Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
79062-6 PROMIS item bank - physical function w mobility aids - version 1.0
Indent61689-6 Are you able to run 100 yards?
Indent79011-3 Are you able to go up and down stairs?
Indent78998-2 Are you able to go OUTSIDE the home, for example to shop or visit a doctor's office?
Indent79009-7 Are you able to fasten and unfasten a seatbelt?
Indent61685-4 Are you able to walk a block on flat ground?
Indent79019-6 Are you able to stand on a moving escalator?
Indent79030-3 Are you able to take a shower?
Indent79005-5 Are you able to hike a couple of miles on uneven surfaces, including hills?
Indent61647-4 Are you able to make a bed, including spreading and tucking in bed sheets?
Indent61594-8 Are you able to move a chair from one room to another?
Indent79037-8 Are you able to move about in a dark room or hallway without falling?
Indent79033-7 Are you able to move about the house?
Indent79036-0 Are you able to move around on a slippery surface outdoors?
Indent79048-5 Are you able to move from the street to the sidewalk without a curb cut?
Indent79035-2 Are you able to move wet clothes from the washer to the dryer?
Indent61611-0 Are you able to open a can with a hand can opener?
Indent61665-6 Are you able to open a new milk carton?
Indent79061-8 Are you able to open a tight or new jar?
Indent61618-5 Are you able to open and close a zipper?
Indent79007-1 Are you able to open and squeeze a new tube of toothpaste?
Indent61666-4 Are you able to open car doors?
Indent61608-6 Are you able to open previously opened jars?
Indent61630-0 Are you able to peel fruit?
Indent61656-5 Are you able to pick up coins from a table top?
Indent61658-1 Are you able to pour liquid from a bottle into a glass?
Indent79020-4 Are you able to pour liquid from a container into a cup?
Indent79022-0 Are you able to prepare simple meals for yourself or for others?
Indent61651-6 Are you able to press with your index finger (for example ringing a doorbell)?
Indent79015-4 Are you able to pull a sweater or t-shirt over your head?
Indent79006-3 Are you able to walk more than a mile?
Indent79041-0 Are you able to wash and dry your feet?
Indent79045-1 Are you able to stand upright briefly without support?
Indent61609-4 Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes?
Indent79052-7 Are you able to cut your toenails
Indent61596-3 Are you able to stand for one hour?
Indent61625-0 Are you able to carry a laundry basket up a flight of stairs?
Indent79059-2 Are you able to exercise regularly?
Indent61620-1 Are you able to stand for short periods of time?
Indent61624-3 Are you able to squat and get up?
Indent61644-1 Are you able to jump up and down?
Indent79060-0 Are you able to receive a call on a cell phone?
Indent61693-8 Are you able to climb up 5 flights of stairs?
Indent61645-8 Are you able to climb up five steps?
Indent78999-0 Are you able to dial a number on a phone with large buttons?
Indent79000-6 Are you able to clean up after a meal?
Indent61667-2 Are you able to stand unsupported for 10 minutes?
Indent61699-5 Are you able to walk at a normal speed?
Indent61691-2 Are you able to walk up and down two steps?
Indent79002-2 Are you able to dial a number on the keypad of a cell phone?
Indent61701-9 Are you able to kneel on the floor?
Indent79003-0 Are you able to roll onto your stomach while lying in bed?
Indent79004-8 Are you able to pull up covers while lying in bed?
Indent61654-0 Are you able to squeeze a new tube of toothpaste?
Indent79010-5 Are you able to do chores such as vacuuming carpet or mopping floors?
Indent79012-1 Are you able to lift small objects (such as a can of soup) above your shoulder?
Indent75909-2 Are you able to reach and get down an object (such as a can of soup) from above your head?
Indent79013-9 Are you able to carry a bag of groceries for a short distance?
Indent79014-7 Are you able to put on socks
Indent79015-4 Are you able to pull a sweater or t-shirt over your head?
Indent79017-0 Are you able to do an exercise of your choice for 20 minutes several times a week?
Indent79026-1 Are you able to take a letter out of an envelope?
Indent79029-5 Are you able to turn a key to unlock a door?
Indent79031-1 Are you able to turn sink faucets on and off?
Indent79032-9 Are you able to type a few sentences on a computer keyboard?
Indent79039-4 Are you able to carry a shopping bag?
Indent61709-2 Are you able to turn from side to side in bed?
Indent61648-2 Are you able to carry a shopping bag or briefcase?
Indent61643-3 Are you able to carry two bags filled with groceries 100 yards?
Indent61606-0 Are you able to cut your food using eating utensils?
Indent79042-8 Are you able to wash dishes and utensils by hand?
Indent61646-6 Are you able to wash dishes, pots, and utensils by hand while standing at a sink?
Indent61617-7 Are you able to wash your back?
Indent61708-4 Are you able to wipe yourself after using the toilet?
Indent61626-8 Are you able to write with a pen or pencil?
Indent61633-4 Are you able to sit on the edge of a bed?
Indent61634-2 Are you able to tie your shoelaces?
Indent61637-5 Are you able to wash and dry your body?
Indent61650-8 Are you able to change the bulb in a table lamp?
Indent61655-7 Are you able to cut a piece of paper with scissors?
Indent61702-7 Are you able to sit down in and stand up from a low, soft couch?
Indent78066-8 Are you able to sit on and get up from the toilet?
Indent79019-6 Are you able to stand on a moving escalator?
Indent61675-5 Are you able to stand unsupported for 30 minutes?
Indent61601-1 Are you able to stand up from an armless straight chair?
Indent61673-0 Are you able to stand up on tiptoes?
Indent61615-1 Are you able to stand with your knees straight?
Indent61700-1 Are you able to stand without losing your balance for several minutes?
Indent61613-6 Are you able to step up and down curbs?
Indent61649-0 Are you able to take a tub bath?
Indent61705-0 Are you able to transfer from a bed to a chair and back?
Indent79046-9 Are you able to transfer from a bed to a chair or a wheelchair?
Indent61623-5 Are you able to turn a key in a lock?
Indent79021-2 Are you able to turn pages in a book?
Indent61671-4 Are you able to turn faucets on and off?
Indent61604-5 Are you able to use a hammer to pound a nail?
Indent79049-3 Are you able to use a moving escalator safely?
Indent79034-5 Are you able to use a regular computer mouse?
Indent61703-5 Are you able to use your hands, such as for turning faucets, using kitchen gadgets, or sewing?
Indent61662-3 Are you able to tie a knot or a bow?
Indent61669-8 Are you able to change a light bulb overhead?
Indent61674-8 Are you able to trim your fingernails?
Indent61707-6 Are you able to water a house plant?
Indent77580-9 PROMIS physical function w mobility aids - version 1.0 T-score {Tscore}

Fully-Specified Name

PROMIS item bank - physical function w mobility aids - version 1.0

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.54
Last Updated
Version 2.54 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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