Version 2.78

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
55168-9 Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1
Indent55174-7 Patient identification data Set DEEDS 1..1
IndentIndent21112-8 Birth date 1..1 {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent45965-1 Name Set
IndentIndentIndent45394-4 Patient Last (Family) name
IndentIndentIndent45392-8 Patient First (Given) name
IndentIndentIndent45393-6 Middle initial
IndentIndentIndent45395-1 Patient Name suffix
IndentIndent46098-0 Sex
IndentIndent32624-9 Race 1..*
IndentIndent21838-8 Ethnicity Computed 1..*
IndentIndent42077-8 Patient phone number 1..*
IndentIndent56795-8 Account number [Identifier]
IndentIndent45396-9 Social Security number [Identifier]
IndentIndent21847-9 Usual occupation Narrative 0..*
IndentIndent21844-6 History of Usual industry 0..*
IndentIndent56796-6 Emergency contact information panel 0..*
IndentIndentIndent56861-8 Emergency contact Name 0..*
IndentIndentIndent56862-6 Emergency contact Address 0..*
IndentIndentIndent56863-4 Emergency contact Phone number 0..*
IndentIndentIndent56864-2 Emergency contact Relationship to patient 0..*
IndentIndent52463-7 Patient Identification Number or Provider Account Number
IndentIndent56797-4 Episode unique identifier
Indent55175-4 Facility and Practitioner identification data Set DEEDS 0..*
IndentIndent45399-3 Federal provider number Facility
IndentIndent45398-5 State provider number for Facility
Indent55256-2 ED payment data Set DEEDS 1..1
IndentIndent48768-6 Payment sources Document 1..*
Indent55176-2 ED arrival and first assessment data at First encounter Set DEEDS 1..1
IndentIndent11288-8 Arrival time documented 1..1 {clock_time}
IndentIndent11459-5 Transport mode EMS system
IndentIndent11319-1 Ambulance transport unit [Identifier] EMS system 0..*
IndentIndent11318-3 Ambulance transport agency EMS system 0..*
IndentIndent11293-8 Type of Referral source 0..1
IndentIndent46239-0 Chief complaint+Reason for visit Narrative 1..*
IndentIndent11371-2 Initial visit for chief complaint 0..1
IndentIndent11283-9 Acuity assessment [Function] at First encounter 1..1
IndentIndent11454-6 Responsiveness assessment at First encounter
IndentIndent56813-9 Individuals accompanying patient to ED
IndentIndent56814-7 Prehospital care
IndentIndent56815-4 Time placed into treatment area
IndentIndent56816-2 Patient location
IndentIndent11324-1 Glasgow coma score eye opening at First encounter
IndentIndent11326-6 Glasgow coma score verbal at First encounter
IndentIndent11325-8 Glasgow coma score motor at First encounter
IndentIndent11378-7 Systolic blood pressure at First encounter mm[Hg]
IndentIndent11377-9 Diastolic blood pressure at First encounter mm[Hg]
IndentIndent11328-2 Heart rate at First encounter {beats}/min
IndentIndent11291-2 Respiratory rate at First encounter {breaths}/min
IndentIndent11289-6 Body temperature at First encounter Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent11449-6 Pregnancy status - Reported
IndentIndent55257-0 Date of last Clostridium tetani immunization
Indent55177-0 ED History and Physical Examination Data Set DEEDS
IndentIndent11368-8 Illness or injury onset date and time
IndentIndent11374-6 Injury incident description Narrative
IndentIndent11373-8 Injury cause
IndentIndent11376-1 Injury location
IndentIndent11372-0 Injury associated activity
IndentIndent11375-3 Injury intent
IndentIndent11457-9 Safety equipment used
IndentIndent10160-0 History of Medication use Narrative
IndentIndent48766-0 Information source
IndentIndent10154-3 Chief complaint Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent29299-5 Reason for visit Narrative
IndentIndent56817-0 Presenting problem
IndentIndent10164-2 History of Present illness Narrative
IndentIndent56818-8 Problem description [Identifier]
IndentIndent56819-6 Problem prior evaluation
IndentIndent56865-9 Problem diagnostic considerations
IndentIndent56820-4 Problem context
IndentIndent56821-2 Problem exacerbating factors
IndentIndent38211-9 Pain initiating event Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent55258-8 Problem alleviating factors Narrative
IndentIndent38210-1 Pain alleviating factors - Reported
IndentIndent56822-0 Problem response to therapy
IndentIndent56823-8 Problem quality or description
IndentIndent32419-4 Pain quality
IndentIndent56824-6 Problem location
IndentIndent38204-4 Pain primary location - Reported
IndentIndent38205-1 Pain radiation
IndentIndent56825-3 Problem time course
IndentIndent38206-9 Pain temporal pattern - Reported
IndentIndent56826-1 Problem frequency {#}/d; {#}/wk; {#}/mo
IndentIndent38203-6 Speed of pain onset - Reported
IndentIndent56827-9 Symptom duration during occurrences or episodes
IndentIndent38207-7 Pain duration - Reported min;h;d
IndentIndent56866-7 Onset of painful contractions
IndentIndent56828-7 Time contractions became regular
IndentIndent56829-5 Time membranes ruptured
IndentIndent55259-6 Time last ate solid food
IndentIndent55260-4 Time last drank liquid
IndentIndent56830-3 Limitations in obtaining history
IndentIndent56831-1 Problem associated signs and symptoms
IndentIndent11450-4 Problem list - Reported
IndentIndent11348-0 History of Past illness Narrative
IndentIndent11323-3 General health - Reported
IndentIndent11338-1 History of Major illnesses and injuries Narrative
IndentIndent10162-6 History of pregnancies Narrative
IndentIndent48765-2 Allergies
IndentIndent44939-7 History of Adverse drug reaction Narrative
IndentIndent11382-9 Medication allergy - Reported
IndentIndent10167-5 History of Surgical procedures Narrative
IndentIndent46239-0 Chief complaint+Reason for visit Narrative
IndentIndent11336-5 History of Hospitalization Narrative
IndentIndent10156-8 History of Childhood diseases Narrative
IndentIndent11346-4 History of Outpatient visits Narrative
IndentIndent46264-8 History of medical device use
IndentIndent10155-0 History of allergies, reported
IndentIndent11334-0 History of Growth+Development Narrative
IndentIndent11370-4 Immunization status - Reported
IndentIndent11369-6 History of Immunization Narrative
IndentIndent11458-7 Clostridium tetani immunization status
IndentIndent55261-2 Rabies virus immunization status
IndentIndent55262-0 Influenza virus immunization status
IndentIndent55263-8 Bordetella pertussis immunization status
IndentIndent55264-6 Hepatitis A virus immunization status
IndentIndent55265-3 Measles virus status
IndentIndent55266-1 Haemophilus influenzae B immunization status
IndentIndent55267-9 Human papilloma virus immunization status
IndentIndent55268-7 Rotavirus immunization status
IndentIndent55269-5 Neisseria meningitidis immunization status
IndentIndent55270-3 Streptococcus pneumoniae polyvalent immunization status
IndentIndent55271-1 Streptococcus pneumoniae conjugated immunization status
IndentIndent55272-9 Corynebacterium diphtheriae immunization status
IndentIndent55273-7 Polio virus immunization status
IndentIndent55274-5 Varicella zoster virus status
IndentIndent55275-2 Hepatitis B virus status
IndentIndent55276-0 Hepatitis C virus status
IndentIndent55277-8 HIV status
IndentIndent55278-6 Rubella virus status
IndentIndent55279-4 Cytomegalovirus status
IndentIndent11320-9 Feeding and dietary status Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent47420-5 Functional status assessment note
IndentIndent11332-4 History of Cognitive function Narrative
IndentIndent29762-2 Social history Narrative
IndentIndent11380-3 Marital status and living arrangements Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent11294-6 Current employment Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent11340-7 History of Occupation Narrative
IndentIndent10161-8 History of Occupational exposure Narrative
IndentIndent55280-2 Military service Narrative
IndentIndent11330-8 History of Alcohol use Narrative
IndentIndent11287-0 Alcoholic drinks per drinking day - Reported /d
IndentIndent11286-2 Alcohol binge episodes per month - Reported {#}/mo
IndentIndent44940-5 Alcoholic drinks per week - Reported {#}/wk
IndentIndent11366-2 History of Tobacco use Narrative
IndentIndent8663-7 Cigarettes smoked current (pack per day) - Reported {#}/d
IndentIndent8664-5 Cigarettes smoked total (pack per year) - Reported {#}/a
IndentIndent11342-3 History of Other nonmedical drug use Narrative
IndentIndent56832-9 Type of substance abused
IndentIndent82589-3 Highest level of education
IndentIndent11350-6 History of Sexual behavior Narrative
IndentIndent10182-4 History of Travel Narrative
IndentIndent11344-9 History of Other social factors Narrative
IndentIndent10157-6 History of family member diseases Narrative
IndentIndent10187-3 Review of systems Narrative - Reported
IndentIndent56872-5 Constitutional symptoms Narrative
IndentIndent8672-8 History of Nervous system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11358-9 History of Psychiatric disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10170-9 History of Endocrine system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10172-5 History of Hematologic system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11352-2 History of Allergenic and Immunologic disorders Narrative
IndentIndent56836-0 History of Blood transfusion Narrative
IndentIndent56837-8 History of Neoplastic disease Narrative
IndentIndent56838-6 History of Infectious disease Narrative
IndentIndent11357-1 History of Integumentary system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10178-2 History of Skin disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11353-0 History of Breasts disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10171-7 History of Eyes disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11354-8 History of Ears and Nose and Sinuses and Mouth and Throat disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10169-1 History of Ear disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10174-1 History of Nose disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10168-3 History of Cardiovascular system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10175-8 History of Oral cavity disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10177-4 History of Respiratory system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11355-5 History of Gastrointestinal system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent11356-3 History of Genitourinary systems disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10176-6 History of Reproductive system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10181-6 History of Urinary tract disorders Narrative
IndentIndent10176-6 History of Reproductive system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent56871-7 History of Gynecologic system disorders
IndentIndent49033-4 Menstrual History - Reported
IndentIndent8678-5 Menstrual status - Reported
IndentIndent8659-5 Birth control method - Reported
IndentIndent8665-2 Last menstrual period start date {date}
IndentIndent56833-7 Pregnancy related history Narrative
IndentIndent11778-8 Delivery date Estimated
IndentIndent11996-6 [#] Pregnancies {#}
IndentIndent11977-6 [#] Parity {#}
IndentIndent10181-6 History of Urinary tract disorders Narrative
IndentIndent55281-0 Number of fetuses {#}
IndentIndent56834-5 Fetal Narrative Movement
IndentIndent56835-2 Viability of current pregnancy Narrative
IndentIndent11449-6 Pregnancy status - Reported
IndentIndent55282-8 Date symptoms of pregnancy first noted
IndentIndent10173-3 History of Musculoskeletal system disorders Narrative
IndentIndent29545-1 Physical findings Narrative
IndentIndent9272-6 1 minute Apgar Score {score}
IndentIndent9274-2 5 minute Apgar Score {score}
IndentIndent9271-8 10 minute Apgar Score {score}
IndentIndent10210-3 Physical findings of General status Narrative
IndentIndent56839-4 Acuity assessment Narrative
IndentIndent8716-3 Vital signs
IndentIndent38208-5 Pain severity - Reported
IndentIndent38214-3 Pain severity [Score] Visual analog score {score}
IndentIndent38221-8 Pain severity Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale
IndentIndent38215-0 Pain severity total [Score] FLACC {score}
IndentIndent56840-2 Pain severity verbal numeric scale [Score] {score}
IndentIndent56840-2 Pain severity verbal numeric scale [Score] {score}
IndentIndent38212-7 Pain assessment panel
IndentIndent56842-8 Chronic pain assessment Narrative
IndentIndent44971-0 Capillary refill [Time] s
IndentIndent59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry %
IndentIndent3151-8 Inhaled oxygen flow rate L/min
IndentIndent55283-6 Fetal Heart rate {beats}/min
IndentIndent8897-1 QRS complex Ventricles by EKG
IndentIndent55284-4 Blood pressure systolic and diastolic
IndentIndent8478-0 Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8480-6 Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8893-0 Heart rate Peripheral artery by palpation {beats}/min
IndentIndent44969-4 Heart rate rhythm palpation
IndentIndent8867-4 Heart rate {beats}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent9279-1 Respiratory rate {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent8310-5 Body temperature Cel
IndentIndent29463-7 Body weight [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent8302-2 Body height [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent9269-2 Glasgow coma score total {score}
IndentIndent9267-6 Glasgow coma score eye opening
IndentIndent9270-0 Glasgow coma score verbal
IndentIndent9268-4 Glasgow coma score motor
IndentIndent55285-1 Glasgow coma score special circumstances
IndentIndent55286-9 Physical exam by body areas
IndentIndent10199-8 Physical findings of Head Narrative
IndentIndent32432-7 Physical findings of Face
IndentIndent32446-7 Physical findings of Lip
IndentIndent32469-9 Physical findings of Scalp
IndentIndent11411-6 Physical findings of Neck Narrative
IndentIndent44965-2 Jugular vein distention --head raised 30 degrees [in_i]
IndentIndent11391-0 Physical findings of Chest Narrative
IndentIndent11392-8 Physical findings of Chest wall Narrative
IndentIndent10193-1 Physical findings of Breasts Narrative
IndentIndent11387-8 Physical findings of Axilla Narrative
IndentIndent10200-4 Physical findings of Heart Narrative
IndentIndent10207-9 Physical findings of Thorax and Lungs Narrative
IndentIndent10191-5 Physical findings of Abdomen Narrative
IndentIndent11403-3 Physical findings of Groin Narrative
IndentIndent10204-6 Physical findings of Pelvis Narrative
IndentIndent11400-9 Physical findings of Genitalia Narrative
IndentIndent11402-5 Physical findings of Male genitalia Narrative
IndentIndent32465-7 Physical findings of Prostate
IndentIndent11401-7 Physical findings of Female genitalia Narrative
IndentIndent32487-1 Physical findings of Vagina
IndentIndent32486-3 Physical findings of Uterus
IndentIndent32423-6 Physical findings of Cervix
IndentIndent11388-6 Physical findings of Buttocks Narrative
IndentIndent10205-3 Physical findings of Rectum Narrative
IndentIndent10192-3 Physical findings of Back Narrative
IndentIndent32476-4 Physical findings of Spine
IndentIndent32462-4 Physical findings of Paraverteberal muscles
IndentIndent11404-1 Physical findings of Hand Narrative
IndentIndent32427-7 Physical findings of Digits
IndentIndent56843-6 Physical findings of Nail bed Narrative
IndentIndent11415-7 Physical findings of Wrist Narrative
IndentIndent11398-5 Physical findings of Forearm Narrative
IndentIndent11394-4 Physical findings of Elbow Narrative
IndentIndent11386-0 Physical findings of Upper arm Narrative
IndentIndent11413-2 Physical findings of Shoulder Narrative
IndentIndent11397-7 Physical findings of Foot Narrative
IndentIndent32480-6 Physical findings of Toes
IndentIndent11385-2 Physical findings of Ankle Narrative
IndentIndent11389-4 Physical findings of Calf Narrative
IndentIndent11407-4 Physical findings of Knee Narrative
IndentIndent11414-0 Physical findings of Thigh Narrative
IndentIndent11406-6 Physical findings of Hip Narrative
IndentIndent10197-2 Physical findings of Eye Narrative
IndentIndent56844-4 Intraocular pressure of Eye mm[Hg]
IndentIndent32424-4 Physical findings of Conjunctiva
IndentIndent32425-1 Physical findings of Cornea
IndentIndent32429-3 Physical findings of Extraocular muscles
IndentIndent32431-9 Physical findings of Eye lid
IndentIndent32440-0 Physical findings of Iris
IndentIndent32443-4 Physical findings of Lacrimal apparatus
IndentIndent32459-0 Physical findings of Optic lens
IndentIndent32466-5 Physical findings of Pupil
IndentIndent32468-1 Physical findings of Retina
IndentIndent32471-5 Physical findings of Sclera
IndentIndent28631-0 Visual acuity study
IndentIndent11393-6 Physical findings of Ears and Nose and Mouth and Throat Narrative
IndentIndent10195-6 Physical findings of Ear Narrative
IndentIndent32484-8 Physical findings of Tympanic membrane
IndentIndent32421-0 Physical findings of Auditory canal
IndentIndent10203-8 Physical findings of Nose Narrative
IndentIndent32460-8 Physical findings of Palate
IndentIndent32453-3 Physical findings of Mouth
IndentIndent32478-0 Physical findings of Teeth and gum
IndentIndent32483-0 Physical findings of Tongue
IndentIndent56867-5 Physical findings of Throat Narrative
IndentIndent32444-2 Physical findings of Larynx
IndentIndent32482-2 Physical findings of Tonsil
IndentIndent10201-2 Physical findings of Mouth and Throat and Teeth Narrative
IndentIndent11390-2 Physical findings of Cardiovascular system Narrative
IndentIndent10208-7 Physical findings of Vessels Narrative
IndentIndent56845-1 Pulse strength on exam Narrative
IndentIndent11412-4 Physical findings of Respiratory system Narrative
IndentIndent11399-3 Physical findings of Gastrointestinal system Narrative
IndentIndent10198-0 Physical findings of Genitourinary tract Narrative
IndentIndent11410-8 Physical findings of Musculoskeletal system Narrative
IndentIndent32455-8 Physical findings of Muscle tone
IndentIndent10206-1 Physical findings of Skin Narrative
IndentIndent10202-0 Physical findings of Nervous system Narrative
IndentIndent10190-7 Mental status Narrative
IndentIndent56876-6 Physical findings of Primitive reflexes Narrative
IndentIndent56873-3 Physical findings of Brain stem reflexes Narrative
IndentIndent32473-1 Physical findings sensation
IndentIndent32452-5 Physical findings of Motor function
IndentIndent10212-9 Physical findings of Strength Narrative
IndentIndent10209-5 Physical findings of Neurologic balance and Coordination Narrative
IndentIndent32433-5 Physical findings of Gait
IndentIndent10194-9 Physical findings of Neurologic deep tendon reflexes Narrative
IndentIndent32389-9 Deep tendon reflex of Achilles
IndentIndent32390-7 Deep tendon reflex of Biceps
IndentIndent32391-5 Deep tendon reflex of Brachioradialis
IndentIndent32392-3 Deep tendon reflex of Patellar
IndentIndent32393-1 Deep tendon reflex of Triceps
IndentIndent32426-9 Physical findings of Nerves.cranial
IndentIndent32385-7 Babinski reflex
IndentIndent11451-2 Psychiatric findings Narrative
IndentIndent11447-0 Physical findings of Hematologic and Lymphatic and Immunologic System Narrative
IndentIndent32450-9 Physical findings of Lymph node
IndentIndent29301-9 Physical findings of Endocrine system
IndentIndent32441-8 Physical findings of Joint
IndentIndent8703-1 Physical findings of Extremities
IndentIndent42348-3 Advance directives
Indent55172-1 ED procedures and results Set DEEDS
IndentIndent10217-8 Surgical operation note indications [Interpretation] Narrative
IndentIndent29306-8 Surgery procedure
IndentIndent11314-2 ED procedure result type
IndentIndent11313-4 ED procedure result observation [Interpretation]
IndentIndent18844-1 EKG impression Narrative
IndentIndent8601-7 EKG impression
IndentIndent18726-0 Radiology studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndentIndent18748-4 Diagnostic imaging study
IndentIndentIndent18782-3 X-ray unspecified site study 0..*
IndentIndentIndent28564-3 X-ray head study
IndentIndentIndent28613-8 X-ray spine unspecified study
IndentIndentIndent24946-6 X-ray spine cervical study
IndentIndentIndent24983-9 X-ray spine thoracic study
IndentIndentIndent24972-2 X-ray spine lumbar study
IndentIndentIndent24762-7 X-ray hip study
IndentIndentIndent28561-9 X-ray pelvis study
IndentIndentIndent24704-9 X-ray femur study
IndentIndentIndent28565-0 X-ray knee study
IndentIndentIndent25011-8 X-ray tibia and fibula study
IndentIndentIndent24541-5 X-ray ankle study
IndentIndentIndent24709-8 X-ray foot study
IndentIndentIndent24909-4 X-ray shoulder study
IndentIndentIndent28567-6 X-ray humerus study
IndentIndentIndent24891-4 X-ray radius and ulna study
IndentIndentIndent24676-9 X-ray elbow study
IndentIndentIndent24619-9 X-ray wrist study
IndentIndentIndent28582-5 X-ray hand study
IndentIndentIndent25045-6 CT Unspecified body region
IndentIndentIndent24725-4 CT Head
IndentIndentIndent28566-8 CT spine study
IndentIndentIndent24932-6 CT spine cervical study
IndentIndentIndent24978-9 CT spine thoracic study
IndentIndentIndent24963-1 CT spine lumbar study
IndentIndentIndent24627-2 CT Chest
IndentIndentIndent41806-1 CT Abdomen
IndentIndentIndent24866-6 CT pelvis study
IndentIndentIndent24690-0 CT extremity study
IndentIndentIndent25056-3 MR Unspecified body region
IndentIndentIndent42698-1 MRI spine study 0..*
IndentIndentIndent24590-2 MR Brain
IndentIndentIndent24935-9 MRI spine cervical study
IndentIndentIndent24980-5 MRI spine thoracic study
IndentIndentIndent24968-0 MRI spine lumbar study
IndentIndentIndent24629-8 MRI chest study
IndentIndentIndent24556-3 MRI abdomen study
IndentIndentIndent24872-4 MRI pelvis and hips study
IndentIndentIndent24707-2 MRI foot study
IndentIndentIndent24710-6 MRI forearm study
IndentIndentIndent28576-7 MRI joint study
IndentIndentIndent24720-5 MRI hand study
IndentIndentIndent24605-8 Mammogram diagnostic views study
IndentIndentIndent24606-6 Mammogram screening views study
IndentIndentIndent24888-0 Nuclear medicine pulmonary VQ scan study
IndentIndentIndent30695-1 Nuclear medicine thyroid scan study
IndentIndentIndent44136-0 PT Unspecified body region
IndentIndentIndent25043-1 CT guidance for aspiration of unspecified site study
IndentIndentIndent25044-9 CT guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndentIndent25069-6 Fluoroscopic guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndentIndent25059-7 Ultrasound guidance for biopsy of unspecified site study
IndentIndentIndent25061-3 US Unspecified body region
IndentIndentIndent24731-2 Ultrasound of head study
IndentIndentIndent24842-7 Ultrasound of neck study
IndentIndentIndent24558-9 Ultrasound of abdomen study
IndentIndentIndent28614-6 Ultrasound of liver study
IndentIndentIndent24601-7 Ultrasound of breast study
IndentIndentIndent24869-0 Ultrasound of pelvis study
IndentIndent30954-2 Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative
IndentIndent26436-6 Laboratory studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18767-4 Blood gas studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18719-5 Chemistry studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18723-7 Hematology studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18720-3 Coagulation studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18728-6 Toxicology studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18725-2 Microbiology studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent56874-1 Serology and blood bank studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent18729-4 Urinalysis studies (set)
IndentIndentIndent56847-7 Calculated and derived values (set)
IndentIndentIndent56846-9 Cardiac biomarkers (set)
IndentIndent27896-0 Pulmonary studies (set) 0..*
IndentIndentIndent18744-3 Bronchoscopy study 0..*
IndentIndentIndent28633-6 Polysomnography (sleep) study 0..*
IndentIndentIndent18759-1 Spirometry study 0..*
IndentIndent69458-8 Cardiology monitoring
IndentIndentIndent56869-1 Continuous ST segment monitoring (set)
IndentIndentIndent56848-5 Invasive hemodynamic monitoring (set)
IndentIndentIndent56875-8 Mixed venous oxygen saturation monitoring (set)
IndentIndentIndent56849-3 Cardiac rhythm monitoring (set)
IndentIndent56850-1 Interpretation and review of laboratory results
Indent55288-5 ED medication data Set DEEDS
IndentIndent29549-3 Medication administered Narrative
IndentIndent48767-8 Annotation comment [Interpretation] Narrative
IndentIndent56851-9 Care process or plan
Indent55173-9 ED disposition and diagnosis data Set DEEDS
IndentIndent11302-7 ED discharge disposition
IndentIndent56854-3 Inpatient practitioner
IndentIndent19010-8 Medication discharge (narrative)
IndentIndent49561-4 Payment diagnosis [identifier]
IndentIndent29305-0 Medication prescribed
IndentIndent29550-1 Medication dispensed Narrative
IndentIndent56852-7 Amount of ED discharge medication to be dispensed {#}
IndentIndent11315-9 ED service level
IndentIndent11383-7 Patient problem outcome Narrative
IndentIndent56853-5 ED outcome
IndentIndent11310-0 ED patient satisfaction report type
IndentIndent55287-7 Time of death
IndentIndent79378-6 Cause of death
IndentIndent29308-4 Diagnosis
IndentIndent56855-0 Provider assuming ultimate responsibility for care for patient upon ED disposition [Identifier]
IndentIndentIndent56856-8 Provider assuming care for patient upon ED disposition [Identifier]

Fully-Specified Name

Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1

Additional Names

Short Name

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.27
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Elementos de datos para los sistemas del departamento de emergencias (DEEDS) Versión 1.1:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:
Synonyms: Emergenza (DEEDS - Data Elements for Emergency Dep paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set di prescrizione pronto soccorso (DEEDS)
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Os elementos de dados para o Departamento de Emergência Sistemas (DEEDS) liberação 1.1:#N/A:Pt:^Paciente:-:
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1:-:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:-:
Synonyms: Точка во времени;Момент Элементы данных для Систем отделений экстренной помощи Релиз 1.1
zh-CN Chinese (China) 急诊科系统数据元 发布版本 1.1:-:时间点:^患者:-:
Synonyms: ED 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.急诊科;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).急诊科 (DEEDS);急诊科医嘱组;医嘱组.急诊;急诊科系统数据元素;急救部门系统数据元;急诊部门系统数据元;急诊科室系统数据元;急诊科信息系统数据元;急诊科系统数据元;Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems;DEEDS 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 急诊科 急诊科(DEEDS)变量;DEEDS 变量;急诊;急诊科;Emergency Department;ED;急诊科(急诊科系统代码之数据元素)变量;急诊科(急诊科系统代码之数据元素)指标;急诊科(美国CDC急诊科系统代码之数据元素)指标;急诊科指标 急诊科(Emergency Department,ED) 急诊科(急诊、急诊部门、急诊部、急诊室、急症科、急诊科室、急救部门)系统(信息系统)数据元(数据元素) 发布版本 1.1;急诊科系统数据元素;急救部门系统数据元;急诊部门系统数据元;急诊科室系统数据元;急诊科信息系统数据元;急诊科系统数据元;Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems;DEEDS 急诊部 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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