Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
54556-6 Health conditions
Indent54557-4 Pain Management. Complete for all residents, regardless of current pain level. At any time in the last 7 days, has the resident:
IndentIndent71447-7 Received scheduled pain medication regimen?
IndentIndent71448-5 Received PRN pain medications or was offered and declined?
IndentIndent71449-3 Received non-medication intervention for pain?
Indent54828-9 Should Pain Assessment Interview be Conducted?
Indent54558-2 MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.17.1, 1.17.2 - Pain assessment interview during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent54829-7 Pain Presence. Ask resident: "Have you had pain or hurting any time in the last 5 days?"
IndentIndent54830-5 Pain Frequency. Ask resident: "How much of the time have you experienced pain or hurting over the last 5 days?"
IndentIndent54559-0 Pain effect on function during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent54831-3 Ask resident: "Over the past 5 days, has pain made it hard for you to sleep at night?"
IndentIndentIndent54832-1 Ask resident: "Over the past 7 days, have you limited your day-to-day activities because of pain?"
IndentIndent54560-8 Pain intensity during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent54833-9 Numeric Rating Scale (00-10). Ask resident: "Please rate your worst pain over the last 5 days on a zero to ten scale, with zero being no pain and ten as the worst pain you can imagine." (Show resident 00-10 pain scale.)
IndentIndentIndent54834-7 Verbal Descriptor Scale. Ask resident: " Please rate the intensity of your worst pain over the last 5 days." (Show resident verbal scale.)
Indent58117-3 Should the Staff Assessment for Pain be Conducted?
Indent54561-6 Staff assessment for pain
IndentIndent54562-4 Indicators of pain or possible pain
IndentIndentIndent54835-4 Non-verbal sounds (crying, whining, gasping, moaning, or groaning).
IndentIndentIndent54836-2 Vocal complaints of pain (that hurts, ouch, stop).
IndentIndentIndent54837-0 Facial expressions (grimaces, winces, wrinkled forehead, furrowed brow, clenched teeth or jaw).
IndentIndentIndent54838-8 Protective body movements or postures (bracing, guarding, rubbing or massaging a body part/area, clutching or holding a body part during movement).
IndentIndentIndent54839-6 None of these signs observed or documented
IndentIndent58118-1 Frequency of indicator of pain or possible pain during assessment period [CMS Assessment] d/(5.d)
Indent54563-2 Other health conditions
IndentIndent54564-0 Shortness of Breath (dyspnea)
IndentIndentIndent54841-2 Shortness of breath or trouble breathing with exertion (e.g., walking, bathing, transferring).
IndentIndentIndent54842-0 Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when sitting at rest
IndentIndentIndent54843-8 Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when lying flat
IndentIndentIndent54844-6 None of the above
IndentIndent54845-3 Tobacco Use
IndentIndent54846-1 Prognosis
IndentIndent54847-9 Problem conditions [MDSv3]
IndentIndentIndent45701-0 Fever [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45708-5 Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent45696-2 Dehydrated
IndentIndentIndent45703-6 Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set]
IndentIndentIndent54848-7 None of the above
IndentIndent54849-5 Fall history on admission during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent54850-3 Did the resident fall one or more times in the last month prior to admission?
IndentIndentIndent54851-1 Did the resident fall one or more times in the last 2 - 6 months prior to admission?
IndentIndentIndent54852-9 Did the resident have any fracture related to a fall in the 6 months prior to admission?
IndentIndent54853-7 Has the resident had any falls since admission or the prior assessment (OBRA or PPS), whichever is more recent?
IndentIndent54854-5 Number of Falls Since Admission or Prior Assessment (OBRA or PPS), Whichever is More Recent
IndentIndentIndent54855-2 No injury
IndentIndentIndent54856-0 Injury (except major)
IndentIndentIndent54857-8 Major injury

Fully-Specified Name

Health conditions

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.27
Last Updated
Version 2.68 (MIN)
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
54580-6 Deprecated Minimum Data Set - version 3.0

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