Development and evaluation of a clinical note section header terminology.
Clinical documentation is often expressed in natural language text, yet providers often use common organizations that segment these notes in sections, such as history of present illness or physical examination. We developed a hierarchical section header terminology, supporting mappings to LOINC and other vocabularies; it contained 1109 concepts and 4332 synonyms. Physicians evaluated it compared to LOINC and the Evaluation and Management billing schema using a randomly selected corpus of history and physical notes. Evaluated documents contained a median of 54 sections and 27 major sections. There were 16,196 total sections in the evaluation note corpus. The terminology contained 99.9% of the clinical sections; LOINC matched 77% of section header concepts and 20% of section header strings in those documents. The section terminology may enable better clinical note understanding and interoperability. Future development and integration into natural language processing systems is needed.
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium. 2008 ;():156-60.
ISSN 1942-597X
Authors: Joshua C Denny, Randolph A Miller, Kevin B Johnson, Anderson Spickard
PMID 18999303, PMC2656032