Version 2.80

Part Description

LP15458-0   Calcium.ionized
Low ionized calcium levels are common in critically ill patients with sepsis, renal failure, cardiac failure, pulmonary failure, post-surgery or burns. Monitoring of ionized calcium is particularly important in the unconscious or anesthetized patient, in whom unrecognized changes in calcium homeostasis may result in serious cardiovascular dysfunction with little of no prior warning signs. Decreased ionized calcium levels between 3 and 4 mg/dL are usually well tolerated, but the risk of cardiac arrest increases when ionized calcium levels approach 2.5 mg/dL. An ionized calcium level below 2.8 mg/dL is a reasonable threshold to begin calcium replacement therapy. Patients with hypotension or low cardiac output may require calcium replacement when ionized calcium falls below 3.2 to 3.6 mg/dL. Ionized calcium levels should be monitored during replacement therapy. Copyright Copyright © 2006 - 2008 ClinLab Navigator, LLC. Source: ClinLab Navigator , Ionized calcium

Fully-Specified Name


Additional Names

Long Common Name
Calcium.ionized [Moles/volume] in Blood by Ion-selective membrane electrode (ISE)
Short Name
Ca-I Bld ISE-sCnc
Display Name
Calcium.ionized ISE (Bld) [Moles/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Calcium.ionized, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG655-7 Calcium.ionized|SCnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Calcium ionisiert /B
de-DE German (Germany) Calcium.ionisiert:Stoffmengenkonzentration:Zeitpunkt:Blut:Quantitativ:Ionenselektive Membranelektrode (ISE)
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ασβέστιο.ιονισμένο:SCnc:Pt:Αίμα:Qn:ISE
Synonyms: SCnc Ασβέστιο Ασβέστιο.ιονισμένο
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Calcio ionizado:Concentración de sustancia:Punto temporal:Sangre:Qn:Electrodo ion selectivo
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Calcio ionizado:Concentración de sustancias:Punto temporal:Sangre:Cuantitativo:Electrodo de membrana selectivo de iones (ISE)
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Kaltsium.ioniseeritud:SCnc:Pt:B:Qn:ISE
Synonyms: Aine kontsentratsioon Ioonselektiivsed elektroodid Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Veri
fr-CA French (Canada) Calcium.ionisé:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Quantitatif:Électrode à membrane sélective d'ions
fr-FR French (France) Calcium ionisé:Moles/Volume:Ponctuel:Sang:Numérique:Électrodes spécifiques
fr-BE French (Belgium) Calcium.ionisé:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Quantitatif:Électrode à membrane sélective d'ions
Synonyms: ISE
it-IT Italian (Italy) Calcio.ionizzato:SCnc:Pt:Sangue:Qn:ISE
Synonyms: Chimica Concentrazione di Sostanza Elettrodo a membrana iono-selettiva (ISE) Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) calcium.geïoniseerd:mol/volume:moment:bloed:kwantitatief:ion-selectieve membraanelektrode
Synonyms: ISE
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wapń, zjonizowany:stężenie molowe:punkt w czasie:krew:ilościowy:jonoselektywne elektrody, ISE
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Cálcio.ionizado:SCnc:Pt:SgTotal:Qn:Eletrodo íon-seletivo
Synonyms: ; Ca-I; Calcium free; iCa; Calcium active; Coagulation factor I; Cal; Ca; Substance concentration; Level; Point in time; Random; Blood; WB; Whole blood; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Ion selective membrane electrode; Ion-selective electrode; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Кальций.ионизированный:МолКонц:ТчкВрм:Кр:Колич:МИСЭ
Synonyms: Количественный Кровь Мембранный ионоселективный электрод (МИСЭ) Молярность;Молярная объёмная концентрация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Kalsiyum.iyonize:SubKons:Zmlı:Kan:Kant:İSE
zh-CN Chinese (China) 钙.离子型:物质的量浓度:时间点:全血:定量型:离子选择电极法
Synonyms: CA;Cal Ca-I;ICA;凝血因子 I;凝血因子Ⅰ;活性钙;游离型钙;游离钙;离子化的钙;离子型钙;离子钙;钙.游离;钙.游离型;钙.离子;钙离子 克分子浓度;克分子浓度(单位体积);摩尔浓度;摩尔浓度(单位体积);物质的量浓度(单位体积) 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 离子 离子化 离子性 离子选择性电极;离子选择性电极法;离子选择性膜电极(Ion selective membrane electode,ISE);离子选择电极;离子选择电极(Ion-selective electrode,ISE) 血;血液

Example Units

Unit Source
mmol/L Example UCUM Units

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