Version 2.79

Part Descriptions

LP14244-5   Respiratory syncytial virus
Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus of the family Paramyxoviridae, causes upper respiratory tract infections and bronchiolitis, an infection of the small airways that can cause wheezing and respiratory distress. Infants, especially those that were born prematurely, are particularly susceptible, and RSV bronchiolitis is a common cause of hospitalization for infants during the winter months. Certain groups of high-risk infants may be given palivizumab, a recombinant monoclonal antibody to RSV, as prophylaxis against RSV infection. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP39551-4   Respiratory syncytial virus RNA
The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family and is an enveloped pleomorphic virus. RSV is spread through contact with respiratory droplets, contact with the patient and contact with contaminated surfaces. The rate of transmission is affected by outside temperature, humidity and precipitation. RSV infection spreads faster when the temperature is low and the humidity is high in temperate zones and when rainfall levels are high in tropical climates. RSV causes severe lower respiratory infections in infants and young children. Infants born prematurely are particularly susceptible. Symptoms of RSV infection include cough, low-grade fever and rhinorrhea. High risk adult populations including patients in residential facilities, those with heart and lung diseases and immunocompromised patients are susceptible to severe RSV infection and significant morbidity.(Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 11th edition, James H. Jorgensen; Karen C. Carroll; Guido Funke; Michael A Pfaller; Marie Louise Landry; Sandra S. Richter; David W. Warnock) Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Respiratory syncytial virus RNA

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Respiratory syncytial virus RNA [Presence] in Nasopharynx by NAA with probe detection
Short Name
RSV RNA Nph Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
RSV RNA NAA+probe Ql (Nph)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Nasopharynx

Example Answer List: LL360-9

Source: Regenstrief Institute
Answer Code Score Answer ID
PositiveCopyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
NegativeCopyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.50
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
76091-8 Respiratory pathogens DNA and RNA 4 panel - Nasopharynx by NAA with probe detection
78922-2 Respiratory pathogens DNA and RNA panel - Nasopharynx by NAA with probe detection

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34071-7 Respiratory syncytial virus RNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYResp

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: RSV-RNA /NP PCR
de-DE German (Germany) Respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus RNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Nasopharynx:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Αναπνευστικός συγκυτιακός ιός RNA:PrThr:Pt:Nph:Ord:Ανιχνευτής.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: PrThr RNA Αναπνευστικός συγκυτιακός ιός Ιός
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus respiratorio sincitial RNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Nasofaringe:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARN del virus respiratorio sincitial:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Nasofaringe:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus respiratoire syncytial ARN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Nasopharynx:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Virus respiratoire syncytial ARN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Nasopharynx:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus respiratoire syncytial ARN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Nasopharynx:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: RSV
it-IT Italian (Italy) Virus respiratorio sinciziale RNA:PrThr:Pt:Nph:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Rinofaringe Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA VRS
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) respiratoir syncytieel virus RNA:aanwezigheid:moment:neusholte:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar RSV
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Респираторный синцитиальный вирус РНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:НГл:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Носоглотка Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Solunum sinsityel virüs RNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Nfks:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Респіраторний синцитіальний вірус РНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Носоглотка:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; HRSV; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lung; Microbiology; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nasopharynx; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; Pulmonary; Pulmonology; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Respiratory; Ribonucleic acid; RSV; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Transcription mediated amplification
zh-CN Chinese (China) 呼吸道合胞病毒 RNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:鼻咽:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: HRSV RNA HRSV;RSV RSV RNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖核酸;Ribonucleic acid 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 鼻咽标本;鼻咽部;鼻咽部标本

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