PhenX domain - Psychiatric
Status Information
- Status
Panel Hierarchy
Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms
LOINC | Name | R/O/C | Cardinality | Example UCUM Units |
62710-9 | PhenX domain - Psychiatric | |||
Indent62713-3 | PhenX - general psychiatric assessment - child protocol 120102 | |||
Indent62712-5 | PhenX - general psychiatric assessment - adult protocol 120101 | |||
Indent62715-8 | PhenX - anxiety disorders screener - child protocol 120201 | |||
Indent Indent64952-5 | When frightened, it is hard to breathe. | |||
Indent Indent64953-3 | I am afraid of heights. | |||
Indent Indent64954-1 | I get headaches or stomach aches when I am at school. | |||
Indent Indent64955-8 | I don't like to be with people I don't know. | |||
Indent Indent64956-6 | When I see blood, I get dizzy. | |||
Indent Indent64957-4 | I want that things are in a fixed order. | |||
Indent Indent64958-2 | I get scared when I sleep away from home. | |||
Indent Indent64907-9 | I worry about others not liking me. | |||
Indent Indent64908-7 | When frightened, I feel like passing out. | |||
Indent Indent64909-5 | I think that I will be contaminated with a serious disease. | |||
Indent Indent64910-3 | I am nervous. | |||
Indent Indent64911-1 | I follow my parents wherever they go. | |||
Indent Indent64912-9 | I have thoughts that frighten me. | |||
Indent Indent64913-7 | People tell me that I look nervous. | |||
Indent Indent64914-5 | I feel nervous with people I don't know well. | |||
Indent Indent64915-2 | I am afraid to visit the doctor. | |||
Indent Indent64916-0 | I don't like going to school. | |||
Indent Indent64917-8 | When frightened, I feel like going crazy. | |||
Indent Indent64918-6 | I worry about sleeping alone. | |||
Indent Indent64919-4 | I am afraid to visit the dentist. | |||
Indent Indent64920-2 | I worry about being as good as other kids. | |||
Indent Indent64921-0 | I am afraid of an animal that is not really dangerous. | |||
Indent Indent64922-8 | I get scared when there is thunder in the air. | |||
Indent Indent64923-6 | I do things more than twice in order to check whether I did it right. | |||
Indent Indent64924-4 | I have frightening dreams about a very aversive event I once experienced. | |||
Indent Indent64925-1 | I want things to be clean and tidy. | |||
Indent Indent64926-9 | When frightened, I feel that things are not real. | |||
Indent Indent64927-7 | I feel scared when I have to fly in an airplane. | |||
Indent Indent64928-5 | I have nightmares about my parents. | |||
Indent Indent64929-3 | I worry about going to school. | |||
Indent Indent64930-1 | I do things to get less scared of my thoughts. | |||
Indent Indent64931-9 | When frightened, my heart beats fast. | |||
Indent Indent64932-7 | I am scared when I get an injection. | |||
Indent Indent64933-5 | I am afraid to get a serious disease. | |||
Indent Indent64934-3 | I feel weak and shaky. | |||
Indent Indent64935-0 | I have nightmares about bad things happening to me. | |||
Indent Indent64893-1 | I am so scared of a harmless animal that I do not dare to touch it. | |||
Indent Indent64894-9 | I worry about things working out for me. | |||
Indent Indent64895-6 | I doubt whether I really did something. | |||
Indent Indent64896-4 | When frightened, I sweat a lot. | |||
Indent Indent64897-2 | I am a worrier. | |||
Indent Indent64898-0 | I feel scared when I watch an operation. | |||
Indent Indent64899-8 | I try not to think about a very aversive event I once experienced. | |||
Indent Indent64900-4 | I get really frightened for no reason. | |||
Indent Indent64901-2 | I am afraid to be alone at home. | |||
Indent Indent64902-0 | I get scared when I think back of a very aversive event I once experienced. | |||
Indent Indent64903-8 | I find it hard to talk with people I don't know. | |||
Indent Indent64904-6 | When frightened, I feel like I am choking. | |||
Indent Indent64905-3 | People tell me I worry too much. | |||
Indent Indent64906-1 | I don't like being away from my family. | |||
Indent Indent64936-8 | I am afraid of having anxiety attacks. | |||
Indent Indent64937-6 | I worry that bad happens to my parents. | |||
Indent Indent64938-4 | I am shy with people I don't know well. | |||
Indent Indent64939-2 | I fantasize about hurting other people. | |||
Indent Indent64940-0 | I worry about the future. | |||
Indent Indent64941-8 | When frightened, I feel like throwing up. | |||
Indent Indent64942-6 | I worry about how well I do things. | |||
Indent Indent64943-4 | I am scared to go to school. | |||
Indent Indent64944-2 | I worry about things that happened in the past. | |||
Indent Indent64945-9 | When frightened, I feel dizzy. | |||
Indent Indent65885-6 | I get scared in small, closed places | |||
Indent Indent64947-5 | I have thoughts that I prefer not to have. | |||
Indent Indent64948-3 | I am afraid of the dark. | |||
Indent Indent64949-1 | I have unbidden thoughts about a very aversive event I once experienced. | |||
Indent Indent64950-9 | I am afraid of an animal that most children do not fear. | |||
Indent Indent64951-7 | I don't like being in a hospital. | |||
Indent62716-6 | PhenX - anxiety disorders screener - adult protocol 120202 | |||
Indent Indent65886-4 | Have you ever had a period lasting one month or longer when most of the time you felt worried, tense, or anxious? | |||
Indent Indent65887-2 | Did you ever have a time when you worried a lot more than most people would in your situation? | |||
Indent Indent65530-8 | What is the longest period of time that this kind of worrying has ever continued? | d;wk;mo;a | ||
Indent Indent65531-6 | During that period, was your worry stronger than in other people? | |||
Indent Indent65532-4 | Did you worry most days? | |||
Indent Indent65533-2 | Did you usually worry about one particular thing, such as your job security or the failing health of a loved one, or more than one thing? | |||
Indent Indent65534-0 | Did you find it difficult to stop worrying? | |||
Indent Indent65535-7 | Did you ever have different worries on your mind at the same time? | |||
Indent Indent65536-5 | How often was your worry so strong that you couldn't put it out of your mind no matter how hard you tried? | |||
Indent Indent65537-3 | How often did you find it difficult to control your worry | |||
Indent Indent65908-6 | Other things occurring while worried or anxious [CIDI-SF] | 1..6 | ||
Indent Indent65909-4 | When you were worried or anxious did this thing also occur [CIDI-SF] | |||
Indent Indent65499-6 | Did you ever tell a professional about these problems (medical doctor, psychologist, social worker, counselor, nurse, clergy, or other helping professional)? | |||
Indent Indent65538-1 | Did you take medication or use drugs or alcohol more than once for the worry or the problems it was causing? | |||
Indent Indent65539-9 | How much did the worry or anxiety interfere with your life or activities? | |||
Indent Indent65910-2 | Specific things you have an unreasonable fear about or avoid [CIDI-SF] | 1..4 | ||
Indent Indent65911-0 | Do you have an unreasonably strong fear or avoid this specific thing [CIDI-SF] | |||
Indent Indent65540-7 | How often do you get upset when you are in that situation? | |||
Indent Indent65526-6 | How long have you had any of these fears? | |||
Indent Indent65541-5 | How long have you had any of these fears? | mo | ||
Indent Indent65542-3 | How much have any of these fears ever interfered with your life or activities? | |||
Indent Indent65543-1 | Have you ever been very upset with yourself for having any of these fears? | |||
Indent Indent65424-4 | Is your fear unreasonable - that is, much stronger than it should be? | |||
Indent Indent65425-1 | Is your fear much stronger than in other people? | |||
Indent Indent65914-4 | Social phobias [CIDI-SF] | 1..6 | ||
Indent Indent65915-1 | Do you have an unreasonably strong fear or avoid this social situation [CIDI-SF] | |||
Indent Indent65540-7 | How often do you get upset when you are in that situation? | |||
Indent Indent65526-6 | How long have you had any of these fears? | |||
Indent Indent65542-3 | How much have any of these fears ever interfered with your life or activities? | |||
Indent Indent65543-1 | Have you ever been very upset with yourself for having any of these fears? | |||
Indent Indent65424-4 | Is your fear unreasonable - that is, much stronger than it should be? | |||
Indent Indent65425-1 | Is your fear much stronger than in other people? | |||
Indent Indent65912-8 | Agoraphobias [CIDI-SF] | 1..5 | ||
Indent Indent65913-6 | Do you have an unreasonably strong fear for or avoid this situation [CIDI-SF] | |||
Indent Indent65540-7 | How often do you get upset when you are in that situation? | |||
Indent Indent65526-6 | How long have you had any of these fears? | |||
Indent Indent65426-9 | Were you ever afraid that you might faint, lose control, or embarrass yourself in other ways? | |||
Indent Indent65427-7 | Do you worry that you might be trapped without any way to escape? | |||
Indent Indent65429-3 | Do you worry that help might not be available if you needed it? | |||
Indent Indent65542-3 | How much have any of these fears ever interfered with your life or activities? | |||
Indent Indent65431-9 | About how many attacks have you had in your life? | {#} | ||
Indent Indent65432-7 | Did you ever have a spell or an attack when all of a sudden you felt frightened, anxious, or very uneasy? | |||
Indent Indent65430-1 | Did any of these attacks occur when you were not in a life-threatening situation? | |||
Indent Indent65428-5 | Did any of these attacks occur when you were in a life-threatening situation? | |||
Indent Indent65831-0 | How long ago did you have the most recent attack? | mo | ||
Indent Indent65832-8 | Did some of your attacks happen in a situation when you were not in danger or not the center of attention? | |||
Indent Indent65635-5 | When you have sudden anxiety attacks, do they usually occur in specific situations that cause you unreasonably strong fear? | |||
Indent Indent65433-5 | Did you ever have an attack when you were not in a situation that usually causes you to have unreasonably strong fears? | |||
Indent Indent65888-0 | Things accompanying a panic attack [CIDI-SF] | 1..5 | ||
Indent Indent65889-8 | When you have panic attacks do you experience this thing [CIDI-SF] | |||
Indent62718-2 | PhenX - obsessive compulsive disorder screener protocol 120301 | |||
Indent Indent65435-0 | Have you ever been bothered by having certain unpleasant thoughts of your own that kept entering your mind against your wishes? | |||
Indent Indent65436-8 | Have you ever had any unpleasant and persistent thoughts like that? | |||
Indent Indent65437-6 | Did some of these thoughts seem to you to be unreasonable? | |||
Indent Indent65438-4 | Did these thoughts keep coming back again and again into your mind no matter how hard you tried to resist, ignore, or get rid of them? | |||
Indent Indent65439-2 | Did you ever tell a doctor about these thoughts? | |||
Indent Indent65440-0 | Did thinking about these ideas interfere with your life or work, or cause you difficulty with your relatives or friends, or upset you a great deal? | |||
Indent Indent65441-8 | Have you ever had to do something like that over and over? | |||
Indent Indent65442-6 | Did you have a period when you had to say certain words over and over, either aloud or to yourself? | |||
Indent Indent65443-4 | Has there been a period of several weeks when you felt you had to count something, like the squares in a tile floor, and couldn't resist doing it even when you tried to? | |||
Indent Indent65444-2 | Did you have a period when you had to say certain words over and over, either aloud or to yourself? | |||
Indent Indent65445-9 | Did you think that these actions were unnecessary or that you overdid it? | |||
Indent Indent65446-7 | Did you tell a doctor about having to do these things? | |||
Indent Indent65447-5 | Did having to do these things interfere with your life or work, or cause you difficulty with your relatives or friends, or upset you a great deal? | |||
Indent62720-8 | PhenX - hypomania - mania symptoms - child protocol 120401 | |||
Indent Indent65448-3 | Has your child experienced periods of several days or more when, although he/she was feeling unusually happy and intensely energetic (clearly more than your child's usual self), he/she was also physically restless, unable to sit still, and had to keep moving or jumping from one activity to another? | |||
Indent Indent65449-1 | Have there been periods of several days or more when your child's friends or other family members told you that your child seemed unusually happy or high - clearly different from his/her usual self or from a typical good mood? | |||
Indent Indent65450-9 | Has your child's mood or energy shifted rapidly back and forth from happy to sad or high to low? | |||
Indent Indent65451-7 | Has your child had periods of extreme happiness and intense energy lasting several days or more when he/she also felt much more anxious or tense (jittery, nervous, uptight) than usual (other than related to the menstrual cycle)? | |||
Indent Indent65452-5 | Have there been times of several days or more when, although your child was feeling unusually happy and intensely energetic (clearly more than his/her usual self), he/she also had to struggle very hard to control inner feelings of rage or an urge to smash or destroy things? | |||
Indent Indent65453-3 | Has your child had periods of extreme happiness and intense energy (clearly more than his/her usual self) when, for several days or more, it took him/her over an hour to get to sleep at night? | |||
Indent Indent65454-1 | Have you found that your child's feelings or energy are generally up or down, but rarely in the middle? | |||
Indent Indent65455-8 | Has your child had periods lasting several days or more when he/she felt depressed or irritable, and then other periods of several days or more when he/she felt extremely high, elated, and overflowing with energy? | |||
Indent Indent65456-6 | Have there been periods when, although your child was feeling unusually happy and intensely energetic, almost everything got on his/her nerves and made him/her irritable or angry (other than related to the menstrual cycle)? | |||
Indent62721-6 | PhenX - hypomania - mania symptoms - adult protocol 120402 | |||
Indent Indent65457-4 | First of all, how are you feeling today compared to your usual state: | |||
Indent Indent65458-2 | Compared to other people my level of activity, energy and mood... | |||
Indent Indent65918-5 | High state behavior or feelings [HCL-32] | 1..30 | ||
Indent Indent65919-3 | In a high state I have this behavior or feeling [HCL-32] | |||
Indent Indent65916-9 | Aspects of your life [HCL-32] | |||
Indent Indent65917-7 | Impact of your highs on this aspect of your life [HCL-32] | |||
Indent Indent65459-0 | How did people close to you react to or comment on your "highs" | |||
Indent Indent65460-8 | Length of your "highs" as a rule (on the average): | h | ||
Indent Indent65461-6 | Have you experienced such "highs" in the past twelve months? | |||
Indent Indent65462-4 | If yes, please estimate how many days you spent in "highs" during the last twelve months: | d/(12.mo) | ||
Indent62723-2 | PhenX - depression - child protocol 120501 | |||
Indent Indent65463-2 | I was bothered by things that usually don't bother me. | |||
Indent Indent65464-0 | I did not feel like eating, I wasn't very hungry. | |||
Indent Indent65465-7 | I wasn't able to feel happy, even when my family or friends tried to help me feel better. | |||
Indent Indent65466-5 | I felt like I was just as good as other kids. | |||
Indent Indent65467-3 | I felt like I couldn't pay attention to what I was doing. | |||
Indent Indent65468-1 | I felt down and unhappy. | |||
Indent Indent65469-9 | I felt like I was too tired to do things. | |||
Indent Indent65470-7 | I felt like something good was going to happen. | |||
Indent Indent65471-5 | I felt like things I did before didn't work out right. | |||
Indent Indent65472-3 | I felt scared. | |||
Indent Indent65473-1 | I didn't sleep as well as I usually sleep. | |||
Indent Indent65474-9 | I was happy. | |||
Indent Indent65475-6 | I was more quiet than usual. | |||
Indent Indent65476-4 | I felt lonely, like I didn't have any friends. | |||
Indent Indent65477-2 | I felt like kids I know were not friendly or that they didn't want to be with me. | |||
Indent Indent65478-0 | I had a good time. | |||
Indent Indent65479-8 | I felt like crying. | |||
Indent Indent65480-6 | I felt sad. | |||
Indent Indent65481-4 | I felt people didn't like me. | |||
Indent Indent65482-2 | It was hard to get started doing things. | |||
Indent62724-0 | PhenX - depression - adult protocol 120502 | |||
Indent Indent65483-0 | Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt sad, blue, or depressed for two weeks or more in a row? | |||
Indent Indent65484-8 | Have you ever had a time in your life lasting two weeks or more when you lost interest in most things like hobbies, work, or activities that usually give you pleasure? | |||
Indent Indent65485-5 | How much of the day did these feeling usually last? | |||
Indent Indent65486-3 | Did you feel this way: | |||
Indent Indent65487-1 | Did you feel more tired out or low on energy than is usual for you? | |||
Indent Indent65488-9 | Did you gain or lose weight without trying, or did you stay about the same weight? | |||
Indent Indent65489-7 | About how much weight did you gain? | [lb_av] | ||
Indent Indent65490-5 | About how much weight did you lose? | [lb_av] | ||
Indent Indent66330-2 | About how much weight did you gain and lose? | [lb_av] | ||
Indent Indent65491-3 | Did you have more trouble falling asleep than you usually do? | |||
Indent Indent66088-6 | How often did that happen? | |||
Indent Indent65492-1 | Did you have a lot more trouble concentrating than usual? | |||
Indent Indent65493-9 | People sometimes feel down on themselves, no good, or worthless. Did you feel this way? | |||
Indent Indent65494-7 | Did you think a lot about death - either your own, someone else's, or death in general? | |||
Indent Indent65495-4 | About how many weeks altogether did you feel this way? The total period of depression/loss of interest was: | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent65496-2 | How many periods like this did you have in your life, lasting two or more weeks? | {#} | ||
Indent Indent65497-0 | About how old were you the FIRST time you had a period of two weeks like this? (Whether or not you received any help for it.) | a | ||
Indent Indent65498-8 | About how old were you the LAST time you had a period of two weeks like this? (Whether or not you received any help for it.) | a | ||
Indent Indent65499-6 | Did you ever tell a professional about these problems (medical doctor, psychologist, social worker, counselor, nurse, clergy, or other helping professional)? | |||
Indent Indent65500-1 | Did you take medication or use drugs or alcohol more than once for these problems? | |||
Indent Indent65501-9 | How much did these problems interfere with your life or activities: | |||
Indent Indent65502-7 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Falling Asleep: | |||
Indent Indent65503-5 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Sleep During the Night: | |||
Indent Indent65504-3 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Waking Up Too Early: | |||
Indent Indent65505-0 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Sleeping Too Much: | |||
Indent Indent65506-8 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Feeling Sad: | |||
Indent Indent65507-6 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Decreased Appetite: | |||
Indent Indent65508-4 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Increased Appetite: | |||
Indent Indent65509-2 | Decreased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks): | |||
Indent Indent65510-0 | Increased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks): | |||
Indent Indent65511-8 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Concentration/Decision Making: | |||
Indent Indent65512-6 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. View of Myself: | |||
Indent Indent65513-4 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Thoughts of Death or Suicide: | |||
Indent Indent65514-2 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. General Interest: | |||
Indent Indent65515-9 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Energy Level: | |||
Indent Indent65516-7 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Feeling Slowed Down: | |||
Indent Indent65517-5 | Please indicate the one response to each item that best describes you for the past seven days. Restless: | |||
Indent62726-5 | PhenX - eating disorders screener protocol 120601 | |||
Indent Indent65518-3 | Have you felt fat? | |||
Indent Indent65519-1 | Have you had a definite fear that you might gain weight or become fat? | |||
Indent Indent65520-9 | Has your weight influenced how you think about (judge) yourself as a person? | |||
Indent Indent65521-7 | Has you shape influenced how you think about (judge) yourself as a person? | |||
Indent Indent65522-5 | During the past 6 months have there been times when you felt you have eaten what other people would regard as an unusually large amount of food (e.g. a quart of ice cream) given the circumstances? | |||
Indent Indent65523-3 | During the times when you ate an unusually large amount of food, did you experience a loss of control (feel you couldn't stop eating or control what or how much you were eating)? | |||
Indent Indent65524-1 | How many DAYS per week on average over the past 6 MONTHS have you eaten an unusually large amount of food and experienced a loss of control? | d/wk | ||
Indent Indent65525-8 | How many TIMES per week on average over the past 3 MONTHS have you eaten an unusually large amount of food and experienced a loss of control? | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent65920-1 | Eat much more rapidly than normal? | |||
Indent Indent65921-9 | Eat until you felt uncomfortably full? | |||
Indent Indent65922-7 | Eat large amounts of food when you didn't feel physically hungry? | |||
Indent Indent65923-5 | Eat alone because you were embarrassed by how much you were eating? | |||
Indent Indent65924-3 | Feel disgusted with yourself, depressed or very guilty after overeating? | |||
Indent Indent65925-0 | Feel very upset about your uncontrollable overeating or resulting weight gain? | |||
Indent Indent65926-8 | How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you made yourself vomit to prevent weight gain or counteract the effects of eating? | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent65927-6 | How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you used laxatives or diuretics to prevent weight gain or counteract the effects of eating? | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent65928-4 | How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you fasted (skipped at least 2 meals in a row) to prevent weight gain or counteract the effects of eating? | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent65929-2 | How many times per week on average over the past 3 months have you engaged in excessive exercise specifically to counteract the effects of overeating episodes? | {#}/wk | ||
Indent Indent29463-7 | Body weight | O | [lb_av];kg | |
Indent Indent8308-9 | Body height --standing | [in_us];cm;m | ||
Indent Indent65930-0 | Over the past 3 months, how many menstrual periods have you missed? | {#}/(3.mo) | ||
Indent Indent65931-8 | Have you been taking birth control pills during the past 3 months? | |||
Indent62736-4 | PhenX - schizophrenia protocol 120701 | |||
Indent Indent65932-6 | Source of rating (OPCRIT 1) | |||
Indent Indent30525-0 | Age | R | a | |
Indent Indent66033-2 | Marital status PhenX | |||
Indent Indent65934-2 | Age of first psychiatric problems [DI-PAD] | a | ||
Indent Indent65935-9 | Onset psychiatric illness [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65936-7 | Age and mode of onset notes [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65937-5 | Psychological stressor prior to onset of first episode [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65938-3 | Psychological stressor notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65939-1 | Employment status at onset of illness [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65940-9 | Premorbid work adjustment [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65941-7 | Premorbid social adjustment [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65942-5 | Premorbid adjustment notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65943-3 | Coarse brain disorder prior to onset [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65944-1 | Coarse brain disorder notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65945-8 | Family history of Schizophrenia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65946-6 | Family history of Other psychiatric disorders [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65947-4 | Family history notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65948-2 | Dysphoria - depression [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65949-0 | Dysphoria - irritable impatient [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65950-8 | Dysphoria notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65951-6 | Anhedonia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65952-4 | Anhedonia notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65953-2 | Loss of energy or fatigue [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65954-0 | Slowed activity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65955-7 | Impaired concentration [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65956-5 | Altered libido [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65957-3 | Excessive self reproach [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65958-1 | Depressive symptom notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65959-9 | Suicidality [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65960-7 | Suicidality notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65961-5 | Decreased appetite [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65962-3 | Weight loss [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65963-1 | Increased appetite [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65964-9 | Weight gain [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65965-6 | Initial insomnia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65966-4 | Middle insomnia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65967-2 | Terminal insomnia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65968-0 | How many hours do you normally sleep [DI-PAD] | h | ||
Indent Indent65969-8 | How many hours were you sleeping then [DI-PAD] | h | ||
Indent Indent65970-6 | Excessive sleep [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65971-4 | Diurnal variation of depression [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65972-2 | Appetite or sleep change notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65973-0 | Elevated mood [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65974-8 | Irritable mood [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65975-5 | Elevated or irritable mood notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65976-3 | Pressured speech [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65977-1 | Racing thoughts [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65978-9 | Distractibility [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65979-7 | Reduced need for sleep [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65980-5 | Excessive activity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65981-3 | Reckless activity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65982-1 | Increased sociability [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65983-9 | Increased self-esteem [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65984-7 | Hypomanic or manic symptom notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65985-4 | Hallucinations in any modality [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65986-2 | Any modality hallucinations notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65987-0 | Neutral voices or non-verbal hallucinations [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65988-8 | Command, accusatory, abusive or persecusatory voices [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65989-6 | Running commentary [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65990-4 | Third person auditory hallucinations [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65991-2 | Hallucination notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65992-0 | Thought insertion [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65993-8 | Thought broadcast [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65994-6 | Thought withdrawal [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65995-3 | Thought echo [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65996-1 | Subjective thought disturbance notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65997-9 | Delusion screen [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65998-7 | Delusions of guilt [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent65999-5 | Delusions of poverty [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66000-1 | Nihilistic delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66001-9 | Delusions of passivity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66002-7 | Delusions of influence [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66003-5 | Persecutory delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66004-3 | Grandiose delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66005-0 | Delusional moods [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66006-8 | Primary delusional ideas [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66007-6 | Bizarre delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66008-4 | Delusion notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66009-2 | Insight into illness [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66010-0 | Relationship between psychotic and affective symptoms [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66011-8 | Insight or relationship between psychotic and affective symptom notes [Text] [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66012-6 | Psychotic symptoms respond to antipsychotic medications [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66013-4 | Well organized delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66014-2 | Widespread delusions [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66015-9 | Delusions and hallucinations last for one week [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66016-7 | Persecutory or jealous delusions and hallucinations [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66017-5 | Illness duration [DI-PAD] | d;wk;mo;a | ||
Indent Indent66018-3 | Impairment or incapacity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66019-1 | Deterioration from premorbid level of functioning [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66020-9 | Course of disorder | |||
Indent Indent66021-7 | Rapport [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66022-5 | Credibility of information [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66023-3 | Catatonia [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66024-1 | Bizarre behavior [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66025-8 | Agitated activity [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66026-6 | Restricted affect [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66027-4 | Blunted affect [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66028-2 | Inappropriate affect [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66029-0 | Speech difficult to understand [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66030-8 | Speech incoherent [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66031-6 | Positive formal thought disorder [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent Indent66032-4 | Negative formal thought disorder [DI-PAD] | |||
Indent62738-0 | PhenX - symptoms of autism spectrum disorders - adult protocol 120901 | |||
Indent Indent65001-0 | I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. | |||
Indent Indent65002-8 | I prefer to do things the same way over and over again. | |||
Indent Indent65003-6 | If I try to imagine something I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind. | |||
Indent Indent65004-4 | I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things. | |||
Indent Indent65005-1 | I often notice small sounds when others do not. | |||
Indent Indent65006-9 | I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. | |||
Indent Indent65007-7 | Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite even though I think it is polite. | |||
Indent Indent65008-5 | When I'm reading a story I can easily imagine what the characters might look like. | |||
Indent Indent65009-3 | I am fascinated by dates. | |||
Indent Indent65010-1 | In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people's conversations. | |||
Indent Indent65011-9 | I find social situations easy. | |||
Indent Indent65012-7 | I tend to notice details that others do not. | |||
Indent Indent65013-5 | I would rather go to a library than a party. | |||
Indent Indent65014-3 | I find making up stories easy. | |||
Indent Indent65015-0 | I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things. | |||
Indent Indent65016-8 | I tend to have very strong interests which I get upset about if I can't pursue. | |||
Indent Indent65017-6 | I enjoy social chit-chat. | |||
Indent Indent65018-4 | When I talk, it isn't always easy for others to get a word in edgeways. | |||
Indent Indent65019-2 | I am fascinated by numbers. | |||
Indent Indent65020-0 | When I'm reading a story I find it difficult to work out the characters intentions. | |||
Indent Indent65021-8 | I don't particularly enjoy reading fiction. | |||
Indent Indent65022-6 | I find it hard to make new friends. | |||
Indent Indent65023-4 | I notice patterns in things all the time. | |||
Indent Indent65024-2 | I would rather go to the theatre than a museum. | |||
Indent Indent65025-9 | It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed. | |||
Indent Indent65026-7 | I frequently find that I don't know how to keep a conversation going. | |||
Indent Indent65027-5 | I find it easy to read between the lines when someone is talking to me. | |||
Indent Indent65028-3 | I usually concentrate more on the whole picture rather than the small details. | |||
Indent Indent65029-1 | I am not very good at remembering phone numbers. | |||
Indent Indent65030-9 | I don't usually notice small changes in a situation or a person's appearance. | |||
Indent Indent65031-7 | I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored. | |||
Indent Indent65032-5 | I find it easy to do more than one thing at once. | |||
Indent Indent65033-3 | When I talk on the phone I'm not sure when its my turn to speak. | |||
Indent Indent65034-1 | I enjoy doing things spontaneously. | |||
Indent Indent65035-8 | I am often the last to understand the point of a joke. | |||
Indent Indent65036-6 | I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. | |||
Indent Indent65037-4 | If there is an interruption I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly. | |||
Indent Indent65038-2 | I am good at social chit-chat. | |||
Indent Indent65039-0 | People often tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing. | |||
Indent Indent65040-8 | When I was young I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children. | |||
Indent Indent65041-6 | I like to collect information about categories of things - types of car, types of bird, types of train, types of plant, etc. | |||
Indent Indent65042-4 | I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. | |||
Indent Indent65043-2 | I like to plan any activities I participate in carefully. | |||
Indent Indent65044-0 | I enjoy social occasions. | |||
Indent Indent65045-7 | I find it difficult to work out peoples intentions. | |||
Indent Indent65046-5 | New situations make me anxious. | |||
Indent Indent65047-3 | I enjoy meeting new people. | |||
Indent Indent65048-1 | I am a good diplomat. | |||
Indent Indent65049-9 | I am not very good at remembering peoples date of birth. | |||
Indent Indent65050-7 | I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending. | |||
Indent62739-8 | PhenX - symptoms of autism spectrum disorders - adolescent protocol 120902 | |||
Indent Indent65051-5 | Your child prefers to do things with others rather than on his or her own. | |||
Indent Indent65052-3 | Your child prefers to do things the same way over and over again. | |||
Indent Indent65053-1 | If your child tries to imagine something, your child finds it very easy to create a picture in his or her mind. | |||
Indent Indent65054-9 | Your child frequently gets so strongly absorbed in one thing that your child loses sight of other things. | |||
Indent Indent65055-6 | Your child often notices small sounds when others do not. | |||
Indent Indent65056-4 | Your child usually notices car number plates or similar strings of information. | |||
Indent Indent65057-2 | Other people frequently tell him or her that what your child has said is impolite, even though your child thinks it is polite. | |||
Indent Indent65058-0 | When your child is reading a story, your child can easily imagine what the characters might look like. | |||
Indent Indent65059-8 | Your child is fascinated by dates. | |||
Indent Indent65060-6 | In a social group, your child can easily keep track of several different peoples conversations. | |||
Indent Indent65061-4 | Your child finds social situations easy. | |||
Indent Indent65062-2 | Your child tends to notice details that others do not. | |||
Indent Indent65063-0 | Your child would rather go to a library than a party. | |||
Indent Indent65064-8 | Your child finds making up stories easy. | |||
Indent Indent65065-5 | Your child finds him or herself drawn more strongly to people than to things. | |||
Indent Indent65066-3 | Your child tends to have very strong interests, which your child gets upset about if your child can't pursue. | |||
Indent Indent65067-1 | Your child enjoys social chit-chat. | |||
Indent Indent65068-9 | When your child talks, it isn't always easy for others to get a word in edgeways. | |||
Indent Indent65069-7 | Your child is fascinated by numbers. | |||
Indent Indent65070-5 | When your child is reading a story, your child finds it difficult to work out the characters' intentions. | |||
Indent Indent65071-3 | Your child doesn't particularly enjoy reading fiction. | |||
Indent Indent65072-1 | Your child finds it hard to make new friends. | |||
Indent Indent65073-9 | Your child notices patterns in things all the time. | |||
Indent Indent65074-7 | Your child would rather go to the theatre than a museum. | |||
Indent Indent65075-4 | It does not upset your child if the daily routine is disturbed. | |||
Indent Indent65076-2 | Your child frequently finds that he or she doesn't know how to keep a conversation going. | |||
Indent Indent65077-0 | Your child finds it easy to read between the lines when someone is talking to her or him. | |||
Indent Indent65078-8 | Your child usually concentrates more on the whole picture, rather than the small details. | |||
Indent Indent65079-6 | Your child is not very good at remembering phone numbers. | |||
Indent Indent65080-4 | Your child doesn't usually notice small changes in a situation, or a person's appearance. | |||
Indent Indent65081-2 | Your child knows how to tell if someone listening to them is getting bored. | |||
Indent Indent65082-0 | Your child finds it easy to do more than one thing at once. | |||
Indent Indent65083-8 | When your child talks on the phone, he or she is not sure when its their turn to speak. | |||
Indent Indent65084-6 | Your child enjoys doing things spontaneously. | |||
Indent Indent65085-3 | Your child is often the last to understand the point of a joke. | |||
Indent Indent65086-1 | Your child finds it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. | |||
Indent Indent65087-9 | If there is an interruption, your child can switch back to what he or she was doing very quickly. | |||
Indent Indent65088-7 | Your child is good at social chit-chat. | |||
Indent Indent65089-5 | People often tell them that your child keeps going on and on about the same thing. | |||
Indent Indent65090-3 | When your child was younger, he or she used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children. | |||
Indent Indent65091-1 | Your child likes to collect information about categories of things, types of car, types of bird, types of train, types of plant, etc. | |||
Indent Indent65092-9 | Your child finds it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. | |||
Indent Indent65093-7 | Your child likes to plan any activities he or she participates in carefully. | |||
Indent Indent65094-5 | Your child enjoys social occasions. | |||
Indent Indent65095-2 | Your child finds it difficult to work out peoples intentions. | |||
Indent Indent65096-0 | New situations make your child anxious. | |||
Indent Indent65097-8 | Your child enjoys meeting new people. | |||
Indent Indent65098-6 | Your child is a good diplomat. | |||
Indent Indent65099-4 | Your child is not very good at remembering peoples date of birth. | |||
Indent62740-6 | PhenX - symptoms of autism spectrum disorders - child protocol 120903 | |||
Indent Indent65100-0 | Does your child join in playing games with other children easily. | |||
Indent Indent65101-8 | Does s/he come up to you spontaneously for a chat? | |||
Indent Indent65102-6 | Was s/he speaking by 2 years old? | |||
Indent Indent65103-4 | Does your child enjoy sports. | |||
Indent Indent65104-2 | Is it important to him/her to fit in with the peer group? | |||
Indent Indent65105-9 | Does s/he appear to notice unusual details that others miss? | |||
Indent Indent65106-7 | Does s/he tend to take things literally? | |||
Indent Indent65107-5 | When s/he was 3 years old, did s/he spend a lot of time pretending (e.g., play-acting being a superhero, or holding teddy's tea parties)? | |||
Indent Indent65108-3 | Does s/he like to do things over and over again, in the same way all the time? | |||
Indent Indent65109-1 | Does s/he find it easy to interact with other children? | |||
Indent Indent65110-9 | Can s/he keep a two-way conversation going? | |||
Indent Indent65111-7 | Can s/he read appropriately for his/her age? | |||
Indent Indent65112-5 | Does s/he mostly have the same interests as his/her peers? | |||
Indent Indent65113-3 | Does s/he have an interest which takes up so much time that s/he does little else? | |||
Indent Indent65114-1 | Does s/he have friends, rather than just acquaintances? | |||
Indent Indent65115-8 | Does s/he often bring you things s/he is interested in to show you? | |||
Indent Indent65116-6 | Does s/he enjoy joking around? | |||
Indent Indent65117-4 | Does s/he have difficulty understanding the rules for polite behavior? | |||
Indent Indent65118-2 | Does s/he appear to have an unusual memory for details? | |||
Indent Indent65119-0 | Is his/her voice unusual (e.g., overly adult, flat, or very monotonous)? | |||
Indent Indent65120-8 | Are people important to him/her? | |||
Indent Indent65121-6 | Can s/he dress him/herself? | |||
Indent Indent65122-4 | Is s/he good at turn-taking in conversation? | |||
Indent Indent65123-2 | Does s/he play imaginatively with other children, and engage in role-play? | |||
Indent Indent65124-0 | Does s/he often do or say things that are tactless or socially inappropriate? | |||
Indent Indent65125-7 | Can s/he count to 50 without leaving out any numbers? | |||
Indent Indent65126-5 | Does s/he make normal eye-contact? | |||
Indent Indent65127-3 | Does s/he have any unusual and repetitive movements? | |||
Indent Indent65128-1 | Is his/her social behavior very one-sided and always on his/her own terms? | |||
Indent Indent65129-9 | Does s/he sometimes say "you" or "s/he" when s/he means "I"? | |||
Indent Indent65130-7 | Does s/he prefer imaginative activities such as play-acting or story-telling, rather than numbers or lists of facts? | |||
Indent Indent65131-5 | Does s/he sometimes lose the listener because of not explaining what s/he is talking about? | |||
Indent Indent65132-3 | Can s/he ride a bicycle (even if with stabilizers)? | |||
Indent Indent65133-1 | Does s/he try to impose routines on himself/herself, or on others, in such a way that it causes problems? | |||
Indent Indent65134-9 | Does s/he care how s/he is perceived by the rest of the group? | |||
Indent Indent65135-6 | Does s/he often turn conversations to his/her favorite subject rather than following what the other person wants to talk about? | |||
Indent Indent65136-4 | Does s/he have odd or unusual phrases? | |||
Indent Indent65137-2 | Have teachers/health visitors ever expressed any concerns about his/her development? | |||
Indent Indent65139-8 | Have teachers/health visitors ever expressed any concerns about his/her development? If yes, please specify | |||
Indent Indent65140-6 | Has s/he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?: Language delay | |||
Indent Indent65141-4 | Has s/he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?: Hyperactivity/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) | |||
Indent Indent65142-2 | Has s/he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?: Hearing or visual difficulties | |||
Indent Indent65143-0 | Has s/he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?: Autism Spectrum Condition, including Asperger's Syndrome | |||
Indent Indent65144-8 | Has s/he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?: A physical disability | |||
Indent62742-2 | PhenX - sleep disorders screener protocol 121001 | |||
Indent Indent65547-2 | Do you normally work (or attend school) during the day and sleep at night? | |||
Indent Indent65548-0 | What is your normal work (or school) and sleep schedule? | |||
Indent Indent65549-8 | What is your normal work (or school) and sleep schedule? Other, Describe | |||
Indent Indent65550-6 | What shift schedule do you most often work? | |||
Indent Indent65933-4 | Day [PhenX] | |||
Indent Indent65551-4 | At what time do you usually go to bed? | |||
Indent Indent65552-2 | About how many M does it usually take for you to fall asleep? | min | ||
Indent Indent65554-8 | How long does it take for you to become fully awake from regular sleep (i.e., after first opening your eyes in the morning)? | {hh:min} | ||
Indent Indent65555-5 | Do you use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning? | |||
Indent Indent65556-3 | Do you have great difficulty waking up in the morning | |||
Indent Indent65557-1 | Do you often have so much trouble waking up that an alarm clock won't wake you and you have to use other methods to wake up? | |||
Indent Indent65558-9 | Describe | |||
Indent Indent65559-7 | When you wake up in the morning or from a nap, do you feel "out of it" and confused? | |||
Indent Indent65560-5 | How long does it take for you to fully awaken? | {hh:min} | ||
Indent Indent65561-3 | How much sleep do you usually get on a typical night? | {hh:min}/{night} | ||
Indent Indent65562-1 | Do you usually follow the same sleep schedule (i.e., no more than a 1 hour difference in sleep and wake times) on both work/school and non-work/school days? (or school days and weekends) | |||
Indent Indent65563-9 | How many hours of sleep per night do you think you need to feel fully rested the next day? | h/{night} | ||
Indent Indent65585-2 | When you do not have to maintain a strict schedule (i.e. not dictated by strict work or school schedules, as while on vacation or not working):..are these usual sleep and wake times always about the same (i.e. each day during a week of vacation)? | |||
Indent Indent65564-7 | Do you feel awake and refreshed after sleeping? | |||
Indent Indent65566-2 | How often do you take naps? | |||
Indent Indent65567-0 | At what time(s) of the day do you usually take naps? | |||
Indent Indent65568-8 | How many hours and minutes of sleep do you usually get when you take a nap? | {hh:min} | ||
Indent Indent65569-6 | Do you have great difficulty waking up from naps? | |||
Indent Indent65570-4 | How often do you dream when you nap? | |||
Indent Indent65571-2 | Are these dreams very intense, detailed and vivid, like watching a movie? | |||
Indent Indent65572-0 | How difficult is it for you to adapt to a sleep loss of 3 hours or more (i.e. sleeping 3 or more hours less than you normally do the night before)? | |||
Indent Indent65564-7 | Do you feel awake and refreshed after sleeping? | |||
Indent Indent65573-8 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to ...your mood (being sadder or happier)? | |||
Indent Indent65578-7 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...your mood (being sadder or happier)? (If yes, How?) | |||
Indent Indent65631-4 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to ...your tendency to be irritable? | |||
Indent Indent65674-4 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to ...your tendency to be irritable? (If yes, How?) | |||
Indent Indent65675-1 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...your ability to get your work done? | |||
Indent Indent65676-9 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...your ability to get your work done? (If yes, How?) | |||
Indent Indent65677-7 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...how much you eat? | |||
Indent Indent65678-5 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to ...how much you eat? (If yes, How?) | |||
Indent Indent65679-3 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...your desire for chocolate or sweets? | |||
Indent Indent65680-1 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to ...your desire for chocolate or sweets? (If yes, How?) | |||
Indent Indent65574-6 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to...your mood (being sadder or happier)? (If yes, How?) | d;wk;mo;a | ||
Indent Indent65575-3 | Do you prefer to keep a regular sleep schedule (i.e. one that does not change much from one night to the next)? | |||
Indent Indent65576-1 | If you do not keep your regular sleep schedule, how much do you feel ""off"" (i.e. not your regular self), the next day? | |||
Indent Indent65577-9 | When you are traveling EAST by air and you cross over several time zones, how quickly do you return to your usual sleeping pattern | d | ||
Indent Indent65579-5 | What about when you are traveling WEST by air over several time zones? | |||
Indent Indent65580-3 | Do you consider yourself to be a morning person ("early bird"), an evening person ("night owl"), or neither? | |||
Indent Indent65581-1 | How strong is your preference? | |||
Indent Indent65582-9 | INTERVIEWER: Does respondent consistently fall asleep very late (i.e., 12 a.m. or later) at night AND characterize him/herself as a "night owl" with a "strong preference"? | |||
Indent Indent65583-7 | When you do not have to maintain a strict schedule (i.e. not dictated by strict work or school schedules, as while on vacation or not working): ...at what time do you usually go to sleep (i.e. feel sleepy and ready to go to bed)? | |||
Indent Indent65553-0 | At what time do you usually wake up? | {clock time} | ||
Indent Indent65585-2 | When you do not have to maintain a strict schedule (i.e. not dictated by strict work or school schedules, as while on vacation or not working):..are these usual sleep and wake times always about the same (i.e. each day during a week of vacation)? | |||
Indent Indent65586-0 | When you do not have to maintain a strict schedule (i.e. not dictated by strict work or school schedules, as while on vacation or not working): ...do you wake up on your own (i.e., without an alarm or other assistance)? | |||
Indent Indent65587-8 | Have you ever tried to force yourself to fall asleep at an (earlier) time than your usual bedtime? | |||
Indent Indent65565-4 | How often do you remember your dreams? That is, dreams that occur during your regular sleep and not while napping | |||
Indent Indent65589-4 | When you tried to shift your sleep schedule to an earlier bedtime (at least 1 to 2 hours earlier), did you have difficulty falling asleep | |||
Indent Indent65590-2 | Do attempts to change your sleep/wake schedule tend to make your sleeping difficulties worse? | |||
Indent Indent65591-0 | During the past year, what was the longest period of time that you had these sleeping problems on most nights? | wk; mo; a | ||
Indent Indent65592-8 | How old were you when you first began going to sleep very late without being able to adjust your schedule when you tried? | a | ||
Indent Indent65593-6 | How old were you the last time you experienced these problems? | a | ||
Indent Indent65594-4 | Do you currently experience these problems? | |||
Indent Indent65825-2 | How much have your late bedtime and inability to adjust your schedule upset or distressed you? | |||
Indent Indent65826-0 | What number describes how much this eveningness tendency has affected your social life and/or relationships with your friends? | |||
Indent Indent65827-8 | What number describes how much this eveningness tendency has affected your relationships with family members? | |||
Indent Indent65828-6 | What number describes how much this eveningness tendency has affected your performance in school/work or your relationships with your co-workers, employers, teachers or classmates? | |||
Indent Indent65595-1 | Have you ever had frequent problems getting to sleep at the beginning of the night which has negatively affected how you function during the following day? | |||
Indent Indent65596-9 | Have you ever had frequent problems staying asleep at night which has negatively affected how you function during the following day? | |||
Indent Indent65597-7 | Have you ever had frequent problems falling back to sleep after waking in the middle of the night which has negatively affected how you function during the following day? | |||
Indent Indent65598-5 | In the past year, have you had difficulty getting to sleep? | |||
Indent Indent65599-3 | In the past year, have you awakened during the night and had a hard time getting back to sleep? | |||
Indent Indent65600-9 | In the past year, have you awakened too early in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep? | |||
Indent Indent65591-0 | During the past year, what was the longest period of time that you had these sleeping problems on most nights? | wk; mo; a | ||
Indent Indent65682-7 | Things experienced during the daytime due to difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep at night [PhenX] | 1..10 | ||
Indent Indent65683-5 | Do you experience any of these things during the daytime due to your difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep at night [PhenX] | |||
Indent Indent65684-3 | Do you do any of the following during the night when you cannot fall asleep, do you: Experience frustration, tension and/or anxiety over not being able to go to sleep? | |||
Indent Indent65601-7 | Do you do any of the following during the night when you cannot fall asleep, do you: Look at the clock frequently to see how long you have not been able to fall asleep? | |||
Indent Indent65602-5 | When you are NOT sleeping in your usual bed (e.g. in a hotel room while on vacation, or on your couch watching television), do you still have problems initially getting to sleep, staying asleep, or falling back to sleep after waking up during the night? | |||
Indent Indent65685-0 | Events or conditions occurring at the same time as difficulty with insomnia [PhenX] | 1..7 | ||
Indent Indent65686-8 | Does your difficulty with insomnia occur at the same time as any of these events or conditions [PhenX] | |||
Indent Indent65687-6 | Other drugs or medications occurring with insomnia. | |||
Indent Indent65688-4 | Changing schedule with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65689-2 | Noisy or uncomfortable surroundings occurring with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65690-0 | Stress or major life event occurring with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65691-8 | Other disturbances occurring with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65692-6 | Emotional or mental condition occurring with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65693-4 | Other medical condition occurring with insomnia | |||
Indent Indent65603-3 | Do you ever have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, when there seems to be no cause or explanation for it? | |||
Indent Indent65604-1 | Has your difficulty with sleeping occurred or worsened during any of the following conditions...pregnancy? | |||
Indent Indent65605-8 | Has your difficulty with sleeping occurred or worsened during any of the following conditions ...menopause? (ask for women over 35) | |||
Indent Indent65606-6 | Has your difficulty with sleeping occurred or worsened during any of the following conditions...just before (a few days) menstruation? | |||
Indent Indent65607-4 | Has your difficulty with sleeping occurred or worsened during any of the following conditions ...menstruation? | |||
Indent Indent65608-2 | How many separate times in your life have you had difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or falling back to sleep after waking up during the night (for at least one month)? | {#} | ||
Indent Indent65609-0 | How old were you when you first experienced this kind of difficulty with sleeping (for at least one month)? | a | ||
Indent Indent65610-8 | How old were you the last time you experienced this insomnia (for at least one month)? | a | ||
Indent Indent65611-6 | Do you currently experience insomnia? | |||
Indent Indent65612-4 | How frequently do you experience insomnia? | /wk | ||
Indent Indent66184-3 | How much does your insomnia (sleep difficulties) upset or distress you? | |||
Indent Indent66185-0 | What number describes how much your insomnia has affected your social life or relationships with your friends? | |||
Indent Indent66186-8 | What number describes how much your insomnia has affected your relationships with family members? | |||
Indent Indent66187-6 | What number describes how much your insomnia has affected your performance in school/work or your relationships with your co-workers, employers, teachers or classmates? | |||
Indent Indent65613-2 | Do you feel so sleepy during the day that it interrupts your normal activities - such as driving, reading, or concentrating at work or school, even when you have had enough sleep the night before? | |||
Indent Indent65614-0 | How often do you feel this way? | |||
Indent Indent65615-7 | What is the longest period of time that you have felt this way (on most days)? | wk; mo; a | ||
Indent Indent65617-3 | During the daytime, do you experience an overwhelming desire to go to sleep - so overwhelming that you cannot resist? | |||
Indent Indent65616-5 | How often does this overwhelming desire to go to sleep occur? | d;wk;mo;a | ||
Indent Indent65618-1 | What is the longest period of time that you have felt this way (on most days)? | wk; mo; a | ||
Indent Indent65619-9 | When you do doze off during the day and take a nap, do you find this sleep refreshing? | |||
Indent Indent65620-7 | When you do doze off during the day and take a nap, do you find this sleep refreshing? Describe: | |||
Indent Indent65621-5 | Do you feel that you are sleepier than other people your age? | |||
Indent Indent65622-3 | Do you ever experience periods of muscle weakness, loss of muscle strength or limp muscles in any part of your body (e.g. in the legs or face) during the following situations: ...when you laugh? | |||
Indent Indent65623-1 | Do you ever experience periods of muscle weakness, loss of muscle strength or limp muscles in any part of your body (e.g. in the legs or face) during the following situations: ...when you are angry? | |||
Indent Indent65624-9 | Do you ever experience periods of muscle weakness, loss of muscle strength or limp muscles in any part of your body (e.g. in the legs or face) during the following situations: ...when you hear or tell a joke? | |||
Indent Indent65625-6 | Have you ever been told that you "act out" your dreams? | |||
Indent Indent65626-4 | How often does this happen? | |||
Indent Indent65627-2 | Do you ever move so much during your sleep that you accidentally hit your bed partner (if any) or hurt yourself? | |||
Indent Indent65628-0 | Do you have any memory of these event(s)? | |||
Indent Indent65629-8 | Does moving at night disrupt your sleep? (i.e. wake you up at night) | |||
Indent Indent65630-6 | During what part of the night do these events most often occur? | |||
Indent62744-8 | PhenX - personality traits protocol 121101 | |||
Indent Indent65145-5 | I see myself as someone who is talkative. | |||
Indent Indent65146-3 | I see myself as someone who tends to find fault with others. | |||
Indent Indent65147-1 | I see myself as someone who does a thorough job. | |||
Indent Indent65148-9 | I see myself as someone who is depressed, blue. | |||
Indent Indent65149-7 | I see myself as someone who is original, comes up with new ideas. | |||
Indent Indent65150-5 | I see myself as someone who is reserved. | |||
Indent Indent65151-3 | I see myself as someone who is helpful and unselfish with others. | |||
Indent Indent65152-1 | I see myself as someone who can be somewhat careless. | |||
Indent Indent65153-9 | I see myself as someone who is relaxed, handles stress well. | |||
Indent Indent65154-7 | I see myself as someone who is curious about many different things. | |||
Indent Indent65155-4 | I see myself as someone who is full of energy. | |||
Indent Indent65156-2 | I see myself as someone who starts quarrels with others. | |||
Indent Indent65157-0 | I see myself as someone who is a reliable worker. | |||
Indent Indent65158-8 | I see myself as someone who can be tense. | |||
Indent Indent65159-6 | I see myself as someone who is ingenious, a deep thinker. | |||
Indent Indent65160-4 | I see myself as someone who generates a lot of enthusiasm. | |||
Indent Indent65161-2 | I see myself as someone who has a forgiving nature. | |||
Indent Indent65162-0 | I see myself as someone who tends to be disorganized. | |||
Indent Indent65163-8 | I see myself as someone who worries a lot. | |||
Indent Indent65164-6 | I see myself as someone who has an active imagination. | |||
Indent Indent65165-3 | I see myself as someone who tends to be quiet. | |||
Indent Indent65166-1 | I see myself as someone who is generally trusting. | |||
Indent Indent65167-9 | I see myself as someone who tends to be lazy. | |||
Indent Indent65168-7 | I see myself as someone who is emotionally stable, not easily upset. | |||
Indent Indent65169-5 | I see myself as someone who is inventive. | |||
Indent Indent65170-3 | I see myself as someone who has an assertive personality. | |||
Indent Indent65171-1 | I see myself as someone who can be cold and aloof. | |||
Indent Indent65172-9 | I see myself as someone who perseveres until the task is finished. | |||
Indent Indent65173-7 | I see myself as someone who can be moody. | |||
Indent Indent65174-5 | I see myself as someone who values artistic, aesthetic experiences. | |||
Indent Indent65175-2 | I see myself as someone who is sometimes shy, inhibited. | |||
Indent Indent65176-0 | I see myself as someone who is considerate, kind to almost everyone. | |||
Indent Indent65177-8 | I see myself as someone who does things efficiently. | |||
Indent Indent65178-6 | I see myself as someone who remains calm in tense situations. | |||
Indent Indent65179-4 | I see myself as someone who prefers work that is routine. | |||
Indent Indent65180-2 | I see myself as someone who is outgoing, sociable. | |||
Indent Indent65181-0 | I see myself as someone who is sometimes rude to others. | |||
Indent Indent65182-8 | I see myself as someone who makes plans and follows through on them. | |||
Indent Indent65183-6 | I see myself as someone who gets nervous easily. | |||
Indent Indent65184-4 | I see myself as someone who likes to reflect, play with ideas. | |||
Indent Indent65185-1 | I see myself as someone who has few artistic interests. | |||
Indent Indent65186-9 | I see myself as someone who likes to cooperate with others. | |||
Indent Indent65187-7 | I see myself as someone who is easily distracted. | |||
Indent Indent65188-5 | I see myself as someone who is sophisticated in art, music or literature. | |||
Indent62746-3 | PhenX - general distress screener protocol 121301 | |||
Indent Indent65189-3 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel...nervous? | |||
Indent Indent65190-1 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel...hopeless ? | |||
Indent Indent65191-9 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel... restless or fidgety? | |||
Indent Indent65192-7 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel...so depressed that nothing could cheer you up? | |||
Indent Indent65193-5 | Taking them altogether, did these feelings occur more often in the past 30 days than is usual for you, about the same as usual, or less often than usual? | |||
Indent Indent65194-3 | During the past 30 days, how many days out of 30 were you totally unable to work or carry out your normal activities because of these feelings? | d/(30.d) | ||
Indent Indent65195-0 | Not counting the days you reported in response to 3, how many days in the past 30 were you able to do only half or less of what you would normally have been able to do, because of these feelings? | d/(30.d) | ||
Indent Indent65196-8 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel...that everything was an effort? | |||
Indent Indent65197-6 | During the past 30 days, how many times did you see a doctor or other health professional about these feelings? | {#}/(30.d) | ||
Indent Indent65198-4 | During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel...worthless? | |||
Indent Indent65199-2 | During the past 30 days, how often have physical health problems been the main cause of these feelings? | |||
Indent62748-9 | PhenX - posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) protocol 121401 | |||
Indent Indent65200-8 | Have you ever experienced, witnessed, or otherwise been involved in any events that could have brought serious harm or even death to you or someone else? If yes: Specify (in general) | |||
Indent Indent65201-6 | Specify, in general, what you have you ever experienced, witnessed, or otherwise been involved in any events that could have brought serious harm or even death to you or someone else [PhenX] | |||
Indent Indent65202-4 | Did this event cause you to have intense feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror?If yes: Specify (in general) | |||
Indent Indent65203-2 | If this event caused you to have intense feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror, specify [PhenX] | |||
Indent Indent65204-0 | Have you ever been bothered by unwanted thoughts, or dreams, or images that kept coming back to you, about a traumatic event that you experienced or witnessed? | |||
Indent Indent65205-7 | Have you ever felt as if you were reliving some traumatic event that you experienced or witnessed? | |||
Indent Indent65206-5 | Have you ever been intensely distressed or extremely anxious when you were reminded in some way about a traumatic event that you experienced or witnessed? | |||
Indent Indent65207-3 | Have you tried in general to avoid thinking or talking about the event? | |||
Indent Indent65208-1 | Have you tried in general to avoid activities, places, or people that remind you of the event? | |||
Indent Indent65209-9 | Are you unable to recall important parts of the event? | |||
Indent Indent65210-7 | Since the event, do you tend to feel detached from other people? | |||
Indent Indent65211-5 | Since the event, have you been unable to experience a full range of feelings? | |||
Indent Indent65212-3 | Since the event, have you found yourself unable to see a future for yourself? | |||
Indent Indent65213-1 | Since this event happened, have you had problems with ...difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep (apart from depression or mania)? | |||
Indent Indent65214-9 | Since this event happened, have you had problems with...irritability or angry outbursts (apart from depression or mania)? | |||
Indent Indent65215-6 | Since this event happened, have you had problems with ...difficulty concentrating (apart from depression or mania)? | |||
Indent Indent65216-4 | Since this event happened, have you had problems with...being too much on alert? | |||
Indent Indent65217-2 | Since this event happened, have you had problems with...being too easily startled? | |||
Indent Indent65218-0 | Have you been very upset about having these symptoms? | |||
Indent Indent65219-8 | Have these symptoms interfered with your ability to work, to be with others, or to function in other areas of life? | |||
Indent Indent65220-6 | How long did these symptoms (from questions 3-18) last? Indicate the number of months | mo | ||
Indent Indent65221-4 | When did the traumatic event occur (if several, ask about the most closely associated with symptoms)? | |||
Indent Indent65222-2 | When did you start to experience these symptoms (from questions 3-18)? | |||
Indent Indent65223-0 | Age of onset | a | ||
Indent62750-5 | PhenX - attention-deficit - hyperactivity disorder symptoms protocol - adult 121501 | |||
Indent Indent65224-8 | How often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the challenging parts have been done? | |||
Indent Indent65225-5 | How often do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires organization? | |||
Indent Indent65226-3 | How often do you have problems remembering appointments or obligations? | |||
Indent Indent65227-1 | When you have a task that requires a lot of thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting started? | |||
Indent Indent65228-9 | How often do you fidget or squirm with your hands or feet when you have to sit down for a long time? | |||
Indent Indent65229-7 | How often do you feel overly active and compelled to do things, like you were driven by a motor? | |||
Indent Indent65230-5 | How often do you make careless mistakes when you have to work on a boring or difficult project? | |||
Indent Indent65231-3 | How often do you have difficulty keeping your attention when you are doing boring or repetitive work? | |||
Indent Indent65232-1 | How often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to you directly? | |||
Indent Indent65233-9 | How often do you misplace or have difficulty finding things at home or at work? | |||
Indent Indent65234-7 | How often are you distracted by activity or noise around you? | |||
Indent Indent65235-4 | How often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated? | |||
Indent Indent65236-2 | How often do you feel restless or fidgety? | |||
Indent Indent65237-0 | How often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself? | |||
Indent Indent65238-8 | How often do you find yourself talking too much when you are in social situations? | |||
Indent Indent65239-6 | When you're in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you are talking to, before they can finish them themselves? | |||
Indent Indent65240-4 | How often do you have difficulty waiting your turn in situations when turn taking is required? | |||
Indent Indent65241-2 | How often do you interrupt others when they are busy? | |||
Indent62751-3 | PhenX - attention-deficit - hyperactivity disorder symptoms protocol - child 121502 | |||
Indent Indent65242-0 | Give close attention to detail and avoid careless mistakes | |||
Indent Indent65243-8 | Sustain attention on tasks or play activitie | |||
Indent Indent65244-6 | Listen when spoken to directly | |||
Indent Indent65245-3 | Follow through on instructions & finish school work/chores | |||
Indent Indent65246-1 | Organize tasks and activities | |||
Indent Indent65247-9 | Engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort | |||
Indent Indent65248-7 | Keep track of things necessary for activities | |||
Indent Indent65249-5 | Ignore extraneous stimuli | |||
Indent Indent65250-3 | Remember daily activities | |||
Indent Indent65251-1 | Sit still (control movement of hands/feet or control squirming) | |||
Indent Indent65252-9 | Stay seated (when required by class rules/social conventions) | |||
Indent Indent65253-7 | Modulate motor activity (inhibit inappropriate running/climbing) | |||
Indent Indent65254-5 | Play quietly (keep noise level reasonable) | |||
Indent Indent65255-2 | Settle down and rest (control constant activity) | |||
Indent Indent65256-0 | Modulate verbal activity (control excess talking) | |||
Indent Indent65257-8 | Reflect on questions (control blurting out answers) | |||
Indent Indent65258-6 | Await turn (stand in line and take turns) | |||
Indent Indent65259-4 | Enter into conversation and games (control interrupting/intruding) | |||
Indent62753-9 | PhenX - psychopathy protocol 121601 | |||
Indent Indent65260-2 | I'm optimistic more often than not. | |||
Indent Indent65261-0 | How other people feel is important to me. | |||
Indent Indent65262-8 | I often act on immediate needs. | |||
Indent Indent65263-6 | I have no strong desire to parachute out of an airplane. | |||
Indent Indent65264-4 | I've often missed things I promised to attend. | |||
Indent Indent65265-1 | I would enjoy being in a high-speed chase. | |||
Indent Indent65266-9 | I am well-equipped to deal with stress. | |||
Indent Indent65267-7 | I don't mind if someone I dislike gets hurt. | |||
Indent Indent65268-5 | My impulsive decisions have caused problems with loved ones. | |||
Indent Indent65269-3 | I get scared easily. | |||
Indent Indent65270-1 | I sympathize with others problems. | |||
Indent Indent65271-9 | I have missed work without bothering to call in. | |||
Indent Indent65272-7 | I'm a born leader. | |||
Indent Indent65273-5 | I enjoy a good physical fight. | |||
Indent Indent65274-3 | I jump into things without thinking. | |||
Indent Indent65275-0 | I have a hard time making things turn out the way I want. | |||
Indent Indent65276-8 | I return insults. | |||
Indent Indent65277-6 | I've gotten in trouble because I missed too much school. | |||
Indent Indent65278-4 | I have a knack for influencing people. | |||
Indent Indent65279-2 | It doesn't bother me to see someone else in pain. | |||
Indent Indent65280-0 | I have good control over myself. | |||
Indent Indent65281-8 | I function well in new situations, even when unprepared. | |||
Indent Indent65282-6 | I enjoy pushing people around sometimes. | |||
Indent Indent65283-4 | I have taken money from someone's purse or wallet without asking. | |||
Indent Indent65284-2 | I have taken money from someone's purse or wallet without asking. | |||
Indent Indent65285-9 | I taunt people just to stir things up. | |||
Indent Indent65286-7 | People often abuse my trust. | |||
Indent Indent65287-5 | I'm afraid of far fewer things than most people. | |||
Indent Indent65288-3 | I don't see any point in worrying if what I do hurts someone else. | |||
Indent Indent65289-1 | I keep appointments I make. | |||
Indent Indent65290-9 | I often get bored quickly and lose interest. | |||
Indent Indent65291-7 | I can get over things that would traumatize others. | |||
Indent Indent65292-5 | I am sensitive to the feelings of others. | |||
Indent Indent65293-3 | I have conned people to get money from them. | |||
Indent Indent65294-1 | It worries me to go into an unfamiliar situation without knowing all the details. | |||
Indent Indent65295-8 | I don't have much sympathy for people. | |||
Indent Indent65296-6 | I get in trouble for not considering the consequences of my actions. | |||
Indent Indent65297-4 | I can convince people to do what I want. | |||
Indent Indent65298-2 | For me, honesty really is the best policy. | |||
Indent Indent65299-0 | I've injured people to see them in pain. | |||
Indent Indent65300-6 | I don't like to take the lead in groups. | |||
Indent Indent65301-4 | I sometimes insult people on purpose to get a reaction from them. | |||
Indent Indent65302-2 | I have taken items from a store without paying for them. | |||
Indent Indent65303-0 | It's easy to embarrass me. | |||
Indent Indent65304-8 | Things are more fun if a little danger is involved. | |||
Indent Indent65305-5 | I have a hard time waiting patiently for things I want. | |||
Indent Indent65306-3 | I stay away from physical danger as much as I can. | |||
Indent Indent65307-1 | I don't care much if what I do hurts others. | |||
Indent Indent65308-9 | I have lost a friend because of irresponsible things I've done. | |||
Indent Indent65309-7 | I don't stack up well against most others. | |||
Indent Indent65310-5 | Others have told me they are concerned about my lack of self-control. | |||
Indent Indent65311-3 | It's easy for me to relate to other people's emotions. | |||
Indent Indent65312-1 | I have robbed someone. | |||
Indent Indent65313-9 | I never worry about making a fool of myself with others. | |||
Indent Indent65314-7 | It doesn't bother me when people around me are hurting. | |||
Indent Indent65315-4 | I have had problems at work because I was irresponsible. | |||
Indent Indent65316-2 | I'm not very good at influencing people. | |||
Indent Indent65317-0 | I have stolen something out of a vehicle. |
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- PhenX domain - Psychiatric
- Property
- -
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- -
- Method
- PhenX
Additional Names
- Long Common Name
- PhenX domain - Psychiatric
- Short Name
- Domain - Psychiatric
Survey Question
- Source
- PX120000
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.36
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65
- Change Reason
- Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
- Panel Type
- Panel
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Dominio PhenX - Psiquiátrico: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | PhenX, dominio - Psichiatrico: Synonyms: Panel PhenX paziente PhenX Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | PhenX домен - Психиатрия: Synonyms: Точка во времени; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | PhenX 领域 - 精神病学: Synonyms: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures; |
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