Harmonization of Measurement Codes for Concept-Oriented Lab Data Retrieval.

Measurement concepts are essential to observational healthcare research; however, a lack of concept harmonization limits the quality of research that can be done on multisite research networks. We developed five methods that used a combination of automated, semi-automated and manual approaches for generating measurement concept sets. We validated our concept sets by calculating their frequencies in cohorts from the Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) database. For heart transplant patients, the preoperative frequencies of basic metabolic panel concept sets, which we generated by a semi-automated approach, were greater than 99%. We also made concept sets for lumbar puncture and coagulation panels, by automated and manual methods respectively.

Studies in health technology and informatics. 2022 Jun;290():12-16.

ISSN 1879-8365

Authors: Matthew Spotnitz, Jason Patterson, Vojtech Huser, Chunhua Weng, Karthik Natarajan

PMID 35672961

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