Version 2.79

Term Description

This panel contains terms used to report the detection of various pathogens in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that are known to cause meningitis and/or encephalitis. The targeted pathogens and detection rate may vary across test kits and for a single test kit over time. This panel was originally created for, but is not limited in use to, BioFire's FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel, which is intended for the detection and identification of the following bacteria, viruses, and yeasts: Escherichia coli K1, Haemophilus influenzae, Listeria monocytogenes, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Cytomegalovirus, Enterovirus, Herpes simplex virus 1, Herpes simplex virus 2, Human herpesvirus 6, Human parechovirus, Varicella zoster virus, and Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
82180-1 Meningitis+Encephalitis pathogens panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82181-9 Cryptococcus gattii+neoformans DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82182-7 Escherichia coli K1 DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82183-5 Haemophilus influenzae DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82184-3 Listeria monocytogenes DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82185-0 Neisseria meningitidis DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82186-8 Streptococcus agalactiae DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82187-6 Streptococcus pneumoniae DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82188-4 Varicella zoster virus DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82189-2 Cytomegalovirus DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82190-0 Herpes simplex virus 1 DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82191-8 Herpes simplex virus 2 DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82192-6 Herpes virus 6 DNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82193-4 Parechovirus A RNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Indent82194-2 Enterovirus RNA [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Meningitis+Encephalitis pathogens panel

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Meningitis+Encephalitis pathogens panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by NAA with non-probe detection
Short Name
Mening+Enc Pnl CSF NAA+non-probe
Display Name
Meningitis+Encephalitis pathogens panel NAA+non-probe (CSF)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Meningitis+Encephalitis Pathogens Panel, Spinal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.56
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
Release 2.72: COMPONENT: Removed "DNA & RNA" from panel name because it is implied based on the Method.;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πίνακας παθογόνων μηνιγγίτιδας+εγκεφαλίτιδας:-:Pt:ΕΝΥ:-:Χωρίς ανιχνευτή.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: Πίνακας παθογόνων μηνιγγίτιδας+εγκεφαλίτιδας
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Panel de ADN y ARN de patógenos de meningitis y encefalitis:Propiedades mixtas (sólo paneles):Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:-:Amplificación del objetivo no basado en sonda
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel de ADN y ARN de patógenos de meningitis + encefalitis:-:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:-:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección sin sonda
fr-FR French (France) Méningites+encéphalites pathogènes ADN et ARN panel:-:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:-:Non-PCR amplification de cible
fr-CA French (Canada) Méningite+Encéphalite pathogènes panel:-:Temps ponctuel:LCR:-:Non-sonde.amplification de cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Meningite+Encefalite, panel patogeni:-:Pt:LCS:-:Non-sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Amplificazione target non basata su sonda Liquido cerebrospinale Microbiologia Panel patogeni di meningite e encefalite Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set di prescrizione microbiologia Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
zh-CN Chinese (China) 脑膜炎+脑炎病原体类组套:-:时间点:脑脊液:-:非探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 借助靶向扩增的非探针方法;借助靶向扩增的非探针法;非探针法.扩增.靶向 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.微生物学;实验室组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目)类.微生物学试验;医嘱组.微生物学试验;医嘱组类.微生物学;医嘱组类.微生物学试验;实验室医嘱组类.微生物学;微生物学医嘱组;微生物学医嘱组类 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 大脑炎 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 经过扩增的 脊液 脊髓液 脑炎(Encephalitis,大脑炎) 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊膜炎 脑脊髓液 脑脊髓炎 脑脊髓炎(Encephalomyelitis) 脑膜炎(脑脊膜炎)+脑炎病原体类(病原体、致病菌、病原物、病原菌、病原生物)组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目);脑膜炎+脑炎病原体类 DNA 与 RNA 组套 脱氧核糖核酸探针

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