Version 2.77

Term Description

The NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test (PSMT) was developed to assess Episodic Memory for ages 3-85 years. Respondents recalling increasingly lengthy series of illustrated objects and activities that are presented in a particular order on the computer screen, while corresponding audio-recorded phrases are played. The participants are asked to recall the sequence of pictures presented over two learning trials. Sequence length varies from 6-18 pictures, depending on age. Participants are given credit for each adjacent pair of pictures they correctly place (i.e., if pictures in locations 7 and 8 are placed in that order and adjacent to each other anywhere - such as slots 1 and 2 - one point is awarded), up to the maximum value for the sequence, which is one less than the sequence length (if there are 18 pictures in the sequence, the maximum score is 17, because that is the number of adjacent pairs of pictures that exist). The test takes approximately seven minutes to administer. This test is recommended for ages 3-85.
Source: NIH Toolbox

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
84437-3 Picture Sequence Memory Test [NIH Toolbox]
Indent84443-1 Picture Sequence Memory Test - raw score [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84441-5 Picture Sequence Memory Test - computed score [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84444-9 Picture Sequence Memory Test - theta score [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84445-6 Picture Sequence Memory Test - unadjusted scale score [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84440-7 Picture Sequence Memory Test - scale score age adjusted [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84442-3 Picture Sequence Memory Test - scale score fully adjusted [NIH Toolbox] {score}
Indent84439-9 Picture Sequence Memory Test - national percentile [NIH Toolbox] %

Fully-Specified Name

Picture Sequence Memory Test
NIH Toolbox

Additional Names

Short Name
Picture Sequence Memory Test NIH

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.58
Last Updated
Version 2.59
Change Reason
Added EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE that was inadvertently omitted when the term was first released.
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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