Version 2.80

Part Description

LP15163-6   Amobarbital
Barbiturates were first developed in 1864 by Adolf von Baeyer and were widely distributed by the Farbwerke Fr Bayer and Co in 1904. Barbiturates offered new treatment to patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders profoundly improving their prognoses. Barbiturates were also used to treat sleep disorders and were the first drugs to effectively treat epileptic seizures. Due to safety concerns related to drug dependence and overdose and new safer psychoactive medications barbiturate use sharply declined in the 1950s. PMID: 18568113 Amobarbital is a barbiturate that is used as a hypnotic and sedative. Physical effects include central nervous system depression and dependence when dosage levels are high. [PubChem: amobarbital] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Gast fld

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Amobarbital [Moles/volume] in Gastric fluid
Short Name
Amobarbital Gast-sCnc
Display Name
Amobarbital (Gast fld) [Moles/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Amobarbital, Stomach fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.34
Last Updated
Version 2.70 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG37558-0 Amobarbital|ANYProp|ANYTm|ANYSys|ANYMeth
LG42501-3 Amobarbital|Pt|Gast fld

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Αμοβαρβιτάλη:SCnc:Pt:Γαστρικά υγρά:Qn:
Synonyms: SCnc Αμοβαρβιτάλη
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Amobarbital:Concentración de sustancia:Punto temporal:Fluido gástrico:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Amobarbital:Concentración de sustancias:Punto temporal:Fluido gástrico:Cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Amobarbitaal:SCnc:Pt:GstF:Qn:
Synonyms: Aine kontsentratsioon Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Maomahl
fr-CA French (Canada) Amobarbital:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:Liquide gastrique:Quantitatif:
fr-FR French (France) Amobarbital:Moles/Volume:Ponctuel:Liquide gastrique:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Amobarbital:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:Liquide gastrique:Quantitatif:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Amobarbitale:SCnc:Pt:Gast fld:Qn:
Synonyms: Concentrazione di Sostanza Livelli farmacologici e tossicologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Succo gastrico
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) amobarbital:mol/volume:moment:maagvloeistof:kwantitatief:
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Amobarbital::Pt:LiqGast:Qn:
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Амобарбитал:МолКонц:ТчкВрм:Желуд ждк:Колич:
Synonyms: Желудочный сок;Желудочная жидкость Количественный Молярность;Молярная объёмная концентрация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Amobarbital:SubKons:Zmlı:Gast sv:Kant:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 异戊巴比妥:物质的量浓度:时间点:胃液:定量型:
Synonyms: C11H18N2O3 克分子浓度;克分子浓度(单位体积);摩尔浓度;摩尔浓度(单位体积);物质的量浓度(单位体积) 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 毒品 毒品类 胃内容物 药品类 药物 药物/毒理学;药物/毒理学试验;药物毒理学试验;药物毒理学试验类 药物类

Example Units

Unit Source
umol/L Example UCUM Units

LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info

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