Nursing staff.decision making required level/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndent77226-9 Workload dimensions panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77227-7 Time load level [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77228-5 Nursing staff.time load level/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77229-3 Mental effort load level [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77230-1 Nursing staff.mental effort load level/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
IndentIndentIndent77231-9 Psychological stress load level [NMMDS]
IndentIndentIndent77232-7 Nursing staff.psychological stress load level/Nursing staff [NMMDS] %
Indent75330-1 Environmental condition panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75331-9 Total number of staff completing the environmental conditions survey [NMMDS] {#}
IndentIndent75332-7 To what extent do you agree or disagree with cultural factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity?
IndentIndent75333-5 Within the last month, how often have you experienced cultural factors?
IndentIndent75334-3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with psychosocial factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity?
IndentIndent75335-0 Within the last month, how often have you experienced psychosocial factors?
IndentIndent75336-8 To what extent do you agree or disagree with physical factors contributing to the phenomenon of complexity?
IndentIndent75337-6 Within the last month, how often have you experienced physical factors?
Indent75744-3 Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation Stage panel [NMMDS]
IndentIndent75745-0 Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation Stage [NMMDS]

Fully-Specified Name

Nursing management minimum data set panel

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.24
Last Updated
Version 2.52 (MIN)
Panel Type

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