Version 2.77

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1278-2 PhenX12_10_others reaction to mania N
LL2712-9 Subjective agreement scale (ord) N
LL5136-8 ISAR_KneeHip replacement satisfaction N
LL5780-3 Strongly agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree N
LL5879-3 Positve-Negative Media Source N
LL6124-3 Very satisfied to very dissatisfied Scored N
LL6255-5 Strong disagree/Disagree/Neut/Agree/ Strong agree N
LL6256-3 SD/Disagree/Neut/Agree/SA N
LL6390-0 Trust In Science and Scientist Inventory N