Version 2.79

Status Information

Map-To Long Common Name Mapping Guidance
2749-0 pH of Gastric fluid

Part Descriptions

LP14752-7   pH
pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. It is defined as the cologarithm of dissolved hydrogen ions (H+). Hydrogen ion activity coefficients cannot be measured experimentally, so they are based on theoretical calculations. The pH scale is not an absolute one, it is relative to a set of internationally established standard solutions. pH 7.0 is considered neutral. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , pH

LP14752-7   pH
Potentia Hydrogenii, commonly known as pH, is a quantitative measurement of the acidity or basicity of a substance. A substance's pH value is based on a relative scale from 1-14 depending on the substance's proton ion concentration (H+). A higher proton ion concentration results in a lower pH value. Therefore, a pH value between 0 and 7 is an acidic substance whereas a pH value between 7 and 14 is an alkaline/basic substance. A pH value of exactly 7 is a neutral substance. [] The specific pH value of the blood is crucial in maintaining bodily functions. When the blood pH value is below normal range it is called acidosis. When the blood pH value is above normal range, it is called alkadosis. Acidosis/alkadosis can be divided into two categories: metabolic and respiratory. [] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Gast fld

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Deprecated pH of Gastric fluid
Short Name
Deprecated pH Gast-LsCnc
Display Name
pH (Gast fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
pH, Stomach fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0b
Last Updated
Version 2.36 (DEL)

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG11104-3 pH|LsCnc|Pt|Gast fld

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) pH:LsCnc:Pt:Γαστρικά υγρά:Qn:
Synonyms: LsCnc pH
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) pH:concentración de sustancia:punto en el tiempo:líquidos/contenidos gástricos:cuantitativo:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) pH:LsCnc:Punto temporal:Fluido gástrico:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) pH:Concentración logarítmica molar:Punto temporal:Fluido gástrico:Cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) pH:LsCnc:Pt:GstF:Qn:
Synonyms: Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Log molaarne kontsentratsioon Maomahl
fr-CA French (Canada) pH:LsCnc:Temps ponctuel:Liquide gastrique:Quantitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) pH:LsCnc:Temps ponctuel:Liquide gastrique:Quantitatif:
it-IT Italian (Italy) pH:LsCnc:Pt:Gast fld:Qn:
Synonyms: Chimica Logaritmo della concentrazione molare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Succo gastrico
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) pH:logaritmische molaire concentratie:moment:maagvloeistof:kwantitatief:
pl-PL Polish (Poland) PH:stężenie logarytmowo-molowe:punkt w czasie:sok żołądkowy:ilościowy:
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) pH:LsCnc:Pt:LiqGast:Qn:
Synonyms: Log molar concentration; Point in time; Random; Gastric contents; Gastric fluid; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) pH:ЛогМолКонц:ТчкВрм:Желуд ждк:Колич:
Synonyms: Желудочный сок;Желудочная жидкость Количественный Логарифмическая молярная концентрация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) pH:LsKons:Zmlı:Gast sv:Kant:
zh-CN Chinese (China) pH:对数型物质的量浓度:时间点:胃液:定量型:
Synonyms: 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 对数型克分子浓度;对数型克分子浓度(单位体积);对数型摩尔浓度;对数型摩尔浓度(单位体积);对数型物质的量浓度(单位体积) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 氢指数;氢离子指数;氢离子浓度;氢离子浓度倒数的对数;酸度;酸碱值;酸碱度 胃内容物

Example Units

Unit Source
[pH] Example UCUM Units

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