Version 2.80

Part Descriptions

LP200104-0   Hepatitis C virus core Ag
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a small (50 nm in size), enveloped, single-stranded, positive sense RNA virus in the genus hepacivirus, which is in the Flaviviridae family. More than 170 million people worldwide are affected by hepatitis C, and the majority of patients with acute hepatitis C develop chronic HCV infection, which can result in liver cirrhosis, hepatic failure or hepatocellular carcinoma. The HCV core protein is a highly basic, RNA-binding protein that forms the viral capsid. The E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins are necessary for viral entry and fusion. Non-structural proteins include NS2, NS3, NS4A and 4B, and NS5A and 5B. The NS2-NS3 complex functions as a protease, and NS3 also has a helicase/NTPase domain. NS4A is a cofactor of NS3 protease activity. NS3-NS4A protease is one target of anti-HCV drugs. NS4B is a membrane anchor for the replication complex, and NS5A plays a role in regulating viral replication. NS5B is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. [NCBI Books: NBK1630] Source: Regenstrief LOINC , NCBI Books: NBK1630

LP200105-7   Hepatitis C virus core
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a small (50 nm in size), enveloped, single-stranded, positive sense RNA virus in the genus hepacivirus, which is in the Flaviviridae family. More than 170 million people worldwide are affected by hepatitis C, and the majority of patients with acute hepatitis C develop chronic HCV infection, which can result in liver cirrhosis, hepatic failure or hepatocellular carcinoma. The HCV core protein is a highly basic, RNA-binding protein that forms the viral capsid. The E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins are necessary for viral entry and fusion. Non-structural proteins include NS2, NS3, NS4A and 4B, and NS5A and 5B. The NS2-NS3 complex functions as a protease, and NS3 also has a helicase/NTPase domain. NS4A is a cofactor of NS3 protease activity. NS3-NS4A protease is one target of anti-HCV drugs. NS4B is a membrane anchor for the replication complex, and NS5A plays a role in regulating viral replication. NS5B is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. [NCBI Books: NBK1630] Source: Regenstrief LOINC , NCBI Books: NBK1630

Fully-Specified Name

Hepatitis C virus core Ag
Bld/Bone mar^Donor

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Hepatitis C virus core Ag [Presence] in Blood or Marrow from Donor
Short Name
HCV core Ag Bld/Mar Donr Ql
Display Name
HCV core Ag Ql (Bld/BM donor)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Core antigen, Donor Blood Or Bone marrow

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Hepatitis-C-Virus Core Ag:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Blut oder Knochenmark^Donor:Ordinal:
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πυρήνας ιού ηπατίτιδας C Αντιγόνο:PrThr:Pt:Αίμα/Μυελός των οστών^Δότης:Ord:
Synonyms: C PrThr Ιός Ιός ηπατίτιδας C Πυρήνας ιού ηπατίτιδας C
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Core del virus hepatitis C Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Sangre o Médula osea^donante:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ag del núcleo del virus de la hepatitis C:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Donante de sangre o médula ósea:Ordinal:
fr-CA French (Canada) Hépatite C virus core, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sang/Moelle osseuse^Donneur:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Hépatite C virus core Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sang/Moelle osseuse du donneur:Qualitatif:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Epatite C virus, core, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Sangue/Mid os^donatore:Ord:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Midollo osseo Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Sangue o Midollo Virus dell''epatite C Virus dell''epatite C core
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Hepatitis C-virus core Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:bloed of beenmerg^donor:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Rdzeń wirusa zapalenia wątroby typu C Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:krew lub szpik kostny^dawca:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen rdzeniowy wirusa zapalenia wątroby typu C
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Hepatite C vírus RNA painel:ACnc:Pt:Sg/MedOssea^doador:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HCV; Hep C; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; BM; Bone marrow; BON; Bld/Mar; Blood; WB; Whole blood; Donr; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Hepatit; Hepatis; Microbiology
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Hepatitis C virüs core Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Kan/kem il^verici:Srl:
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 丙型肝炎病毒核心 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:全血/骨髓^供体:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag C 型;丙;丙型 HCV;Hep C;丙型肝炎;丙肝;丙肝病毒;肝炎病毒 C 型 丙型肝炎病毒(C 型肝炎病毒、HCV、Hep C、丙肝病毒、肝炎病毒 C 型)核心 传染性肝炎 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 供血者;捐献者;捐赠者;给予体;给体;超系统 - 供体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 全血或骨髓;血液/骨髓;血液或骨髓 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 肝 血;血液 骨骼;骨头 髓

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