Version 2.78

Part Description

LP64601-5   Diameter.biparietal
The biparietal diameter (BPD) measurement, using outer-to-outer caliper positioning, is dependent on the head shape of the fetus (using the cephalic index). Due to inaccuracies that can occur with this measurement, the BPD is no longer routinely used for gestational age estimation or determining the appropriateness of fetal size later in pregnancy. Head circumference is the preferred method for measuring fetal head size. PMID: 25044000 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Article NCBI PubMed Hadlock FP, Deter RL, Harrist RB, Park SK. Estimating fetal age: computer-assisted analysis of multiple fetal growth parameters. Radiology. 1984;152(2):497-501. Link to PubMed

Fully-Specified Name

US.estimated from Hadlock 1984

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Fetal Head Diameter.biparietal estimated from gestational age by method of Hadlock 1984 (US)
Short Name
Fet BPD from GA.Hadlock 1984

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.09
Last Updated
Version 2.70
Order vs. Observation

Formula (Readable)

Biparietal Diameter from gestational age: BPD = -3.08 + 0.41(MA) - 0.000061(MA3); SD = 3mm (.3 cm); Limits: BPD from 1.7 cm to 9.4 cm; Input : MA 12-40 Weeks

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) US.ESTIMATED FROM HADLOCK.84:longitud:punto en el tiempo:cabeza^feto:cuantitativo:US.ESTIMATED FROM HADLOCK.84
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Diámetro biparietal:Len:Punto temporal:Cabeza ^ feto:Cuantitativo:US.estimated from Hadlock 1984
fr-BE French (Belgium) Diamètre.bipariétal:Longueur:Temps ponctuel:Tête^Foetus:Quantitatif:US.estimé selon Hadlock 1984
Synonyms: BPD
it-IT Italian (Italy) Diametro.biparietale:Len:Pt:Testa^feto:Qn:Ecografia.stimata da Hadlock 1984
Synonyms: Eco Ecografia ostetrica Lunghezza Punto nel tempo (episodio)
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Diâmetro.biparietal:Comprimento:Pt:Crânio^feto:Qn:US.estimado pela tAcela de Hadlock.84
Synonyms: ; BPD; Diam; DIA; Length; Point in time; Random; Skull; Brain; Intracranial; Cranium; Cranial; Fet; Fetal; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; from GA.Hadlock 1984; 84; from GA.Hadlock 1984; US.est; predicted; Ultrasound; ULS; Sonogram; Sonography; Sonograph; Echography; Est; estimation; OBSTERICAL.ULTRASOUND; OBSTERICAL.ULTRASOUND; Obstetrical; Obstetrics; BPD by GA; BPD predicted from gestational age; Echoencephalogram; Echoencephalography
zh-CN Chinese (China) 直径.二顶骨:长度:时间点:头部^胎儿:定量型:超声.依据Hadlock的胎龄估计法.84
Synonyms: BPD;二顶径;二顶径(Biparietal diameter,BPD,双顶径);二顶骨直径;双顶径;左右颅骨顶部直径;直径.二顶;直径.二顶的;直径.二顶骨的;直径.左右颅顶骨;直径.左右颅顶骨的;直径.顶骨宽;直径.顶骨宽的;胎儿双顶径;胎头双顶径 一种超声检查,用于确定几个脑部结构的位置和大小,从而系统地检查脑部和脊髓可疑的软组织疾病。 产科 产科.超声;产科.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学.超声;产科学.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学检查与测量指标.超声.印象与测量指标;产科学超声印象与测量指标 产科学 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 大脑;头;头壳;头的;头盖;头盖的;头盖骨;头部的;头颅;头颅内;头颅内的;头骨;脑;脑壳;脑的;颅;颅侧;颅的;颅骨;颅骨内;颅骨内的 头^胎儿 头部超声检查方法 头部超声波 头部超声波检查方法 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 胎;超系统 - 胎儿 胎龄估计法;孕龄估计法 脑回波图 脑回波描记仪 脑回波描记仪术 超声.依据Hadlock 1984的胎龄估计法;超声.依据Hadlock84的胎龄估计法 超声.胎龄估计法 超声检查方法;超声检查法;超声波;超声波检查方法;超声波检查法 长;长短

Example Units

Unit Source
mm Example UCUM Units

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