Version 2.78

Term Description

"FACIT" (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy) was adopted as the formal name of the measurement system in 1997 to portray the expansion of the more familiar "FACT" (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy) series of questionnaires into other chronic illnesses and conditions. Thus, FACIT is a broader, more encompassing term that includes the FACT questionnaires under its umbrella. FACIT scales are constructed to complement the FACT-G, addressing relevant disease-, treatment-, or condition-related issues not already covered in the general questionnaire. Each is intended to be as specific as necessary to capture the clinically-relevant problems associated with a given condition or symptom, yet general enough to allow for comparison across diseases, and extension, as appropriate, to other chronic medical conditions. The latest version of the FACIT Measurement System, Version 4, was designed to enhance clarity and precision of measurement without threatening its established reliability and validity (from Version 3). Formatting simplification, item-reduction, and rewording (standardizing items across scales) constitute the major areas of change from version 3 to 4.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Citation David Cella, PhDCopyright Copyright © 2010 David Cella, PhD. FACIT Copyright FACIT Copyright

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
70506-1 Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) - Cancer Specific Symptom Indexes Panel
Indent70532-7 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Prostate Symptom Index Questionnaire - 8 items (FAPSI-8) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70481-7 I have certain parts of my body where I experience pain
IndentIndent70558-2 My pain keeps me from doing things I want to do
IndentIndent70566-5 I have difficulty urinating
IndentIndent70559-0 My problems with urinating limit my activities
Indent70533-5 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Bladder Symptom Index Questionnaire - 7 items (FBlSI) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70314-0 I have trouble controlling my urine
Indent70534-3 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Bladder Symptom Index Questionnaire - 18 items (NCCN-FBlSI-18) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70314-0 I have trouble controlling my urine
IndentIndent70425-4 I feel weak all over
IndentIndent70560-8 I feel light-headed (dizzy)
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70318-1 (For men only) I am able to have and maintain an erection
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70392-6 I feel sad
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70347-0 I have control of my bowels
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70535-0 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Brain Symptom Index Questionnaire - 15 items [FACIT]
IndentIndent70302-5 I get headaches
IndentIndent70334-8 I have had seizures (convulsions)
IndentIndent70335-5 I have weakness in my arms or legs
IndentIndent70328-0 I need help caring for myself - bathing, dressing, eating, etc.
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70343-9 I have difficulty expressing my thoughts
IndentIndent70336-3 I have trouble with coordination
IndentIndent70338-9 I get frustrated that I cannot do the things I used to
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70342-1 I am able to find the right words to say what I mean
IndentIndent70394-2 I am losing hope in the fight against my illness
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70339-7 I am afraid of having a seizure (convulsion)
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
Indent70536-8 National comprehensive cancer network - Brain Symptom Index Questionnaire - 24 items (NCCN-FACT - FBrSI-24) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70302-5 I get headaches
IndentIndent70336-3 I have trouble with coordination
IndentIndent70334-8 I have had seizures (convulsions)
IndentIndent70328-0 I need help caring for myself - bathing, dressing, eating, etc.
IndentIndent70335-5 I have weakness in my arms or legs
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70343-9 I have difficulty expressing my thoughts
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70323-1 I am able to concentrate
IndentIndent70337-1 I can remember new things
IndentIndent70342-1 I am able to find the right words to say what I mean
IndentIndent70324-9 I am bothered by the change in my personality
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70339-7 I am afraid of having a seizure (convulsion)
IndentIndent70338-9 I get frustrated that I cannot do the things I used to
IndentIndent70394-2 I am losing hope in the fight against my illness
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70537-6 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast Symptom Index Questionnaire - 8 items (FBSI-8) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70481-7 I have certain parts of my body where I experience pain
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
Indent70538-4 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Breast Symptom Index Questionnaire - 16 items (NCCN-FBSI-16) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70561-6 I have mouth sores
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70309-0 I am bothered by hair loss
IndentIndent70398-3 I am able to work (include work at home)
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70539-2 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Colorectal Symptom Index Questionnaire - 9 items (FCSI-9) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70349-6 I have diarrhea
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70345-4 I have swelling or cramps in my stomach
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70540-0 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Colorectal Symptom Index Questionnaire - 19 items (NCCN - FCSI-19) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70345-4 I have swelling or cramps in my stomach
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70309-0 I am bothered by hair loss
IndentIndent70347-0 I have control of my bowels
IndentIndent70349-6 I have diarrhea
IndentIndent70365-2 I am bothered by constipation
IndentIndent70562-4 I have numbness or tingling in my hands
IndentIndent70563-2 I have pain in my hands or feet when I am exposed to cold temperatures
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70541-8 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Head and Neck Symptom Index Questionnaire - 10 items (FACIT - FHNSI) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70436-1 I can swallow naturally and easily
IndentIndent70430-4 I have pain in my mouth, throat or neck
IndentIndent70432-0 I have trouble breathing
IndentIndent70428-8 I am able to communicate with others
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70429-6 I can eat solid food
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70542-6 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Head and Neck Symptom Index Questionnaire - 22 items (NCCN-FACT - FHNSI-22) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70432-0 I have trouble breathing
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70430-4 I have pain in my mouth, throat or neck
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70436-1 I can swallow naturally and easily
IndentIndent70427-0 I am able to eat the foods that I like
IndentIndent70428-8 I am able to communicate with others
IndentIndent70429-6 I can eat solid food
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70422-1 I have had a change in the way food tastes
IndentIndent70561-6 I have mouth sores
IndentIndent70309-0 I am bothered by hair loss
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70398-3 I am able to work (include work at home)
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70543-4 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Hepatibiliary Symptom Index Questionnaire - 8 items (FACIT - FHSI-8) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70359-5 I have a pain in my back
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70420-5 I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin
IndentIndent70424-7 I have discomfort or pain in my stomach area
Indent70544-2 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Hepatibiliary Symptom Index Questionnaire - 18 items (NCCN-FACT - FHSI-18) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70359-5 I have a pain in my back
IndentIndent70420-5 I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70424-7 I have discomfort or pain in my stomach area
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70392-6 I feel sad
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent61890-0 During the past 7 days - I am able to do my usual activities
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70545-9 Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy for patients with kidney cancer questionnaire -15 items (FACIT - FKSI-15)
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70344-7 I am bothered by fevers (episodes of high body temperature)
IndentIndent70398-3 I am able to work (include work at home)
IndentIndent70564-0 I have had blood in my urine
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
Indent70546-7 Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy for patients with kidney cancer questionnaire -10 items (FACIT - FKSI-10)
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
Indent70547-5 Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy for patients with kidney cancer - Disease Related Symptoms Questionnaire - 9 items (FACIT - FKSI-DRS 9)
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70344-7 I am bothered by fevers (episodes of high body temperature)
IndentIndent70564-0 I have had blood in my urine
Indent70548-3 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Kidney Symptom Index Questionnaire - 19 items (NCCN-FACT - FKSI-19) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70344-7 I am bothered by fevers (episodes of high body temperature)
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70425-4 I feel weak all over
IndentIndent70564-0 I have had blood in my urine
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70349-6 I have diarrhea
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70398-3 I am able to work (include work at home)
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70549-1 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Lung Symptom Index Questionnaire - 6 items - version 4 (FACT - FLSI 6) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70481-7 I have certain parts of my body where I experience pain
Indent70550-9 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Lung Symptom Index Questionnaire - 12 items - version 4 (FACIT - FLSI-12) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70441-1 My thinking is clear
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70443-7 I feel tightness in my chest
IndentIndent70444-5 Breathing is easy for me
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70551-7 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Lung Symptom Index Questionnaire - 7 items - version 4 (FACIT - FACT-LCS) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70441-1 My thinking is clear
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70443-7 I feel tightness in my chest
IndentIndent70444-5 Breathing is easy for me
Indent70552-5 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Lung Symptom Index Questionnaire - 17 items (NCCN-FACT - FLSI-17) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70305-8 I have been short of breath
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70442-9 I have been coughing
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70444-5 Breathing is easy for me
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70309-0 I am bothered by hair loss
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70441-1 My thinking is clear
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70553-3 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Lymphoma Symptom Index Questionnaire - 18 items (NCCN-FACT - FLymSI-18) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70446-0 I am bothered by lumps or swelling in certain part of my body (e.g. neck, armpits, or groin)
IndentIndent70528-5 I get tired easily
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70530-1 I have trouble concentrating
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70319-9 I have emotional ups and downs
IndentIndent70407-2 Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family
IndentIndent70448-6 I feel uncertain about my future health
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70470-0 I worry about getting infections
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70554-1 Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Ovarian Symptom Index Questionnaire - 8 items (FACIT-FOSI 8) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70479-1 I have been vomiting
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70478-3 I have swelling in my stomach area
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
IndentIndent70480-9 I have cramps in my stomach area
Indent70555-8 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Ovarian Symptom Index Questionnaire - 18 items (NCCN_FACT - FOSI 18) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70410-6 I feel ill
IndentIndent70480-9 I have cramps in my stomach area
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70365-2 I am bothered by constipation
IndentIndent70478-3 I have swelling in my stomach area
IndentIndent70347-0 I have control of my bowels
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70309-0 I am bothered by hair loss
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70479-1 I have been vomiting
IndentIndent70565-7 I am bothered by skin problems
IndentIndent70320-7 I am able to get around by myself
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now
Indent70557-4 National Comprehensive Cancer Network - Prostate Symptom Index Questionnaire - 17 items (NCCN-FACT-FPSI 17) [FACIT]
IndentIndent70405-6 I have a lack of energy
IndentIndent70408-0 I have pain
IndentIndent70566-5 I have difficulty urinating
IndentIndent70346-2 I am losing weight
IndentIndent70322-3 I have bone pain
IndentIndent70426-2 I feel fatigued
IndentIndent70570-7 I have weakness in my legs
IndentIndent70558-2 My pain keeps me from doing things I want to do
IndentIndent70350-4 I have a good appetite
IndentIndent70402-3 I am sleeping well
IndentIndent70397-5 I worry that my condition will get worse
IndentIndent70406-4 I have nausea
IndentIndent70567-3 I have trouble moving my bowels
IndentIndent70418-9 I am satisfied with my sex life
IndentIndent70409-8 I am bothered by side effects of treatment
IndentIndent70400-7 I am able to enjoy life
IndentIndent70404-9 I am content with the quality of my life right now

Fully-Specified Name

Functional assessment of chronic illness therapy - cancer specific symptom indexes panel

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.40
Last Updated
Version 2.50
Panel Type

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