Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
92330-0 PROMIS item bank - self-efficacy for managing emotions - version 1.0
Indent92344-1 Current level of confidence I can keep anxiety from becoming overwhelming
Indent92332-6 Current level of confidence I can use relaxation to deal with worries
Indent92335-9 Current level of confidence I can relax my body to reduce my anxiety
Indent92342-5 Current level of confidence I can manage anxiety about injuring myself or others (for example: falling, dropping a child, a driving accident)
Indent92349-0 Current level of confidence I can focus on something else to decrease anxiety
Indent92336-7 Current level of confidence I can prevent my illness from making me feel discouraged
Indent92353-2 Current level of confidence I can avoid feeling helpless
Indent92331-8 Current level of confidence when I'm feeling down, I can find ways to make myself feel better
Indent92338-3 Current level of confidence I can manage my frustration
Indent92351-6 Current level of confidence I can bounce back from disappointment
Indent92355-7 Current level of confidence I can avoid becoming angry
Indent92354-0 Current level of confidence I can avoid feeling discouraged
Indent92345-8 Current level of confidence I can hear about symptoms and side effects without getting discouraged
Indent92352-4 Current level of confidence I can avoid upsetting thoughts
Indent92348-2 Current level of confidence I can handle negative feelings
Indent92346-6 Current level of confidence I can handle upsetting situations
Indent92343-3 Current level of confidence I can keep emotional distress from interfering with things I want to do
Indent92350-8 Current level of confidence I can find ways to manage stress
Indent92347-4 Current level of confidence I can handle the stress of going for treatment of my medical conditions
Indent92337-5 Current level of confidence I can manage the loss of my ability to do things that are important to me (for example: parenting, work, hobbies, attend school)
Indent92339-1 Current level of confidence I can manage my anxiety about telling others I have health problems
Indent92340-9 Current level of confidence I can manage my anger when others make insensitive comments about my health problems
Indent92341-7 Current level of confidence I can manage my anger when others don't understand what I am going through
Indent92334-2 Current level of confidence I can stay positive when I feel like I am the only one going through this
Indent92333-4 Current level of confidence I can use a strategy (for example: humor, leaving a situation) to keep from getting upset
Indent92329-2 PROMIS self-efficacy for managing emotions - version 1.0 T-score {Tscore}

Fully-Specified Name

PROMIS item bank - self-efficacy for managing emotions - version 1.0

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.66
Last Updated
Version 2.66 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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