Cell count and Differential panel - Peritoneal dialysis fluid
74141-3 Granulocytes/Leukocytes in Peritoneal dialysis fluid
Part Descriptions
LP157588-7 Leukocytes
Leukocytes or white blood cells (WBCs) are immune cells that fight infection, neoplasms and other inflammatory conditions, and mediate allergic responses. There are five types of WBCs normally present in the circulation that are all derived from a similar stem cell in the bone marrow. The five type of WBCs are divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm. The granulocytes include the neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils. The non-granulocytes include the lymphocytes and the monocytes. The neutrophils fight infection by ingesting and digesting bacteria. Eosinophils and basophils respond to allergic reactions and are capable of ingesting antigen-antibody complexes. Monocytes phagocytose bacteria and release interferon to stimulate the immune system. Lymphocytes are divided into T-cells and B-cells. T-cell immunity is cellular and involves the activation of phagocytes and B-cell immunity uses antibodies to fight infection. Both elevated and low leukocyte counts can be markers of infection and malignancy, and low leukocyte counts are associated with a variety of primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, depending on the WBC type(s) that are out of range. (Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests, Kathleen Deska Pagana; Timothy James Pagana, Elsevier St. Louis, Mo ©2010)
Source: Regenstrief LOINC
LP18643-4 Granulocytes
Granulocytes are a category of white blood cells characterised by the presence of granules in their cytoplasm. Mature granulocytes comprise neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils, depending on the staining of the granules. Neutrophils, also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN or PML) because of the varying shapes of the nucleus, are by far the most abundant granulocytes.
Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details.
Source: Wikipedia
, Granulocytes (Wikipedia)
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Granulocytes/Leukocytes
- Property
- NFr
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Dial fld prt
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.46
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by Coll w SCT: This is a specific fraction case where the denominator is percentage or /100. Because the logic is that the percentage piece is captured by Property: NFr (Numeric Fraction), and by Unit: %, therefore, it is redundant to include "100" in the component;
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
60587-3 | Cell count and Differential panel - Peritoneal dialysis fluid |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
de-AT | German (Austria) | Synonyms: Granulozyten rel./PD |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Κοκκιοκύτταρα/Λευκοκύτταρα: Synonyms: NFr Κοκκιοκύτταρα Λευκοκύτταρα |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Granulocitos / 100 leucocitos: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Granulocitos/Leucocitos: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
fr-FR | French (France) | Granulocytes/100 leucocytes: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Granulocytes/Leucocytes: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Granulociti/Leucociti: Synonyms: Dialisato Ematologia (coagulazione) conta differenziale Frazione numerica Liquido di dialisi peritoneale Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | granulocyten/leukocyten: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Granulocyty/leukocyty: Synonyms: Leukocyty |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Granulócitos/100 leucócitos: |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Гранулоциты/Лейкоциты: Synonyms: Диализная жидкость Количественный Количество отношение Точка во времени; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Granülositler/Lökosit: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 粒细胞/白细胞: Synonyms: Leuc; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
% | Example UCUM Units |
58802-0 Mononuclear cells/Leukocytes in Peritoneal dialysis fluid
Part Descriptions
LP157588-7 Leukocytes
Leukocytes or white blood cells (WBCs) are immune cells that fight infection, neoplasms and other inflammatory conditions, and mediate allergic responses. There are five types of WBCs normally present in the circulation that are all derived from a similar stem cell in the bone marrow. The five type of WBCs are divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm. The granulocytes include the neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils. The non-granulocytes include the lymphocytes and the monocytes. The neutrophils fight infection by ingesting and digesting bacteria. Eosinophils and basophils respond to allergic reactions and are capable of ingesting antigen-antibody complexes. Monocytes phagocytose bacteria and release interferon to stimulate the immune system. Lymphocytes are divided into T-cells and B-cells. T-cell immunity is cellular and involves the activation of phagocytes and B-cell immunity uses antibodies to fight infection. Both elevated and low leukocyte counts can be markers of infection and malignancy, and low leukocyte counts are associated with a variety of primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, depending on the WBC type(s) that are out of range. (Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests, Kathleen Deska Pagana; Timothy James Pagana, Elsevier St. Louis, Mo ©2010)
Source: Regenstrief LOINC
LP17839-9 Mononuclear cells
A Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) is a blood cell having a round nucleus, such as a lymphocyte or a monocyte. These blood cells are a critical component in the immune system to fight infection and adapt to intruders. The lymphocyte population consists of T cells (CD4 and CD8 positive ~75%), B cells and NK cells (~25% combined).
These cells are often extracted from whole blood using ficoll, a hydrophilic polysaccharide that separates layers of blood, with monocytes and lymphocytes forming a buffy coat under a layer of plasma. This buffy coat contains the PBMCs. Additionally, PBMC can be extracted from whole blood using a hypotonic lysis which will preferentially lyse red blood cells. This method results in neutrophils and other polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells which are important in innate immune defense to be obtained.
PBMCs are widely used in research and clinical uses every day. HIV research uses them because PBMCs include CD4+ cells, the cells HIV infects.
Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details.
Source: Wikipedia
, Mononuclear cell
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Mononuclear cells/Leukocytes
- Property
- NFr
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Dial fld prt
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.32
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by Coll w SCT: This is a specific fraction case where the denominator is percentage or /100. Because the logic is that the percentage piece is captured by Property: NFr (Numeric Fraction), and by Unit: %, therefore, it is redundant to include "100" in the component;
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 17085
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
60587-3 | Cell count and Differential panel - Peritoneal dialysis fluid |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
de-AT | German (Austria) | Synonyms: Mononuk.Zell.rel./PD |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Μονοπύρηνα κύτταρα/Λευκοκύτταρα: Synonyms: NFr Κύτταρα Λευκοκύτταρα Μονοπύρηνα κύτταρα |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Mononucleares/Leucocitos: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Células mononucleares / 100 leucocitos: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Cellules mononucléaires/Leucocytes: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Cellules mononucléées/100 leucocytes: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Cellule mononucleari/Leucociti: Synonyms: Dialisato Ematologia (coagulazione) conta differenziale Frazione numerica Liquido di dialisi peritoneale Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | mononucleaire cellen/leukocyten: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Mononuklearne komórki/leukocyty: Synonyms: Leukocyty Mononuklearne komórki Mononuklearne komórki/leukocyty |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Células Mononucleares/100 leucócitos: |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Мононуклеарные клетки/Лейкоциты: Synonyms: Диализная жидкость Количественный Количество отношение Точка во времени; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Mononükleer hücreler/Lökosit: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 单个核细胞/白细胞: Synonyms: Leuc; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
% | Example UCUM Units |