Basic Properties
- Name
- PhenX12_01
- Description
- Almost never/Sometimes/Often
- LOINCs using this list
- 66
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Almost never | 1 | LA13866-1 | |
Sometimes | 2 | LA10082-8 | |
Often | 3 | LA10044-8 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
64897-2 | I am a worrier [SCARED-R] |
64921-0 | I am afraid of an animal that is not really dangerous [SCARED-R] |
64950-9 | I am afraid of an animal that most children do not fear [SCARED-R] |
64936-8 | I am afraid of having anxiety attacks [SCARED-R] |
64953-3 | I am afraid of heights [SCARED-R] |
64948-3 | I am afraid of the dark [SCARED-R] |
64901-2 | I am afraid to be alone at home [SCARED-R] |
64933-5 | I am afraid to get a serious disease [SCARED-R] |
64919-4 | I am afraid to visit the dentist [SCARED-R] |
64915-2 | I am afraid to visit the doctor [SCARED-R] |
64910-3 | I am nervous [SCARED-R] |
64943-4 | I am scared to go to school [SCARED-R] |
64932-7 | I am scared when I get an injection [SCARED-R] |
64938-4 | I am shy with people I don't know well [SCARED-R] |
64893-1 | I am so scared of a harmless animal that I do not dare to touch it [SCARED-R] |
64923-6 | I do things more than twice in order to check whether I did it right [SCARED-R] |
64930-1 | I do things to get less scared of my thoughts [SCARED-R] |
64906-1 | I don't like being away from my family [SCARED-R] |
64951-7 | I don't like being in a hospital [SCARED-R] |
64916-0 | I don't like going to school [SCARED-R] |
64955-8 | I don't like to be with people I don't know [SCARED-R] |
64895-6 | I doubt whether I really did something [SCARED-R] |
64939-2 | I fantasize about hurting other people [SCARED-R] |
64914-5 | I feel nervous with people I don't know well [SCARED-R] |
64927-7 | I feel scared when I have to fly in an airplane [SCARED-R] |
64898-0 | I feel scared when I watch an operation [SCARED-R] |
64934-3 | I feel weak and shaky [SCARED-R] |
64903-8 | I find it hard to talk with people I don't know [SCARED-R] |
64911-1 | I follow my parents wherever they go [SCARED-R] |
64954-1 | I get headaches or stomach aches when I am at school [SCARED-R] |
64900-4 | I get really frightened for no reason [SCARED-R] |
65885-6 | I get scared in small, closed places [SCARED-R] |
64958-2 | I get scared when I sleep away from home [SCARED-R] |
64902-0 | I get scared when I think back of a very aversive event I once experienced [SCARED-R] |
64922-8 | I get scared when there is thunder in the air [SCARED-R] |
64924-4 | I have frightening dreams about a very aversive event I once experienced [SCARED-R] |
64935-0 | I have nightmares about bad things happening to me [SCARED-R] |
64928-5 | I have nightmares about my parents [SCARED-R] |
64912-9 | I have thoughts that frighten me [SCARED-R] |
64947-5 | I have thoughts that I prefer not to have [SCARED-R] |
64949-1 | I have unbidden thoughts about a very aversive event I once experienced [SCARED-R] |
64909-5 | I think that I will be contaminated with a serious disease [SCARED-R] |
64899-8 | I try not to think about a very aversive event I once experienced [SCARED-R] |
64957-4 | I want that things are in a fixed order [SCARED-R] |
64925-1 | I want things to be clean and tidy [SCARED-R] |
64920-2 | I worry about being as good as other kids [SCARED-R] |
64929-3 | I worry about going to school [SCARED-R] |
64942-6 | I worry about how well I do things [SCARED-R] |
64907-9 | I worry about others not liking me [SCARED-R] |
64918-6 | I worry about sleeping alone [SCARED-R] |
64940-0 | I worry about the future [SCARED-R] |
64944-2 | I worry about things that happened in the past [SCARED-R] |
64894-9 | I worry about things working out for me [SCARED-R] |
64937-6 | I worry that bad happens to my parents [SCARED-R] |
64905-3 | People tell me I worry too much [SCARED-R] |
64913-7 | People tell me that I look nervous [SCARED-R] |
64945-9 | When frightened, I feel dizzy [SCARED-R] |
64917-8 | When frightened, I feel like going crazy [SCARED-R] |
64904-6 | When frightened, I feel like I am choking [SCARED-R] |
64908-7 | When frightened, I feel like passing out [SCARED-R] |
64941-8 | When frightened, I feel like throwing up [SCARED-R] |
64926-9 | When frightened, I feel that things are not real [SCARED-R] |
64896-4 | When frightened, I sweat a lot [SCARED-R] |
64952-5 | When frightened, it is hard to breathe [SCARED-R] |
64931-9 | When frightened, my heart beats fast [SCARED-R] |
64956-6 | When I see blood, I get dizzy [SCARED-R] |
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- CodeSystem lookup
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/CodeSystem/$lookup?system=http: //loinc.org&code=LL1269-1 - ValueSet definition
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1269-1 - ValueSet expansion
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/$expand?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1269-1
LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://