[DEMO] Zika virus tests for all specimens, excluding donors






This Group contains all LOINC codes for Zika virus testing on any specimen, including serum, CSF, urine, and amniotic fluid, other than those for donor blood product testing.

This group is intended for identifying any patient who has had any form of laboratory testing for Zika virus, such as for public health surveillance. It does not distinguish between testing done on pregnant women (other than when it is implied from the specimen - i.e., amniotic fluid), infants or any other population.

The use context has not yet been determined for this Group.

Regenstrief Institute Inc. (Swapna Abhyankar)
Query written and results reviewed by senior member of LOINC content team.
Select LOINC_NUM from LOINC where Component like "Zika%" and System not like "%donor%"