Version 2.80

Status Information


Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
62787-7 PhenX domain - Diabetes
Indent62789-3 PhenX - autoimmune diseases related to type 1 diabetes protocol 140101
IndentIndent65544-9 Do you (Does your child) have any of the following diseases?
Indent62791-9 PhenX - family history of diabetes protocol 140201
IndentIndent65545-6 Relation with diabetes-related problem [PhenX]
IndentIndent65546-4 Problem related to diabetes [PhenX] 1..5
IndentIndent46098-0 Sex
IndentIndent63900-5 Current age or age at death? a
IndentIndent66047-2 Do or did you have this diabetes-related problem [PhenX]
IndentIndent66048-0 Age diabetes-related problem occurred [PhenX] a
Indent62793-5 PhenX - medication inventory protocol 140301
IndentIndent66089-4 Have you brought this bag with you? Are these all the medications that you have taken in the past two weeks?
IndentIndent66149-6 Prescribed medications
IndentIndentIndent66423-5 Medications Current medication
IndentIndentIndent66424-3 Strength (mg, IU, etc.). Write the decimal one of the digits.
IndentIndentIndent66425-0 Number Prescribed {#}
IndentIndentIndent66426-8 PRN Medicine?
IndentIndent66150-4 Over the counter medications
IndentIndentIndent66423-5 Medications Current medication
IndentIndentIndent66424-3 Strength (mg, IU, etc.). Write the decimal one of the digits.
IndentIndentIndent66425-0 Number Prescribed {#}
IndentIndentIndent66426-8 PRN Medicine?
IndentIndentIndent66151-2 On the average during the last two weeks, how many of these pills did you take a day/week/month {#}/d; {#}/wk; {#}/mo
Indent62795-0 PhenX - diabetic peripheral neuropathy protocol 140401
IndentIndent66090-2 Are your legs and/or feet numb?
IndentIndent66091-0 Do you ever have any burning pain in your legs and/or feet?
IndentIndent66092-8 Are your feet too sensitive to touch?
IndentIndent66093-6 Do you get muscle cramps in your legs and/or feet?
IndentIndent66094-4 Do you ever have any prickling feelings in your legs or feet?
IndentIndent66095-1 Does it hurt when the bed covers touch your skin?
IndentIndent66096-9 When you get into the tub or shower, are you able to tell the hot water from the cold water?
IndentIndent66097-7 Have you ever had an open sore on your foot?
IndentIndent66098-5 Has your doctor ever told you that you have diabetic neuropathy?
IndentIndent66099-3 Do you feel weak all over most of the time?
IndentIndent66100-9 Are your symptoms worse at night?
IndentIndent66101-7 Do your legs hurt when you walk?
IndentIndent66102-5 Are you able to sense your feet when you walk?
IndentIndent66103-3 Is the skin on your feet so dry that it cracks open?
IndentIndent66104-1 Have you ever had an amputation?
Indent62797-6 PhenX - personal history of type 1 - type 2 diabetes protocol 140501
IndentIndent66152-0 Has your doctor or health care professional told you that you had one of the following: Diabetes (sugar in blood)
IndentIndent66153-8 IF YES: Are you taking medicine for this?
IndentIndent66154-6 If Yes to a
IndentIndent66155-3 IF YES: At what age was this first treated? a
IndentIndent66156-1 Was insulin your first diabetes medicine?
IndentIndent66157-9 For Women: did diabetes occur ONLY during Pregnancy?
Indent62799-2 PhenX - personal history of kidney failure protocol 140601
IndentIndent66158-7 Has a medical person ever told you that you had kidney failure?
IndentIndent66159-5 If YES, are one or both working well now?
IndentIndent66160-3 How old were you when you were first told by a medical person that you had kidney failure? Indicate the actual age. a
IndentIndent66161-1 Are you currently on renal dialysis?
IndentIndent66162-9 Have you ever had a kidney transplant?
Indent62801-6 PhenX - diabetic retinopathy protocol 140701
IndentIndent64820-4 Has a medical doctor ever told you that diabetes has affected blood vessels in your eyes or that you had diabetic retinopathy or diabetic eye disease?
IndentIndent64821-2 Did you ever have laser treatment or surgery for your diabetic eye disease?
IndentIndent64822-0 How many different times have you had laser treatment or surgery for diabetic eye disease? {#}
Indent62851-1 PhenX - fasting plasma glucose for diabetes screening - blood draw protocol 140801
IndentIndent66164-5 Did you eat or drink anything other than plain water after 11:30 last night?
IndentIndent66165-2 When did you last eat or drink anything other than plain water?
IndentIndent66166-0 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Coffee or tea with cream and sugar? [Include milk or non-dairy creamers.]
IndentIndent66167-8 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66168-6 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
IndentIndent66169-4 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66170-2 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies?
IndentIndent66171-0 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66172-8 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals?
IndentIndent66173-6 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66183-5 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66182-7 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Dietary Supplements such as vitamins and minerals? [Include multivitamins and single nutrient supplements.]
IndentIndent66174-4 Are you currently pregnant?
IndentIndent66175-1 {Is SP/Are you} now taking insulin?
IndentIndent66176-9 {Is SP/Are you} now taking diabetic pills to lower {his/her}/your} blood sugar?
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66179-3 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66180-1 Was blood drawn?
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
IndentIndent66202-3 Was the participant fasting?
Indent62852-9 PhenX - fasting plasma glucose for diabetes screening - glucometer protocol 140802
IndentIndent66164-5 Did you eat or drink anything other than plain water after 11:30 last night?
IndentIndent66165-2 When did you last eat or drink anything other than plain water?
IndentIndent66166-0 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Coffee or tea with cream and sugar? [Include milk or non-dairy creamers.]
IndentIndent66167-8 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66168-6 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
IndentIndent66169-4 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66170-2 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies?
IndentIndent66171-0 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66172-8 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals?
IndentIndent66173-6 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66182-7 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Dietary Supplements such as vitamins and minerals? [Include multivitamins and single nutrient supplements.]
IndentIndent66183-5 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66174-4 Are you currently pregnant?
IndentIndent66175-1 {Is SP/Are you} now taking insulin?
IndentIndent66176-9 {Is SP/Are you} now taking diabetic pills to lower {his/her}/your} blood sugar?
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66179-3 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
Indent62854-5 PhenX - glycosylated hemoglobin assay reflecting long-term glucose concentration protocol 140901
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66504-2 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66180-1 Was blood drawn?
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
Indent62856-0 PhenX - oral glucose tolerance test protocol 141001
IndentIndent66164-5 Did you eat or drink anything other than plain water after 11:30 last night?
IndentIndent66165-2 When did you last eat or drink anything other than plain water?
IndentIndent66166-0 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Coffee or tea with cream and sugar? [Include milk or non-dairy creamers.]
IndentIndent66167-8 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66168-6 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
IndentIndent66169-4 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66170-2 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies?
IndentIndent66171-0 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66172-8 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals?
IndentIndent66173-6 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66182-7 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Dietary Supplements such as vitamins and minerals? [Include multivitamins and single nutrient supplements.]
IndentIndent66183-5 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66174-4 Are you currently pregnant?
IndentIndent66175-1 {Is SP/Are you} now taking insulin?
IndentIndent66176-9 {Is SP/Are you} now taking diabetic pills to lower {his/her}/your} blood sugar?
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66504-2 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent29463-7 Body weight O [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent66203-1 Record the amount of dextrose solution administered mL
IndentIndent66204-9 Record the amount of dextrose solution the participant drank
IndentIndent66205-6 Record whether all of the solution was consumed in 10 minutes
IndentIndent66206-4 Record the number of minutes elapsed between consuming dextrose solution and administering the second blood draw min
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66240-3 Blood draw [PhenX]
Indent62803-2 PhenX - fasting C-peptide assay for residual beta cell function protocol 141201
IndentIndent66164-5 Did you eat or drink anything other than plain water after 11:30 last night?
IndentIndent66165-2 When did you last eat or drink anything other than plain water?
IndentIndent66166-0 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Coffee or tea with cream and sugar? [Include milk or non-dairy creamers.]
IndentIndent66167-8 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66168-6 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
IndentIndent66169-4 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66170-2 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies?
IndentIndent66171-0 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66172-8 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals?
IndentIndent66173-6 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66182-7 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Dietary Supplements such as vitamins and minerals? [Include multivitamins and single nutrient supplements.]
IndentIndent66183-5 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66179-3 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66180-1 Was blood drawn?
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
IndentIndent66202-3 Was the participant fasting?
Indent62805-7 PhenX - fasting serum insulin protocol 141301
IndentIndent66164-5 Did you eat or drink anything other than plain water after 11:30 last night?
IndentIndent66165-2 When did you last eat or drink anything other than plain water?
IndentIndent66166-0 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Coffee or tea with cream and sugar? [Include milk or non-dairy creamers.]
IndentIndent66167-8 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66168-6 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor?
IndentIndent66169-4 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66170-2 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies?
IndentIndent66171-0 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66172-8 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals?
IndentIndent66173-6 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66182-7 Have you had any of the following since {insert time from 1 here}? Dietary Supplements such as vitamins and minerals? [Include multivitamins and single nutrient supplements.]
IndentIndent66183-5 If Yes, record date
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66505-9 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66180-1 Was blood drawn?
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
IndentIndent66202-3 Was the participant fasting?
Indent62807-3 PhenX - serum creatinine assay for kidney function protocol 141401
IndentIndent66177-7 Do you have hemophilia?
IndentIndent66178-5 Have you received cancer chemotherapy in the past four weeks or do you anticipate such therapy in the next four weeks?
IndentIndent66504-2 Exclusion Criteria
IndentIndent66180-1 Was blood drawn?
IndentIndent66181-9 Was full sample obtained?
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
Indent62809-9 PhenX - urinary microalbumin assay for kidney function protocol 141501
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}
Indent62811-5 PhenX - urinary creatinine assay for kidney function protocol 141601
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent8251-1 Service comment
IndentIndent66208-0 Make of the equipment used to perform...
IndentIndent74719-6 Manufacturer of the equipment used
IndentIndent66200-7 Repeatability of the assay {ratio}
IndentIndent66201-5 Coefficient of variation for the assay {CV}

Fully-Specified Name

PhenX domain - Diabetes

Additional Names

Long Common Name
PhenX domain - Diabetes
Short Name
Domain - Diabetes

Survey Question


Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.36
Last Updated
Version 2.67 (PANEL)
Change Reason
Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Τομέας PhenX - Διαβήτης:-:Pt:^Ασθενής:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Διαβήτης Τομέας PhenX - Διαβήτης
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Dominio PhenX - Diabetes:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:PhenX
it-IT Italian (Italy) PhenX, dominio - Diabete:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Panel PhenX paziente PhenX Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) PhenX домен - Диабет:-:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) PhenX 领域 - 糖尿病:-:时间点:^患者:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;暴露;接触;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.PhenX;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).PhenX;Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标;PhenX 医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多尿症;中消 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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