Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
27899-4 Diagnostic studies.non-lab (set) 0..*
Indent26441-6 Cardiology studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent42148-7 US Heart
IndentIndent18745-0 Cardiac catheterization study 0..*
IndentIndent11524-6 EKG study 0..*
IndentIndent18750-0 Cardiac electrophysiology study 0..*
IndentIndent18752-6 Exercise stress test study 0..*
IndentIndent18754-2 Ambulatory cardiac rhythm monitor (Holter) study 0..*
Indent27895-2 Gastroenterology endoscopy studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent28028-9 Anoscopy study
IndentIndent18746-8 Colonoscopy study 0..*
IndentIndent28016-4 ERCP study
IndentIndent18751-8 Endoscopy study 0..*
IndentIndent28018-0 Enteroscopy study
IndentIndent18753-4 Flexible sigmoidoscopy study 0..*
Indent27897-8 Neuromuscular electrophysiology studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent11523-8 EEG study 0..*
IndentIndent18749-2 Electromyogram study 0..*
IndentIndent29755-6 Nerve conduction study 0..*
IndentIndent29754-9 Nystagmogram study 0..*
Indent26442-4 Obstetrical studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent11525-3 US for pregnancy 0..*
Indent28619-5 Ophthalmology/Optometry studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent29268-0 Contact lens measurements 0..*
IndentIndent29269-8 Eye glasses measurements 0..*
IndentIndent29271-4 Eye physical examination 0..*
IndentIndent29272-2 Eye ultrasound study 0..*
IndentIndent28632-8 Heterophoria study 0..*
IndentIndent28629-4 Perimetry study 0..*
IndentIndent29270-6 Retinal treatments 0..*
IndentIndent28630-2 Tonometry study 0..*
IndentIndent28631-0 Visual acuity study 0..*
Indent27898-6 Pathology studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent18743-5 Autopsy report 0..*
IndentIndent11526-1 Pathology study 0..*
IndentIndent11529-5 Surgical pathology study 0..*
Indent27896-0 Pulmonary studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent18744-3 Bronchoscopy study 0..*
IndentIndent28633-6 Polysomnography (sleep) study 0..*
IndentIndent18759-1 Spirometry study 0..*
Indent18726-0 Radiology studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent18748-4 Diagnostic imaging study
IndentIndent18782-3 X-ray unspecified site study 0..*
IndentIndent28564-3 X-ray head study
IndentIndent28613-8 X-ray spine unspecified study
IndentIndent24946-6 X-ray spine cervical study
IndentIndent24983-9 X-ray spine thoracic study
IndentIndent24972-2 X-ray spine lumbar study
IndentIndent24762-7 X-ray hip study
IndentIndent28561-9 X-ray pelvis study
IndentIndent24704-9 X-ray femur study
IndentIndent28565-0 X-ray knee study
IndentIndent25011-8 X-ray tibia and fibula study
IndentIndent24541-5 X-ray ankle study
IndentIndent24709-8 X-ray foot study
IndentIndent24909-4 X-ray shoulder study
IndentIndent28567-6 X-ray humerus study
IndentIndent24891-4 X-ray radius and ulna study
IndentIndent24676-9 X-ray elbow study
IndentIndent24619-9 X-ray wrist study
IndentIndent28582-5 X-ray hand study
IndentIndent25045-6 CT Unspecified body region
IndentIndent24725-4 CT Head
IndentIndent24932-6 CT spine cervical study
IndentIndent24978-9 CT spine thoracic study
IndentIndent24963-1 CT spine lumbar study
IndentIndent24627-2 CT Chest
IndentIndent41806-1 CT Abdomen
IndentIndent24866-6 CT pelvis study
IndentIndent24690-0 CT extremity study
IndentIndent25056-3 MR Unspecified body region
IndentIndent42698-1 MRI spine study 0..*
IndentIndent24590-2 MR Brain
IndentIndent24935-9 MRI spine cervical study
IndentIndent24980-5 MRI spine thoracic study
IndentIndent24968-0 MRI spine lumbar study
IndentIndent24629-8 MRI chest study
IndentIndent24556-3 MRI abdomen study
IndentIndent24872-4 MRI pelvis and hips study
IndentIndent24707-2 MRI foot study
IndentIndent24710-6 MRI forearm study
IndentIndent28576-7 MRI joint study
IndentIndent24720-5 MRI hand study
IndentIndent24605-8 Mammogram diagnostic views study
IndentIndent24606-6 Mammogram screening views study
IndentIndent24888-0 Nuclear medicine pulmonary VQ scan study
IndentIndent30695-1 Nuclear medicine thyroid scan study
IndentIndent44136-0 PT Unspecified body region
IndentIndent25043-1 CT guidance for aspiration of unspecified site study
IndentIndent25044-9 CT guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndent25069-6 Fluoroscopic guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndent25059-7 Ultrasound guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndent25061-3 US Unspecified body region
IndentIndent24731-2 Ultrasound of head study
IndentIndent24842-7 Ultrasound of neck study
IndentIndent24558-9 Ultrasound of abdomen study
IndentIndent28614-6 Ultrasound of liver study
IndentIndent24601-7 Ultrasound of breast study
IndentIndent24869-0 Ultrasound of pelvis study
Indent28634-4 Miscellaneous studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndent18742-7 Arthroscopy study 0..*
IndentIndent28615-3 Audiology study 0..*
IndentIndent29756-4 Peritoneoscopy study 0..*
IndentIndent28620-3 Urology studies (set) 0..*

Question Cardinality


Fully-Specified Name

Diagnostic studies.non lab

Basic Attributes

Claims Attachments
First Released
Version 2.00
Last Updated
Version 2.79 (PANEL)
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
26443-2 Clinical reports.non lab claims attachment

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Διαγνωστικές μελέτες.μη εργαστηριακές:Cmplx:-:^Ασθενής:Set:
Synonyms: Cmplx
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) estudios diagnósticos.sin laboratorio:complejo:-:^paciente:Conjunto:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Studi diagnostici.non di laboratorio:Cmplx:-:^Paziente:Determinato:
Synonyms: Allegato Allegato referto clinico Complesso paziente Stabilito;Fissato
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Диагностические исследования.не лабораторный:Кмплкс:-:^Пациент:Множество:
Synonyms: Комплекс
zh-CN Chinese (China) 诊断性检查.非实验室:复合型属性:-:^患者:集合型:
Synonyms: 临床信息附件集;临床信息附件集合;集;集合 临床报告信息附件;健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件.临床报告 信息附件;健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件;附件 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 复合属性;复杂型属性;复杂属性 诊断检查.非实验室;诊断性检查.非检验项目;诊断性检查项目.非检验项目

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