Version 2.78

Basic Properties

PhenX03_04_30d smoke quant
Less than one cigarette per day/1 cigarette per day/2 to 5 cigarettes per day/6 to 15 cigarettes per day/16 to 25 cigarettes per day/26 to 35 cigarettes per day/More than 35 cigarettes per day/Don't know / refused
LOINCs using this list

Answer List

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Less than one cigarette per day 1 LA15782-8
1 cigarette per day 2 LA15783-6
2 to 5 cigarettes per day 3 LA15784-4
6 to 15 cigarettes per day (about 1/2 pack) 4 LA15785-1
16 to 25 cigarettes per day (about 1 pack) 5 LA15786-9
26 to 35 cigarettes per day (about 1 1/2 packs) 6 LA15787-7
More than 35 cigarettes per day (about 2 packs or more) 7 LA15788-5
Don't know/refused 9 LA15775-2

LOINC terms using this Answer List

63629-0 On the number of days you reported you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day, on average [PhenX]

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