Version 2.79

Part Description

LP62864-1   FISH
FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) is a cytogenetic technique used to detect and localize the presence or absence of specific DNA sequences on chromosomes. FISH uses fluorescent probes that bind to only those parts of the chromosome with which they show a high degree of sequence similarity. Fluorescence microscopy can be used to find out where the fluorescent probe bound to the chromosomes. FISH is often used for finding specific features in DNA for use in genetic counseling, medicine, and species identification. FISH can also be used to detect and localize specific mRNAs within tissue samples. In this context, it can help define the spatial-temporal patterns of gene expression within cells and tissues. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , FISH

Fully-Specified Name

Cells.MLL gene rearrangements/Cells counted

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Cells.MLL gene rearrangements/Cells counted in Blood or Tissue by FISH
Short Name
Cells.MLL rear/Cells cnt NFr Bld/T FISH
Display Name
Cells.MLL rearrangements/Cells counted FISH (Bld/Tiss)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Cells.MLL Rearrangements/Cells Counted, Blood or tissue specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.54
Last Updated
Version 2.61 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Κύτταρα.Γονιδιακές αναδιατάξεις MLL/Μετρηθέντα κύτταρα:NFr:Pt:Αίμα/Ιστός:Qn:Φθορίζουσα υβριδοποίηση in situ
Synonyms: NFr Γονιδιακές αναδιατάξεις MLL Γονίδιο Γονίδιο MLL Κύτταρα Κύτταρα.Γονιδιακές αναδιατάξεις MLL Μετρηθέντα κύτταρα
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Reordenamientos del gen MLL/Contaje celular:Fracción numérica:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Qn:Hibridación in situ fluoresente (FISH)
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Células Reordenamientos del gen MLL / Células contadas:Fracción numérica:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Cuantitativo:Hibridación fluorescente in situ (FISH)
fr-FR French (France) MLL gène réarrangements/cellules comptées:Fraction de nombres:Ponctuel:Sang/Tissu:Numérique:FISH
it-IT Italian (Italy) Cellule.riarrangiamento gene MLL/Cellule contate:NFr:Pt:Sangue/Tess:Qn:FISH
Synonyms: Frazione numerica Gene MLL Ibridazione in situ fluorescente (FISH) Patologia molecolare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Riarrangiamenti gene MLL Riarrangiamento del gene della Leucemia Mieloide/L Riarrangiamento genico Sangue Sangue o Tessuto Tessuto & Strisci
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) cellen.MLL-genherschikking/getelde cellen:getalsfractie:moment:bloed of weefsel:kwantitatief:FISH
Synonyms: cellen.MLL gen translocaties MLL gen MLL gentranslocaties
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Hücreler.MLL geni yeniden düzenleme/Hücreler sayılan:SayFr:Zmlı:Kan/Dk:Kant:FISH
zh-CN Chinese (China) 细胞.MLL 基因重排/已计数的细胞:计数型分数:时间点:全血/组织:定量型:FISH
Synonyms: ALL1 ALL-1 ALL-1;CXXC7;FLJ11783;HRX;HTRX1;KMT2A;MLL/GAS7;MLL1A;TET1-MLL;TRX1;myeloid/lymphoid or mixed lineage leukemia;Mixed Lineage Leukemia;混合谱系白血病;myeloid/lymphoid lineage leukemia;髓性白血病;髓系/淋巴系白血病 Fluorescent in situ hybridization;荧光原位杂交 HRX HTRX HTRX1 MLL 基因重排(重组);MLL;ALL-1;CXXC7;FLJ11783;HRX;HTRX1;KMT2A;MLL/GAS7;MLL1A;TET1-MLL;TRX1;myeloid/lymphoid or mixed lineage leukemia;Mixed Lineage Leukemia;混合谱系白血病;myeloid/lymphoid lineage leukemia;髓性白血病;髓系/淋巴系白血病 TRX1 全血或组织;血液/组织;血液或组织 分子病理学.基因重排;分子病理学.重排;分子病理学试验.基因重排;分子病理学试验.重排;分子病理学试验类.重排;基因重排;重排 分子病理学;分子病理学试验 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 所计数的细胞;计数细胞;所计数细胞;已计数细胞 所计数细胞;已计数过细胞;已计数细胞;已计过数细胞 数量型分数;数量或计数型分数;数量型分数或计数型分数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 未作说明的组织;组织;组织 & 涂片 细胞.MLL 基因重排(重组) 细胞含量;细胞性;细胞性质;细胞构成;细胞类 血;血液 遗传基因;遗传因子;吉恩;生物基因 髓/淋巴混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓/淋系或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓/淋系或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓/淋系或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴样或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴样或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴样或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴系或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴系或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴系或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴系或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) (Myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax (Drosophila) homolog)) 髓系/淋巴细胞性或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴细胞性或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴细胞性或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴细胞或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴细胞或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋巴细胞或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋系或混合型白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋系或混合性白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因) 髓系/淋系或混合系白血病 (三胸(果蝇)同源基因)

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