Version 2.80

Part Descriptions

LP15890-4   Threonine
Threonine, one of the 20 naturally occuring amino acids, is nutritionally essential in humans because they cannot synthesze it. Threonine contains two chiral centers, so there are four possible stereoisomers of threonine, or two possible diastereomers of L-threonine. However, the name L-threonine is used for one single enantiomer, (2 S ,3 R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid. The second diastereomer (2 S ,3 S), which is rarely present in nature, is called L-allo-threonine. The threonine side chain can undergo O-linked glycosylation. Threonine can become phosphorylated through the action of a threonine kinase. In its phosphorylated form, it is referred to as phosphothreonine. Foods high in threonine are cottage cheese, poultry, fish, meat, lentils, and sesame seeds. Threonine is a secondary marker for citrullinemia type II, an inherited disorder that causes ammonia and other toxic products to accumulate in the blood. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Threonine (Wikipedia)

LP15890-4   Threonine
An essential amino acid occurring naturally in the L-form, which is the active form. It is found in eggs, milk, gelatin, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, meat, lentils, sesame seeds and other proteins. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name


Additional Names

Long Common Name
Threonine [Mass/volume] in Urine
Short Name
Threonine Ur-mCnc
Display Name
Threonine (U) [Mass/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Threonine, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG49970-3 Threonine|Pt|Urine|119.12 g/mole

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Θρεονίνη:MCnc:Pt:Ούρα:Qn:
Synonyms: MCnc
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) treonina:concentración de masa:punto en el tiempo:orina:cuantitativo:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Treonina:Concentración de masa:Punto temporal:Orina:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Treonina:Concentración de masa:Punto temporal:Orina:Cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Treoniin:MCnc:Pt:U:Qn:
Synonyms: Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Uriin
fr-CA French (Canada) Thréonine:Concentration de masse:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Quantitatif:
fr-FR French (France) Thréonine:Masse/Volume:Ponctuel:Urine:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Thréonine:Concentration de masse:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Quantitatif:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Treonina:MCnc:Pt:Urine:Qn:
Synonyms: Chimica Concentrazione di Massa Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 트레오닌:질량농도:검사시점:뇨:정량:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) threonine:massa/volume:moment:urine:kwantitatief:
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Treonina:MCnc:Pt:Urina:Qn:
Synonyms: Thr; Mass concentration; Level; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Треонин:МассКонц:ТчкВрм:Моча:Колич:
Synonyms: Количественный Массовая концентрация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Treonin:KütlKons:Zmlı:İdrar:Kant:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 苏氨酸:质量浓度:时间点:尿液:定量型:
Synonyms: Beta-羟丁氨酸;Thr;β-羟丁氨酸;羟基丁氨酸 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 尿;小便;下泉 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 水平;浓度;质量浓度(单位体积)

Example Units

Unit Source
mg/dL Example UCUM Units

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