Trisomy 21 risk based on maternal age+Alpha-1-Fetoprotein+Choriogonadotropin+Estriol.unconjugated [Likelihood] in Fetus
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Trisomy 21 risk based on maternal age + Alpha-1-Fetoprotein + Choriogonadotropin + Estriol.unconjugated
- Property
- Likelihood
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Fetus
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Additional Names
- Long Common Name
- Trisomy 21 risk based on maternal age+Alpha-1-Fetoprotein+Choriogonadotropin+Estriol.unconjugated [Likelihood] in Fetus
- Short Name
- Ts 21risk-age+AFP+HCG+uE3 Fetus
- Display Name
- Trisomy 21 risk based on maternal age+Alpha-1-Fetoprotein+Choriogonadotropin+Estriol.unconjugated Qn (fetus)
- Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
- Fetal Trisomy 21 risk Based on maternal Age+Alpha-1-Fetoprotein+Choriogonadotropin+Estriol.unconjugated
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.19
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 5695
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
35086-8 | Second trimester triple maternal screen panel - Serum or Plasma |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Κίνδυνος τρισωμίας 21 βάσει ηλικίας μητέρας + Άλφα-1-εμβρυϊκή πρωτεΐνη + Χοριακή γοναδοτροπίνη+ Οιστριόλη.μη συζευγμένη: Synonyms: Άλφα-1-εμβρυϊκή πρωτεΐνη Ηλικία Κίνδυνος τρισωμίας 21 Κίνδυνος τρισωμίας 21 βάσει ηλικίας μητέρας + Άλφα-1-εμβρυϊκή πρωτεΐνη + Χοριακή γοναδοτροπίνη+ Οιστριόλη.μη συζευγμένη Οιστριόλη Οιστριόλη.μη συζευγμένη Πιθανότητα Τρισωμία 21 Χοριακή γοναδοτροπίνη |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Riesgo de trisomía 21 basado en la edad materna+alfa-fetoproteían+BHCG+Estriol no conjugado: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Riesgo de trisomía 21 según la edad materna + Alfa-1-Fetoproteína + Coriogonadotropina + Estriol no conjugado: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Risque de trisomie 21 fondé sur l'âge de la mère+Alpha-1-fœtoprotéine+Choriogonadotropine+Œstriol.non conjugué: Synonyms: #REF! HCG |
fr-FR | French (France) | Risque Trisomie 21 basé sur l'âge maternel+alpha-1-foétoprotéine+Gonadotropine+estriol non-conjugué: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Trisomia 21, rischio in base all'età materna + Alfa-1-Fetoproteina + Coriogonadotropina + Estriolo.non coniugato: Synonyms: Chimica Punto nel tempo (episodio) Rischio di trisomia 21 Rischio di trisomia 21 in base all''età materna Rischio di trisomia 21 in base all''età materna+Al |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | risico op trisomie 21 gebaseerd op leeftijd moeder + alfa-1-foetoproteïne + choriongonadotrofine + oestriol.ongeconjugeerd: Synonyms: HCG |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Risco para Trissomia 21 baseado na idade materna + Alfa-1-Fetoproteína + Gonadotrofina Coriônica + Estriol.não conjugado: Synonyms: ; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Trizomi 21 riski maternal yaşa + Alfa-1-Fetoprotein + Koryogonadotropin + Östriol.ankonjuge göre: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 基于母亲年龄+Alpha-1-胎儿球蛋白+绒毛膜促性腺激素+非结合型雌三醇的三体型 21 风险: Synonyms: Ⅰ 21 三体型综合征(唐氏综合征、 |
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