Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL7028-5 ACORN_Internet at home N
LL7029-3 ACORN_Do you have any of the devices N
LL7034-3 ACORN_info about ed benefits & resources for Vet N
LL7036-8 ACORN_Want help finding or keeping work or a job N
LL7043-4 ACORN_Lack transp from med, meet, work, or day liv N
LL7051-7 ACORN_Elec, gas, oil, H2O comp thre shut off serv N
LL7074-9 ACORN_ Are you currently w/o a place to stay N
LL7076-4 Do you need help getting food for this week N
LL7080-6 ACORN_Appointment tha needs transp assist N
LL7081-4 ACORN_Currently have legal matters need help N
LL7085-5 ACORN_Do you feel lonely/isol from th around you N