Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
86811-7 Identification Information
Indent58198-3 Type of Record
Indent54581-4 Facility Provider Numbers
IndentIndent76468-8 National Provider Identifier (NPI)
IndentIndent69417-4 CMS Certification Number (CCN)
IndentIndent45398-5 State Provider Number
Indent85632-8 Type of Provider
Indent86524-6 Type of Assessment
IndentIndent54583-0 Federal OBRA Reason for Assessment
IndentIndent54584-8 PPS Assessment
IndentIndent54585-5 PPS Other Medicare Required Assessment - OMRA
IndentIndent58107-4 Is this a Swing Bed clinical change assessment?
IndentIndent54587-1 Is this assessment the first assessment (OBRA, Scheduled PPS, or Discharge) since the most recent admission/entry or reentry?
IndentIndent58108-2 Entry/discharge reporting
IndentIndent71440-2 Type of discharge
IndentIndent86525-3 Is this a SNF Part A PPS Discharge Assessment?
Indent86526-1 Unit Certification or Licensure Designation
Indent54503-8 Legal Name of Resident
IndentIndent45392-8 First name
IndentIndent45393-6 Middle initial
IndentIndent45394-4 Last name
IndentIndent45395-1 Suffix
Indent45966-9 Social Security and Medicare Numbers
IndentIndent45396-9 Social Security Number
IndentIndent45397-7 Medicare number (or comparable railroad insurance number)
Indent45400-9 Medicaid Number
Indent46098-0 Gender
Indent21112-8 Birth Date {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent59362-4 Race/Ethnicity 1..6
Indent54505-3 Language
IndentIndent54588-9 Does the resident need or want an interpreter to communicate with a doctor or health care staff?
IndentIndent54899-0 Preferred language
Indent45404-1 Marital Status
Indent54506-1 Optional Resident Items
IndentIndent46106-1 Medical record number
IndentIndent45403-3 Room number
IndentIndent52462-9 Name by which resident prefers to be addressed
IndentIndent21843-8 Lifetime occupation(s)
Indent86528-7 Most Recent Admission/Entry or Reentry into this Facility
IndentIndent50786-3 Entry Date {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent54590-5 Type of Entry
IndentIndent85398-6 Entered From
Indent52455-3 Admission Date (Date this episode of care in this facility began) {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent52525-3 Discharge Date {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent55128-3 Discharge Status
Indent54593-9 Assessment Reference Date. Observation end date {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent54507-9 Medicare Stay
IndentIndent54594-7 Has the resident had a Medicare-covered stay since the most recent entry?
IndentIndent54595-4 Start date of most recent Medicare stay {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent54596-2 End date of most recent Medicare stay {mm/dd/yyyy}

Fully-Specified Name

MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1, v1.15.1, v1.16.1 - Identification information - NO, NSD, ND, NOD, SP, SO, SSD, SD, SOD, NPE
CMS Assessment

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.63
Last Updated
Version 2.77 (MAJ)
Change Reason
Release 2.77: TIME_ASPCT: Decision by CMS to update the Timing to RptPeriod from Pt for all CMS Assessments; Previous Releases: This panel is in version 1.14.1, 1.15.1, and 1.16.1. So "v1.16.1" was added to the Component
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86870-3 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Nursing home and Swing bed OMRA (NO/SO) item set [CMS Assessment]
86872-9 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Nursing home discharge (ND) and Swing bed discharge (SD) item set [CMS Assessment]
86871-1 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Nursing home OMRA start of therapy and discharge (NSD) and Swing bed OMRA start of therapy and discharge (SSD) item set [CMS Assessment]
86873-7 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Nursing home OMRA-discharge (NOD) and Swing bed OMRA-discharge (SOD) item set [CMS Assessment]
86877-8 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Nursing home part A PPS discharge (NPE) item set [CMS Assessment]
86876-0 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.14.1 - Swing bed PPS (SP) item set [CMS Assessment]
88279-5 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Nursing home and Swing bed OMRA (NO and SO) item set [CMS Assessment]
88283-7 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Nursing home discharge (ND) and Swing bed discharge (SD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88284-5 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Nursing home OMRA start of therapy and discharge (NSD) and Swing bed OMRA start of therapy and discharge (SSD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88285-2 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Nursing home OMRA-discharge (NOD) and Swing bed OMRA-discharge (SOD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88286-0 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Nursing home part A PPS discharge (NPE) item set [CMS Assessment]
88288-6 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.15.1 - Swing bed PPS (SP) item set [CMS Assessment]
88951-9 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home and Swing bed OMRA (NO and SO) item set [CMS Assessment]
88945-1 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home discharge (ND) and Swing bed discharge (SD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88946-9 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home OMRA start of therapy and discharge (NSD) and Swing bed OMRA start of therapy and discharge (SSD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88947-7 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home OMRA-discharge (NOD) and Swing bed OMRA-discharge (SOD) item set [CMS Assessment]
88948-5 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home part A PPS discharge (NPE) item set [CMS Assessment]
88950-1 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Swing bed PPS (SP) item set [CMS Assessment]

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