Basic Properties
- Name
- PhenX18_23
- Description
- Not true/Somewhat true/Very true
- LOINCs using this list
- 51
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Not true 4 |
LA15368-6 | ||
Somewhat true 3 |
LA14993-2 | ||
Very true 1 |
LA15369-4 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
67068-7 | A childs behavior is a source of serious concern to you [PhenX] |
67084-4 | A long- term health problem prevents you from doing the things you like to do [PhenX] |
67066-1 | One of your children seems very unhappy [PhenX] |
67071-1 | One of your children spends too much time away from the house [PhenX] |
67069-5 | One or more children do not do well enough at school or work [PhenX] |
67083-6 | Someone in your family has an alcohol or drug problem [PhenX] |
67081-0 | Someone in your family or a close friend has a long-term illness or handicap [PhenX] |
67079-4 | The place you live is too noisy or too polluted [PhenX] |
67087-7 | There is too much pressure on you to be like other people [PhenX] |
67088-5 | Too much is expected of you by others [PhenX] |
67064-6 | You are alone too much [PhenX] |
67050-5 | You are looking for a job and can't find the one you want [PhenX] |
67048-9 | You don't get paid enough for what you do [PhenX] |
67055-4 | You don't get what you deserve out of your relationship [PhenX] |
67075-2 | You don't have enough friends [PhenX] |
67089-3 | You don't have enough money to buy the things you or your kids need [PhenX] |
67042-2 | You don't have enough money to make a down payment on a home [PhenX] |
67041-4 | You don't have enough money to take vacations [PhenX] |
67076-0 | You don't have time for your favorite leisure time activities [PhenX] |
67063-8 | You don't see your children from a former marriage as much as you would like [PhenX] |
67072-9 | You feel like being a housewife is not appreciated [PhenX] |
67067-9 | You feel your children don't listen to you [PhenX] |
67061-2 | You find it is too difficult to find someone compatible with you [PhenX] |
67090-1 | You have a long-term debt or loan [PhenX] |
67062-0 | You have a lot of conflict with your ex-spouse [PhenX] |
67051-3 | You have a lot of conflict with your partner [PhenX] |
67082-8 | You have a parent, a child, or a spouse or partner who is in very bad health and may die [PhenX] |
67043-0 | You have more work to do than most people [PhenX] |
67073-7 | You have to go to social events alone and you don't want to [PhenX] |
67085-1 | You take care of an aging parent almost every day [PhenX] |
67047-1 | You want to achieve more at work but things get in the way [PhenX] |
67045-5 | You want to change jobs or career but don't feel you can [PhenX] |
67077-8 | You want to live farther away from your family [PhenX] |
67065-3 | You wish you could have children but you cannot [PhenX] |
67060-4 | You wonder whether you will ever get married [PhenX] |
67078-6 | You would like to move but you cannot [PhenX] |
67086-9 | You're trying to take on too many things at once [PhenX] |
67070-3 | Your children don't help around the house [PhenX] |
67080-2 | Your family lives too far away [PhenX] |
67074-5 | Your friends are a bad influence [PhenX] |
67046-3 | Your job often leaves you feeling both mentally and physically tired [PhenX] |
67056-2 | Your partner doesn't show enough affection [PhenX] |
67053-9 | Your partner doesn't understand you [PhenX] |
67054-7 | Your partner expects too much of you [PhenX] |
67059-6 | Your partner is always threatening to leave or end the relationship [PhenX] |
67057-0 | Your partner is not committed enough to your relationship [PhenX] |
67052-1 | Your relationship restricts your freedom [PhenX] |
67040-6 | Your rent or mortgage is too much [PhenX] |
67058-8 | Your sexual needs are not fulfilled by this relationship [PhenX] |
67044-8 | Your supervisor is always monitoring what you do at work [PhenX] |
67049-7 | Your work is boring and repetitive [PhenX] |
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Copyright © 2024 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://