Indexing Imaging Reports for Data Sharing: A Study of Mapping Using RadLex Playbook and LOINC.
New use cases and the need for quality control and imaging data sharing in health studies require the capacity to align them to reference terminologies. We are interested in mapping the local terminology used at our center to describe imaging procedures to reference terminologies for imaging procedures (RadLex Playbook and LOINC/RSNA Radiology Playbook). We performed a manual mapping of the 200 most frequent imaging report titles at our center (i.e. 73.2% of all imaging exams). The mapping method was based only on information explicitly stated in the titles. The results showed 57.5% and 68.8% of exact mapping to the RadLex and LOINC/RSNA Radiology Playbooks, respectively. We identified the reasons for the mapping failure and analyzed the issues encountered.
Studies in health technology and informatics. 2022 May;294():312-316.
ISSN 1879-8365
Authors: Pierre Lemordant, Fleur Mougin, Sandie Cabon, Yves Gandon, Guillaume Bouzillé, Marc Cuggia
PMID 35612083