Version 2.78

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
88962-6 Medications
Indent54982-4 Injections. Record the number of days that injections of any type were received during the last 7 days or since admission/entry or reentry if less than 7 days. d/(7.d)
Indent58217-1 Insulin
IndentIndent58127-2 Insulin injections - Record the number of days that insulin injections were received during the last 7 days or since admission/entry or reentry if less than 7 days d/(7.d)
IndentIndent58128-0 Orders for insulin - Record the number of days the physician (or authorized assistant or practitioner) changed the resident's insulin orders during the last 7 days or since admission/entry or reentry if less than 7 days d/(7.d)
Indent88290-2 Medications Received
IndentIndent86751-5 Antipsychotic d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86752-3 Antianxiety d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86753-1 Antidepressant d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86754-9 Hypnotic d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86755-6 Anticoagulant (e.g., warfarin, heparin, or low-molecular weight heparin) d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86756-4 Antibiotic d/(7.d)
IndentIndent86757-2 Diuretic d/(7.d)
IndentIndent88291-0 Opioid d/(7.d)
Indent88295-1 Antipsychotic Medication Review
IndentIndent88296-9 Did the resident receive antipsychotic medications since admission/entry or reentry or the prior OBRA assessment, whichever is more recent?
IndentIndent88297-7 Has a gradual dose reduction (GDR) been attempted?
IndentIndent88298-5 Date of last attempted GDR {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent88299-3 Physician documented GDR as clinically contraindicated
IndentIndent88300-9 Date physician documented GDR as clinically contraindicated {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent57255-2 Drug Regimen Review: Did a complete drug regimen review identify potential clinically significant medication issues?
Indent57281-8 Medication Follow-up: Did the facility contact a physician (or physician-designee) by midnight of the next calendar day and complete prescribed/recommended actions in response to the identified potential clinically significant medication issues?
Indent57256-0 Did the facility contact and complete physician (or physician-designee) prescribed/recommended actions by midnight of the next calendar day each time potential clinically significant medication issues were identified since the admission?

Fully-Specified Name

MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.17.2 - Medications
CMS Assessment

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.64
Last Updated
Version 2.77
Change Reason
Release 2.77: TIME_ASPCT: Decision by CMS to update the Timing to RptPeriod from Pt for all CMS Assessments; Release 2.68: COMPONENT: Assessment version number was updated to reflect the most recent version.; Previous Releases: Current convention (as approved by the joint CMS LTPAC & LOINC project team) will list only the most current assessment in the Component for CMS Assessment panels.
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
88954-3 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home comprehensive (NC) item set [CMS Assessment]
88955-0 Deprecated MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.16.1 - Nursing home quarterly (NQ) item set [CMS Assessment]
90473-0 MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.17.1, 1.17.2 - Nursing home comprehensive (NC) item set during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
90478-9 MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.17.1, 1.17.2 - Nursing home part A PPS discharge (NPE) item set during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
90475-5 MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.17.1, 1.17.2 - Nursing home quarterly (NQ) item set during assessment period [CMS Assessment]

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