Version 2.80

Status Information


Term Description

The OASIS is a core set of screening and assessment elements, including standardized definitions and coding categories that form the foundation of the comprehensive assessment for all clients of home health agencies certified to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid program. OASIS-C is a modification to the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) that Home Health Agencies (HHAs) must collect in order to participate in the Medicare program. Implementation of OASIS-C, OMB #0938-0760, is required effective January1, 2010.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
57039-0 Deprecated Outcome and assessment information set (OASIS) form - version C
Indent46456-0 CMS certification number (CCN) Agency [OASIS]
Indent46494-1 Branch State
Indent46495-8 Branch ID Number
Indent44954-6 National Provider Identifier (NPI)
Indent46496-6 Patient ID Number
Indent46497-4 Start of care date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent46498-2 Resumption of care date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent45965-1 Patient Name
IndentIndent45392-8 Patient First (Given) name
IndentIndent45393-6 Middle initial
IndentIndent45394-4 Patient Last (Family) name
IndentIndent45395-1 Patient Name suffix
Indent46499-0 Patient State of Residence
Indent45401-7 Patient Zip Code
Indent45397-7 Medicare Number
Indent45396-9 Social Security number [Identifier]
Indent45400-9 Medicaid number
Indent21112-8 Birth date {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent46098-0 Gender
Indent57199-2 Current payment sources for home care during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
Indent58105-8 Other (specify)
Indent57040-8 Clinical Record Items during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent46500-5 Discipline of Person Completing Assessment
IndentIndent46501-3 Date Assessment Completed {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent57200-8 This Assessment is Currently Being Completed for the Following Reason:
IndentIndent57201-6 Date of Physician-ordered Start of Care (Resumption of Care) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent57202-4 Date of Referral {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent57203-2 Episode Timing: Is the Medicare home health payment episode for which this assessment will define a case mix group an "early" episode or a "later" episode in the patient's current sequence of adjacent Medicare home health payment episodes?
Indent57041-6 Patient history and diagnoses
IndentIndent57204-0 From which of the following Inpatient Facilities was the patient discharged during the past 14 days? 1..7
IndentIndent58106-6 Other (specify)
IndentIndent86470-2 Inpatient Discharge Date (most recent) {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent46458-6 Inpatient Diagnosis
IndentIndentIndent46504-7 Inpatient Facility Diagnosis : ICD-9-CM Code R 1..6
IndentIndent57183-6 Inpatient Procedure C
IndentIndentIndent58050-6 Inpatient Procedure : Procedure Code R 0..4
IndentIndent46459-4 Diagnoses Requiring Medical or Treatment Change Within Past 14 Days R
IndentIndentIndent46507-0 Changed Medical Regimen Diagnosis : ICD-9-CM Code
IndentIndent46465-1 Conditions prior to medical or treatment regimen change or inpatient stay within past 14 days [OASIS]
IndentIndent46609-4 Diagnosis and severity index
IndentIndentIndent86255-7 Primary diagnosis ICD code
IndentIndentIndent46512-0 Primary Diagnosis Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndentIndent46513-8 Other diagnosis 1 - ICD code [OASIS]
IndentIndentIndent46514-6 Other diagnosis 1: Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndentIndent46515-3 Other diagnosis 2 - ICD code [OASIS]
IndentIndentIndent46516-1 Other diagnosis 2: Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndentIndent46517-9 Other diagnosis 3 - ICD code [OASIS]
IndentIndentIndent46518-7 Other diagnosis 3: Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndentIndent46519-5 Other diagnosis 4 - ICD code [OASIS]
IndentIndentIndent46520-3 Other diagnosis 4: Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndentIndent46521-1 Other diagnosis 5 - ICD code [OASIS]
IndentIndentIndent46522-9 Other diagnosis 5: Symptom Control Rating
IndentIndent58051-4 Payment diagnosis [OASIS-C] R
IndentIndentIndent49561-4 Payment diagnosis [identifier] R 0..12
IndentIndent46466-9 Therapies the patient receives at home 1..3
IndentIndent57319-6 Risk for Hospitalization: Which of the following signs or symptoms characterize this patient as at risk for hospitalization? 1..6
IndentIndent57206-5 Overall Status:Which description best fits the patient's overall status? 1..1
IndentIndent57207-3 Risk factors, either present or past, likely to affect current health status and/or outcome 1..5
IndentIndent57208-1 Influenza vaccination received in Reporting Period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent55020-2 Reason influenza virus vaccine not received during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57210-7 Pneumococcal Vaccine: Did the patient receive pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) from your agency during this episode of care (SOC/ROC to Transfer/Discharge)?
IndentIndent57211-5 Reason PPV not received: If patient did not receive the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) from your agency during this episode of care (SOC/ROC to Transfer/Discharge), state reason:
Indent57043-2 Patient Living Situation: Which of the following best describes the patient's residential circumstance and availability of assistance?
IndentIndent57212-3 Patient lives alone during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57213-1 Patient lives with other person during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57214-9 Patient lives in congregated situtation during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
Indent57042-4 Sensory status during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57215-6 Vision (with corrective lenses if the patient usually wears them):
IndentIndent57216-4 Ability to hear (with hearing aid or hearing appliance if normally used):
IndentIndent57217-2 Understanding of verbal content in patient's own language (with hearing aid or device if used)
IndentIndent57218-0 Speech and oral (verbal) expression of language (in patient's own language)
IndentIndent57219-8 Has this patient had a formal Pain Assessment using a standardized, validated pain assessment tool (appropriate to the patient's ability to communicate the severity of pain)?
IndentIndent57220-6 Frequency of pain interfering with patient's activity or movement:
Indent57044-0 Integumentary status
IndentIndent57221-4 Pressure Ulcer Assessment: Was this patient assessed for Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers?
IndentIndent57280-0 Does this patient have a Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers?
IndentIndent57307-1 Does this patient have at lease one Unhealed Pressure Ulcer at Stage II or Higher or designated as "unstageable"
IndentIndent57222-2 Oldest non-epithelialized stage II pressure ulcer that is present at discharge
IndentIndent58052-2 Date pressure injury.oldest non-epithelialized stage 2 first identified [CMS Assessment] {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent58102-5 Current number of unhealed (non-epithelialized) pressure ulcers at each stage
IndentIndentIndent57186-9 Number currently present
IndentIndentIndentIndent55124-2 Stage II: Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with red pink wound bed, without slough. May also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum-filled blister {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent55125-9 Stage III: Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon, or muscles are not exposed. Slough may be present but does not obscure the depth of tissue loss. May include undermining and tunneling {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent55126-7 Stage IV: Full thickness tissue loss with visible bone, tendon, or muscle. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the wound bed. Often includes undermining and tunneling {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54893-3 Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54946-9 Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar. {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54950-1 Unstageable: Suspected deep tissue injury in evolution {#}
IndentIndentIndent57187-7 Number of those listed in Column 1 that were present on admission (most recent SOC/ROC)
IndentIndentIndentIndent54886-7 Stage II: Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with red pink wound bed, without slough. May also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum-filled blister {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54887-5 Stage III: Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon, or muscles are not exposed. Slough may be present but does not obscure the depth of tissue loss. May include undermining and tunneling {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54890-9 Stage IV: Full thickness tissue loss with visible bone, tendon, or muscle. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the wound bed. Often includes undermining and tunneling {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54894-1 Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due to non-removable dressing or device {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54947-7 Unstageable: Known or likely but unstageable due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar {#}
IndentIndentIndentIndent54951-9 Unstageable: Suspected deep tissue injury in evolution. {#}
IndentIndent57188-5 Stage III and IV pressure ulcer with the largest surface dimension (length x width)
IndentIndentIndent57226-3 Pressure Ulcer Length: Longest length "head to toe" cm
IndentIndentIndent52729-1 Pressure Ulcer Width: Width of the same pressure ulcer; greatest width perpendicular to the length cm
IndentIndentIndent57228-9 Pressure Ulcer Depth: Depth of the same pressure ulcer; from visible surface to the depth of the deepest area cm
IndentIndent57229-7 Status of most problematic (observable) pressure ulcer:
IndentIndent46536-9 Current Number of Stage I Pressure Ulcers: {#}
IndentIndent57231-3 Status of most problematic unhealed (observable) pressure ulcer:
IndentIndent57232-1 Does the patient have a Stasis Ulcer?
IndentIndent57233-9 Current Number of (Observable) Stasis Ulcer(s): {#}
IndentIndent57234-7 Status of most problematic (observable) stasis ulcer:
IndentIndent57235-4 Does this patient have a Surgical Wound?
IndentIndent57236-2 Status of most problematic (observable) surgical wound:
IndentIndent46534-4 Does this patient have a Skin Lesion or Open Wound (excluding bowel ostomy), other than those described above, that is receiving intervention by the home health agency?
Indent52510-5 Respiratory status
IndentIndent57237-0 When is the patient dyspneic or noticeably Short of Breath?
IndentIndent57238-8 Respiratory treatments utilized at home: 1..3
Indent57045-7 Cardiac status
IndentIndent57239-6 Symptoms in Heart Failure Patients: If patient has been diagnosed with heart failure, did the patient exhibit symptoms indicated by clinical heart failure guidelines (including dyspnea, orthopnea, edema, or weight gain) at the time of or at any time since the most recent SOC/ROC assessment?
IndentIndent57240-4 Heart failure follow-up during assessment period [CMS Assessment] 1..5
Indent57046-5 Elimination status
IndentIndent46553-4 Urinary incontinence or urinary catheter present during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent46587-2 Bowel incontinence frequency during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent46588-0 Does this patient have an ostomy for bowel elimination that (within the last 14 days): a) was related to an inpatient facility stay, or b) necessitated a change in medical or treatment regimen?
Indent57047-3 Neuro and emotional and behavioral status - SOC or ROC
IndentIndent46589-8 Cognitive functioning during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent58104-1 When confused (reported or observed within the last 14 days)
IndentIndent86495-9 When Anxious (Reported or Observed Within the Last 14 Days)
IndentIndent57242-0 Depression Screening: Has the patient been screened for depression, using a standardized depression screening tool?
IndentIndentIndent58120-7 Patient Health Questionnaire 2 item (PHQ-2) [PHQ.CMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent44250-9 Little interest or pleasure in doing things
IndentIndentIndentIndent44255-8 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
IndentIndent46473-5 Cognitive, behavorial, and psychiatric symptoms that are demonstrated at least once a week (Reported or Observed):
IndentIndent46592-2 Frequency of disruptive behavior symptoms (reported or observed)
IndentIndent46593-0 Is this patient receiving Psychiatric Nursing Services at home provided by a qualified psychiatric nurse?
Indent57048-1 ADL and IADLs
IndentIndent46595-5 Grooming:
IndentIndent46597-1 Ability to dress upper body:
IndentIndent46599-7 Ability to dress lower body:
IndentIndent57243-8 Bathing:
IndentIndent57244-6 Toileting transferring:
IndentIndent57245-3 Toileting hygiene:
IndentIndent57246-1 Transferring:
IndentIndent57247-9 Ambulation/Locomotion:
IndentIndent57248-7 Feeding or eating:
IndentIndent57249-5 Ability to plan or prepare light meals
IndentIndent46569-0 Ability to use telephone:
IndentIndent58121-5 Prior Functioning ADL/IADL during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent85070-1 Self-care (specifically: grooming, dressing, bathing, and toileting hygiene)
IndentIndentIndent86185-6 Ambulation
IndentIndentIndent86186-4 Transfer
IndentIndentIndent86187-2 Household tasks (specifically: light meal preparation, laundry, shopping, and phone use.)
IndentIndent57254-5 Has this patient had a multi-factor Fall Risk Assessment (such as falls history, use of multiple medications, mental impairment, toileting frequency, general mobility/transferring impairment, environmental hazards)?
Indent52471-0 Medications
IndentIndent57255-2 Drug regimen review identified potential medication issues during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57281-8 Medication follow-up during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57256-0 Medication intervention since admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57257-8 Patient/caregiver received high risk drug education during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57195-0 Patient/Caregiver Drug Education Intervention: At the time of, or at any time since the most recent SOC/ROC assessment, was the patient/caregiver instructed by agency staff or other health care provider to monitor the effectiveness of drug therapy, adverse drug reactions, and significant side effects, and how and when to report problems that may occur?
IndentIndent57285-9 Management of oral medications:
IndentIndent57284-2 Management of injectable medications:
IndentIndent57196-8 Prior medication management during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57258-6 Oral medications
IndentIndentIndent57259-4 Injectable medications
Indent57049-9 Care management during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57306-3 Types and sources of assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57260-2 Non-agency caregiver ability and willingness to assist with ADL during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57261-0 Non-agency caregiver ability and willingness to assist with IADL during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57262-8 Non-agency caregiver ability and willingness to assist with medication administration during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57263-6 Medical procedures/treatments
IndentIndentIndent57264-4 Non-agency caregiver ability and willingness to assist with management of equipment during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57265-1 Non-agency caregiver ability and willingness to assist with supervision and safety during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57266-9 Advocacy or facilitation
IndentIndent57267-7 How Often does the patient receive ADL or IADL assistance from any caregiver(s) (other than home health agency staff)?
Indent57050-7 Therapy need and plan of care during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57268-5 Therapy need during assessment period [CMS Assessment] {#}
IndentIndent57197-6 Plan of Care Synopsis:
IndentIndentIndent57269-3 Plan of care includes patient-specific parameters for notifying physician of changes during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57270-1 Plan of care includes diabetic foot care during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57271-9 Plan of care includes fall prevention interventions during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57272-7 Depression intervention(s)
IndentIndentIndent57273-5 Intervention(s) to monitor and mitigate pain
IndentIndentIndent57274-3 Intervention(s) to prevent pressure ulcers
IndentIndentIndent57275-0 Plan of care includes pressure injury treatment - moist healing during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
Indent57052-3 Emergent care during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57276-8 Emergent care utilized during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent57277-6 Reason For Emergent Care: For what reason(s) did the patient receive emergent care (with or without hospitalization)? 1..19
Indent57051-5 Data items collected at inpatient facility admission or agency discharge only
IndentIndent57198-4 Intervention Synopsis:
IndentIndentIndent57270-1 Diabetic foot care including monitoring for the presence of skin lesions on the lower extremities and patient/caregiver education on proper foot care
IndentIndentIndent57271-9 Falls prevention interventions
IndentIndentIndent57272-7 Depression intervention(s) such as medication, referral for other treatment, or a monitoring plan for current treatment
IndentIndentIndent57273-5 Intervention(s) to monitor and mitigate pain
IndentIndentIndent57274-3 Plan of care includes intervention to prevent pressure injuries during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndentIndent57275-0 Pressure ulcer treatment based on principles of moist wound healing
IndentIndent46578-1 To which Inpatient Facility has the patient been admitted?
IndentIndent55128-3 Discharge disposition
IndentIndent57279-2 For what reason(s) did the patient require hospitalization? 1..20
IndentIndent46477-6 For what Reason(s) was the patient Admitted to a Nursing Home?
IndentIndent46581-5 Date of last (most recent) home visit: {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent46582-3 Discharge/Transfer/Death Date: {mm/dd/yyyy}

Fully-Specified Name

Outcome and assessment information set (OASIS) form - version C

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.29
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (DEL)
Change Reason
Release 2.73: Status: LOINC will keep most current version and one prior version of CMS assessments active and discourage all older versions.;
Panel Type

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