Version 2.80

Term Description

Full sequencing analysis of exon 9 in the CALR gene is performed to establish a diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia (ET) or primary myelofibrosis (PMF).[OMIM: 109091] All the pathologic CALR mutations reported to date are frame-shift mutations due to somatic insertions or deletions. PMID: 24325359 Two variants, a 52-base pair deletion (c.1092_1143del, L367fs*46) and a 5-bp insertion (c.1154_1155insTTGCC, K385fs*47), are the more common and account for more than 80% of the CALR mutations seen. PMID: 24325356 Variants outside of exon 9 are not detected by this test.

Part Descriptions

LP189734-9   CALR gene exon 9
The CALR (calreticulin) gene [HGNC Gene ID: 1455] is located on chromosome 19p13.3-p13.2. Calreticulin is a multifunctional protein that acts as a major Ca(2+)-binding (storage) protein in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. It is also found in the nucleus, suggesting that it may have a role in transcription regulation. Calreticulin binds to the synthetic peptide KLGFFKR, which is almost identical to an amino acid sequence in the DNA-binding domain of the superfamily of nuclear receptors. Calreticulin binds to antibodies in certain sera of systemic lupus and Sjogren patients which contain anti-Ro/SSA antibodies, it is highly conserved among species, and it is located in the endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum where it may bind calcium. The amino terminus of calreticulin interacts with the DNA-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor and prevents the receptor from binding to its specific glucocorticoid response element. Calreticulin can inhibit the binding of androgen receptor to its hormone-responsive DNA element and can inhibit androgen receptor and retinoic acid receptor transcriptional activities in vivo, as well as retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation. Thus, calreticulin can act as an important modulator of the regulation of gene transcription by nuclear hormone receptors. Systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with increased autoantibody titers against calreticulin but calreticulin is not a Ro/SS-A antigen. Earlier papers referred to calreticulin as an Ro/SS-A antigen but this was later disproven. Increased autoantibody titer against human calreticulin is found in infants with complete congenital heart block of both the IgG and IgM classes. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008][HGNC Gene ID:811] Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene

LP189734-9   CALR gene exon 9
Somatic mutations located in exon 9 of the CLAR gene are found in a about 65-85% of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms, including essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF), and with nonmutated JAK2 and MPL genes. PMID: 24325359 The clinical course for patients with CLAR mutations are associated with longer risk of thrombosis and longer overall survival compared to patients with JAK2 mutations. PMID: 24325356 Over 160 unique mutations have been found in the CALR gene.[COSMIC: CALR] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

CALR gene exon 9 full mutation analysis

Additional Names

Long Common Name
CALR gene exon 9 full mutation analysis in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method
Short Name
CALR Exon 9 Full Mut Anl Bld/T
Display Name
CALR gene exon 9 full mutation analysis Molgen Doc (Bld/Tiss)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
CALR gene Exon 9 variant analysis, Blood or tissue specimen

Associated Observations

81247-9 Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
81247-9 Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel
Indent81306-3 Variables that apply to the overall study
IndentIndent53577-3 Reason for study O 0..*
IndentIndent51967-8 Genetic disease assessed [ID] O 0..*
IndentIndent51963-7 Medication assessed [ID] C 0..*
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..*
IndentIndent36908-2 Gene mutations tested for in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal C 0..*
IndentIndent51959-5 Range(s) of DNA sequence examined C 0..*
IndentIndent81293-3 Description of ranges of DNA sequences examined C 0..1
IndentIndent51968-6 Discrete variation analysis overall interpretation R 1..1
IndentIndent83006-7 Deletion-duplication overall interpretation C
IndentIndent51969-4 Genetic analysis report O 0..1
IndentIndent81291-7 Variant ISCN C
IndentIndent62374-4 Human reference sequence assembly version C 0..1
IndentIndent81303-0 HGVS version [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent82115-7 dbSNP version [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent83007-5 COSMIC version [ID] O
IndentIndent83008-3 ClinVar version [ID] O
Indent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
Indent81297-4 Structural variant panel
IndentIndent82155-3 Genomic structural variant copy number {#}
IndentIndent81299-0 Structural variant reported arrCGH [Ratio] C 0..1 {Ratio}
IndentIndent81300-6 Structural variant [Length] O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndent81301-4 Structural variant outer start and end O 0..1 {Range}
IndentIndent81302-2 Structural variant inner start and end O 0..1 {Range}
Indent81251-1 Complex genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndent81260-2 Complex genetic variant [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent81262-8 Complex variant HGVS name C 0..1
IndentIndent81263-6 Complex variant type C 0..1
IndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state O 0..1
IndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
IndentIndent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O
Indent82118-1 Pharmacogenomics result panel
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] 1..*
IndentIndent84413-4 Genotype display name
IndentIndent53040-2 Genetic variation's effect on drug metabolism C 0..1
IndentIndent51961-1 Genetic variation's effect on drug efficacy C 0..1
IndentIndent83009-1 Genetic variation's effect on high-risk allele
IndentIndent82117-3 Medication usage implications panel O 0..*
IndentIndentIndent51963-7 Medication assessed [ID] R 1..*
IndentIndentIndent82116-5 Medication usage suggestion [Type] C 1..1
IndentIndentIndent83010-9 Medication usage suggestion [Narrative] C
Indent83011-7 Haplotype definition panel
IndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndent81250-3 Discrete genetic variant panel 0..n
IndentIndentIndent83005-9 Variant category
IndentIndentIndent81252-9 Discrete genetic variant C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48018-6 Gene studied [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent51958-7 Transcript reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48004-6 DNA change (c.HGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48005-3 Amino acid change (pHGVS) C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48019-4 DNA change type O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48006-1 Amino acid change [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48013-7 Genomic reference sequence [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81290-9 Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) C
IndentIndentIndent69547-8 Genomic ref allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81254-5 Genomic allele start-end C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69551-0 Genomic alt allele [ID] C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent84414-2 Haplotype name O
IndentIndentIndent81255-2 dbSNP [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81257-8 CIGAR [ID] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48001-2 Cytogenetic (chromosome) location O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent48002-0 Genomic source class [Type] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81304-8 Variant analysis method [Type] O
IndentIndentIndent53037-8 Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent69548-6 Genetic variant assessment O
IndentIndentIndent81259-4 Associated phenotype O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent53034-5 Allelic state C 0..1
IndentIndentIndent81258-6 Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] O 0..1 %
IndentIndentIndent82121-5 Allelic read depth O 0..1 {#}
IndentIndentIndent82120-7 Allelic phase O 0..1
IndentIndentIndent82309-6 Basis for allelic phase [Type] O

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.58
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MAJ)
Change Reason
Release 2.73: METHOD_TYP: Sequencing is too specific for this kind of testing where they use a combination of PCR and sequencing.;
Order vs. Observation

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γονίδιο CALR εξώνιο 9 πλήρης ανάλυση μεταλλάξεων:Εύρεση:Pt:Αίμα/Ιστός:Doc:Μοριακή γενετική
Synonyms: Γονίδιο Γονίδιο CALR εξώνιο 9 Εύρεση
es-ES Spanish (Spain) gen CALR, exon 9 Análisis de mutación completa:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Doc:Genética molecular
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Análisis completo de mutación del exón 9 del gen CALR:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Documento:Secuenciación
fr-FR French (France) CALR gène analyse complète des mutations de l'exon 9:Recherche:Ponctuel:Sang/Tissu:Document:Biologie moléculaire
it-IT Italian (Italy) CALR, gene exon 9 Analisi di mutazione completa:Osservazione:Pt:Sangue/Tess:Doc:Molgen
Synonyms: Genetica molecolare Mutazione genica Osservazione Patologia molecolare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Sangue o Tessuto Tessuto & Strisci
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) CALR-gen exon 9 volledige mutatie-analyse:bevinding:moment:bloed of weefsel:document:moleculair genetisch onderzoek
Synonyms: CALR gen exon 9 molgen
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) CALR geni ekzon 9 tam mutasyon analizi:Bulgu:Zmlı:Kan/Dk:Dokm:Molgen
zh-CN Chinese (China) CALR 基因外显子 9 全面突变分析:发现:时间点:全血/组织:文档型:分子遗传学类实验室方法
Synonyms: 临床文档型;临床文档;文档;文书;医疗文书;临床医疗文书 全血或组织;血液/组织;血液或组织 分子病理学.基因突变;分子病理学.突变;分子病理学试验.基因突变;分子病理学试验.突变;分子病理学试验类.突变;基因突变;突变 分子病理学;分子病理学试验 分子遗传学;分子遗传学方法;分子遗传学类方法;分子遗传学类检验方法;包括 RFL、PCR 及其他方法在内,用于在分子基础上检测遗传属性的方法的大类;聚合酶链反应;聚合酶链式反应 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 完整突变分析;综合突变分析 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 未作说明的组织;组织;组织 & 涂片 血;血液 遗传基因;遗传因子;吉恩;生物基因

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