Version 2.80

Basic Properties

Cigarrette brands
List of cigarette brands based on questions asked in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
LOINCs using this list

Answer List

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Alpine LA29984-4
American Spirit LA29958-8
Barclay LA29985-1
Basic LA29959-6
Belair LA29986-9
Benson & Hedges LA29960-4
Best Value LA29987-7
Bristol LA29988-5
Bugler (roll-your-own) LA29989-3
Cambridge LA29990-1
Camel LA29961-2
Capri LA29962-0
Carlton LA29963-8
Century LA29991-9
Chesterfield LA29992-7
Doral LA29964-6
Eve LA29993-5
GPC LA29965-3
Harley Davidson LA29994-3
Kent LA29967-9
Kool LA29968-7
L&M LA29996-8
Lark LA29995-0
Liggett Select LA29969-5
Lucky Strike LA29997-6
Magna LA29998-4
Marlboro LA29970-3
Maverick LA29999-2
Max LA30000-6
Merit LA29971-1
Misty LA29972-9
Monarch LA29973-7
Montclair LA30001-4
More LA16824-7
Newport LA29975-2
Now LA30002-2
Old Gold LA30003-0
Pall Mall LA29976-0
Parliament LA29977-8
Players LA30004-8
Private Label LA30005-5
Pyramid LA30006-3
Raleigh LA30007-1
Richland LA30008-9
Salem LA29978-6
Saratoga LA30009-7
Satin LA30010-5
State Express LA30011-3
Sterling LA30012-1
Tareyton LA30013-9
Top (roll-your-own) LA30014-7
True LA14495-8
USA Gold LA29979-4
Vantage LA29980-2
Viceroy LA29981-0
Virginia Slims LA29982-8
Winston LA29983-6
Brand not on this list, Please specify LA29966-1

LOINC terms using this Answer List

92281-5 Brand name of cigarettes smoked most often 30 days

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