Version 2.80

Part Description

LP62198-4   LDL.oxidized
Once LDL accumulates in the subendothelial space, it tends to become modified or oxidized. This oxidized LDL plays several key roles in furthering the course of the inflammatory process. It is chemotactic to monocytes; oxidized LDL causes endothelial cells to secrete molecules that cause monocytes to penetrate between the endothelial cells and accumulate in the intima.
Oxidized LDL promotes death of endothelial cells by augmenting apoptosis. Also, through the activation of collagenases, ox-LDL contributes to a process which may lead to the rupture of the fibrous plaque. Oxidized LDL decreases the availability of endothelial nitric oxide (NO), which, in turn, increases the adhesion of monocytes to the endothelium. Moreover, NO is involved in paracrine signalling between the endothelium and the smooth muscle that maintains vascular tone; without it, the muscle will not relax, and the blood vessel remains constricted. Thus, oxidized LDL also contributes to the hypertension often seen with atherosclerosis. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Role of oxidized LDL

Fully-Specified Name

LDL.oxidized Ab

Additional Names

Long Common Name
LDL.oxidized Ab [Units/volume] in Serum
Short Name
LDL.oxidized Ab Ser-aCnc
Display Name
LDL.oxidized Ab Qn (S)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
LDL.oxidized antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG19294-4 LDL.oxidized Ab|ACnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: LDL-oxidiert AK
de-DE German (Germany) LDL.oxidiert Ak:Arbiträre Konzentration:Zeitpunkt:Serum:Quantitativ:
el-GR Greek (Greece) LDL.οξειδωμένη Αντίσωμα:ACnc:Pt:Ορός:Qn:
Synonyms: ACnc LDL.οξειδωμένη
es-ES Spanish (Spain) LDL. oxidadas Anticuerpos:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ab oxidado con LDL:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero:Cuantitativo:
fr-CA French (Canada) LDL.oxydées, Ac:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Quantitatif:
fr-FR French (France) LDL oxydés anticorps:Arbitraire/Volume:Ponctuel:Sérum:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) LDL.oxydées Ac:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: Anticorps
it-IT Italian (Italy) LDL.ossidato Ab:ACnc:Pt:Siero:Qn:
Synonyms: anticorpo Concentrazione Arbitraria Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) LDL.geoxideerd As:eenheid/volume:moment:serum:kwantitatief:
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) LDL.oxidizado Ac:ACnc:Pt:Soro:Qn:
Synonyms: oxLDL; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Serum; SR; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; Serology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) ЛПНП.окисленные Ат:ПроизвКонц:ТчкВрм:Сыв:Колич:
Synonyms: Антитело Количественный Произвольная концентрация Сыворотка Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) LDL.okside Ab:SçKons:Zmlı:Ser:Kant:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 低密度脂蛋白.氧化型 抗体:任意型浓度:时间点:血清:定量型:
Synonyms: Ab;自身抗体 LDL.氧化型 Ab LDL.氧化型 抗体 LDL.氧化型;oxLDL;氧化型 LDL;氧化型低密度脂蛋白 oxLDL Ab oxLDL 抗体 任意型浓度(单位体积);任意浓度;单位体积的任意单位数;人工型浓度 低密度脂蛋白.氧化型 Ab 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 氧化型 LDL Ab 氧化型 LDL 抗体 氧化型低密度脂蛋白 Ab 氧化型低密度脂蛋白抗体 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
m[arb'U]/mL Example UCUM Units

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