Version 2.80

Status Information

Discouraged as items are from a legacy demonstration tool that is no longer maintained.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
69377-0 Current medical information
Indent52464-5 Primary and Other Diagnoses, Comorbidities, and Complications
IndentIndent18630-4 Primary Diagnosis at Assessment
Indent52465-2 Other Diagnoses, Comorbidities, and Complications
IndentIndent29308-4 Diagnosis 0..*
Indent52468-6 Which of the following treatments did the patient receive during the 2-day assessment period?
IndentIndent52802-6 Major treatments admitted with [CARE] 1..30
IndentIndent52565-9 Specify reason for continuous monitoring:
IndentIndent52566-7 Specify most intensive frequency of suctioning during stay: Every____ hours
IndentIndent52567-5 Specify reason for 24-hour supervision
IndentIndent52568-3 Specify
Indent52471-0 Medications (Optional) O
IndentIndent52418-1 Medication Name
IndentIndent52809-1 Dose form Current medication
IndentIndent18609-8 Current medication, Route
IndentIndent52810-9 Current medication, Frequency
IndentIndent52796-0 Planned Stop Date (if applicable)
Indent52472-8 Allergies and Adverse Drug Reactions
IndentIndent52571-7 Does patient have allergies or any known adverse drug reactions?
IndentIndent52473-6 Allergies/Causes of Reaction 0..*
IndentIndent31044-1 Patient Reaction 0..*
Indent52474-4 Skin integrity panel
IndentIndent52475-1 Presence of pressure ulcers
IndentIndentIndent52573-3 Is this patient at risk of developing pressure ulcers?
IndentIndentIndent52574-1 Does this patient have one or more unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at stage 2 or higher?
IndentIndentIndent55763-7 IF THE PATIENT HAS ONE OR MORE STAGE 2-4 PRESSURE ULCERS, indicate the number of unhealed pressure ulcers at each stage.
IndentIndentIndentIndent52575-8 Number of pressure ulcers at assessment - stage 2 [CARE]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52576-6 Number of pressure ulcers at assessment - stage 3 [CARE]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52577-4 Number of pressure ulcers at assessment - stage 4 [CARE]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52578-2 Number of pressure ulcers at assessment - unstageable [CARE]
IndentIndentIndentIndent52583-2 Number of unhealed stage 2 ulcers known to be present for more than 1 month [CARE] {#}
IndentIndent52477-7 If any pressure ulcer is stage 3 or 4 (or if eschar is present), please record the most recent measurements for the LARGEST ulcer (or eschar):
IndentIndentIndent52728-3 Longest length in any direction cm
IndentIndentIndent52729-1 Pressure Ulcer Width: cm
IndentIndentIndent57228-9 Pressure Ulcer Depth: Depth of the same pressure ulcer; from visible surface to the depth of the deepest area cm
IndentIndentIndent52584-0 Date of measurement
IndentIndent52730-9 Indicate if any unhealed stage 3 or stage 4 pressure ulcer(s) has undermining and/or tunneling (sinus tract) present.
IndentIndent52585-7 Major wound (excluding pressure ulcers). Does the patient have one or more major wound(s) that require ongoing care because of draining, infection, or delayed healing?
IndentIndent52478-5 Number of Major Wounds
IndentIndentIndent52586-5 Delayed healing of surgical wound # [CARE] {#}
IndentIndentIndent52587-3 Trauma-related wound # {#}
IndentIndentIndent52588-1 Diabetic foot ulcer(s) # {#}
IndentIndentIndent52589-9 Vascular ulcer (arterial or venous including diabetic ulcers not located on the foot) # [CARE] {#}
IndentIndentIndent52590-7 Other {#}
IndentIndentIndent52591-5 Please specify:
IndentIndent52592-3 Turning surfaces not intact [CARE] 1..5
Indent52479-3 Physiologic Factors
IndentIndent52480-1 Anthropometric Measures
IndentIndentIndent3137-7 Height (inches) OR [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndentIndent8301-4 Height (cm) [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndentIndent3141-9 Weight (pounds) OR [lb_av];kg
IndentIndentIndent8335-2 Weight (kg) [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent72105-0 Vital signs and oximetry - admission, home health, interim, discharge [CARE]
IndentIndentIndent8310-5 Temperature (deg F) OR Cel
IndentIndentIndent8867-4 Heart Rate (beats/min) {beats}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndentIndent9279-1 Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndentIndent8480-6 Systolic Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent8462-4 Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry %
IndentIndentIndent52593-1 Please specify source and amount of supplemental O2
IndentIndent52482-7 Laboratory
IndentIndentIndent718-7 Hemogloblin (gm/dL) g/dL
IndentIndentIndent20570-8 Hematocrit (%) %
IndentIndentIndent26464-8 WBC (K/mm3) 10*3/uL
IndentIndentIndent4548-4 HbA1c (%) %
IndentIndentIndent2947-0 Sodium (mEq/L) mmol/L
IndentIndentIndent6298-4 Potassium (mEq/L) mmol/L
IndentIndentIndent3094-0 BUN (mg/dL) mg/dL
IndentIndentIndent2160-0 Creatinine (mg/dL) mg/dL
IndentIndentIndent1751-7 Albumin (gm/dL) g/dL
IndentIndentIndent14338-8 Prealbumin (mg/dL) mg/dL;g/dL
IndentIndentIndent6301-6 INR {INR}
IndentIndent52483-5 Other
IndentIndentIndent10230-1 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (%) %
IndentIndent52484-3 Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
IndentIndentIndent52593-1 Please specify source and amount of supplemental O2
IndentIndentIndent2744-1 pH of Arterial blood [pH]
IndentIndentIndent2019-8 PaCO2 (mm/Hg) mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent1960-4 HCO3 (mEq/L) mmol/L
IndentIndentIndent2703-7 PaO2 (mm/Hg) mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent2708-6 SaO2 (%) %
IndentIndentIndent1925-7 B.E. (base excess) (mEq/dL) mmol/L
IndentIndent52485-0 Pulmonary Function Tests
IndentIndentIndent19870-5 FVC (liters) L
IndentIndentIndent19926-5 FEV1% or FEV1/FVC (%) %
IndentIndentIndent20150-9 FEV1 (liters) L
IndentIndentIndent33452-4 PEF (liters per minute) L/min
IndentIndentIndent20159-0 MVV (liters per minute) L/min
IndentIndentIndent19862-2 TLC (liters) mL;L
IndentIndentIndent19843-2 FRC (liters) L
IndentIndentIndent20146-7 RV (liters) L
IndentIndentIndent19924-0 ERV (liters) L
Indent69339-0 Influenza vaccine during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent55019-4 Influenza virus vaccine received in facility during assessment period [CMS Assessment]
IndentIndent58131-4 Date of influenza vaccination {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent55020-2 If influenza vaccine not received, state reason:
Indent55021-0 Pneumococcal vaccine
IndentIndent55022-8 Is the resident's Pneumococcal Vaccination up to date?
IndentIndent45956-0 Reason pneumococcal vaccine not received during assessment period [CMS Assessment]

Fully-Specified Name

Current medical information - admission, home health

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.38
Last Updated
Version 2.64 (MIN)
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
52748-1 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Home Health Admission
52744-0 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Admission

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