
More than just a database, LOINC is a growing global community

LOINC is grown in Indiana, USA, but LOINC users come from all over the world!

Many kinds of people and organizations use LOINC to share and aggregate health data, including large reference laboratories, healthcare organizations, software vendors, federal agencies, NGOs, insurance companies, in vitro diagnostic manufacturers, ministries of health, regional health information networks, national standards bodies, and more.

Translations enable international adoption

LOINC content and documentation have been translated into many languages to meet the needs of different jurisdictions. Regenstrief has developed a mechanism to make the process more efficient for our translators by using the atomic parts that a LOINC term is composed of.

Both RELMA and SearchLOINC have multilingual searching capabilities.

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You can use LOINC Translations at no cost in our search programs and within our LOINC download.

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Help expand LOINC's reach with translations. See our guide on how to participate.

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Available Linguistic Variants

Visit each translation for more information including downloads and credits.

Flag IETF Tag Language Name Translator(s)
zh-CN Chinese (CHINA) Lin Zhang, A LOINC volunteer from China
nl-NL Dutch (NETHERLANDS) National IT Institute for HealthCare (Nictiz)
en-US English (UNITED STATES) Regenstrief Institute Inc.
et-EE Estonian (ESTONIA) Estonian E-Health Foundation
fr-BE French (BELGIUM) Jean M. Prevost, MD, Biopathology
fr-CA French (CANADA) Canada Health Infoway Inc.
fr-FR French (FRANCE) ASIP Santé (Agence des systèmes d'information partagés de santé)
de-AT German (AUSTRIA) ELGA, Austria
de-DE German (GERMANY) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg on behalf of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
el-GR Greek (GREECE) Efstratia Kontaxi, MD, MSc, and Evripidis Stefanidis, MD, with technical support from Panagiotis Kontaxis, Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
it-IT Italian (ITALY) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
ko-KR Korean (KOREA, REPUBLIC OF) Korean Ministry for Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs
pl-PL Polish (POLAND) Polish Society of Laboratory Diagnostics and the Medical University of Lodz (UMED)
pt-BR Portuguese (BRAZIL) HL7 Brazil Institute
ru-RU Russian (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
es-AR Spanish (ARGENTINA) Conceptum Medical Terminology Center
es-MX Spanish (MEXICO) Manuel Aragonés. Deep Dive Data Science.
es-ES Spanish (SPAIN) the Clinical Laboratory Committee of SERVICIO EXTREMEÑO DE SALUD, with the support of IQVIA
tr-TR Turkish (TURKEY) LOINC Turkish Translation Group and the Turkish Ministry of Health
uk-UA Ukrainian (UKRAINE) Development of Ukrainian content is going on under the stewardship of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, National Health service of Ukraine with support of multiple stakeholders and donors