Version 2.78

Fully-Specified Name

Distal weakness multigene analysis

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Distal weakness multigene analysis in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method
Short Name
Distal weak multi Bld/T
Display Name
Distal weakness multigene analysis Molgen Doc (Bld/Tiss)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Distal weakness multigene analysis, Blood or tissue specimen

Associated Observations

81247-9 Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
81247-9 Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel
Indent81306-3 Variables that apply to the overall study
IndentIndent53577-3 Reason for study O 0..*
IndentIndent51967-8 Genetic disease assessed [ID] O 0..*
IndentIndent51963-7 Medication assessed [ID] C 0..*
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..*
IndentIndent36908-2 Gene mutations tested for in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal C 0..*
IndentIndent51959-5 Range(s) of DNA sequence examined C 0..*
IndentIndent81293-3 Description of ranges of DNA sequences examined C 0..1
IndentIndent51968-6 Discrete variation analysis overall interpretation R 1..1
IndentIndent83006-7 Deletion-duplication overall interpretation C
IndentIndent51969-4 Genetic analysis report O 0..1
IndentIndent81291-7 Variant ISCN C
IndentIndent62374-4 Human reference sequence assembly version C 0..1
IndentIndent81303-0 HGVS version [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent82115-7 dbSNP version [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent83007-5 COSMIC version [ID] O
IndentIndent83008-3 ClinVar version [ID] O
Indent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
Indent81297-4 Structural variant panel
IndentIndent82155-3 Genomic structural variant copy number {#}
IndentIndent81299-0 Structural variant reported arrCGH [Ratio] C 0..1 {Ratio}
IndentIndent81300-6 Structural variant [Length] O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndent81301-4 Structural variant outer start and end O 0..1 {Range}
IndentIndent81302-2 Structural variant inner start and end O 0..1 {Range}
Indent81251-1 Complex genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndent81260-2 Complex genetic variant [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81262-8 Complex variant HGVS name C 0..1
IndentIndent81263-6 Complex variant type C 0..1
IndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state O 0..1
IndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
IndentIndent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
Indent82118-1 Pharmacogenomics result panel
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] 1..*
IndentIndent84413-4 Genotype display name
IndentIndent53040-2 Genetic variation's effect on drug metabolism C 0..1
IndentIndent51961-1 Genetic variation's effect on drug efficacy C 0..1
IndentIndent83009-1 Genetic variation's effect on high-risk allele
IndentIndent82117-3 Medication usage implications panel O 0..*
IndentIndentIndent51963-7 Medication assessed [ID] R 1..*
IndentIndentIndent82116-5 Medication usage suggestion [Type] C 1..1
IndentIndentIndent83010-9 Medication usage suggestion [Narrative] C
Indent83011-7 Haplotype definition panel
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.77
Last Updated
Version 2.77
Order vs. Observation

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Análisis multigénico de debilidad muscular distal.:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Doc:Genética molecular
it-IT Italian (Italy) Analisi multigenica della debolezza distale:Osservazione:Pt:Sangue/Tess:Doc:Molgen
Synonyms: Genetica molecolare Osservazione Patologia molecolare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Sangue o Tessuto Tessuto & Strisci
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) multigen-analyse van distale spierzwakte:bevinding:moment:bloed of weefsel:document:moleculair genetisch onderzoek
Synonyms: molgen myasthenie

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