Version 2.79

Status Information

Discouraged as items are from a legacy demonstration tool that is no longer maintained.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
52487-6 Cognitive Status, Mood and Pain
Indent55762-9 Comatose
IndentIndent45482-7 Persistent vegetative state/no discrenible consciousness at the time of admission
Indent52488-4 Temporal Orientation/Mental Status
IndentIndent52489-2 Interview Attempted
IndentIndentIndent52594-9 Interview attempted
IndentIndentIndent52595-6 Indicate reason that the interview was not attempted
IndentIndent69966-0 Brief interview for mental status (BIMS) [CARE]
IndentIndentIndent52731-7 Repetition of three words # [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndent52492-6 Year, Month, Day
IndentIndentIndentIndent52732-5 Temporal orientation - current year [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52733-3 Temporal orientation - current month [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent54609-3 Temporal orientation - current day of the week [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndent52493-4 Recall [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52735-8 Recall - sock [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52736-6 Recall - blue [BIMS]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52737-4 Recall - bed [BIMS]
Indent52494-2 Observational Assessment of Cognitive Status
IndentIndent52596-4 Memory/recall ability 1..6
IndentIndent52597-2 Specify reason
Indent52495-9 Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
IndentIndent52738-2 Inattention
IndentIndent52739-0 Disorganized thinking
IndentIndent52740-8 Altered level of consciousness/alertness
IndentIndent52741-6 Psychomotor retardation
Indent52496-7 Has the patient exhibited any of the following behaviors during the 2-day assessment period?
IndentIndent52598-0 Physical behavioral symptoms directed toward others
IndentIndent52599-8 Verbal behavioral symptoms directed towards others
IndentIndent52600-4 Other disruptive or dangerous behavioral symptoms not directed towards others, including self-injurious behaviors
Indent52497-5 Mood
IndentIndent52601-2 Mood Interview Attempted?
IndentIndent52498-3 Patient Health Questionnaire 2 item (PHQ-2) [Reported PHQ-2 CARE]
IndentIndentIndent44250-9 Little interest or pleasure in doing things
IndentIndentIndent54637-4 Little interest or pleasure in doing things in last 2 weeks.frequency [Reported PHQ-9 CMS]
IndentIndentIndent44255-8 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless in last 2 weeks
IndentIndentIndent54639-0 Feeling down, depressed or hopeless in last 2 weeks.frequency [Reported PHQ-9 CMS]
IndentIndent52499-1 Feeling sad panel
IndentIndentIndent52602-0 Ask patient: "During the past 2 weeks, how often would you say, 'I feel sad'?"
Indent52500-6 Pain
IndentIndent52603-8 Pain Interview Attempted?
IndentIndent52604-6 Pain Presence. Ask patient: "Have you had pain or hurting at any time during the last 2 days?"
IndentIndent52742-4 Pain Severity. Ask patient: "Please rate your worst pain during the last 2 days on a zero to 10 scale, with zero being no pain and 10 as the worst pain you can imagine."
IndentIndent52605-3 Pain Effect on Sleep. Ask patient: "During the past 2 days, has pain made it hard for you to sleep?"
IndentIndent52606-1 Pain Effect on Activities. Ask patient: "During the past 2 days, have you limited your activities because of pain?"
IndentIndent52607-9 Pain Observational Assessment. If the patient could not be interviewed for pain assessment, check all indicators of of pain or possible pain 0..5

Fully-Specified Name

Cognitive Status, Mood and Pain

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.64 (MIN)
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
52748-1 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Home Health Admission
52746-5 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Interim
52744-0 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Admission

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