Version 2.80

Term Description

ADAPTABLE (Aspirin Dosing: A Patient-centric Trial Assessing Benefits and Long-Term Effectiveness) aims to identify the optimal dose of aspirin therapy for secondary prevention in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The set of patient report items is part of a project to develop, pilot and evaluate methods to validate and integrate patient-reported information with data obtained from the EHR in the context of the ADAPTABLE.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
89070-7 ADAPTABLE patient reported item set [ADAPTABLE]
Indent89071-5 Enrollment item set [ADAPTABLE]
IndentIndent11382-9 Are you allergic to aspirin?
IndentIndent89062-4 Have you had a severe bleeding problem in the past with aspirin?
IndentIndent89075-6 If you are currently taking aspirin, are you willing to change the dose?
IndentIndent89063-2 Are you currently taking any of these anticoagulant medications?
IndentIndent82810-3 Are you currently pregnant?
IndentIndent63895-7 Are you currently nursing?
IndentIndent64438-5 In general, how would you describe your current health?
IndentIndent61635-9 I am able to run errands and shop
IndentIndent61967-6 I felt depressed in past 7 days
IndentIndent61878-5 I feel fatigued during the past 7 days
IndentIndent61998-1 I had a problem with my sleep 7 days
IndentIndent89084-8 I have trouble doing all of my regular leisure activities with others in the past 7 days
IndentIndent61758-9 How much did pain interfere with your day to day activities in past 7 days?
IndentIndent89080-6 How would you rate your overall experience in using the ADAPTABLE web site today?
IndentIndent89077-2 Did the information provided and time spent reading the Adaptable web site feel:
IndentIndent54125-0 Patient name
IndentIndent46098-0 Gender
IndentIndent21112-8 Date of Birth {mm/dd/yyyy}
Indent89082-2 Early visit item set [ADAPTABLE]
IndentIndent56799-0 Patient's home/mailing address
IndentIndent42077-8 Best contact phone number
IndentIndent89057-4 You have my permission to send text reminder messages for upcoming visits to my cell phone number. (There may be a charge for this)
IndentIndent45396-9 Last 4 digits of SSN
IndentIndent89059-0 Full name of relative/friend who does not live with the patient
IndentIndent89060-8 Patient's secondary contact's phone number
IndentIndent89058-2 Patient's secondary contact's email address
IndentIndent32624-9 Race
IndentIndent56051-6 Is your ethnicity Hispanic?
IndentIndent69431-5 Are you covered through Medicare?
IndentIndent76437-3 Select your insurance provider:
IndentIndent89061-6 Insurance group number [Identifier]
IndentIndent76435-7 Insurance number
IndentIndent76698-0 Patient identifier assigning authority
IndentIndent64234-8 Are you currently a cigarette smoker (at least one cigarette a day)?
IndentIndent89076-4 Before joining ADAPTABLE were you regularly taking aspirin?
IndentIndent89066-5 What year did you begin regularly taking aspirin? {yyyy}
IndentIndent89081-4 What dosage were you taking BEFORE joining ADAPTABLE? mg
IndentIndent89074-9 Now that you are a part of ADAPTABLE are you regularly taking aspirin?
IndentIndent89072-3 Which dose are you taking? mg
IndentIndent89069-9 Is your aspirin tablet enteric coated?
IndentIndent89073-1 Why did you stop taking aspirin?
IndentIndent89068-1 When did you stop taking aspirin? {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent89067-3 Are you currently taking any of these blood thinning medications?
IndentIndent89065-7 Are you currently taking any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) several times a week?
IndentIndent89064-0 Are you currently taking any of these medications that are typically for stomach upset?
IndentIndent89078-0 Have you been hospitalized since you joined the ADAPTABLE study?
IndentIndent58237-9 Where were you hospitalized?
IndentIndent65833-6 Hospital address
IndentIndent52455-3 When were you hospitalized? {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent86947-9 Reason for hospitalization 1..7
IndentIndent89079-8 Did any of the following occur during the hospitalization? 1..7
Indent89083-0 Follow-up visit item set [ADAPTABLE]
IndentIndent89074-9 Now that you are a part of ADAPTABLE are you regularly taking aspirin?
IndentIndent89072-3 Which dose are you taking? mg
IndentIndent89069-9 Is your aspirin tablet enteric coated?
IndentIndent89073-1 Why did you stop taking aspirin?
IndentIndent89068-1 When did you stop taking aspirin? {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent89067-3 Are you currently taking any of these blood thinning medications?
IndentIndent89065-7 Are you currently taking any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) several times a week?
IndentIndent89064-0 Are you currently taking any of these medications that are typically for stomach upset?
IndentIndent89078-0 Have you been hospitalized since you joined the ADAPTABLE study?
IndentIndent58237-9 Where were you hospitalized?
IndentIndent65833-6 Hospital address
IndentIndent52455-3 When were you hospitalized? {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent86947-9 Reason for hospitalization 1..7
IndentIndent89079-8 Did any of the following occur during the hospitalization? 1..7

Fully-Specified Name

ADAPTABLE patient reported item set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.64
Last Updated
Version 2.71 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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