Version 2.80

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Article NCBI PubMed Roberts AB, Lee AJ, James AG. Ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight: a new predictive model incorporating femur length for the low-birth-weight fetus [published erratum appears in JCU 1986 Sep;14(7):574]. J Clin Ultrasound 1985;13(8):555-559. Link to PubMed

Fully-Specified Name

Body weight
US+Estimated from AC&BPD&FL&HC.Roberts 1985

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Fetal Body weight estimated from Abdominal circumference and Biparietal diameter and Femur length and Head circumference on US by Roberts 1985 method
Short Name
EFW from AC+BPD+FL+HC.Roberts85

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0j-a
Last Updated
Version 2.52 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Formula (Readable)

log 10 (BODY WEIGHT [g]) = 1.6758 + 0.01707 * (abdominal circumference [cm]) + 0.042478 * (biparietal diameter [cm]) + 0.05216 * (femur length [cm]) + 0.01604 * (head circumference [cm])

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50068-2 Body weight|Mass|^Fetus|ANYMethod

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σωματικό βάρος:Mass:Pt:^Έμβρυο:Qn:Υπερηχογράφημα+Εκτιμώμενο βάσει κοιλιακής περιφέρειας&αμφιβρεγματικής διαμέτρου&μήκους περόνης&περιμέτρου κεφαλής.Roberts 1985
Synonyms: Mass
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) US.ESTIMATED FROM AC&BPD&FL&HC.ROBERTS.85:masa:punto en el tiempo:^feto:cuantitativo:US.ESTIMATED FROM AC&BPD&FL&HC.ROBERTS.85
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Peso corporal:Masa:Punto temporal:^ Feto:Cuantitativo:US+Estimated from AC&BPD&FL&HC.Roberts 1985
it-IT Italian (Italy) Peso corporeo:Massa:Pt:^feto:Qn:Ecografia.stimata da AC&BPD&FL&HC.Roberts 1985
Synonyms: Eco Ecografia ostetrica Punto nel tempo (episodio)
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Peso fetal:Massa:Pt:^Feto:Qn:US.estimado pela circunferência Acdominal, diâmetro biparietal, comprimento do fêmur e circunferência craniana.Roberts.85
Synonyms: ; Wt; Bdy weight; Point in time; Random; Fet; Fetal; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; from AC+BPD+FL+HC.Roberts85; 85; from AC+BPD+FL+HC.Roberts85; Acdominal circumference & biparietal diameter & femur length & head circumference; US.est; predicted; Ultrasound; ULS; Sonogram; Sonography; Sonograph; Echography; Est; estimation; bod; Bodies; OBSTERICAL.ULTRASOUND; OBSTERICAL.ULTRASOUND; Obstetrical; Obstetrics; EFW; Estimated fetal weight
zh-CN Chinese (China) 体重:质量:时间点:^胎儿:定量型:超声+依据腹围与双顶径与股骨长度与头围的估计法.Roberts.85
Synonyms: BPD FL HC 二顶径 产科 产科.超声;产科.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学.超声;产科学.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学检查与测量指标.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学超声印象与测量指标 产科学 双顶径(Biparietal Diameter,BPD) 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 头围(Head Circumference,HC) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 标本重量;重 物体 股骨长 股骨长度(Femur Length,FL) 胎;超系统 - 胎儿 胎龄估计法;孕龄估计法 超声.依据腹围与双顶径与股骨长度与头围的胎龄估计法.Roberts.85;超声.依据AC+BPD+FL+HC的胎龄估计法.Roberts.85;超声.依据腰围与双顶径与股骨长度与头围的胎龄估计法.Roberts.85 超声.依据腹围与双顶径与股骨长度与头围的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC+BPD+FL+HC的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC与BPD与FL与HC的胎龄估计法;超声.依据腰围与双顶径与股骨长度与头围的胎龄估计法 超声.依据腹围与双顶径与股骨长度的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC+BPD+FL的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC与BPD与FL的胎龄估计法;超声.依据腰围与双顶径与股骨长度的胎龄估计法 超声.依据腹围与双顶径的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC+BPD的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC与BPD的胎龄估计法;超声.依据腰围与双顶径的胎龄估计法 超声.依据腹围的胎龄估计法;超声.依据AC的胎龄估计法;超声.依据腰围的胎龄估计法 超声.胎龄估计法 超声检查方法;超声检查法;超声波;超声波检查方法;超声波检查法 身体重量 重量

Example Units

Unit Source
g Example UCUM Units

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