Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1014-1 [PROMIS] 0-no pain|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10-worst imag N
LL1268-3 PhenX11_30 N
LL1302-0 PhenX12_35_D of control loss N
LL1303-8 PhenX12_36 N
LL1304-6 PhenX12_37_missed mentrual periods N
LL1323-6 PhenX02_06_body image shape N
LL1536-3 PhenX12_87 N
LL1559-5 Phenx11_48_overall health N
LL1560-3 Phenx11_49_rate eyesight now N
LL1562-9 PhenX12_93_numeric distress, impairment scale N
LL1648-6 PhenX17_07_psoriasis tx effective scale N
LL1688-2 PhenX19_34_ICD-O-2 cancer - grade N
LL1689-0 PhenX19_35_ICD-O-2 cancer - behavior N
LL1780-7 PhenX21_15_section generator N
LL1913-4 NEMSIS_78_impact on vehicle N
LL1927-4 RAST N
LL1975-3 0|1|2|3|4|5|6 N
LL2042-1 FACIT bone pain score (ord) N
LL2183-3 SAMHSA-how much stress last week N
LL2232-8 Quality of life, general (0 to 10) N
LL2233-6 Quality of life, pain (0 to 10) N
LL2234-4 Quality of life, fatigue (0 to 10) N
LL2254-2 HCV genotype N
LL2258-3 A pleuro N
LL2270-8 HPIV type N
LL2282-3 H paragallinarum serotype N
LL2283-1 AHSV serotyp N
LL2285-6 BTV serotype N
LL2288-0 P mult serotype N
LL2293-0 S suis serotype N
LL2335-9 Numeric rating scale from 0-10 N
LL2454-8 0|1|2|3 or more|Unknown N
LL2521-4 First-Second-Third-Fourth-etc. N
LL253-6 OASIS_M0230_Primary dx severity N
LL2706-1 Likert Scale 1-5 N
LL3005-7 CAHPS_healthcare_rating N
LL3032-1 Scale 1-5 N
LL3059-4 CTAS Triage scale N
LL3092-5 0-10 scale, 0.5 increments, Very well to Very poor N
LL3112-1 Modified Rankin Scale N
LL3120-4 0-10 scale, Very well to Very poor N
LL3196-4 20150106-APTASet1_19 N
LL3297-0 Readiness for change score, scale 1-10 N
LL3622-9 0-No Interfere|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10-Completely N
LL3783-9 [NEI] Visual acuity findings on ETDRS eye chart N
LL3966-0 0-9 scale, numbers only N
LL4038-7 NOT DET |1|1a|1b N
LL4258-1 [NIH] Pain scale N
LL4460-3 0|1|2|3|4|5 N
LL5031-1 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 or more N
LL5119-4 0-10 scale,0.5 increments,Very well to Very poorly N
LL5120-2 0-10 scale,0.5 increments,No pain to bad as can be N
LL5148-3 0 No pain | 10 Pain as bad as you can imagine N
LL5269-7 0/NotCon(10)|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10/VeryCon(0) N
LL5270-5 0/VeryRelaxed(10)|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10/VeryTense(0) N
LL5271-3 0=No energy|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Very energetic N
LL5272-1 0=Very depressed|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Very cheerful N
LL5386-9 1|2|3|4|5 N
LL5607-8 Stress Level Scale (0 - No to 10 - Extremely) N
LL5658-1 Eye Problems Effect Work N
LL5659-9 Eye Problems Effect Activity N
LL5689-6 Bothered - Never to Always N
LL571-1 CARE_4_g03_Pain severity N
LL5728-2 0|1|2|3|>=4 N
LL5769-6 0|1|2|3|4 or more N
LL5812-4 Pain scale 0 to 10 N
LL5870-2 0 to 7 Scoreless N
LL5895-9 1->4 N
LL5898-3 0 - >4 N
LL5938-7 Trust level N
LL5977-5 PhenX - Trust Level N
LL6036-9 0=No shortness|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Worst SOB N
LL6037-7 0=Mild SOB|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Severe SOB N
LL6038-5 0=Never had SOB|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Always had SOB N
LL6039-3 0=Brief shortness|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10=Lengthy SOB N
LL6108-6 0-10 None Severe N
LL6198-7 0-10, numbers only N
LL6217-5 Itch severity 0-10 N
LL6616-8 Family member in category group N
LL6625-9 Public parks are present
LL6852-9 ***** CLONED FROM - LL6616-8 ***** N
LL6914-7 Pain level N
LL6915-4 Pain interference N
LL6916-2 Pain change N
LL6917-0 Level of support N
LL6918-8 Mood N
LL6919-6 Pain severity N
LL6920-4 Level of worry N
LL6921-2 Level of control N
LL6922-0 Level of suffering N
LL6923-8 Attentiveness N
LL6924-6 Ability to deal with problems N
LL6925-3 Irritability N
LL6926-1 Anxiousness N
LL6927-9 How often N
LL792-3 OASIS-C_M1322 N
LL829-3 Plurality N