Version 2.80

Term Description

A rapid immunochromatographic qualitative screening assay for IgG and IgM antibodies to Dengue virus. In primary dengue infection, a strong IgM antibody response occurs and is detectable by the fourth day of illness. A weaker IgG response becomes detectable after one week of symptoms. Low levels of IgG persist for life but if the patient becomes infected again, a strong IgG response can be detected two days after onset of symptoms, while a weaker IgM response is detectable four to five days after symptoms begin. This makes combination IgG & IgM Dengue antibody rapid tests very useful in endemic areas. Many companies make kits for this test, which is done in many regions of the world. Most of the kits are for ser/plas and testing can be performed in approximately 30 minutes or less. Some are for ser/plas/bld.

Fully-Specified Name

Dengue virus Ab.IgG & IgM

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Dengue virus IgG and IgM [Identifier] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay
Short Name
DENV IgG+IgM SerPlBld IA.rapid
Display Name
DENV IgG and IgM IA.rapid Nom (S/P/Bld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Dengue virus IgG and IgM antibodies, Blood

Example Answer List: LL2866-3

Source: Association of Public Health Laboratories
Answer Code Score Answer ID
IgM and IgG positive LA20952-0
IgM positive LA20951-2
IgG Positive LA20950-4
NegativeCopyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6
InvalidCopyright ID:455371000124106 Invalid result (qualifier value) LA15841-2

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.48
Last Updated
Version 2.56 (MIN)
Change Reason
The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG32760-7 Dengue virus

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Dengue-Virus Ak.IgG & IgM:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:Serum, Plasma oder Blut:Nominal:Immunoassay.schnell
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ιός δάγγειου πυρετού Αντισώματα IgG & IgM:Prid:Pt:Ορός/Πλάσμα/Αίμα:Nom:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Prid Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Ανοσοσφαιρίνη M Ιός Ιός δάγγειου πυρετού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del Denge Acs.IgG & IgM:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Suero, Plasma o Sangre:Nom:IA.rapid
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ab.IgG e IgM del virus del dengue:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Suero, plasma o sangre:Nominal:Inmunoensayo rápido
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus de la dengue, IgG & IgM:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Nominal:IA.rapide
fr-FR French (France) Dengue virus Ac IgG et IgM:Identification:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Résultat nominal:Immunoanalyse rapide
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus de la dengue Anticorps. IgG & IgM:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Nominal:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Anticorps
it-IT Italian (Italy) Dengue virus Ab.IgG & IgM:Prid:Pt:Siero/Plasma/Sangue:Nom:IA.rapido
Synonyms: Ab IgG & IgM virus dengue anticorpi IgG anticorpi IgG e IgM Anticorpi IgG+IgM anticorpo Immunoassay Immunoassay rapido Microbiologia Plasma Plasma o Sangue Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Siero Siero o Plasma Siero,Plasma o Sangue
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Denguevirus As.IgG & IgM:identificator:moment:serum of plasma of bloed:nominaal:immunoassay.sneltest
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IA IA.rapid
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus dengi Ab.IgG i IgM:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:surowica, osocze lub krew:cecha:szybka metoda immunologiczna
Synonyms: IgG IgM Przeciwciała do wirusa dengi Przeciwciała IgG do wirusa dengi Przeciwciała IgG i IgM do wirusa dengi PrzeciwciałaIgG do wirusa dengi Wirus dengi
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Dengue vírus Ac.IgG & IgM:Ident:Pt:Soro/Plas/Sg:Nom:Imunocoloração.rápido
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Денге вирус Ат.IgG & IgM:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз/Кр:Ном:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Антитело Кровь Номинальный;Именной Плазма Присутствие или Идентификация Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Сыворотка, Плазма или Кровь Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Dengue virüsü Ab.IgG & IgM:MevcKimlik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz/Kan:Snf:İA.hızlı
Synonyms: İmmünölçüm, immünoassay
zh-CN Chinese (China) 登革热病毒 抗体.IgG 与 IgM:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:血清/血浆/全血:名义型:免疫测定法.快速
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab.IgG+IgM;IgG+IgM;抗体 IgG+抗体 IgM Ab;自身抗体 DENV Ab DENV Ab.IgG DENV 抗体 DENV 抗体.IgG DENV;地方性蔷薇疹热;登革热;登革病毒;黄病毒 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 免疫球蛋白 G 免疫球蛋白 M 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 快速免疫测定;快速免疫测定法;快速免疫分析法;快速免疫检定法;快速免疫检定;快速免疫试验;酶免疫测定法.快速;快速酶免疫测定法;快速酶免疫测定;快速酶免疫分析法;快速酶免疫检定法;快速酶免疫检定;快速酶免疫试验 抗体.IgG & IgM;抗体.IgG+IgM 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 登革热病毒 Ab 登革热病毒 Ab.IgG 登革热病毒 IgG 登革热病毒抗体.IgG+IgM 血;血液 血浆或全血;血浆/血液;血浆或血液 血清、血浆或全血;血清、血浆或血液;血清/血浆/血液 血清或血浆

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