Gastric cancer pathology panel
81188-5 Tumor site of Stomach cancer
Term Description
The gastric cancer tumor site location recorded as proximal , middle , and/or distal third of the stomach. True gastric proximal (cardia) tumors are rare; most involve the esophagogastric junction and should therefore be staged using the esophageal cancer staging system versus the gastric cancer staging system. PMID: 20369299
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Tumor site
- Property
- Anat
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (ADD)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Preferred Answer List LL3973-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Proximal 1/3 | LA26086-1 | ||
Middle 1/3 | LA26087-9 | ||
Distal 1/3 | LA26088-7 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θέση όγκου: Synonyms: Anat Θέση όγκου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Localización del tumor: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sitio del tumor: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tumore, sito: Synonyms: Anatomia Clinico Neoplasia maligna Posto; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤部位: Synonyms: 位点; |
81166-1 Surgical resection Stomach cancer
Term Description
Surgical resection is performed for the removal of abnormal tissue, such as tumors. The type of resection performed will be based on the tumor location, size, and type, as well as the patient's overall health. Gastric surgical resection types include esophagogastrectomy, total gastrectomy, subtotal (proximal or distal) gastrectomy, and others.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Surgical resection
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3944-7
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Esophagogastrectomy | LA26014-3 | ||
Total gastrectomy | LA26072-1 | ||
Subtotal (proximal or distal) gastrectomy | LA26075-4 | ||
Other, Specify | LA46-8 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Χειρουργική εκτομή: Synonyms: Type Χειρουργική εκτομή |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Resección quirúrgica: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Resección quirúrgica: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Resezione chirurgica: Synonyms: Neoplasia maligna Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 外科手术切除: Synonyms: 分类型应答; |
81167-9 Cancer treatment --preoperative
Term Description
Preoperative treatment or therapy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chemo-radiotherapy) administered to a cancer patient.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Cancer treatment^preoperative
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- H&P.HX
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3942-1
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Chemotherapy | LA6172-6 | ||
Chemo-radiotherapy | LA26008-5 | ||
Radiotherapy | LA26009-3 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θεραπεία καρκίνου^προεγχειρητικά: Synonyms: Type Θεραπεία καρκίνου Καρκίνος |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tratamiento del cáncer ^ preoperatorio: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Cancro, terapia^Pre operatorio: Synonyms: Anamnesi paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Terapia per il cancro |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 癌症治疗^术前: Synonyms: 分类型应答; |
81168-7 Site of adjacent organ or tissue involvement Cancer specimen
Term Description
Tumor stages are based on the extent of the involvement of adjacent tissues or organs, such as skin, liver, spleen, or pancreas as well as distal spread (i.e., metastasis). This term is used to report which adjacent tissue or organ(s) the tumor has spread to from the primary organ involved.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Site of adjacent organ or tissue involvement
- Property
- Anat
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MAJ)
- Change Reason
- Changed System from "Stomach cancer" to "Cancer.XXX" since this observation can be used for various cancers.; Updated System from "Cancer.XXX" to clarify that the test is performed on a cancer specimen.
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3943-9
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
None Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:260413007 None (qualifier value) | LA137-2 | ||
Pancreas | LA4654-5 | ||
Spleen | LA26010-1 | ||
Liver | LA4584-4 | ||
Other, Specify | LA46-8 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
84908-3 | Cancer pathology panel - Prostate cancer |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θέση προσβολής παρακείμενου οργάνου ή ιστού: Synonyms: Anat Θέση προσβολής παρακείμενου οργάνου ή ιστού |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sitio de afectación de órganos o tejidos adyacentes: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Posizione di organo adiacente o tessuto coinvolto: Synonyms: Anatomia Campione di tumore Clinico Neoplasia maligna Posto; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 邻近器官或组织累及部位: Synonyms: 位点; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
21920-4 Site of distant metastasis Cancer
Term Description
Codes for a site of distant metastasis at initial diagnosis. There are three individual fields, each with a 1-digit code for a site of metastasis... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Site of distant metastasis
- Property
- Anat
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer.XXX
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.29 (MIN)
Normative Answer List LL61-3
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
None Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:260413007 None (qualifier value) | 0 | LA137-2 | |
Peritoneum | 1 | LA4689-1 | |
Lung | 2 | LA4579-4 | |
Pleura | 3 | LA4680-0 | |
Liver | 4 | LA4584-4 | |
Bone | 5 | LA4277-5 | |
Central Nervous System | 6 | LA4174-4 | |
Skin | 7 | LA4332-8 | |
Lymph Nodes (distant) | 8 | LA4577-8 | |
NOS, unknown | 9 | LA4708-9 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θέση απομακρυσμένης μετάστασης: Synonyms: Anat |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | localización de metástasis a distancia: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | localización de metastasis a distancia: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sitio de metástasis a distancia: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Sito di metastasi distanti: Synonyms: Anatomia Cancro XXX Neoplasia maligna Posto; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Локализация отдалённых метастазов: Synonyms: Анатомия Номинальный; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 远处转移部位: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
33733-7 Sites of distant metastasis
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Sites of distant metastasis
- Property
- Anat
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Removed method of "CAP cancer protocols" because this term is not a CAP cancer protocol-specific concept and can be used across various cancer protocols.
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θέσεις απομακρυσμένης μετάστασης: Synonyms: Anat Θέσεις απομακρυσμένης μετάστασης |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | localización de metástasis a distancia: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Localización de metástasis distantes: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sitios de metástasis a distancia: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Siti di metastasi distanti: Synonyms: Anatomia Patologia Protocolli patologia - generale Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | plaats van metastase op afstand: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Locais de metástases distantes: Synonyms: ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Локализации отдалённых метастазов: Synonyms: Анатомия Описательный порция; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | En uzak metastaz bölgeleri: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 远处转移部位: Synonyms: 一般病理学原始记录; |
81169-5 Residual tumor [Interpretation] Cancer Narrative --postoperative
Term Description
The surgeon's opinion on the existence of local residual cancer following an operative procedure. The interpretation may contain the overall completeness of resection of the tumor, including evidence of residual disease at surgical margins or within regions in which resection has not been attempted.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Residual tumor^postoperative
- Property
- Imp
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer.XXX
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.58 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Υπολειμματικός όγκος^Μετεγχειρητικά: Synonyms: Imp Υπολειμματικός όγκος |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tumor residual ^ posoperatorio: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tumore residuo^Post operatorio: Synonyms: Cancro XXX Impressione/interpretazione di studio Neoplasia maligna Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 残余肿瘤^术后: Synonyms: 不明癌; |
55752-0 Clinical information
Term Description
A section containing clinical details about the case such as presenting signs and symptoms, onset date of symptoms, the specific diagnosis/condition names (e.g Ulceroglandular tularemia), who made the diagnosis, their contact information , when the diagnosis was made etc., past clinical hx, the overall condition of the patient, etc.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Clinical information
- Property
- Find
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.27
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 1702
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84908-3 | Cancer pathology panel - Prostate cancer |
87416-4 | Diagnostic imaging report - recommended DICOM PS3.20 sections |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Κλινικές πληροφορίες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Κλινικές πληροφορίες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Información clínica: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Informations cliniques: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Informazioni cliniche: Synonyms: Osservazione paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sanità pubblica |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Клиническая информация: Synonyms: Описательный Точка во времени; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 临床信息: Synonyms: 临床资料; |
22634-0 Macroscopic findings
Term Description
A physical desc. of gross appear. of specimen (source, size, color, unusual features, location of visible lesion, margins, markings placed by surgeon) & labeling scheme used by pathologist for assigning portions of specimen to blocks or cassettes... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Path report.gross observation
- Property
- Find
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Long Common Name
Pathology report gross observation Narrative
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0n
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 453
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49143-1 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) Pathology Laboratory Electronic Reporting panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Παθολογική αναφορά.αδρή παρατήρηση: Synonyms: Εύρεση |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | informe de patología.observación macroscópica: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Informe de ruta observación cruzada: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Rapport de pathologie.observation macroscopique: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Rapport pathologie.observation macroscopique: Synonyms: Registre cancer |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Referto patologico.osservazione generale: Synonyms: Osservazione Punto nel tempo (episodio) Referto Registro tumori |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Relatório patologia.todas as observações: Synonyms: Finding; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Пат отчёт.макроскопическое наблюдение: Synonyms: Описательный порция; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Pat raporu.makroskopik gözlem: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 病理学报告.大体观察: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
81170-3 Greater curvature of stomach [Length] in Specimen
Term Description
The length of the stomach's greater curvature.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Stomach.greater curvature
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Στόμαχος.μεγαλύτερη καμπυλότητα: Synonyms: Len Στόμαχος.μεγαλύτερη καμπυλότητα |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Curvatura mayor del estómago: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Estómago curvatura mayor: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Stomaco. Grande curvatura: Synonyms: Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 胃.胃大弯: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81171-1 Lesser curvature of stomach [Length] in Specimen
Term Description
The length of the stomach's lesser curvature.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Stomach.lesser curvature
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Στόμαχος.μικρότερη καμπυλότητα: Synonyms: Len Στόμαχος.μικρότερη καμπυλότητα |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Curvatura menor del estómago: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Estómago curvatura menor: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Stomaco.Piccola curvatura: Synonyms: Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 胃.胃小弯: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81172-9 Esophagus [Length] in Specimen
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Esophagus length
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Μήκος οισοφάγου: Synonyms: Len Μήκος Μήκος οισοφάγου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Longitud del esófago: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Longitud del esófago: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Lunghezza dell'esofago: Synonyms: Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 食管长度: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81173-7 Duodenum [Length] in Specimen
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Duodenum length
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Μήκος δωδεκαδακτύλου: Synonyms: Len Μήκος Μήκος δωδεκαδακτύλου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Longitud del duodeno: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Longitud del duodeno: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Lunghezza del Duodeno: Synonyms: Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 十二指肠长度: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
33725-3 Tumor site
Term Description
The site in the body where the tumor is located. For example, in colorectal cancers, the tumor sites include the cecum, ascending or descending colon, hepatic flexure, splenic flexure, or rectum.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Tumor site
- Property
- Anat
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Removed method of "CAP cancer protocols" because this term is not a CAP cancer protocol-specific concept and can be used across various cancer protocols.
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 10199
Example Answer List LL4310-0
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Cecum | LA16833-8 | ||
Ascending colon | LA16834-6 | ||
Hepatic flexure | LA16835-3 | ||
Transverse colon | LA16836-1 | ||
Splenic flexure | LA16837-9 | ||
Descending colon | LA16838-7 | ||
Sigmoid colon | LA16839-5 | ||
Rectosigmoid junction | LA26985-4 | ||
Rectum | LA16840-3 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
85904-1 | Cancer pathology panel - Breast cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
85905-8 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θέση όγκου: Synonyms: Anat Θέση όγκου |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | localización tumoral: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Localización del tumor: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sitio del tumor: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tumore, sito: Synonyms: Anatomia Patologia Posto; |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | tumorafmeting: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Local do tumor: Synonyms: Anatomy; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Опухоль локализация: Synonyms: Анатомия Номинальный; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Tümör bölgesi: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤部位: Synonyms: 一般病理学原始记录; |
21889-1 Size Tumor
Term Description
Part of the 10-digit EOD [779]. Detailed site-specific codes for anatomic EOD used by SEER for tumors diagnosed from 1988 forward. This field is included in the COC dataset, separate from EOD. Codes were revised effective January 1, 1998, to reflect changes in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Fifth Edition.
Site-specific EOD codes provide extensive detail describing disease extent. The EOD codes can be grouped into different stage categories for analysis (e.g., historical summary stage categories consistent with those used in published SEER data since 1973, or more recently, AJCC stage groupings). The codes are updated as needed, but updates are usually backward compatible with old categories. See Comparative Staging Guide for Cancer.. NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Size
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Tumor
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 19582
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95556-7 | Adrenal cancer risk assessment and urine steroid fractions panel |
76546-1 | Breast cancer 10-year risk of distant recurrence panel by Prosigna |
85904-1 | Cancer pathology panel - Breast cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Μέγεθος: Synonyms: Len |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | tamaño: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Tamaño: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tamaño: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Dimensione: Synonyms: Lunghezza Neoplasia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | afmeting: Synonyms: lengte |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Tamanho: Synonyms: Length; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Размер: Synonyms: Длина Количественный Точка во времени; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Büyüklük: Synonyms: Süre |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 大小: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81175-2 Distance of tumor from closest margin [Length] in Specimen by Macroscopy
Term Description
In a specimen, the distance from the tumor to the nearest proximal or distal margin (cut end) is recorded. The tumor distance to margins is based on macroscopic assessment and confirmed or amended on microscopy ([LOINC: 81182-8] or [LOINC: 81183-6]), especially when the macroscopic size is difficult to assess (i.e. in early gastric carcinoma and diffuse carcinoma).
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Distance of tumor from closest margin
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- Macroscopy
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο όριο: Synonyms: Len Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο όριο Πλησιέστερο όριο |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen más cercano: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Distancia del tumor al margen más cercano: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Distanza di tumore dal margine più vicino: Synonyms: Distanza di neoplasia dal margine più vicino Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤到最临近边缘的距离: Synonyms: 从肿瘤到最临近边缘的距离; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81176-0 Distance of tumor from circumferential resection margin [Length] in Specimen by Macroscopy
Term Description
The distance between the tumor and circumferential resection margin (CRM) is recorded for tumors of the gastric cardia. This measurement is facilitated by horizontal sectioning through the tumor. To increase accuracy, the distance between the tumor and the CRM is subsequently measured microscopically [LOINC: 81184-4]. Involvement of the circumferential resection margin is an indicator of poor prognosis.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Distance of tumor from circumferential resection margin
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- Macroscopy
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Απόσταση όγκου από το περιμετρικό όριο εκτομής: Synonyms: Len Απόσταση όγκου από το περιμετρικό όριο εκτομής |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen de resección circunferencial: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen de resección circunferencial: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Distanza di tumore dal margine di resezione circonferenziale: Synonyms: Lunghezza Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤至环周切缘的距离: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81178-6 Tissue block description and site Narrative
Term Description
The description of the tissue block and site from which it was taken. Following the macroscopic description, dissection and block selection is performed.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Tissue block description and site
- Property
- Desc
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 7509
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Περιγραφή και σημείο ιστοτεμαχίου: Synonyms: Desc Περιγραφή και σημείο ιστοτεμαχίου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Descripción y lugar del bloque de tejidos: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Descripción y sitio del bloque de tejido: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Descrizione del blocco di tessuto e origine: Synonyms: Descrizione Patologia Posto; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 组织块描述与部位: Synonyms: 位点; |
21894-1 Regional lymph nodes examined [#] Specimen
Term Description
Records the total number of regional lymph nodes that were removed and examined by the pathologist. Beginning with tumors diagnosed on or after January 1, 2004, this item is a component of the Collaborative Stage system. Tumors diagnosed from 1988 through 2003, this item is a part of the 10-digit EOD [779], detailed site-specific codes for anatomic EOD.
This data item serves as a quality measure of the pathologic and surgical evaluation and treatment of the patient... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Regional lymph nodes examined
- Property
- Num
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MAJ)
- Change Reason
- Changed the system from "Cancer.XXX" to "Specimen".
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
85904-1 | Cancer pathology panel - Breast cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
85905-8 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
74293-2 | Oncology plan of care and summary - recommended CDA set |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Εξετασθέντες περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες: Synonyms: Αρ. |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | ganglios linfáticos regionales examinados: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Nodos linfáticos regionales examinados: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Examen de los ganglios linfáticos regionales: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfonodi regionali esaminati: Synonyms: Numero (conta) Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Региональные лимфоузлы исследованы: Synonyms: Количественный Количество порция; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | İncelenmiş bölgesel lenf nodları: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 已检查的局部淋巴结: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{#} | Example UCUM Units |
21893-3 Regional lymph nodes positive [#] Specimen
Term Description
Records the exact number of regional nodes examined by the pathologist and found to contain metastases. Beginning with tumors diagnosed on or after January 1, 2004, this item is a component of the Collaborative Stage system. Tumors diagnosed from 1988 through 2003,this item is part of the 10-digit EOD [779], detailed site-specific codes for anatomic EOD.
This data item is necessary for pathologic staging, and it serves as a quality measure for pathology reports and the extent of the surgical evaluation and treatment of the patient. NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Regional lymph nodes positive
- Property
- Num
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Changed the system from "Cancer.XXX" to "Specimen".
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
85905-8 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θετικοί περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες: Synonyms: Αρ. |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | ganglios linfáticos regionales positivos: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Nodos linfáticos regionales positivos: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Ganglios linfáticos regionales positivos: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfonodi regionali positivi: Synonyms: Numero (conta) Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Региональные лимфоузлы положительный: Synonyms: Количественный Количество порция; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 局部淋巴结阳性: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{#} | Example UCUM Units |
81187-7 Non-regional lymph nodes examined [#] in Specimen
Term Description
The total number of non-regional lymph nodes examined. Non-regional lymph nodes include other intra-abdominal nodes such as retropancreatic, mesenteric, and paraaortic.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Non-regional lymph nodes examined
- Property
- Num
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (ADD)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Εξετασθέντες μη περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες: Synonyms: Αρ. Εξετασθέντες λεμφαδένες Εξετασθέντες μη περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες Εξετασθέντες περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Ganglios linfáticos no regionales examinados: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Examen de los ganglios linfáticos no regionales: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Ganglions lymphatiques non régionaux examinés: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfonodi non-regionali esaminati: Synonyms: Numero (conta) Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 已检查的非局部淋巴结: Synonyms: 个数; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{#} | Example UCUM Units |
81185-1 Non-regional lymph nodes positive [#] in Specimen
Term Description
The number of positive (involved) non-regional lymph nodes identified that contain metastases. Non-regional lymph nodes include other intra-abdominal nodes such as retropancreatic, mesenteric, and paraaortic.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Non-regional lymph nodes positive
- Property
- Num
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Θετικοί μη περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες: Synonyms: Αρ. Θετικοί μη περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες Θετικοί περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Ganglios linfáticos no regionales positivos: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Ganglios linfáticos no regionales positivos: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfonodi non-regionali positivi: Synonyms: Numero (conta) Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 非局部淋巴结阳性: Synonyms: 个数; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{#} | Example UCUM Units |
81184-4 Distance of tumor from circumferential resection margin [Length] by Microscopy
Term Description
The microscopic measurement of the distance between the tumor and circumferential resection margin (CRM). A separate macroscopic measurement (obtained with the unaided eye) [LOINC: 81176-0] may also be recorded. Involvement of the circumferential resection margin is an indicator of poor prognosis.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Distance of tumor from circumferential resection margin
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- Microscopy.light
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MAJ)
- Change Reason
- Updated Method from "Microscopy" to "Microscopy.light".
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Απόσταση όγκου από το περιμετρικό όριο εκτομής: Synonyms: Len Απόσταση όγκου από το περιμετρικό όριο εκτομής |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen de resección circunferencial: Synonyms: Cuantitativo Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen de resección circunferencial: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Distanza di tumore dal margine di resezione circonferenziale: Synonyms: Istologia Lunghezza Microscopia ottica Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤至环周切缘的距离: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81183-6 Distance of tumor from closest distal margin [Length] in Specimen by Light microscopy
Term Description
In a specimen, the distance from the tumor to the nearest distal margin is recorded. The tumor distance to margins is initially based on macroscopic assessment [LOINC: 81175-2] and confirmed or amended on microscopy, especially when the macroscopic size is difficult to assess (i.e. in early gastric carcinoma and diffuse carcinoma).
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Distance of tumor from closest distal margin
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- Microscopy.light
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MAJ)
- Change Reason
- Updated Method from "Microscopy" to "Microscopy.light"
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο περιφερικό όριο: Synonyms: Len Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο περιφερικό όριο |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Distancia del tumor desde el borde distal más cercano: Synonyms: Cuantitativo Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen distal más cercano: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Distanza di tumore dal margine distale più vicino: Synonyms: Istologia Lunghezza Microscopia ottica Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤至最近远心端边缘的距离: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81182-8 Distance of tumor from closest proximal margin [Length] in Specimen by Light microscopy
Term Description
In a specimen, the distance from the tumor to the nearest proximal margin is recorded. The tumor distance to margins is initially based on macroscopic assessment [LOINC: 81175-2] and confirmed or amended on microscopy, especially when the macroscopic size is difficult to assess (i.e. in early gastric carcinoma and diffuse carcinoma).
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Distance of tumor from closest proximal margin
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- Microscopy.light
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MAJ)
- Change Reason
- Updated Method from "Microscopy" to "Microscopy.light"
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο εγγύς όριο: Synonyms: Len Απόσταση όγκου από το πλησιέστερο εγγύς όριο |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Distancia del tumor desde el borde proximal más cercano: Synonyms: Cuantitativo Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Distancia del tumor desde el margen proximal más cercano: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Distanza di tumore dal margine prossimale più vicino: Synonyms: Istologia Lunghezza Microscopia ottica Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤至最近近心端边缘的距离: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
mm | Example UCUM Units |
81190-1 Histologic type of Stomach cancer by WHO Classification
Term Description
The gastric cancer histologic type based on the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification.[NLM Catalog ID: 101553728] Gastric cancer types include adenocarcinomas, adenosquamous carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, and others. The Lauren classification [LOINC: 81179-4] may be used in conjunction with the WHO system for gastric cancers.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Histologic type
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
- WHO classification
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Preferred Answer List LL3974-4
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Adenocarcinoma | LA11900-0 | ||
Papillary adenocarcinoma | LA26093-7 | ||
Tubular adenocarcinoma | LA26094-5 | ||
Mucinous (colloid) adenocarcinoma | LA15443-7 | ||
Poorly cohesive carcinoma | LA26095-2 | ||
Mixed carcinoma | LA26096-0 | ||
Adenosquamous carcinoma | LA15446-0 | ||
Carcinoma with lymphoid stroma | LA26098-6 | ||
Hepatoid adenocarcinoma | LA26097-8 | ||
Squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinoma | LA15445-2 | ||
Undifferentiated carcinoma | LA15447-8 | ||
Neuroendocrine carcinoma | LA26099-4 | ||
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma | LA26100-0 | ||
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma | LA26101-8 | ||
Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma | LA26102-6 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ιστολογικός τύπος: Synonyms: Type Ιστολογικός τύπος |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Tipo histológico: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tipo histológico: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tipo istologico: Synonyms: Classificazione OMS Istologia Neoplasia maligna Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 组织学类型: Synonyms: WHO 分类法; |
81179-4 Histologic type of Stomach cancer by Lauren classification
Term Description
The histological tumor type according to the Lauren classification. PMID: 14320675 Tumor types include intestinal, diffuse, mixed (intestinal & diffuse), and indeterminate (undifferentiated).
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Histologic type
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
- Lauren classification
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Preferred Answer List LL3948-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Intestinal | LA26027-5 | ||
Diffuse | LA15824-8 | ||
Mixed | LA11840-8 | ||
Indeterminate Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:82334004 Indeterminate (qualifier value) | LA11884-6 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ιστολογικός τύπος: Synonyms: Type Ιστολογικός τύπος |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Tipo histológico: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tipo histológico: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tipo istologico: Synonyms: Istologia Neoplasia maligna Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 组织学类型: Synonyms: Lauren 分类; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
33732-9 Histology grade [Identifier] in Cancer specimen
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Histology grade
- Property
- Prid
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated System from "Cancer.XXX" to clarify that the test is performed on a cancer specimen. Removed Method of "CAP cancer protocols" and the Copyright since this is not a CAP-specfic concept.
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ιστολογικός βαθμός: Synonyms: Prid Βαθμός Ιστολογία Ιστολογικός βαθμός |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | grado histológico: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Grado histológico: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Grado de histología: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Grado istologico: Synonyms: Campione di tumore Istologia Neoplasia maligna Patologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 组织学分级: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
81180-2 Growth pattern [Type] in Tumor
Term Description
The growth pattern of a tumor such as expanding (tumor cells grow in mass by expansion, resulting in tumor nodules) or infiltrating (tumor cells penetrate individually and widely, resulting in diffuse infiltration of the stomach).
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Growth pattern
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Tumor
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3949-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Expanding | LA26029-1 | ||
Infiltrating | LA26030-9 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πρότυπο ανάπτυξης: Synonyms: Type Πρότυπο ανάπτυξης |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Patrón de crecimiento: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Patrón de crecimiento: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Profilo di crescita: Synonyms: Istologia Neoplasia Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 生长模式: Synonyms: 分类型应答; |
33728-7 Size.maximum dimension in Tumor
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Size.max.dimension
- Property
- Len
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Tumor
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.70 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Removed method of "CAP cancer protocols" because this term is not a CAP cancer protocol-specific concept and can be used across various cancer protocols
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
84907-5 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen |
85905-8 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Μέγεθος.μέγιστη.διάσταση: Synonyms: Len Διαστάσεις Μέγ Μέγεθος Μέγεθος.μέγιστη.διάσταση |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | tamaño.máximo.dimensión: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Tamaño.max.dimensión: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Size.max.dimension: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Dimensione.massima.dimensione: Synonyms: Lunghezza Massimo Neoplasia Patologia Protocolli patologia - generale Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | afmeting.max.dimensie: Synonyms: lengte |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Tamanho.max.dimensão: Synonyms: ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Размер.max.измерение: Synonyms: Длина Количественный Максимум Точка во времени; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Büyüklük.maks.boyut: Synonyms: Süre |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 大小.最大值.维度: Synonyms: 一般病理学原始记录; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
cm | Example UCUM Units |
33759-2 Deepest extent of invasion [Type] in Specimen
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Extent of invasion deepest
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Removed Method of "CAP cancer protocols" and the copyright since this is not a CAP-specific concept.
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Βαθύτερη έκταση εισβολής: Synonyms: Type Βαθύτερη έκταση εισβολής |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | extensión de invasión más profunda: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Grado de profundidad de la invasion: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Extensión más profunda de la invasión: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Estensione di invasione più profonda: Synonyms: Istologia Patologia Più profonda estensione di invasione Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | mate van invasie diepste: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Mais profunda extensão da invasão: Synonyms: Typ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Распространение инвазии, самое глубокое: Synonyms: порция; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | İnvazyonun en derin yayılım genişliği: Synonyms: Spesmen Tür |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 侵袭的最深程度: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
81177-8 Serosal classification [Appearance] in Stomach cancer
Term Description
The appearance of the serosa is described, including any abnormalities, nodules or plaques that may represent serosal involvement by carcinoma. Serosal involvement upstages a gastric carcinoma from T3 to T4.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Serosal classification
- Property
- Aper
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3954-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Normal Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:17621005 Normal (qualifier value) | LA6626-1 | ||
Reactive Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:11214006 Reactive (qualifier value) | LA15255-5 | ||
Nodular | LA26039-0 | ||
Colloid | LA26040-8 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ορολογική ταξινόμηση: Synonyms: Aper Ορολογική ταξινόμηση |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Clasificación serológica: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Clasificación serosa: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Classificazione della sierosa: Synonyms: Aspetto Neoplasia maligna Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 浆膜分类: Synonyms: 分类型应答; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
33739-4 Lymphatic.small vessel.invasion [Identifier] in Specimen by CAP cancer protocols
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Lymphatic.small vessel.invasion
- Property
- Prid
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
- CAP cancer protocols
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Normative Answer List LL750-1
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Absent Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:2667000 Absent (qualifier value) | LA9634-2 | ||
Present Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:52101004 Present (qualifier value) | LA9633-4 | ||
Indeterminate Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:82334004 Indeterminate (qualifier value) | LA11884-6 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Λεμφικό.μικρό αγγείο.διήθηση: Synonyms: Prid Λεμφικό.μικρό αγγείο.διήθηση |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | linfático.vaso pequeño.invasión: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Linfático.pequeñas vesículas.invasión: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Invasión linfática de vasos subs: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfocitario.piccolo vaso.invasione: Synonyms: Istologia Patologia Presenza o Identità Protocolli neoplasia maligna CAP Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | lymfatisch.kleine vaten.invasie: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Linfático.pequeno vaso.invasão: Synonyms: ; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Lenfatik.kçk damar.invazyonu: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 淋巴系统.小脉管.侵袭: Synonyms: CAP 癌症方案; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
33740-2 Venous.large vessel.invasion [Identifier] in Specimen by CAP cancer protocols
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Venous.large vessel.invasion
- Property
- Prid
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
- CAP cancer protocols
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.09
- Last Updated
- Version 2.61 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Φλεβική.μεγάλα αγγεία.διήθηση: Synonyms: Prid Φλεβική.μεγάλα αγγεία.διήθηση |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | venoso.vasos grandes.invasión: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Vena.vaso grande. Invasión: Synonyms: Histologia |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Invasión de vasos grandes venosos: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Venoso.grande vaso.invasione: Synonyms: Istologia Patologia Presenza o Identità Protocolli neoplasia maligna CAP Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | veneus.grote bloedvaten.invasie: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Venoso.grande vaso.invasão: Synonyms: ; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Venöz.byk damar.invazyonu: Synonyms: Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 静脉.大血管.侵袭: Synonyms: CAP 癌症方案; |
92837-4 Perineural invasion [Presence] in Cancer specimen
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Perineural invasion
- Property
- PrThr
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer specimen
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.66
- Last Updated
- Version 2.66 (ADD)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL1937-3
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Present Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:52101004 Present (qualifier value) | LA9633-4 | ||
Absent Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:2667000 Absent (qualifier value) | LA9634-2 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
85905-8 | Cancer pathology panel - Colorectal cancer specimen by CAP cancer protocols |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Περινευρική διήθηση: Synonyms: PrThr Περινευρική διήθηση |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Invasión perineural: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Invasión perineural: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Invasione perineurale: Synonyms: Campione di tumore Neoplasia maligna Patologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 神经周围侵袭: Synonyms: 供检查用的材料; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
81189-3 Tumor regression [Type] in Tumor --post preoperative therapy
Term Description
The degree of tumor regression (complete, moderate, minimal, poor) after preoperative chemo- and/or radiation therapy.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Tumor regression^post preoperative therapy
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Tumor
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3951-2
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Complete | 0 | LA26032-5 | |
Moderate | 1 | LA6751-7 | |
Minimal | 2 | LA26031-7 | |
Poor | 3 | LA8969-3 | |
Not applicable | LA4720-4 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Υποχώρηση όγκου^μετα- προ-εγχειρητική θεραπεία: Synonyms: Type Υποχώρηση όγκου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Regresión del tumor^Terapia pos preoperatoria: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Regresión tumoral ^ postratamiento preoperatorio: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tumore, regressione^terapia post pre-operatoria: Synonyms: Neoplasia Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Regressione di neoplasia |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | tumorregressie^post-operatieve therapie: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤退缩^在术前治疗之后: Synonyms: XXX刺激 - 在...之后 之后于... 依次型; |
81174-5 Tumor type in Stomach cancer by Macroscopy
Term Description
The macroscopic growth pattern is used to classify the tumor type. Early gastric cancer growth patterns are classified using criteria similar to those used in endoscopy, including protruded (Type 0-I), elevated (Type 0-IIa), flat (Type 0-IIb), depressed (Type 0-IIc) or excavated (Type 0-III). Depressed type has a higher risk for increased stage and lymphatic invasion.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Tumor type
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Stomach cancer
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- Macroscopy
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.56 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Example Answer List LL3947-0
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Type 0-I | LA26016-8 | ||
Type 0-IIa | LA26017-6 | ||
Type 0-IIb | LA26019-2 | ||
Type 0-IIc | LA26021-8 | ||
Type 0-III | LA26020-0 | ||
Type I | LA26022-6 | ||
Type II | LA26023-4 | ||
Type III | LA26024-2 | ||
Type IV | LA26025-9 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Τύπος όγκου: Synonyms: Type Τύπος όγκου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Tipo de tumor: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tipo de tumor: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tipo di tumore: Synonyms: Neoplasia maligna Patologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 肿瘤类型: Synonyms: 依次型; |
21899-0 Primary tumor.pathology Cancer
Term Description
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic tumor (T) as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician. Pathologic, clinical, and other stage data are given three separate areas in the NAACCR Data Exchange Record Layout.
COC requires that AJCC TNM staging be used in its approved cancer programs. AJCC developed its staging system for evaluating trends in the treatment and control of cancer. This staging is used by physicians to estimate prognosis, to plan treatment, to evaluate new types of therapy, to analyze outcome, to design follow-up strategies, and to assess early detection results... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Primary tumor.pathology
- Property
- Prid
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer.XXX
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.32 (MIN)
Normative Answer List LL232-0
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
TX | X | LA3601-7 | |
Tispu | SU | LA3606-6 | |
Tispd | SD | LA3607-4 | |
Tis | IS | LA3608-2 | |
Ta | A | LA3615-7 | |
T4d | 4D | LA3616-5 | |
T4c | 4C | LA3617-3 | |
T4b | 4B | LA3618-1 | |
T4a | 4A | LA3619-9 | |
T4 | 4 | LA3620-7 | |
T3c | 3C | LA3621-5 | |
T3b | 3B | LA3622-3 | |
T3a | 3A | LA3623-1 | |
T3 | 3 | LA3624-9 | |
T2c | 2C | LA3625-6 | |
T2b | 2B | LA3626-4 | |
T2a | 2A | LA3627-2 | |
T2 | 2 | LA3628-0 | |
T1mic | 1M | LA3629-8 | |
T1c | 1C | LA3630-6 | |
T1b2 | B2 | LA3631-4 | |
T1b1 | B1 | LA3632-2 | |
T1b | 1B | LA3633-0 | |
T1a2 | A2 | LA3634-8 | |
T1a1 | A1 | LA3635-5 | |
T1a | 1A | LA3636-3 | |
T1 | 1 | LA3637-1 | |
T0 | 0 | LA3638-9 | |
Not applicable (no AJCC staging scheme) | 88 | LA4703-0 | |
T1d | 1D | LA21805-9 | |
T2a1 | 2a1 | LA21806-7 | |
T2a2 | 2a2 | LA21807-5 | |
T2d | 2D | LA21808-3 | |
T3d | 3D | LA21810-9 | |
T4e | 4E | LA21811-7 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
75621-3 | TNM pathologic staging after surgery panel Cancer |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πρωτοπαθής όγκος.παθολογία: Synonyms: Prid |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | tumor primario.patología: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Patología del tumor primario: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Tumore principale.patologia: Synonyms: Cancro XXX Neoplasia maligna Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori Tumore primario.patologia |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Основная опухоль.патология: Synonyms: Номинальный; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 原发性肿瘤.病理学: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
21900-6 Regional lymph nodes.pathology [Class] Cancer
Term Description
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic nodes (N) as defined by AJCC and recorded by physician. Pathologic, clinical, and other stage data are given three separate areas in the NAACCR Data Exchange Record Layout.
COC requires that AJCC TNM staging be used in its approved cancer programs. AJCC developed its staging system for evaluating trends in the treatment and control of cancer. This staging is used by physicians to estimate prognosis, to plan treatment, to evaluate new types of therapy, to analyze outcome, to design follow-up strategies, and to assess early detection results... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Regional lymph nodes.pathology
- Property
- Class
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer.XXX
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.32 (MIN)
Normative Answer List LL3136-0
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
NX | X | LA4745-1 | |
N0 | 0 | LA4368-2 | |
N0I- | 0I- | LA21814-1 | |
N0I+ | 0I+ | LA21815-8 | |
N0M- | 0M- | LA21816-6 | |
N0M+ | 0M+ | LA21817-4 | |
N0a | 0A | LA21818-2 | |
N0b | 0B | LA21819-0 | |
N1 | 1 | LA4537-2 | |
N1a | 1A | LA4264-3 | |
N1b | 1B | LA4535-6 | |
N1c | 1C | LA21866-1 | |
N1m | 1M | LA21821-6 | |
N1mi | 1mi | LA21822-4 | |
N2 | 2 | LA4534-9 | |
N2a | 2A | LA4533-1 | |
N2b | 2B | LA4517-4 | |
N2c | 2C | LA4531-5 | |
N3 | 3 | LA4545-5 | |
N3a | 3A | LA4529-9 | |
N3b | 3B | LA4528-1 | |
N3c | 3C | LA4527-3 | |
Not applicable (no AJCC staging scheme) | 88 | LA4703-0 | |
NI- | I- | LA21830-7 | |
NI+ | I+ | LA21831-5 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
75621-3 | TNM pathologic staging after surgery panel Cancer |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Περιφερικοί λεμφαδένες.παθολογία: Synonyms: Κατηγορία |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | ganglios linfáticos regionales.patología: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Patología de los ganglios linfáticos regionales: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Linfonodi regionali.patologia: Synonyms: Cancro XXX Neoplasia maligna Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Региональные лимфоузлы.патология: Synonyms: Номинальный; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 局部淋巴结.病理学: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
21902-2 Stage group.pathology Cancer
Term Description
Detailed site-specific codes for the pathologic stage group as defined by AJCC and recorded by the physician. Pathologic, clinical, and other stage data are given three separate areas in the NAACCR Data Exchange Record Layout.
COC requires that AJCC TNM staging be used in its approved cancer programs. AJCC developed its staging system for evaluating trends in the treatment and control of cancer. This staging is used by physicians to estimate prognosis, to plan treatment, to evaluate new types of therapy, to analyze outcome, to design follow-up strategies, and to assess early detection results... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Stage group.pathology
- Property
- Class
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Cancer.XXX
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0m
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 11074
Normative Answer List LL234-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Stage IVB | 4B | LA3649-6 | |
Stage IVA | 4A | LA3650-4 | |
Stage IV | 4 | LA3651-2 | |
Stage IIIC | 3C | LA3654-6 | |
Stage IIIB | 3B | LA3655-3 | |
Stage IIIA | 3A | LA3656-1 | |
Stage III | 3 | LA3657-9 | |
Stage IIC | 2C | LA3658-7 | |
Stage IIB | 2B | LA3659-5 | |
Stage IIA | 2A | LA3660-3 | |
Stage II | 2 | LA3661-1 | |
Stage IB | 1B | LA3662-9 | |
Stage IA | 1A | LA3663-7 | |
Stage I | 1 | LA3664-5 | |
Stage IVC | 4C | LA4314-6 | |
Stage IS | 1S | LA4315-3 | |
Stage IB2 | B2 | LA4317-9 | |
Stage IB1 | B1 | LA4318-7 | |
Stage IA2 | A2 | LA4319-5 | |
Stage IA1 | A1 | LA4320-3 | |
Stage 0is | 0S | LA4321-1 | |
Stage 0A | 0A | LA4322-9 | |
Stage 0 | 0 | LA4323-7 | |
Unknown Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:261665006 Unknown (qualifier value) | 99 | LA4489-6 | |
Not applicable (no AJCC staging scheme) | 88 | LA4703-0 | |
Stage IC | IC | LA4316-1 | |
Stage IE | 1E | LA21791-1 | |
Stage 2A1 | 2A1 | LA21792-9 | |
Stage 2A2 | 2A2 | LA21793-7 | |
Stage IIE | 2E | LA21794-5 | |
Stage IIS | 2S | LA21847-1 | |
Stage 3C1 | 3C1 | LA21795-2 | |
Stage 3C2 | 3C2 | LA21796-0 | |
Stage IIIE | 3E | LA3652-0 | |
Stage IIIS | 3S | LA21800-0 | |
Stage IVE | 4E | LA21802-6 | |
Stage IVS | 4S | LA3648-8 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49083-9 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel |
59852-4 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel |
75621-3 | TNM pathologic staging after surgery panel Cancer |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ομάδα σταδίου.παθολογία: Synonyms: Κατηγορία |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | grupo de estadio.patología: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Grupo de estadio patología: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Stadio, gruppo.patologia: Synonyms: Cancro XXX Fase Neoplasia maligna Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Стадия группа.морфологический: Synonyms: Номинальный; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 期别.病理学: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
34574-4 Pathology report final diagnosis
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Path report.final diagnosis
- Property
- Imp
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.10
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 552
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
98249-6 | Cancer pathology panel - Endometrial cancer specimen |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Παθολογική αναφορά.τελική διάγνωση: Synonyms: Imp Αναφορά Διάγνωση Παθολογική αναφορά.τελική διάγνωση |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | informe de patología.diagnóstico final: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Informe de ruta diagnóstico final: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Rapport de pathologie.diagnostic final: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Rapport pathologie.diagnostic final: Synonyms: Registre cancer |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Referto patologico.diagnosi finale: Synonyms: Impressione/interpretazione di studio Punto nel tempo (episodio) Referto Registro tumori |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Relatório patologia.diagnóstico final: Synonyms: ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Пат отчёт.заключительный диагноз: Synonyms: Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Номинальный; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Pat raporu.son tanı: Synonyms: Spesmen |
uk-UA | Ukrainian (Ukraine) | Звіт патолога. Заключний діагноз: Synonyms: Dx; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 病理学报告.最终诊断: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |
22638-1 Pathology report comments [Interpretation] Narrative
Term Description
Additional comments from the pathologist regarding situations such as possible source of the metastases, comparison to previous specimens, need for additional surgery or specimens, and usefulness of additional stain/examinations, if applicable... NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Path report.comments
- Property
- Imp
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Specimen
- Scale
- Nar
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0n
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 539
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
81186-9 | Gastric cancer pathology panel |
49143-1 | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) Pathology Laboratory Electronic Reporting panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Παθολογική αναφορά.σχόλια: Synonyms: Imp |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | informe de patología.comentarios: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Informe de ruta comentarios: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Rapport de pathologie.commentaires: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Rapport pathologie.commentaires: Synonyms: Registre cancer |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Referto patologico.commenti: Synonyms: Impressione/interpretazione di studio Punto nel tempo (episodio) Referto Registro tumori |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Relatório patologia.comentários: Synonyms: Interpretation; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Пат отчёт.комментарии: Synonyms: Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Описательный порция; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Pat raporu.öneriler: Synonyms: Pat raporu. Yorumlar Spesmen |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 病理学报告.注释: Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记; |