Elevate your LOINCing. Support a noble cause. Join the LOINC Premium Membership Program today.
Regenstrief is delighted to announce the launch of our brand new LOINC Premium Membership Program. We've put together a collection of premium LOINC resources and opportunities to bolster the global terminology for tests and observations.

Your LOINCing just got a shot of caffeine!
The LOINC Premium Membership Program has both Individual Memberships and opportunities to share the love by giving back to the LOINC effort.
Individual Memberships
We've created a brand new set of resources and benefits that are packaged up into an annual membership. With the surge of interest in LOINC, Regenstrief just doesn't have the resources to hand-tailor response to all of the technical support queries we receive. So, we're focusing our attention on Premium Members who receive "jump to the front of the line" support. You'll also be able to get access to past LOINC releases, automated delivery of the release change file, and more.
Plus, you'll also have the option of purchasing an exclusive benefit: a Mapping Validity Check.
Send us your local term to LOINC mapping file and we'll use custom software to look for potential problems.
Patron and Benefactor Level Donations
LOINC is free, but invaluable. Here is your chance to give back and support the cause. Donations to the LOINC project at the Patron and Benefactor levels come with special recognition, including highlighting your status on the loinc.org website. Plus, you'll have access to a special logo you can use to promote your support of LOINC.
Perk up your LOINCing. Join today!