Version 2.78

86644-2 Pregnancy lab tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather pregnancy information at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Pregnancy lab tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

2106-3 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test) [Presence] in Urine

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)
Mapping Guidance Regenstrief Help Pregnancy test Mapper’s Guide for the Top 2000 plus LOINC Laboratory Observations

Fully-Specified Name

Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HCG Preg Ur Ql
Display Name
HCG (pregnancy test) Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HCG (Pregnancy Test), Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Clarified that the ordinal(pos/neg) test for urine and serum and are are not otherwise special (e.g multiple of the median) are usually used as pregnancy tests.; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG6578-1 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)|PrThr|Pt|ANYUrine
LG35129-2 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)|PrThr|Urine
LG50141-7 Pregnancy test

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: HCG qual./U
de-DE German (Germany) Choriongonadotropin (Schwangerschaftstest):Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urin:Ordinal:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gonadotropina corionica (test de gestacion):PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Coriogonadotropina (prueba de embarazo):Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) gonadotrofina coriónica:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:orina:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin (rasedustest):PrThr:Pt:U:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Uriin
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine (test de grossesse):Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urine:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG Test de grossesse HCG
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina (test di gravidanza):PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:
Synonyms: Chimica Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 융모생식샘자극호르몬:임의농도:검사시점:뇨:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine (zwangerschapstest):aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:
Synonyms: HCG
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Gonadotrofina Coriônica:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HCG; Chorionic gonadotropin; CG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pregnancy test; Choriogonadotropins total; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин (тест на беременность):PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин Хорионический гонадотропин (тест на беременность)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koryogonadotropin (gebelik testi):MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素 (妊娠试验):存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:
Synonyms: CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;妊娠检查;怀孕试验;验孕;验孕检查;孕检;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 怀孕;怀孕期;妊娠期 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

2118-8 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test) [Presence] in Serum or Plasma

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)

Fully-Specified Name

Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HCG Preg SerPl Ql
Display Name
HCG (pregnancy test) Ql
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HCG (Pregnancy Test), Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Clarified that the ordinal(pos/neg) test for urine and serum and are are not otherwise special (e.g multiple of the median) are usually used as pregnancy tests.; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG6851-2 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)|PrThr|Pt|ANYBldSerPl
LG50141-7 Pregnancy test

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Choriongonadotropin (Schwangerschaftstest):Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Ordinal:
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: HCG ql.
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gonadotropina corionica (test de gestacion):PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Coriogonadotropina (prueba de embarazo):Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) gonadotrofina coriónica:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin (rasedustest):PrThr:Pt:S/P:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine (test de grossesse):Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG Test de grossesse HCG
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina (test di gravidanza):PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Ord:
Synonyms: Chimica Plasma Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 융모생식샘자극호르몬:임의농도:검사시점:혈청/혈장:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine (zwangerschapstest):aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma:ordinaal:
Synonyms: HCG
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Gonadotrofina Coriônica:ACnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HCG; Chorionic gonadotropin; CG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pregnancy test; Choriogonadotropins total; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин (тест на беременность):PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Пор:
Synonyms: Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин Хорионический гонадотропин (тест на беременность)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koryogonadotropin (gebelik testi):MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Srl:
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素 (妊娠试验):存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆:序数型:
Synonyms: CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;妊娠检查;怀孕试验;验孕;验孕检查;孕检;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 怀孕;怀孕期;妊娠期 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆

19080-1 Choriogonadotropin [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma

Part Descriptions

LP14651-1   Choriogonadotropin
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a peptide hormone produced in pregnancy, that is made by the embryo soon after conception and later by the syncytiotrophoblast (part of the placenta). Its role is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum of the ovary and thereby maintain progesterone production that is critical for a pregnancy in humans. hCG may have additional functions, including affecting the immune tolerance of the pregnancy. Early pregnancy testing generally is based on the detection or measurement of hCG. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Choriogonadotropin (Wikipedia)

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)

Fully-Specified Name


Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HCG SerPl-aCnc
Display Name
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HCG, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
49085-4 First and Second trimester integrated maternal screen panel
48798-3 First trimester maternal screen panel - Serum or Plasma
49086-2 First trimester maternal screen with nuchal translucency panel
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
48799-1 Second trimester penta maternal screen panel - Serum or Plasma
48800-7 Second trimester quad maternal screen panel - Serum or Plasma
35086-8 Second trimester triple maternal screen panel - Serum or Plasma

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG5747-3 Choriogonadotropin|ACnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: HCG
de-DE German (Germany) Choriongonadotropin:Arbiträre Konzentration:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Quantitativ:
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χοριακή γοναδοτροπίνη:Αυθαίρετη συγκέντρωση:Χρονική στιγμή:Ορός/Πλάσμα:Ποσοτική:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gonadotropina corionica:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Coriogonadotropina:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Cuantitativo:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) gonadotrofina coriónica:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin:Acnc:Pt:S/P:Qn:
Synonyms: Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: HCG
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine:Arbitraire/Volume:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: HCG
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina:ACnc:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Qn:
Synonyms: Chimica Concentrazione Arbitraria Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 융모생식샘자극호르몬:임의농도:검사시점:혈청/혈장:정량:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine:eenheid/volume:moment:serum of plasma:kwantitatief:
Synonyms: HCG
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Gonadotrofina Coriônica:ACnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Qn:
Synonyms: ; HCG; Chorionic gonadotropin; CG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pregnancy test; Choriogonadotropins total; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин:ПроизвКонц:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Колич:
Synonyms: Количественный Плазма Произвольная концентрация Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koriogonadotropin:SçKons:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Kant:
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Хоріогонадотропін:Довільна Концентрація:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Кількісно:
Synonyms: Arbitrary concentration; CG; Chemistry; Choriogonadotropins total; Chorionic gonadotropin; HCG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; QNT; Quan; Quant; Quantitative; Random; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素:任意型浓度:时间点:血清/血浆:定量型:
Synonyms: CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 任意型浓度(单位体积);任意浓度;单位体积的任意单位数;人工型浓度 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆

Example Units

Unit Source
m[IU]/mL Example UCUM Units

21198-7 Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma

Part Descriptions

LP14329-4   Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit
The presence of the Choriogonadotropin beta subunit (B HCG) in plasma or serum shortly after conception followed by its rapid rise in concentration makes it an excellent marker for confirmation and monitoring of pregnancy. Used only for pregnancy testing. HCG done at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy for the purpose of finding a M.O.M. value and to determine risk of a defect in the fetus. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)

Fully-Specified Name

Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
B-HCG SerPl-aCnc
Display Name
HCG.beta subunit Qn
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HCG.beta subunit, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
99306-3 Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit heterophile Ab interference panel - Serum
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG6807-4 Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit|ACnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Choriongonadotropin.beta-Untereinheit:Arbiträre Konzentration:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Quantitativ:
Synonyms: b-hCG; beta-hCG; ßhCG
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Beta-HCG
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Subunidad beta de la gonadotropina coriónica humana:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Subunidad de coriogonadotropina beta:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Cuantitativo:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) gonadotrofina coriónica.subunidad beta:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin.beetaalaühik:Acnc:Pt:S/P:Qn:
Synonyms: Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine.sous-unité bêta:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: HCG HCG.sous-unité bêta
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine sous-unité bêta:Arbitraire/Volume:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine.sous-unité béta:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: HCG HCG.sous-unité béta
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina.subunità beta:ACnc:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Qn:
Synonyms: Chimica Concentrazione Arbitraria Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 베타소단위융모생식샘자극호르몬:임의농도:검사시점:혈청/혈장:정량:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine.bèta-subunit:eenheid/volume:moment:serum of plasma:kwantitatief:
Synonyms: bèta-HCG HCG
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Gonadotrofina Coriônica.subunidade beta:ACnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Qn:
Synonyms: ; B-HCG; B HCG; Beta HCG; Beta human chorionic gonadotropin; Choriogonadotropin beta chain; Chorionic gonadotropin; CG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pregnancy test; Choriogonadotropins total; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин.бета субъединица:ПроизвКонц:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Колич:
Synonyms: Количественный Плазма Произвольная концентрация Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koriogonadotropin.beta subunit:SçKons:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Kant:
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Хоріогонадотропін.бета субодиниця:Довільна Концентрація:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Кількісно:
Synonyms: Arbitrary concentration; B; B HCG; Beta HCG; Beta human chorionic gonadotropin; B-HCG; CG; Chemistry; Choriogonadotropin beta chain; Choriogonadotropins total; Chorionic gonadotropin; HCG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; QNT; Quan; Quant; Quantitative; Random; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; Tumor marker; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素.Beta 亚单位:任意型浓度:时间点:血清/血浆:定量型:
Synonyms: B B HCG;Beta HCG;Beta 人绒毛膜促性腺激素;B-HCG;β人绒毛膜促性腺激素;绒毛膜促性腺激素 Beta 亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素.β亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素β亚单位 CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 β 任意型浓度(单位体积);任意浓度;单位体积的任意单位数;人工型浓度 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆 贝塔

Example Units

Unit Source
m[IU]/mL;[IU]/mL Example UCUM Units

2110-5 Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit (pregnancy test) [Presence] in Serum or Plasma

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)

Fully-Specified Name

Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit (pregnancy test)

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
B-HCG Preg SerPl Ql
Display Name
Beta HCG (pregnancy test) Ql
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Beta HCG (Pregnancy Test), Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Clarified that the ordinal(pos/neg) test for urine and serum and are are not otherwise special (e.g multiple of the median) are usually used as pregnancy tests.; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50141-7 Pregnancy test

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Choriongonadotropin.beta-Untereinheit (Schwangerschaftstest):Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Ordinal:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gonadotropina corionica subunidad beta (test de gestacion):PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Subunidad de coriogonadotropina beta (prueba de embarazo):Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) gonadotrofina coriónica.subunidad beta:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin. beetaalaühik (rasedustest):PrThr:Pt:S/P:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine.sous-unité bêta (test de grossesse):Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG HCG.sous-unité bêta
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine sous-unité bêta (test de grossesse):Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine.sous-unité alpha (test de grossesse):PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:
Synonyms: HCG HCG.sous-unité béta Test de grossesse béta-HCG
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina.subunità beta (test di gravidanza):PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Ord:
Synonyms: Chimica Plasma Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 베타소단위융모생식샘자극호르몬:임의농도:검사시점:혈청/혈장:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine.bèta-subunit (zwangerschapstest):aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma:ordinaal:
Synonyms: bèta-HCG HCG
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Gonadotrofina Coriônica.subunidade beta:ACnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Ord:
Synonyms: ; B-HCG; B HCG; Beta HCG; Beta human chorionic gonadotropin; Choriogonadotropin beta chain; Chorionic gonadotropin; CG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; Pregnancy test; Choriogonadotropins total; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Chemistry
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин.бета субъединица (тест на беременность):PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Пор:
Synonyms: Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koryogonadotropin.beta altbirimi (gebelik testi):MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Srl:
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Хоріогонадотропін.бета субодиниця (тест на вагітність):Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Порядково:
Synonyms: B; B HCG; Beta HCG; Beta human chorionic gonadotropin; B-HCG; B-HCG Preg; CG; Chemistry; Choriogonadotropin beta chain; Choriogonadotropins total; Chorionic gonadotropin; Gestation; Gestations; Gravida; Gyn; Gynecology; HCG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; PG test; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; PR; Preg test; Pregnancies; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; Tumor marker; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素.Beta 亚单位 (妊娠试验):存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆:序数型:
Synonyms: B B HCG;Beta HCG;Beta 人绒毛膜促性腺激素;B-HCG;β人绒毛膜促性腺激素;绒毛膜促性腺激素 Beta 亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素.β亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素β亚单位 B HCG;Beta HCG;Beta 人绒毛膜促性腺激素;B-HCG;β人绒毛膜促性腺激素;绒毛膜促性腺激素 Beta 亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素.β亚单位;绒毛膜促性腺激素β亚单位;妊娠试验;妊娠检查;怀孕试验;验孕;验孕检查;孕检 CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 β 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 怀孕;怀孕期;妊娠期 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆 贝塔

80385-8 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test) [Presence] in Serum by Rapid immunoassay

Term Description

This term was created for, but is not limited in use to, the bioMerieux bioNexia hCG Combo kit, which is intended for the qualitative detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine [LOINC: 80384-1] or serum to aid in the early detection of pregnancy. The bioNexia hCG Combo assay has a sensitivity of 25 mIU/mL, at which level there is no cross-reactivity interference from the structurally related glycoprotein hormones FSH, LH and TSH, and which allows detection of pregnancy as early as one day after the first missed menses. The assay result should be read 5 minutes after the serum sample is applied to the sample well.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Webcontent Lab Tests Online®Copyright Copyright © 2021 Lab Tests Online. All rights reserved. Pregnancy Test (hCG)

Fully-Specified Name

Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HCG Preg Ser Ql IA.rapid
Display Name
HCG (pregnancy test) IA.rapid Ql (S)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HCG (Pregnancy Test), Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.54
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG6851-2 Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test)|PrThr|Pt|ANYBldSerPl
LG50141-7 Pregnancy test

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gonadotropina corionica (test de gestacion):PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero:Ord:IA.rapid
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Coriogonadotropina (prueba de embarazo):Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero:Ordinal:Inmunoensayo rápido
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Koorioni gonadotropiin (rasedustest):PrThr:Pt:S:Ord:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Seerum
fr-CA French (Canada) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Ordinal:IA.rapide
Synonyms: HCG
fr-FR French (France) Choriogonadotropine (test de grossesse):Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum:Qualitatif:Immunoanalyse rapide
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine (test de grossesse):PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Ordinal:IA.rapid
Synonyms: HCG Test de grossesse HCG
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coriogonadotropina (test di gravidanza):PrThr:Pt:Siero:Ord:IA.rapido
Synonyms: Chimica Immunoassay Immunoassay rapido Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) choriongonadotrofine (zwangerschapstest):aanwezigheid:moment:serum:ordinaal:immunoassay.sneltest
Synonyms: HCG IA IA.rapid
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Хориогонадотропин (тест на беременность):PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв:Пор:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Порядковый Сыворотка Точка во времени;Момент Хорионический гонадотропин Хорионический гонадотропин (тест на беременность)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koryogonadotropin (gebelik testi):MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser:Srl:İA.hızlı
Synonyms: İmmünölçüm, immünoassay Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 绒毛膜促性腺激素 (妊娠试验):存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清:序数型:免疫测定法.快速
Synonyms: CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;妊娠检查;怀孕试验;验孕;验孕检查;孕检;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 CG;HCG;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;人绒毛膜促性腺激素;Human chorionic gonadotropin;人绒膜促性腺激素;妊娠试验;妊娠试验;Pregnancy test;早早孕试验;总 CG;总 HCG;总绒毛膜促性腺激素;早早孕试验;绒毛膜促性腺激素;Chorionic gonadotropin;绒毛膜促性腺激素总量;绒膜促性腺激素 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 化学;化学检验项目;化学检验项目类;化学类;化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目;非刺激耐受型化学检验项目类;非刺激耐受型化学试验;非刺激耐受型化学试验类 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 快速免疫测定;快速免疫测定法;快速免疫分析法;快速免疫检定法;快速免疫检定;快速免疫试验;酶免疫测定法.快速;快速酶免疫测定法;快速酶免疫测定;快速酶免疫分析法;快速酶免疫检定法;快速酶免疫检定;快速酶免疫试验 怀孕;怀孕期;妊娠期 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

86657-4 HIV 1 and 2 tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HIV 1 & 2 test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

HIV 1 & 2 tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

31201-7 HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay

Part Descriptions

LP16715-2   HIV 1+2
Two types of human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) have been characterized: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 was initially discovered in the early 1980s and thought to be the sole causative agent of HIV infections and ultimately AIDS. In 1986, HIV-2 was isolated and also found to cause AIDs. HIV-1 is more virulent and the predominant cause of the HIV infections worldwide. HIV-2 is poorly transmitted and is primarily concentrated in West Africa.

Presently (2012), HIV-1 strains are divided into four groups, including group M (major) with subtypes A through K, group O (outlier), group N (non-M or O), and group P. HIV-2 is divided into subtypes A through E. Occasionally, two viruses of different subtypes can "cross react" and blend their genetic material to create a new hybrid HIV virus. However, many of these new strains do not survive for long. Studies have also shown that the core proteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 display frequent cross-reactivity whereas the envelope proteins are more type-specific. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

HIV 1+2 Ab

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1+2 Ab SerPl Ql IA
Display Name
HIV 1+2 Ab IA Ql
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1+2 antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.07
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-1+2 Ak:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Ordinal:Immunoassay
el-GR Greek (Greece) HIV 1+2 Αντίσωμα:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Ορός/Πλάσμα:Τακτική:IA
Synonyms: Ab
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1-2 Anticuerpos:PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ord:IA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) VIH 1 + 2 Ab:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ordinal:Inmunoensayo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] VIH 1+2 [Ac]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:ordinal:enzimoinmunoanálisis
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) HIV 1+2 antikehad:PrThr:Pt:S/P:Ord:IA
Synonyms: Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viirus Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viiruse 1. ja 2 tüüp Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1+2, Ac:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:IA
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1+2 Ac:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Qualitatif:Immunoanalyse
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1+2 Ac:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:IA
Synonyms: Anticorps HIV HIV 1 HIV 1&2 HIV 1+2
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1+2 Ab:PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Ord:IA
Synonyms: anticorpo Immunoassay Microbiologia Plasma Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 면역결핍 바이러스 1+2 항체:임의농도:검사시점:혈청:순위척도:효소면역측정법
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1+2 As:aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma:ordinaal:immunoassay
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IA
pl-PL Polish (Poland) HIV 1+2 Ab:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:surowica lub osocze:półilościowy:metoda immunologiczna
Synonyms: Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 1 Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 1 i 2 Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 1+2 Przeciwciała do HIV 1 i 2 Przeciwciała do HIV 1+2
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 1+2 Ac:ACnc:Pt:Soro:Ord:Imunoensaio
Synonyms: ; HIV1+2; HIV1; HTLV III; HTLV 3; HIV type 1; HIV type I; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Serum; SR; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Enzyme immunoassay; ELISA; MEIA; SUDS; ELFA; IAA; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; II; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 1+2 Ат:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Пор:IA
Synonyms: Антитело ВИЧ ВИЧ 1 ВИЧ 1 и 2 ВИЧ 1+2 Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1+2 Ab:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Srl:İA
Synonyms: Ak İmmünölçüm, immünoassay Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) ВІЛ 1+2 Антитіла:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Порядково:Імуноаналіз
Synonyms: ABS; Aby; AIDS; Antby; Anti; Antibodies; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Autoantibody; EIA; ELFA; ELISA; Enzyme immunoassay; HIV 1 & 2; HIV 1 and 2 Ab; HIV type 1; HIV type I; HIV1; HIV1+2; Human immunodeficiency virus; i; IAA; ID; II; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; MEIA; Microbiology; Ordinal; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; SUDS; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型+2 型 抗体:存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆:序数型:免疫测定法
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ⅱ Ab;自身抗体 AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV 1 & 2 Ab HIV 1+2 Ab HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I II 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 & 2 型 Ab 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 & 2 型抗体 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 与 2 型 Ab 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 与 2 型;HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒、人免疫缺陷病毒、艾滋病病毒) 1 型(I 型) 与 2 型(II 型) 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 与 2 型抗体 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1+2 型 Ab 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1+2 型;HIV 1+2 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1+2 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I+II 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1+2 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I+II 型、HIV I+II、HIV I+II 型、艾滋病病毒 I+II 型) 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1+2 型抗体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆

48510-2 HIV 1 RNA [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 1.7 log copies/mL

Part Descriptions

LP14307-0   HIV 1
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Probe.amp.tar detection limit = 1.7 log copies/mL

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1 RNA SerPl NAA DL=1.7-Log#
Display Name
HIV 1 RNA NAA+probe DL = 1.7 log copies/mL [Log #/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-1 RNA:Logarithmische Anzahl pro Volumen:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Quantitativ:Zielfragmentamplifikation Nachweisgrenze = 1,7 log Kopien/mL
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1 RNA:Logaritmo de concentración:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Qn:Sonda con objetivo límite de detección de amplificación = 1.7 log de copias/mL
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARN del VIH 1:Concentración del número de registro:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Cuantitativo:Límite de detección de amplificación de ácido nucleico = 1,7 log copias / ml
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1 ARN:Concentration logarithmique:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:Sonde avec limite de détection de l'amplification de cible = 1,7 log copies/mL
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1 ARN:Log Nombre/Volume:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Numérique:PCR amplification de cible,limite de détection=1,7 log copies/mL
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1 ARN:Concentration logarithmique:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:Sonde avec limite de détection de l'amplification de cible = 1,7 log copies/mL
Synonyms: HIV HIV 1
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1 RNA:LnCnc:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Qn:Sonda.amp.tar limite rilevamento = 1.7 log copie/mL
Synonyms: Concentrazione logaritmica Microbiologia Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) RNA dell''HIV 1 Siero Siero o Plasma Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda con limite di rilevamento dell''amplificazio Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 RNA:logaritmisch aantal/volume:moment:serum of plasma:kwantitatief:probe-detectie met detectielimiet = 1.7 log copies/mL
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar probe.amp.tar detectielimiet = 1.7 log copies/mL
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 1 RNA:LnCnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Qn:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo = 1.7 cópias log/mL
Synonyms: Ribonucleic acid; HIV1; HTLV III; HTLV 3; HIV type 1; HIV type I; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; Log#; Log NCNC; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; PCR DL=1.7; PCR DL=1.7; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology; Viral load
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 RNA:LnKons:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Kant:Porb.amf.hdf saptama sınırı = 1.7 log kopya/mL
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型 RNA:对数型数量或计数浓度:时间点:血清/血浆:定量型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向 检测极限 = 1.7 对数拷贝/毫升
Synonyms: Ⅰ AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV1 RNA HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 对数型数量或计数浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向 对数型数量浓度 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 对数型数量浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向 对数型数量浓度;对数型计数浓度;数量或计数型浓度之对数 对数型计数浓度 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 对数型计数浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 检测极限 = 1.7 log copies/mL;靶向扩增探针法 检测极限 = 1.7 log copies/mL;靶向扩增探针法 检测极限 = 1.7 对数拷贝/毫升 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖核酸;Ribonucleic acid 病毒负荷 病毒负荷量 病毒负载 病毒载量 病毒载量(Viral load) 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 血清或血浆

Example Units

Unit Source
{Log_copies}/mL Example UCUM Units

48511-0 HIV 1 RNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 50 copies/mL

Part Descriptions

LP14307-0   HIV 1
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Probe.amp.tar detection limit = 50 copies/mL

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1 RNA # SerPl NAA DL=50
Display Name
HIV 1 RNA NAA+probe DL = 50 copies/mL [#/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-1 RNA:Anzahl pro Volumen:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Quantitativ:Zielfragmentamplifikation Nachweisgrenze = 50 Kopien/mL
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1 RNA:Concentración de número:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Qn:Sonda con objetivo límite de detección de amplificación = 50 copias/mL
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARN del VIH 1:Concentración numérica:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Cuantitativo:Límite de detección de amplificación de ácido nucleico = 50 copias / ml
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1 ARN:Concentration numérique:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:Sonde avec limite de détection de l'amplification de cible = 50 copies/mL
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1 ARN:Nombre/Volume:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Numérique:PCR amplification de cible,limite de détection=50 copies/mL
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1 ARN:Concentration numérique:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Quantitatif:Sonde avec limite de détection de l'amplification de cible = 50 copies/mL
Synonyms: HIV HIV 1
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1 RNA:NCnc:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Qn:Sonda.amp.tar limite rilevamento = 50 copie/mL
Synonyms: Concentrazione Numerica Microbiologia Plasma Punto nel tempo (episodio) RNA dell''HIV 1 Siero Siero o Plasma Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda con limite di rilevamento dell''amplificazio Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 RNA:aantal/volume:moment:serum of plasma:kwantitatief:probe-detectie met detectielimiet = 50 copies/mL
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar probe.amp.tar detectielimiet = 50 copies/mL
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 1 RNA:NCnc:Pt:Sor/Plas:Qn:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo = 50 cópias /mL
Synonyms: Ribonucleic acid; HIV1; HTLV III; HTLV 3; HIV type 1; HIV type I; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; #; Number concentration; Count/mass; Count; AcS; CT; Acsolute; Acsolutes; Cnt; Point in time; Random; SerPl; SerPlas; SerP; Serum; SR; Plasma; Pl; Plsm; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; PCR DL=50; PCR DL=50; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology; Viral load
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 RNA:SayKons:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Kant:Porb.amp.hdf saptama sınırı = 50 kopya/mL
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型 RNA:计数型浓度:时间点:血清/血浆:定量型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向 - 检测极限 = 50 拷贝/毫升
Synonyms: Ⅰ AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV1 RNA HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 单位体积内的数量或计数;数量型浓度(单位体积);数量或计数型浓度(计数/体积);数量或计数型浓度(单位体积);计数型浓度(单位体积) 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 - 检测极限 = 50 copies/mL;靶向扩增探针法 - 检测极限 = 50 copies/mL;靶向扩增探针法 - 检测极限 = 50 拷贝/毫升 数量型浓度 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 数量型浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向 数量或计数型浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖核酸;Ribonucleic acid 病毒负荷 病毒负荷量 病毒负载 病毒载量 病毒载量(Viral load) 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 血清或血浆 计数型浓度 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 计数型浓度 探针法.扩增.靶向

Example Units

Unit Source
{copies}/mL Example UCUM Units

5018-7 HIV 1 RNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14307-0   HIV 1
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name


Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1 RNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
HIV 1 RNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-1 RNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) HIV 1 RNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1 RNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARN del VIH 1:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARN de VIH 1:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1 ARN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1 ARN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1 ARN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: HIV HIV 1
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1 RNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) RNA dell''HIV 1 Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 면역결핍 바이러스 1 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 RNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 1 RNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Ribonucleic acid; HIV1; HTLV III; HTLV 3; HIV type 1; HIV type I; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 1 РНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ВИЧ ВИЧ 1 ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 RNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型 RNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Ⅰ AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV1 RNA HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖核酸;Ribonucleic acid 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

5221-7 HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoblot

Part Descriptions

LP14307-0   HIV 1
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

HIV 1 Ab

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1 Ab SerPl Ql IB
Display Name
HIV 1 Ab IB Ql
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1 antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016. Updated system from Ser to Ser/Plas.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
97860-1 HIV 1 Ab panel - Serum or Plasma by Immunoblot
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-1 Ak:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Ordinal:Immunoblot
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1 Anticuerpos:PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ord:Inmunoblot (IB)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) VIH 1 Ab:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ordinal:Inmunotransferencia
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] VIH 1 [Ac]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:ordinal:inmunotransferencia
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viiruse 1. tüüp antikehad:PrThr:Pt:S/P:Ord:IB
Synonyms: Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viirus Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1, Ac:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:Immunoblot
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1 Ac:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Qualitatif:Immunoblot
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1 Ac:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:Immunoblot
Synonyms: Anticorps HIV HIV 1
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1 Ab:PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Ord:IB
Synonyms: anticorpo Immunoblot (IB) Microbiologia Plasma Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 면역결핍 바이러스 1 항체:임의농도:검사시점:혈청:순위척도:면역 탁본법
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 As:aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma:ordinaal:immunoblotting
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IB
pl-PL Polish (Poland) HIV 1 Ab:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:surowica lub osocze:półilościowy:immunoblotting
Synonyms: Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 1 Przeciwciała do HIV 1
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 1 Ac:ACnc:Pt:Soro:Ord:Imunoblot
Synonyms: ; HIV1; HTLV III; HTLV 3; HIV type 1; HIV type I; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Serum; SR; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Western blot; WB; Immune blot; Immunobl; Blt; WBLOT; West blt; West blot; RIBA; Immunoblot; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 1 Ат:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Пор:ИБ
Synonyms: Антитело ВИЧ ВИЧ 1 Иммуноблот (ИБ) Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 Ab:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Srl:IB
Synonyms: Ak Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) ВІЛ 1, Антитіла:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Порядково:Імуноблот
Synonyms: ABS; Aby; AIDS; Antby; Anti; Antibodies; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Autoantibody; Blt; HIV type 1; HIV type I; HIV1; Human immunodeficiency virus; i; ID; IMMUNE BLOT; Immunobl; Immunoblot; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; Microbiology; Ordinal; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; RIBA; Screen; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; UniversalLabOrders; WB; WBLOT; West blot; West blt; Western blot
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型 抗体:存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆:序数型:免疫印迹法
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab;自身抗体 AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV 1 Ab HIV 1 抗体 HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型 Ab 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫印迹;西部印迹法;Immunoblot;immunoblotting;IB 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆

30361-0 HIV 2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay

Part Descriptions

LP16716-0   HIV 2
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

HIV 2 Ab

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV 2 Ab SerPl Ql IA
Display Name
HIV 2 Ab IA Ql
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 2 antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.04
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL2017-3

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Indeterminate Copyright ID:82334004 Indeterminate (qualifier value) LA11884-6
Reactive Copyright ID:11214006 Reactive (qualifier value) LA15255-5
Nonreactive Copyright ID:131194007 Non-reactive (qualifier value) LA15256-3

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
85037-0 HIV 1 and 2 Ab and HIV 1 p24 Ag panel - Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay
95523-7 HIV 1 and 2 Ab panel - Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) HIV-2 Ak:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Serum oder Plasma:Ordinal:Immunoassay
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 2 Anticuerpos:PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ord:IA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) VIH 2 Ab:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero o Plasma:Ordinal:Inmunoensayo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] VIH 2 [Ac]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:ordinal:enzimoinmunoanálisis
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) HIV 2 antikehad:PrThr:Pt:S/P:Ord:IA
Synonyms: Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viirus Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viiruse 2. tüüp Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 2, Ac:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:IA
fr-FR French (France) VIH-2 Ac:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Qualitatif:Immunoanalyse
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 2 Ac:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma:Ordinal:IA
Synonyms: Anticorps HIV HIV 2
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 2 Ab:PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma:Ord:IA
Synonyms: anticorpo Immunoassay Microbiologia Plasma Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Siero o Plasma
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 면역결핍 바이러스 2 항체:임의농도:검사시점:혈청:순위척도:효소면역측정법
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 2 As:aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma:ordinaal:immunoassay
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IA
pl-PL Polish (Poland) HIV 2 Ab:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:surowica lub osocze:półilościowy:metoda immunologiczna
Synonyms: Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 2 Przeciwciała do HIV 2
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) HIV 2 Ac:ACnc:Pt:Soro:Ord:Imunoensaio
Synonyms: ; HIV2; HIV type 2; HIV type II; AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Serum; SR; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Enzyme immunoassay; ELISA; MEIA; SUDS; ELFA; IAA; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 2 Ат:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз:Пор:IA
Synonyms: Антитело ВИЧ Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 2 Ab:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz:Srl:İA
Synonyms: Ak İmmünölçüm, immünoassay Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) ВІЛ 2 Антитіла:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма:Порядково:Імуноаналіз
Synonyms: ABS; Aby; AIDS; Antby; Anti; Antibodies; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Autoantibody; EIA; ELFA; ELISA; Enzyme immunoassay; HIV type 2; HIV type II; Human immunodeficiency virus; IAA; ID; II; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; MEIA; Microbiology; Ordinal; Pl; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; Serum; Serum or plasma; SR; SUDS; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 2 抗体:存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆:序数型:免疫测定法
Synonyms: Ⅱ Ab;自身抗体 AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV 2 Ab HIV2 Ab HIV2 抗体 HIV2;人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 II 型 II 人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型 Ab 人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型抗体 人类免疫缺陷病毒 II 型 Ab 人类免疫缺陷病毒 II 型抗体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血清或血浆

68961-2 HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay

Term Description

This term is intended to encode test results obtained within minutes. An example is the bioLytical INSTI HIV-1 kit, which can be used on serum, plasma, or whole blood, including fingerstick. At the time of creation, only the HIV-1 test is approved for use in the US, although an HIV-2 test is available.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP14307-0   HIV 1
Human immunodeficiency virus is a non-taxonomic and historical term referring to any of two species, specifically HIV-1 and/or HIV-2. Prior to 1986, this was called human T-lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus (HTLV-III/LAV). From 1986-1990, it was called HIV and since 1991, the two species have been designated HIV-1 and HIV-2. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Package Insert Regenstrief LOINC Example package insert. This LOINC code is not constrained to this specific product. BIOLYTICAL™ LABORATORIES package insert

Fully-Specified Name

HIV 1 Ab

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HIV1 Ab SerPlBld Ql IA.rapid
Display Name
HIV 1 Ab IA.rapid Ql (S/P/Bld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HIV 1 antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.38
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL1909-2

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Reactive Copyright ID:11214006 Reactive (qualifier value) LA15255-5
Nonreactive Copyright ID:131194007 Non-reactive (qualifier value) LA15256-3
Indeterminate Copyright ID:82334004 Indeterminate (qualifier value) LA11884-6
Invalid Copyright ID:455371000124106 Invalid result (qualifier value) LA15841-2

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
89365-1 HIV 1 and 2 Ab panel - Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay
75622-1 HIV 1 and 2 tests - Meaningful Use set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH 1 Anticuerpos:PrThr:Punto temporal:Suero, Plasma o Sangre:Ord:IA.rapid
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) VIH 1 Ab:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Suero, plasma o sangre:Ordinal:Inmunoensayo rápido
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viiruse 1. tüüp antikehad:PrThr:Pt:S/P/B:Ord:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Inimese immuunpuudulikkuse viirus Järgarvuline Juhuslik Plasma Seerum Seerum või plasma Seerum või plasma või veri Veri
fr-CA French (Canada) VIH 1, Ac:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Ordinal:IA.rapide
fr-FR French (France) VIH-1 Ac:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Qualitatif:Immunoanalyse rapide
fr-BE French (Belgium) VIH 1 Ac:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sérum/Plasma/Sang:Ordinal:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Anticorps HIV HIV 1
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1 Ab:PrThr:Pt:Siero/Plasma/Sangue:Ord:IA.rapido
Synonyms: anticorpo Immunoassay Immunoassay rapido Microbiologia Plasma Plasma o Sangue Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Siero Siero o Plasma Siero,Plasma o Sangue
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 As:aanwezigheid:moment:serum of plasma of bloed:ordinaal:immunoassay.sneltest
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IA IA.rapid
pl-PL Polish (Poland) HIV 1 Ab:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:surowica, osocze lub krew:półilościowy:szybka metoda immunologiczna
Synonyms: Ludzki wirus niedoboru odporności typu 1 Przeciwciała do HIV 1
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 1 Ат:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Сыв/Плаз/Кр:Пор:IA.rapid
Synonyms: Антитело ВИЧ ВИЧ 1 Кровь Плазма Порядковый Сыворотка Сыворотка или Плазма Сыворотка, Плазма или Кровь Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 Ab:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Ser/Plaz/Kan:Srl:İA.hızlı
Synonyms: Ak İmmünölçüm, immünoassay Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) ВІЛ 1 Антитіла:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сироватка/Плазма/Кров:Порядково:Імуноаналіз.швидкий
Synonyms: ABS; Aby; AIDS; Antby; Anti; Antibodies; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Autoantibody; Blood; EIA; ELFA; ELISA; Enzyme immunoassay; HIV type 1; HIV type I; HIV1; Human immunodeficiency virus; i; IAA; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; MEIA; Microbiology; Ordinal; Pl; PlasBld; Plasma; Plsm; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SerP; SerPl; SerPlas; SerPlBld; Serum; Serum or plasma; Serum, plasma or whole blood; SR; SUDS; WB; Whole blood
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型 抗体:存在情况或阈值:时间点:血清/血浆/全血:序数型:免疫测定法.快速
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab;自身抗体 AIDS;AIDS 病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV);爱滋病;艾滋病;艾滋病病毒;获得性免疫缺陷综合征;获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS,艾滋病) HIV 1 Ab HIV 1 抗体 HIV1;HTLV 3;HTLV III;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型) I 人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型 Ab 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 快速免疫测定;快速免疫测定法;快速免疫分析法;快速免疫检定法;快速免疫检定;快速免疫试验;酶免疫测定法.快速;快速酶免疫测定法;快速酶免疫测定;快速酶免疫分析法;快速酶免疫检定法;快速酶免疫检定;快速酶免疫试验 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 血;血液 血浆或全血;血浆/血液;血浆或血液 血清、血浆或全血;血清、血浆或血液;血清/血浆/血液 血清或血浆

86658-2 HPV tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HPV test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

HPV tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

73959-9 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA [Presence] in Tissue by Probe

Term Description

Common high-risk HPV genotypes associated with cervical neoplasia can be detected by genomic probes. This code is based on, but not limited in use to, the submitter's assay INFORM HPV III Family 16 Probe (B), which contains a cocktail of HPV genomic probes targeting DNA from 12 high-risk genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 66).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP172815-5   Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66
A group of about 30 HPVs, typically transmitted through sexual contact. Genital HPV infection is very common, with estimates suggesting that up to 75% of women will become infected with one or more of the sexually transmitted HPV types at some point during adulthood (Baseman and Koutsky, 2005). Some sexually transmitted HPVs, such as types 6 and 11, can cause genital warts. However, most HPV types that infect the genitals tend not to cause noticeable symptoms. Persistent infection with a subset of about a dozen so-called high-risk sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16,18,31, and 33, can lead to the development of anogenital cancers, including cervical, penile and anal. HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer (Walboomers 1999). Cervical Pap smear testing is used to detect HPV-induced cellular abnormalities. This allows targeted surgical removal of pre-cancerous lesions prior to the development of invasive cervical cancer. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Human papilloma virus (Wikipedia)

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV H Risk 12 DNA Tiss Ql Probe
Display Name
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA Probe Ql (Tiss)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66, Tissue

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.44
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papiloma humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Tejido:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 66 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Tejido y frotis:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Tissu:Qualitatif:PCR
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA:PrThr:Pt:Tessuto:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA Tessuto & Strisci
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:weefsel en uitstrijkjes:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:tkanka i rozmazy:półilościowy:sonda
Synonyms: DNA wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA::Pt:Tecido:Ord:Sonda de DNA
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Тк:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Ткань и мазки Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Doku:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:组织与涂片:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 未作说明的组织;组织;组织 & 涂片 脱氧核糖核酸探针

6516-9 Human papilloma virus rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
A group of about 30 HPVs, typically transmitted through sexual contact. Genital HPV infection is very common, with estimates suggesting that up to 75% of women will become infected with one or more of the sexually transmitted HPV types at some point during adulthood (Baseman and Koutsky, 2005). Some sexually transmitted HPVs, such as types 6 and 11, can cause genital warts. However, most HPV types that infect the genitals tend not to cause noticeable symptoms. Persistent infection with a subset of about a dozen so-called high-risk sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16,18,31, and 33, can lead to the development of anogenital cancers, including cervical, penile and anal. HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer (Walboomers 1999). Cervical Pap smear testing is used to detect HPV-induced cellular abnormalities. This allows targeted surgical removal of pre-cancerous lesions prior to the development of invasive cervical cancer. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Human papilloma virus (Wikipedia)

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV rRNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
HPV rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Human Papilloma virus (HPV), Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0g
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Papilomavirus humano rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del virus del papiloma humano:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Papillomavirus humano:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus du papillome humain, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus du papillome humain ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: HPV
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; HPV; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe HPV rRNA HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 人类乳头瘤病毒 rRNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

11083-3 Human papilloma virus identified in Cervix

Part Descriptions

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
A group of about 30 HPVs, typically transmitted through sexual contact. Genital HPV infection is very common, with estimates suggesting that up to 75% of women will become infected with one or more of the sexually transmitted HPV types at some point during adulthood (Baseman and Koutsky, 2005). Some sexually transmitted HPVs, such as types 6 and 11, can cause genital warts. However, most HPV types that infect the genitals tend not to cause noticeable symptoms. Persistent infection with a subset of about a dozen so-called high-risk sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16,18,31, and 33, can lead to the development of anogenital cancers, including cervical, penile and anal. HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer (Walboomers 1999). Cervical Pap smear testing is used to detect HPV-induced cellular abnormalities. This allows targeted surgical removal of pre-cancerous lesions prior to the development of invasive cervical cancer. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Human papilloma virus (Wikipedia)

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus identified

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Display Name
HPV identified Nom (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Human Papilloma virus (HPV) test, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0j-a
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Papilomavirus humano identificado:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nom:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano identificado:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nominal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Papillomavirus humano identificado:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:Nominal:
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus du papillome humain, Identifiés:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Nominal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain identifié:Identification:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Résultat nominal:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus du papillome humain Identifiées:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Nominal:
Synonyms: HPV Identifiées
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano, identificato:Prid:Pt:Cvx:Nom:
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 동정:존재:검사시점:자궁:명칭결과:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus geïdentificeerd:identificator:moment:cervix:nominaal:
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego zidentyfikowany:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:cecha:
Synonyms: Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego wykryto Wykryto wirusa wykryty
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Identificação de Papiloma vírus humano:Ident:Pt:Cervice:Nom:
Synonyms: ; HPV; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Nominal; Isolated; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека идентифицированный:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Ном:
Synonyms: Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü tanımlanmış:MevcKimlik:Zmlı:Cvx:Snf:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 已鉴定的:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:子宫颈:名义型:
Synonyms: HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 分离出的;分离的;已分离的;检出的;经分离的;经过分离的;经过鉴定的;经鉴定的;鉴定的 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 宫颈;生殖道 已鉴定的 HPV 已鉴定的人类乳头瘤病毒 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

14503-7 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Cervix

Part Descriptions

LP18036-1   Human papilloma virus 16+18
HPV type 16 and 18 are the most common carcinogenic HPV types. HPV type 16 is detected in about 50% of invasive cervical cancers worldwide and is associated with a higher risk of a severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3). HPV type 16 is one of the greatest risks for HPV persistence along with increasing age, smoking, immunosuppression, inflammation, hormones, and genetic factors. HPV type 18 is detected in 10% to 20% of invasive cervical cancers and more commonly found in adenocarcinomas compared to squamous-cell cervical carcinomas. PMID: 19061814 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 19061814

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV16+18 Ag Cvx Ql
Display Name
HPV 16+18 Ag Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18 antigen, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0k
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34172-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papilloma humano 16 + 18 Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) antígeno de Papillomavirus humano 16+18:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese papilloomiviiruse 16. ja 18. tüüp antigeen:PrThr:Pt:Cx:Ord:
Synonyms: Emakakaelakanalikaabe Järgarvuline Juhuslik
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:
Synonyms: Antigène HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18 항원:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18 Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18 Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18 Ag:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; HPV; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18 Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18 Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:
Synonyms: Antijen Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18 Ag HPV 16+18 型 Ag HPV 16+18 型抗原 HPV 16+18 抗原 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18 Ag HPV16+18 抗原 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型抗原 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

14504-5 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Vaginal fluid

Part Descriptions

LP18036-1   Human papilloma virus 16+18
HPV type 16 and 18 are the most common carcinogenic HPV types. HPV type 16 is detected in about 50% of invasive cervical cancers worldwide and is associated with a higher risk of a severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3). HPV type 16 is one of the greatest risks for HPV persistence along with increasing age, smoking, immunosuppression, inflammation, hormones, and genetic factors. HPV type 18 is detected in 10% to 20% of invasive cervical cancers and more commonly found in adenocarcinomas compared to squamous-cell cervical carcinomas. PMID: 19061814 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 19061814

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV16+18 Ag Vag Ql
Display Name
HPV 16+18 Ag Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18 antigen, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0k
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34172-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papilloma humano 16 + 18 Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) antígeno de Papillomavirus humano 16+18:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:vaginal:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese papilloomiviiruse 16. ja 18. tüüp antigeen:PrThr:Pt:Vag:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Tupekaabe
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:
Synonyms: Antigène HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18 항원:임의농도:검사시점:질:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18 Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18 Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:wydzielina z pochwy:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18 Ag:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; HPV; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18 Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:
Synonyms: Вагинальный Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18 Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:
Synonyms: Antijen Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18 Ag HPV 16+18 型 Ag HPV 16+18 型抗原 HPV 16+18 抗原 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18 Ag HPV16+18 抗原 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型抗原 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

14506-0 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Urethra

Part Descriptions

LP18036-1   Human papilloma virus 16+18
HPV type 16 and 18 are the most common carcinogenic HPV types. HPV type 16 is detected in about 50% of invasive cervical cancers worldwide and is associated with a higher risk of a severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3). HPV type 16 is one of the greatest risks for HPV persistence along with increasing age, smoking, immunosuppression, inflammation, hormones, and genetic factors. HPV type 18 is detected in 10% to 20% of invasive cervical cancers and more commonly found in adenocarcinomas compared to squamous-cell cervical carcinomas. PMID: 19061814 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 19061814

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV16+18 Ag Urth Ql
Display Name
HPV 16+18 Ag Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18 antigen, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0k
Last Updated
Version 2.56
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34172-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papilloma humano 16 + 18 Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) antígeno de Papillomavirus humano 16+18:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:uretra:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese papilloomiviiruse 16. ja 18. tüüp antigeen:PrThr:Pt:Um:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Ureetrakaabe
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urètre:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:
Synonyms: Antigène HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18 Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18 항원:임의농도:검사시점:요도:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18 Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18 Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:cewka moczowa:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18 Ag:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; HPV; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18 Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:
Synonyms: Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18 Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:
Synonyms: Antijen Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18 Ag HPV 16+18 型 Ag HPV 16+18 型抗原 HPV 16+18 抗原 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18 Ag HPV16+18 抗原 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型抗原 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

12223-4 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Genital specimen

Part Descriptions

LP18036-1   Human papilloma virus 16+18
HPV type 16 and 18 are the most common carcinogenic HPV types. HPV type 16 is detected in about 50% of invasive cervical cancers worldwide and is associated with a higher risk of a severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3). HPV type 16 is one of the greatest risks for HPV persistence along with increasing age, smoking, immunosuppression, inflammation, hormones, and genetic factors. HPV type 18 is detected in 10% to 20% of invasive cervical cancers and more commonly found in adenocarcinomas compared to squamous-cell cervical carcinomas. PMID: 19061814 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 19061814

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV16+18 Ag Genital Ql
Display Name
HPV 16+18 Ag Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18 antigen, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0j-a
Last Updated
Version 2.56
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34172-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papilloma humano 16 + 18 Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) antígeno de Papillomavirus humano 16+18:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese papilloomiviiruse 16. ja 18. tüüp antigeen:PrThr:Pt:Gen:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Välisgenitaalide materjal
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:
Synonyms: Antigène HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18 항원:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18 Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18 Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:płciowy:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18 Ag:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; HPV; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18 Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18 Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:
Synonyms: Antijen Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18 Ag HPV 16+18 型 Ag HPV 16+18 型抗原 HPV 16+18 抗原 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18 Ag HPV16+18 抗原 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型抗原 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

38372-9 Human papilloma virus 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV DNA Cvx Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.14
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Papilomavirus Humano 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 6 + 11 + 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 59 + 68 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] virus de la coriomeningitis linfocítica [Ac].IgM [Inmunoglobulina M]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:sonda con amplificación de la señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
Synonyms: HPV HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 HPV 6 HPV 6+11
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.sig
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
Synonyms: ; HPV; Papilloma virus low/intermediate/high risk; HPV6+11; Papilloma virus low risk; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; bDNA; HPA; Hybidization Protection Assay; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Hybrid Capture; Probe with signal amplification; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; HC; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplification; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: HPV 6;HPV 6 型;HPV6;人类乳头瘤病毒 6 型;低危 HPV;低危型 HPV;低危型人乳头瘤病毒;低危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 6+11;HPV 6+11 型;HPV6+11;人类乳头瘤病毒 6+11 型;低危 HPV;低危型 HPV;低危型人乳头瘤病毒;低危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA HPV DNA HPV;HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;HPV 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型;HPV6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;人类乳头瘤病毒 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型;低/中/高危 HPV;低/中/高 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA 人类乳头瘤病毒 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 低/中/高危 HPV DNA 低/中/高危型 HPV DNA 低/中/高危型人乳头瘤病毒 DNA 低/中/高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 DNA 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

6514-4 Human papilloma virus rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
A group of about 30 HPVs, typically transmitted through sexual contact. Genital HPV infection is very common, with estimates suggesting that up to 75% of women will become infected with one or more of the sexually transmitted HPV types at some point during adulthood (Baseman and Koutsky, 2005). Some sexually transmitted HPVs, such as types 6 and 11, can cause genital warts. However, most HPV types that infect the genitals tend not to cause noticeable symptoms. Persistent infection with a subset of about a dozen so-called high-risk sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16,18,31, and 33, can lead to the development of anogenital cancers, including cervical, penile and anal. HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer (Walboomers 1999). Cervical Pap smear testing is used to detect HPV-induced cellular abnormalities. This allows targeted surgical removal of pre-cancerous lesions prior to the development of invasive cervical cancer. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Human papilloma virus (Wikipedia)

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV rRNA Genital Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
HPV rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Human Papilloma virus (HPV), Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0g
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Papilomavirus humano rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del virus del papiloma humano:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Papillomavirus humano:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus du papillome humain, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus du papillome humain ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: HPV
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; HPV; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe HPV rRNA HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 人类乳头瘤病毒 rRNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

17400-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Specimen

Part Descriptions

LP18036-1   Human papilloma virus 16+18
HPV type 16 and 18 are the most common carcinogenic HPV types. HPV type 16 is detected in about 50% of invasive cervical cancers worldwide and is associated with a higher risk of a severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3). HPV type 16 is one of the greatest risks for HPV persistence along with increasing age, smoking, immunosuppression, inflammation, hormones, and genetic factors. HPV type 18 is detected in 10% to 20% of invasive cervical cancers and more commonly found in adenocarcinomas compared to squamous-cell cervical carcinomas. PMID: 19061814 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 19061814

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV16+18 Ag Spec Ql
Display Name
HPV 16+18 Ag Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18 antigen, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papilloma humano 16 + 18 Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) antígeno de Papillomavirus humano 16+18:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Inimese papilloomiviiruse 16. ja 18. tüüp antigeen:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Täpsustamata materjal
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18 Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:
Synonyms: Antigène HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18, Ag:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18 항원:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18 Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:
Synonyms: antigeen
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18 Ag:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:XXX:półilościowy:
Synonyms: Antygen wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18 Ag:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:
Synonyms: ; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; HPV; Genital warts; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18 Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18 Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:
Synonyms: Antijen Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:
Synonyms: Ag HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18 Ag HPV 16+18 型 Ag HPV 16+18 型抗原 HPV 16+18 抗原 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18 Ag HPV16+18 抗原 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型 Ag 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型抗原 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

21440-3 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

Term Description

HPV 6 11 42 43 & 44=Low Risk; HPV 16 18 31 33 35 45 51 52 & 56= Intermediate/High Risk
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV I/H Risk DNA Cvx Ql Probe
Display Name
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA Probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Updated Answer list type from NORMATIVE to EXAMPLE because the Answers in the list (Positive, Negative) are only examples of possible answers and not an exclusive list
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
42770-8 Human papilloma virus high and Low risk DNA panel - Cervix

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papiloma humano 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de papillomavirus humano 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
Synonyms: HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18 HPV 16+18+31+33+45+51+52+56
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:półilościowy:sonda
Synonyms: DNA wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16 i 18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18 Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego typ 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; HPV I/H Risk; Papilloma virus intermediate/high risk; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Вірус папіломи людини 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки:Порядково:Зонд-детекція
Synonyms: Cervix; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Genital tract; Genital warts; Gyn; Gynecology; HPV; HPV I/H Risk; HPV16; HPV16 and 18; HPV16+18; Human papillomavirus; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; Microbiology; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; Papilloma virus high risk; Papilloma virus intermediate/high risk; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 型 DNA HPV I/H Risk;HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56;HPV 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 型;HPV16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56;中/高危 HPV;中/高危型 HPV;中/高危型人乳头瘤病毒;中/高危型人类乳头瘤病毒;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 型 DNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脱氧核糖核酸探针

44550-2 Human papilloma virus DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
A group of about 30 HPVs, typically transmitted through sexual contact. Genital HPV infection is very common, with estimates suggesting that up to 75% of women will become infected with one or more of the sexually transmitted HPV types at some point during adulthood (Baseman and Koutsky, 2005). Some sexually transmitted HPVs, such as types 6 and 11, can cause genital warts. However, most HPV types that infect the genitals tend not to cause noticeable symptoms. Persistent infection with a subset of about a dozen so-called high-risk sexually transmitted HPVs, including types 16,18,31, and 33, can lead to the development of anogenital cancers, including cervical, penile and anal. HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer (Walboomers 1999). Cervical Pap smear testing is used to detect HPV-induced cellular abnormalities. This allows targeted surgical removal of pre-cancerous lesions prior to the development of invasive cervical cancer. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Human papilloma virus (Wikipedia)

LP14836-8   Human papilloma virus
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV DNA Cvx Ql Probe
Display Name
HPV DNA Probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Human Papilloma virus (HPV), Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34254-9 Human papilloma virus DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Humanes Papillomavirus DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Papilomavirus humano ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN del virus del papiloma humano:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus du papillome humain, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus du papillome humain ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
Synonyms: HPV
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego DNA:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:półilościowy:sonda
Synonyms: DNA wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; HPV; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: HPV DNA HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 人类乳头瘤病毒 DNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脱氧核糖核酸探针

30167-1 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

Part Descriptions

LP28886-7   Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV I/H Risk 1 DNA Cvx Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.04
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50867-7 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: HPV Hochrisiko Genotypen DNA
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ιός των ανθρωπίνων θηλωμάτων: τύποι 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση σήματος
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del Papiloma Humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 59 + 68 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Papillomavirus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:sonda con amplificación de la señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
Synonyms: HPV HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 사람 유두종 바이러스 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.sig
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
Synonyms: ; HPV I/H Risk 1; Papilloma virus intermediate/high risk; HPV IHR; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; bDNA; HPA; Hybidization Protection Assay; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Hybrid Capture; Probe with signal amplification; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; HC; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplification; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Вірус папіломи людини 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. підсилення сигналу
Synonyms: Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; bDNA; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Cervix; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Genital tract; Genital warts; Gyn; Gynecology; HC; HPA; HPV; HPV I/H Risk 1; HPV IHR; HPV16; HPV16 and 18; HPV16+18; Human papillomavirus; Hybidization Protection Assay; Hybrid Capture; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; Microbiology; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; Papilloma virus high risk; Papilloma virus intermediate/high risk; Point in time; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with signal amplification; Probe+sig amp; Ql; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型;HPV I/H Risk 1;HPV IHR;HPV16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;中/高危 HPV;中/高危型 HPV;中/高危型人乳头瘤病毒;中/高危型人类乳头瘤病毒;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

59420-0 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV I/H Risk 4 DNA Cvx Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.32
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL744-4

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Detected LA11882-0
Not detected LA11883-8

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34339-8 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del papiloma humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 59 + 66 + 68 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
Synonyms: HPV HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Cervice uterina HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA::Pt:Cérvix:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18 & 31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

49896-4 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP28886-7   Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68
The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) belong to the family Papillomaviridae, which are small, nonenveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) viruses. The HPV genome includes DNA sequences for six early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late (L1 and L2) proteins. There are more than 100 types of HPV. The viruses can be classified into high and low risk types based on their ability to cause cancer. HPV is most often transmitted sexually but has been know to spread during nonsexual encounters and even rarely through fomites. At least 40 HPV types can infect the genital area. Most sexually active persons become infected with HPV at least once. HPV types 16 and 18 are oncogenic, high risk and cause most cervical, penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal and oropharyngeal cancers and precancers. Non oncogenic, low-risk HPV types (e.g., 6, 11) cause genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Since subclinical genital HPV infection generally clears spontaneously, treatment is only directed to the macroscopic (e.g., genital warts) or pathologic HPV-caused precancerous lesions. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-associated cancer for which routine screening is recommended. Vaccines are available to protect against oncogenic as well as common nononcogenic types. PMID: 27127735 [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv] [CDC:std/tg2015/hpv-cancer] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV I/H Risk 1 DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ιός των ανθρωπίνων θηλωμάτων: τύποι 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus del Papiloma Humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 59 + 68 ADN:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: HPV HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 HPV 16 HPV 16+18
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Papiloma vírus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; HPV I/H Risk 1; Papilloma virus intermediate/high risk; HPV IHR; HPV16+18; Papilloma virus high risk; Human papillomavirus; Genital warts; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型;HPV I/H Risk 1;HPV IHR;HPV16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68;中/高危 HPV;中/高危型 HPV;中/高危型人乳头瘤病毒;中/高危型人类乳头瘤病毒;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 HPV16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 型 DNA 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

69002-4 Human papilloma virus E6+E7 mRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Term Description

This term was created for (but not limited to) Gen-Probe's Aptima HPV assay (Cat No. 302610) that detects the E6 and E7 polycistronic mRNA from 14 high-risk HPV genotypes (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,and 68) that can lead to cervical cancer. E6/E7 genes in high-risk HPV genotypes are known as oncogenes because of their continuous expression, which leads to disruption of cell-cycle check points and cell genome instability through alteration of cellular p53 and retinoblastoma protein functions. This test is similar to LOINC 69358-0, which measures cells containing E6+E7 mRNA via flow cytometry.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP135722-9   Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA
Most human papilloma virus (HPV) genomes encode for eight major proteins, six "early" (E1, E2, E3, E4, E6, and E7) and two "late" (L1 and L2). The "early" are regulatory in function. E6 and E7 genes in high-risk HPV genotypes are known as oncogenes because of their continuous expression, which leads to disruption of cell-cycle check points and cell genome instability through alteration of cellular p53 and retinoblastoma protein functions. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
HPV E6+E7 mRNA Cvx Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
HPV E6+E7 mRNA NAA+probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
HPV E6+E7 MRNA, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.38
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG51639-9 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) ARN m de Papilomavirus humano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Virus del papiloma humano 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 + 35 + 39 + 45 + 51 + 52 + 56 + 58 + 59 + 66 + 68 ARNm de E6 + E7:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-FR French (France) Papillomavirus humain 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 ARNm:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Papilloma virus umano 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Cervice uterina HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 Microbiologia mRNA di E6+E7 papilloma virus umano Papilloma virus umano 16 e 18 Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Humaan papillomavirus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: baarmoederhals probe.amp.tar
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус папилломы человека 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 мРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Human papilloma virüsü 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 人乳头瘤病毒 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 型 mRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: HPV 16 & 18 & 31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 HPV 16 & 18;HPV 16 & 18 型;HPV16 & 18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 & 18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16;HPV 16 型;HPV16;人类乳头瘤病毒 16 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18;HPV 16+18 型;HPV16+18;人类乳头瘤病毒 16+18 型;高危 HPV;高危型 HPV;高危型人乳头瘤病毒;高危型人类乳头瘤病毒 HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 型 mRNA HPV 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 型 HPV;人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV);人类乳头瘤病毒;生殖器疣 传染毒;传染毒素;滤过性病原体;病毒类;过滤性病原体 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

86659-0 Chlamydia sp tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Chlamydia trachomatis test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia sp tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

6357-8 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

Term Description

3 subspecies cause LGV
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Ur Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0f
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
92684-0 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Urine by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urin:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.DNA /U PCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Ούρα:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:orina:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urine:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:뇨:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сеча:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UA; UniversalLabOrders; UR; Urn
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

6356-0 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

Term Description

3 subspecies cause LGV
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Genital Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0f
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
92683-2 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Genitaltrakt:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Γεννητικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

53926-2 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Vag Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
106058-1 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis rRNA panel - Vagina by NAA with probe detection
70164-9 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection
101696-3 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA and Trichomonas vaginalis RNA and Candida sp RNA panel
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

53925-4 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Urth Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
70162-3 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Urethra by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urethra:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.rRNA /Urethra PCR
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urètre:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Уретра:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Genital tract; Gen-Probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Urth
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

50387-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Cvx Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
70163-1 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Cervix by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.rRNA /Cervix PCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: baarmoederhals probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Cervix; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Genital tract; Gen-Probe; Gyn; Gynecology; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

4993-2 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Term Description

3 subspecies cause LGV
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Spec Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція
Synonyms: C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LGV; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; Ordinal; Other; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; Spec; To be specified in another part of the message; Trachoma; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

49096-1 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Units/volume] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Spec NAA+probe-aCnc
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Qn (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Arbiträre Konzentration:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Quantitativ:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:Αυθαίρετη συγκέντρωση:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Ποσοτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:XXX:Qn:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:XXX:Cuantitativo:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Quantitatif:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Arbitraire/Volume:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Numérique:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Quantitatif:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Qn:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Concentrazione Arbitraria Microbiologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:eenheid/volume:moment:XXX:kwantitatief:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Qn:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology; Viral load
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:ПроизвКонц:ТчкВрм:XXX:Колич:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Количественный Проба с мишени усилением Произвольная концентрация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:SçKons:Zmlı:XXX:Kant:Prob.amf.hdf
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:任意型浓度:时间点:XXX:定量型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 任意型浓度(单位体积);任意浓度;单位体积的任意单位数;人工型浓度 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 探针靶向扩增定量型任意浓度 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 病毒载量 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

Example Units

Unit Source
[arb'U]/mL Example UCUM Units

47212-6 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Spec NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Nom (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.19
Last Updated
Version 2.69
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL2240-1

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Serovar D LA19147-0
Serovar E LA19148-8
Serovar F LA19149-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Nominal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:Παρουσία ή ταυτοποίηση:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Ονομαστική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nom:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nominal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Nominal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Identification:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Résultat nominal:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Nominal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:identificator:moment:XXX:nominaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Ident:Pt:XXX:Nom:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Nominal; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:XXX:Ном:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcKimlik:Zmlı:XXX:Snf:Prob.amf.hdf
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:XXX:名义型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

47211-8 Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach L2 DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis L2 DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis L2, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.19
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis L2:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis serovarariedad L2 ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis L2, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach L2; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 L2 型 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

45084-1 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Vag Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
88849-5 Microbiology CNAMTS panel - Vaginal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

45080-9 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Vag Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

45078-3 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Cvx Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: baarmoederhals ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

43404-3 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe with signal amplification

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Spec Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion mit Signalamplifikation
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση σήματος
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; bDNA; HPA; Hybidization Protection Assay; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Hybrid Capture; Probe with signal amplification; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; HC; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplification; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

43304-5 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL956-4

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Detected LA11882-0
Not detected LA11883-8
Equivocal Copyright ID:42425007 Equivocal (qualifier value) LA11885-3
Inconclusive Copyright ID:419984006 Inconclusive (qualifier value) LA9663-1

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
101172-5 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis rRNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
64017-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.rRNA /SM PCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Gen-Probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; Other; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Spec; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; To be specified in another part of the message; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

42931-6 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Ur Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA NAA+probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.16
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
None of the other tests (for different sites or another STD) from the same kit vendor included the detection limit. For consistancy and with assent from the submittor we removed that level of detail; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
70161-5 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Urine by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU
LG34957-7 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Urine

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urin:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Ούρα:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urine:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:뇨:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭 검출 한계 = 50 IU/ML
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo = 50 iU/mL
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR DL=50; PCR DL=50; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сеча:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; Gen-Probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UA; UniversalLabOrders; UR; Urn
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

23838-6 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital fluid by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
Genital fld

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Genital fl Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Genital fluid)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Genital fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0n
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Genitalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Fluido Genital:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluido genital:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:líquidos genitales:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Sécrétions génitales:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide génital:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Sécrétions génitales:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Liquido genitale:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Liquido genitale Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:생식기액:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal vocht:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:LiqGenit:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital fl; Genital fluid; Genf; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальная ждк:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: Генитальная жидкость;Жидкость из половых органов ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital sv:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器液体:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

21613-5 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
90439-1 Atypical pneumonia pathogens panel - Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection
96612-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
72828-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Specimen
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
91134-7 Sexually transmitted pathogens panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.DNA /SM PCR
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; Other; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SDA; Spec; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; To be specified in another part of the message; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

21192-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Urth Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urethra:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:uretra:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:요도:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

21191-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Urth Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Property Acnc changed to fit the current LOINC model. Answer List added.; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
77577-5 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Urethra by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
88840-4 Microbiology CNAMTS panel - Urethra

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urethra:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.DNA /Urethra PCR
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:uretra:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urètre:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:요도:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

21190-4 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Cvx Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Chlamydia trach.DNA /Cervix PCR
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: baarmoederhals probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

21189-6 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach DNA Cerv mucus Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis DNA NAA+probe Ql (Cervical mucus)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Cervical mucus

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34238-2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervixschleim:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Moco cervical:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Moco cervical:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:moco cervical:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Mucus cervical:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Mucus cervical:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvm:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Muco cervicale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁경부점액:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:baarmoederhalsslijm:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:ACnc:Pt:MucoCerv:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cerv mucus; Cervical mucus; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:ШСл:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент Шеечная слизь
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvm:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈粘液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈粘液;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

16601-7 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Ur Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU
LG34957-7 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Urine

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urin:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Ούρα:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:orina:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:뇨:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

16600-9 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of three bacterial species in the genus Chlamydia, family Chlamydiaceae, class Chlamydiae. C. trachomatis has only been found living inside human cells . It causes urethritis , epididymitis, and proctitis in men and cervicitis, salpingitis, urethritis and proctitis in women. C. trachomatis has also been detected in some patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. It may be treated with any of several antibiotics such as azithromycin, erythromycin or doxycyclinetetracycline. C. trachomatis was the first chlamydial agent discovered in humans. It comprises two human biovars: trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Many, but not all, C. trachomatis strains have an extrachromosomal plasmid. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Chlamydia trachomatis (Wikipedia)

LP14298-1   Chlamydia trachomatis
Species of chlamydia causing a variety of ocular and urogenital diseases. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP37619-1   Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA
A target amplification nucleic acid probe that utilizes target capture for in vitro qualitative detection and differentiation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens include vaginal and male urethral swabs as well as female and male urine specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis is the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk of acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach rRNA Genital Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis rRNA Probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41611-1 Chlamydia trachomatis
LG34197-0 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Genitaltrakt:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χλαμύδια του τραχώματος rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Γεννητικό:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; C trach; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

35729-3 Chlamydia sp DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14250-2   Chlamydia sp
Chlamydia refers to a genus of bacteria that are obligate intracellular parasites. Chlamydia infections are the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infections in humans and are the leading cause of infectious blindness worldwide. The three Chlamydia species include Chlamydia trachomatis (a human pathogen), Chlamydia suis (affects only swine), and Chlamydia muridarum (affects only mice and hamsters). Prior to 1999, the Chlamydia genus included two clinically relevant species that are presently in the genus Chlamydophila, Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Chlamydophila psittaci. Both were moved to the Chlamydophila genus. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Wikipedia

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia sp DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Chlamydia DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
Chlamydia sp DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia sp, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.13
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia sp DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia sp ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia sp:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] especie de Chlamydia [Ac]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia sp, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia sp ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Clamidia sp DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아종 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia sp. DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia sp DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; species; spp; Chlam; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia sp ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia sp DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 衣原体属单个未知种 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 物种 生物种 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体单个未知种 衣原体属

86660-8 Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Neisseria gonorrhoeae test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

698-1 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Specimen by Organism specific culture

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Spec Ql Cult
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Org specific cx Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neisseria gonorrhoeae Kultur /SM
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Καλλιέργεια ταυτοποίησης συγκεκριμένου μικροοργανισμού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Cultivo específico del organismo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:cultivo de organismo específico
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Coltura specifica di un organismo Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Mevcut Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 培养方法 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养

693-2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Organism specific culture

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Vag Ql Cult
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Org specific cx Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34284-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:Καλλιέργεια ταυτοποίησης συγκεκριμένου μικροοργανισμού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Cultivo específico del organismo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:vaginal:ordinal:cultivo de organismo específico
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Coltura specifica di un organismo Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균:임의농도:검사시점:질:순위척도:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Вагинальный Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Mevcut Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 培养方法 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

692-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital lochia by Organism specific culture

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Genital loc
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Gen lochia Ql Cult
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Org specific cx Ql (Genital lochia)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture, Genital lochia

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.56
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Wochenfluss:Ordinal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Punto temporal:Loquios genital:Ord:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Loquios genitales:Ordinal:Cultivo específico del organismo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:loquios genitales:ordinal:cultivo de organismo específico
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Lochies:Ordinal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Lochies:Qualitatif:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Lochies:Ordinal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Pt:Lochi genitali:Ord:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Coltura specifica di un organismo Lochi genitali Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균:임의농도:검사시점:산후질분비물:순위척도:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:aanwezigheid:moment:genitale kraamvloed:ordinaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:ACnc:Pt:LoqGenital:Ord:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen lochia; Genital lochia; Genl; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальные лохии:Пор:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital lokuslar:Srl:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Mevcut Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌:存在情况或阈值:时间点:恶露:序数型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 产后恶露;产后排泄;产褥排泄物 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 培养方法 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养

691-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital specimen by Organism specific culture

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Genital Ql Cult
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Org specific cx Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34284-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Genitaltrakt:Ordinal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Γεννητικό:Τακτική:Καλλιέργεια ταυτοποίησης συγκεκριμένου μικροοργανισμού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Cultivo específico del organismo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:cultivo de organismo específico
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Coltura specifica di un organismo Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Mevcut Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 培养方法 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养

688-2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Cervix by Organism specific culture

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Cvx Ql Cult
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Org specific cx Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34284-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neisseria gonorrhoeae Kultur /Cervix
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:Καλλιέργεια ταυτοποίησης συγκεκριμένου μικροοργανισμού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Cultivo específico del organismo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:cultivo de organismo específico
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Coltura specifica di un organismo Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Mevcut Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 培养方法 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养

6487-3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag [Presence] in Genital specimen by Immunoassay

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea Ag Genital Ql IA
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae Ag IA Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigen, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0f
Last Updated
Version 2.56
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; The EIA method, which was always intended to cover more than just enzyme-linked immunoassay and whose display name for the long common name has always been Immunoassay, was renamed IA in order to eliminate ambiguity about whether the method has a broader meaning than just enzyme-linked immunoassay. Likewise, EIA.rapid was renamed IA.rapid. These changes were approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34217-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας Αντιγόνο:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Γεννητικό:Τακτική:IA
Synonyms: Ag
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antígeno:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:IA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Inmunoensayo
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [antígeno de] Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Ag]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:genital:ordinal:enzimoinmunoanálisis
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigeen:PrThr:Pt:Gen:Ord:IA
Synonyms: Järgarvuline Juhuslik Välisgenitaalide materjal
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Ag:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:IA
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:IA
Synonyms: Antigène
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Ag:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:IA
Synonyms: Immunoassay Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 항원:임의농도:검사시점:생식기:순위척도:효소면역측정법
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:immunoassay
Synonyms: antigeen IA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Imunoensaio
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Enzyme immunoassay; ELISA; MEIA; SUDS; ELFA; IAA; Antigen; Antigens; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Аг:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:IA
Synonyms: Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:İA
Synonyms: Antijen İmmünölçüm, immünoassay Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 抗原:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:免疫测定法
Synonyms: Ag 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 Ag 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋球菌抗原 淋病奈瑟氏菌 Ag 淋病奈瑟氏菌抗原 淋病奈瑟菌 Ag

53927-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Urth Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
70162-3 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Urethra by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34258-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urethra:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urètre:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Уретра:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Genital tract; Gen-Probe; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Urth
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

53879-3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Vag Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
106058-1 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis rRNA panel - Vagina by NAA with probe detection
70164-9 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection
101696-3 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA and Trichomonas vaginalis RNA and Candida sp RNA panel
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34258-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

50388-8 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Cvx Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
70163-1 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Cervix by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34258-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: baarmoederhals probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria meningitidis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; Cervix; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Genital tract; Gen-Probe; Gono; Gonorrhea; Gyn; Gynecology; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

5028-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Spec Ql Probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-rRNA /SMPCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція
Synonyms: DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Ordinal; Other; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; Spec; To be specified in another part of the message; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针

47387-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Genital Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.19
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
92683-2 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34181-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Genitaltrakt:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-DNA /Urogenitalabstrich PCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Γεννητικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Генітальний зразок:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gen; Genital tract; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Urogenit; Urogenital
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

43403-5 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe with signal amplification

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Spec Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion mit Signalamplifikation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση σήματος
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; bDNA; HPA; Hybidization Protection Assay; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Hybrid Capture; Probe with signal amplification; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; HC; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplification; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

43305-2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL956-4

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Detected LA11882-0
Not detected LA11883-8
Equivocal Copyright ID:42425007 Equivocal (qualifier value) LA11885-3
Inconclusive Copyright ID:419984006 Inconclusive (qualifier value) LA9663-1

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
101172-5 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis rRNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
64017-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gen-Probe; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; Other; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; SDA; Spec; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; To be specified in another part of the message; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

32705-6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Vag Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.09
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34181-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Vaginalflüssigkeit:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Κολπικό:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:vaginal:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement vaginal:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA Vaginale
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:질:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

32199-2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Urth Ql Probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.07
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34258-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-rRNA /Urethra PCR
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:uretra:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:요도:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针

32198-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea rRNA Cvx Ql Probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.07
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34258-0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-rRNA /Cervix PCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας rRNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Τράχηλος της μήτρας:Τακτική:DNA ανιχνευτής
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Investigacion
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:ordinal:sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: baarmoederhals ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки:Порядково:Зонд-детекція
Synonyms: Cervix; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Genital tract; Gono; Gonorrhea; Gyn; Gynecology; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; Microbiology; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Ordinal; Point in time; PR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; ribosomal RNA; Screen; UniversalLabOrders
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针

24111-7 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0o
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
96612-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection
72828-7 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Specimen
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
91134-7 Sexually transmitted pathogens panel - Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-DNA /SMPCR
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:ΧΧΧ:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; Other; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SDA; Spec; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; To be specified in another part of the message; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

21416-3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Ur Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
92684-0 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis DNA panel - Urine by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34181-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-DNA /U PCR
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urin:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ναϊσσέρια της γονόρροιας DNA:PrThr:Χρονική στιγμή:Ούρα:Τακτική:Ανιχνευτής με ενίσχυση στόχου
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:orina:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urine:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:뇨:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:Наявність або Поріг:МоментЧасу:Сеча:Порядково:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Microbiology; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Ordinal; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; PR; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; QL; Qual; Qualitative; Random; Screen; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; Transcription mediated amplification; UA; UniversalLabOrders; UR; Urn
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

21415-5 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Urth Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Urethra)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urethra

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Property Acnc changed to fit the current LOINC model. Answer List added.; The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
77577-5 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Urethra by NAA with probe detection
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34181-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-DNA /Urethra PCR
de-DE German (Germany) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:Urethra:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Uretra:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:uretra:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urètre:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urètre:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: Urèthre
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:요도:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urethra:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Uretra:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Urth; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Уретра:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Мочеиспускательный канал Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Üretra:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿道:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

21414-8 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP14316-1   Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae are gram-negative cocci usually seen in pairs with the adjacent sides flattened. Pili, filament-like appendages, extend from the cell surface and have a role in adherence. Gonorrhea is usually acquired by sexual contact. Men and women aged 15-29 have the highest incidence of gonorrhea. Number of sexual partners, sexual practices and preference, condom use and population mobility contribute to disease incidence. The most frequent sites are the cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx and conjunctiva. The most common symptom in men is discharge that may be scanty and clear or cloudy to copious and purulent, and often dysuria. Asymptomatic men are an important reservoir for transmission. Endocervical infection is the most common form of infection in women. Ocular infections occur most commonly in newborns who are exposed in the birth canal and can lead to corneal scarring or perforation. Gonococcal bacteremia may lead to disseminated infection including pelvic inflammatory disease in as many as 15 percent of women, leading to an increased probability of infertility and ectopic pregnancy. While antibiotics have successfully treated gonorrhea for decades, N. gonorrhoeae has developed antimicrobial resistance to every drug used for treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends combination therapy using two antimicrobials with different mechanisms of action (e.g., a cephalosporin plus azithromycin) to improve treatment efficacy and potentially slow the spread of resistance to cephalosporins. [NCBI Books:NBK7650] [CDC:std/tg2015/gonorrhea] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
N gonorrhoea DNA Cerv mucus Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Cervical mucus)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Cervical mucus

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34181-4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Neiss. gonorrhoeae-DNA /Cervix PCR
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Moco cervical:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Moco cervical:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de Neisseria gonorrhoeae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:moco cervical:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Mucus cervical:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Mucus cervical:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Mucus cervical:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvm:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Muco cervicale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:자궁경부점액:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:baarmoederhalsslijm:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:MucoCerv:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cerv mucus; Cervical mucus; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:ШСл:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент Шеечная слизь
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvm:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈粘液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈粘液;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针

86661-6 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae combined test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

45076-7 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Fda 510K U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Number: K032554 Gen-Probe, Inc. Aptima® Combo 2 Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA Link to FDA website

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC rRNA Spec Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

45074-2 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Fda 510K U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Number: K032554 Gen-Probe, Inc. Aptima® Combo 2 Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA Link to FDA website

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC rRNA Ur Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34270-5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU
LG36378-4 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Urine

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

45070-0 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Fda 510K U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Number: K032554 Gen-Probe, Inc. Aptima® Combo 2 Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA Link to FDA website

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC rRNA Vag Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Vag fld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Vaginal fluid

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34270-5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Vaginal:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Vaginal:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Vaginale:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:vaginaal monster:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Vagina:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Вагин:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: Вагинальный ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Vaj:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:阴道:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

45069-2 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Fda 510K U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Number: K032554 Gen-Probe, Inc. Aptima® Combo 2 Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA Link to FDA website

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC rRNA Genital Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34270-5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

45068-4 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Cvx Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34271-3 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: baarmoederhals probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

45067-6 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

Reference Information

Type Source Reference
Fda 510K U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) Number: K032554 Gen-Probe, Inc. Aptima® Combo 2 Assay for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA Link to FDA website

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC rRNA Cvx Ql Probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae rRNA Probe Ql (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.63
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.; Discouraged as part of the project to update LOINC chlamydia and gonorrhea terms based on the 2014 CDC "Recommendations for the Laboratory-Based Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae" [PMID: 24622331]
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34270-5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:Cvx:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:cervix:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: baarmoederhals ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:Cervice:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Шейка:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Cvx:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:子宫颈:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 宫颈;生殖道 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 rRNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 rRNA 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

44807-6 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Genital Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Genital specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Genital specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34271-3 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Genital:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Genital:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Prélèvement génital:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Génital:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Genitale:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:genitaal monster:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Genital:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Gen; Genital tract; Urogenit; Urogenital; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Генитальный:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:Genital:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:生殖器:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 外生殖器;尿生殖;泌尿和生殖系统;泌尿生殖;泌尿生殖器;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器);生殖器官;生殖道;男生殖器 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

44806-8 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Ur Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (U)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Urine

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG34271-3 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA|PrThr|Sys:ANYGU

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:Orina:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Orina:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Urine:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:Urine:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:Urine:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:urine:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:Urina:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Ur; UR; Urn; UA; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:Моча:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:İdrar:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:尿液:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 尿;小便;下泉 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

43406-8 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe with signal amplification

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Spec Ql Probe+sig amp
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae DNA Probe+sig amp Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación de señal
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Sonda con amplificación de señal
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification du signal
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification du signal
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.sig
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del segnale Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe.amp.sig
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com amplificação de sinal
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; bDNA; HPA; Hybidization Protection Assay; Bdn-A; Branched Chain DNA; Hybrid Capture; Probe with signal amplification; Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization; HC; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplification; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.сигн
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с сигнала усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.siny
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.信号
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助信号扩增的探针方法;借助信号扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.信号;支链 DNA;支链 DNA(Branched Chain DNA,bDNA);杂交保护分析;杂交保护分析(Hybidization Protection Assay,HPA);杂交保护测定;杂种捕获;杂种捕获(Hybrid Capture);杂种捕获核酸杂交(Hybrid Capture nucleic acid hybridization) 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

36903-3 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP115359-4   Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Target amplification assays are based on the ability of complementary oligonucleotide primers to specifically anneal and allow enzymatic amplification of the target nucleic acid strands. The GEN-PROBE APTIMA Combo 2 Assay replicates a specific region of the 23S rRNA from CT and a specific region of the 16S rRNA from GC via DNA intermediates. A unique set of primers is used for each target molecule. Detection of the rRNA amplification product sequences (amplicon) is achieved using nucleic acid hybridization. Single-stranded chemiluminescent DNA probes, which are complementary to a region of each target amplicon, are labeled with different acridinium ester molecules. The labeled DNA probes combine with amplicon to form stable RNA:DNA hybrids. The Selection Reagent differentiates hybridized from unhybridized probe, eliminating the generation of signal from unhybridized probe. During the detection step, light emitted from the labeled RNA:DNA hybrids is measured as photon signals in a luminometer, and are reported as Relative Light Units (RLU). In DKA, differences in the kinetic profiles of the CT and GC labeled probes allow for the differentiation of signal; kinetic profiles are derived from measurements of photon output during the detection read time. The chemiluminescent detection reaction for CT signal has very rapid kinetics and has the "flasher" kinetic type. The chemiluminescent detection reaction for GC signal is relatively slower and has the "glower" kinetic type. Assay results are determined by a cut-off based on the total RLU and the kinetic curve type. Source: Regenstrief Help

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Spec NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Nom (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.13
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Changed + to & in Component because this is a Prid/Nom term that is used for assays that can detect and differentiate between the organisms.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL1501-7

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Chlamydia trachomatis detected LA16153-1
Chlamydia trachomatis not detected LA16154-9
Chlamydia trachomatis inconclusive LA16155-6
Chlamydia trachomatis equivocal LA16157-2
Neisseria gonorrhoeae detected LA16150-7
Neisseria gonorrhoeae not detected LA16151-5
Neisseria gonorrhoeae inconclusive LA16152-3
Neisseria gonorrhoeae equivocal LA16156-4

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Nominal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nom:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis y Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nominal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Ac]:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:XXX:Nominal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Nominal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis et Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Identification:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Résultat nominal:PCR amplification de cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스+임균 디옥시리보핵산:존재:검사시점:XXX:명칭결과:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:identificator:moment:XXX:nominaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:Ident:Pt:XXX:Nom:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Nominal; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:XXX:Ном:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Chlamydia trachomatis та Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:Наявність або Ідентифікація:МоментЧасу:ХХХ:Категорійно:Зонд-детекція. цільова аміпліфікація НК
Synonyms: 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; 3SR SR; Amplif; Amplification; Amplified; C trac; C trach; C trach+GC; C tracho; C trachomatis; Chlam; Chlam trac; Chlamid; CT; CT + NG DNA; CT/GC; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE; DNA probe; GC; Gono; Gonorrhea; ID; Identity or presence; Infectious Disease; InfectiousDisease; LAT; LCR; LGV; Ligase chain reaction; Ligation-activated transcription; Lymphogranuloma venereum; Microbiology; Misc; Miscellaneous; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; NAA+probe; NAAT; NASBA; Nominal; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; Other; PCR; Point in time; Polymerase chain reaction; Probe amp; Probe with ampification; Probe with target amplification; QBR; Random; SDA; Spec; Strand Displacement Amplification; TMA; To be specified in another part of the message; Trachoma; Transcription mediated amplification; UniversalLabOrders; Unspecified
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:XXX:名义型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

36902-5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
C trach+GC DNA Spec Ql NAA+probe
Display Name
C. trachomatis+N. gonorrhoeae DNA NAA+probe Ql (Specimen)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.13
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL744-4

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Detected LA11882-0
Not detected LA11883-8

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ADN de Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Ac]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
fr-CA French (Canada) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ADN:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ADN:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 클라미디아 트라코마티스+임균 디옥시리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; N gonorrhoea; N gonorrhoeae; Gono; GC; Gonorrhea; Deoxyribonucleic acid; C trach+GC; CT/GC; C trac; C trachomatis; Chlam trac; C trach; C tracho; CT; Trachoma; Lymphogranuloma venereum; LGV; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; Chlamid; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae ДНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌 DNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 椒疮;沙眼;砂眼;粒性结膜炎;颗粒性结膜炎 沙眼衣原体+淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌);C trach+GC;CT/GC 沙眼衣原体与淋病奈瑟菌(淋球菌、淋病、淋病双球菌、淋病奈瑟氏菌) 淋球菌 DNA 淋球菌;淋病;淋病双球菌;淋病奈瑟氏菌 淋病奈瑟氏菌 DNA 经过扩增的 脱氧核糖核酸探针 衣原体属

86662-4 Pap smear tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Term Description

Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Pap smear test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Pap smear tests - FPAR 2.0 set

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.61
Last Updated
Version 2.66
Panel Type
Convenience group

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set

10524-7 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervix by Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cyto Cvx
Display Name
Microscopic observation Cyto stain Nom (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Microscopic observation, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0i
Last Updated
Version 2.78
Change Reason
Release 2.78: COMPONENT: Updated to seperate the component from the method;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mikroskopische Beobachtung:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:Zervix:Nominal:Zyto-Färbung
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Observación:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nom:Tinción citológica
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Observación microscópica:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nominal:Tinción de cito
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) observación microscópica:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:Nominal:tinción citológica
fr-FR French (France) Observation microscopique:Identification:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Résultat nominal:Coloration cellulaire
fr-CA French (Canada) Observation:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
it-IT Italian (Italy) Osservazione:Prid:Pt:Cvx:Nom:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Citologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) waarneming:identificator:moment:cervix:nominaal:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Obserwacja:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:cecha:barwienie Cyto
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Observação Microscópica:Ident:Pt:Cervice:Nom:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Micro; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Nominal; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
zh-CN Chinese (China) 观察:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:子宫颈:名义型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查

18500-9 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervix by Cyto stain.thin prep

Term Description

Thin prep is an automated method of preparing the smear;cells are first treated/lysed to diminish obstructions such as blood, then spread very thinly by the machine.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Cyto stain.thin prep

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Thin Prep Cvx
Display Name
Microscopic observation Cyto stain.thin prep Nom (Cvx)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Microscopic observation, Cervix

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.78
Change Reason
Release 2.78: COMPONENT: Updated to seperate the component from the method;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets
101822-5 Human papilloma virus cytology and high-risk genotypes panel - Cervix

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Observación microscópica:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nominal:Cyto stain.thin prep
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Observación:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino:Nom:Citología en medio líquido
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) observación microscópica:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino:Nominal:tinción citológica.frotis delgado
fr-CA French (Canada) Observation:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique.couche mince
fr-FR French (France) Observation microscopique:Identification:Ponctuel:Col de l'utérus:Résultat nominal:Coloration cellulaire frottis couche mince
it-IT Italian (Italy) Osservazione:Prid:Pt:Cvx:Nom:Colorazione citoplasmatica.strato sottile
Synonyms: Cervice uterina Citologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) waarneming:identificator:moment:cervix:nominaal:cytokleuring.dun preparaat
Synonyms: baarmoederhals
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Obserwacja:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:szyjka macicy:cecha:barwienie Cyto cienkiego preparatu
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Observação microscópica:Ident:Pt:Cervice:Nom:Coloração citológica.preparado fino
Synonyms: ; Micro; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Cervix; Genital tract; Nominal; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Cytostain; Cytology stain; Papanicolaou smear
zh-CN Chinese (China) 观察:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:子宫颈:名义型:细胞学染色法.薄片法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 细胞学染色.薄片;细胞学染色.薄片法;细胞学染色法.薄片;细胞学染色薄片法;细胞染色.薄片;细胞染色.薄片法;细胞染色法.薄片;细胞染色法.薄片法;细胞染色薄片法;薄片细胞学染色法;薄片细胞染色法

19765-7 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cyto Cvx/Vag
Display Name
Microscopic observation Cyto stain Nom (Cvx/Vag)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Microscopic observation, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.78
Change Reason
Release 2.78: COMPONENT: Updated to seperate the component from the method;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mikroskopische Beobachtung:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:Zervix- oder Vaginalabstrich:Nominal:Zyto-Färbung
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Observación microscópica:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Nominal:Tinción de cito
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Observación:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Nom:Tinción citológica
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) observación microscópica:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Nominal:tinción citológica
fr-CA French (Canada) Observation:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-FR French (France) Observation microscopique:Identification:Ponctuel:Prélèvement cervicovaginal:Résultat nominal:Coloration cellulaire
it-IT Italian (Italy) Osservazione:Prid:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Nom:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 현미경적 관찰:존재:검사시점:자궁질:명칭결과:세포 염색
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) waarneming:identificator:moment:cervix of vagina:nominaal:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Obserwacja:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:wydzieliny z szyjki macicy lub pochwy:cecha:barwienie Cyto
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Observação microscópica:Ident:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Nom:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Micro; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Nominal; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
zh-CN Chinese (China) 观察:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:名义型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

19766-5 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain Narrative

Fully-Specified Name

Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cyto Cvx/Vag
Display Name
Microscopic observation Cyto stain Nar (Cvx/Vag)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Microscopic observation, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.78
Change Reason
Release 2.78: COMPONENT: Updated to seperate the component from the method;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Observación microscópica:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Narrativo:Tinción de cito
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Observación:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Narrativo:Tinción citológica
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) observación microscópica:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Narrativo:tinción citológica
fr-CA French (Canada) Observation:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Narratif:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-FR French (France) Observation microscopique:Identification:Ponctuel:Prélèvement cervicovaginal:Résultat textuel:Coloration cellulaire
it-IT Italian (Italy) Osservazione:Prid:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Nar:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) waarneming:identificator:moment:cervix of vagina:tekstueel:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Obserwacja:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:wydzieliny z szyjki macicy lub pochwy:opisowy:barwienie Cyto
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Observação microscópica:Ident:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Nar:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Micro; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Narrative; Report; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
zh-CN Chinese (China) 观察:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:叙述型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 叙述;叙述性文字;报告;报告型;文字叙述;文本叙述型;文本描述;文本描述型 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

19774-9 Cytology study comment Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

Cytology study comment
Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cytology Cmnt Cvx/Vag Cyto-Imp
Display Name
Cytology study comment Cyto stain Nar (Cvx/Vag) [Interp]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Interpretation of Cytology study comment test result, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Comentario del estudio citológico:Impresión/interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Narrativo:Tinción citológica
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Comentario del estudio de citología:Impresión / interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Narrativo:Tinción de cito
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) comentario de estudio citológico:impresión/interpretación del estudio:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Narrativo:tinción citológica
fr-CA French (Canada) Commentaire d'étude cytologique:Impression:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Narratif:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-FR French (France) Cytologie étude commentaire:Interprétation:Ponctuel:Prélèvement cervicovaginal:Résultat textuel:Coloration cellulaire
fr-BE French (Belgium) Commentaire d'étude cytologique:Impression/interprétation d'étude:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Narratif:Coloration cytoplasmique
it-IT Italian (Italy) Studio citologico, commento:Imp:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Nar:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Commento di studio citologico Impressione/interpretazione di studio Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) cytologisch onderzoek aantekening:interpretatie:moment:cervix of vagina:tekstueel:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Estudo de citologia comentários:Imp:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Nar:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Citology Cmnt; Remarks; Interpretation; Interp; Impression; Impressions; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Narrative; Report; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear; Com; Comm; Commt; Comments; cmnt; cmmt
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Цитологическое исследование комментарий:Впчт:ТчкВрм:Шейка/Влагалище:Опис:Цитоплазм окраска
Synonyms: Вагинальный Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Описательный Точка во времени;Момент Шейка или Влагалище
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Sitolog çalışması önerisi:İzlnm:Zmlı:Cvx/Vaj:Öykü:Sito boyama
zh-CN Chinese (China) 细胞学检查注释:印象:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:叙述型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 印象是一种诊断陈述,始终是对其他某种观察指标的解释或抽象(一系列检验项目结果、一幅图像或者整个某位病人),而且几乎总是由某位专业人员产生。;检查印象;检查印象/解释;检查的印象/解释;检查解释;解释;阐释 叙述;叙述性文字;报告;报告型;文字叙述;文本叙述型;文本描述;文本描述型 备注 备注;评论;注解;说明;评语 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈;生殖道 意见 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 检查分析 注解 着色 着色方法 着色法 短评 研究;检查项目;调查;考察;研究项目;学习 细胞学;细胞学检查 细胞学检查注释(备注、注解、评论说明、意见);细胞学检查评论 考察 解说 解释 评定 评注 评论 评语 说明 调查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

33717-0 Cervical AndOr vaginal cytology study

Fully-Specified Name

Cervical &or Vaginal cytology study

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cytology Cvx/Vag study

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.09
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Change Reason
Release 2.72: COMPONENT: Update naming convention for studies.;
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Informe de estudio:Tipo:Punto temporal:Cvx / Vag:Documento:Cytology
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) informe del estudio:hallazgo:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Documento:citología
fr-CA French (Canada) Étude de Cytologie cervicale et/ou vaginale:Observation:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Document:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Cervicale &o Vaginale citologico, studio:Osservazione:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Doc:
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Osservazione Ostetrica/Ginecologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Studio cervicale &o vaginale citologico Vaginale
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Relatório:Achado:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Doc:Citologia
Synonyms: Finding; Findings; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix
zh-CN Chinese (China) 宫颈和/或阴道细胞学检查:发现:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:文档型:
Synonyms: 临床文档型;临床文档;文档;文书;医疗文书;临床医疗文书 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 妇科学与产科学 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈 宫颈(子宫颈)和/或阴道细胞学检查;宫颈和或阴道细胞学检查 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检查分析 研究;检查项目;调查;考察;研究项目;学习 考察 调查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

47527-7 Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain.thin prep

Fully-Specified Name

Cytology report
Cyto stain.thin prep

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cytology Cvx/Vag Doc Thin Prep
Display Name
Cytology report Cyto stain.thin prep Doc (Cvx/Vag)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Cytology report, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.19
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Informe citologia:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Doc:Citología en medio líquido
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Informe de citología:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Documento:Cyto stain.thin prep
fr-CA French (Canada) Rapport de cytologie:Observation:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Document:Coloration cytoplasmique.couche mince
fr-BE French (Belgium) Rapport de cytologie:Observation:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Document:Coloration cytoplasmique.couche mince
it-IT Italian (Italy) Referto citologico:Osservazione:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Doc:Colorazione citoplasmatica.strato sottile
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Osservazione Punto nel tempo (episodio) Referto Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) cytologieverslag:bevinding:moment:cervix of vagina:document:cytokleuring.dun preparaat
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina cytologierapport
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Citologia Oncótica:Achado:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Doc:Coloração citológica.preparado fino
Synonyms: Finding; Findings; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Цитология отчёт:Находка:ТчкВрм:Шейка/Влагалище:Док:Цитоплазм окраска.тонк преп
Synonyms: Вагинальный Документ Точка во времени;Момент Цитология заключение Шейка или Влагалище
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Sitoloji raporu:Bulgu:Zmlı:Cvx/Vaj:Dokm:Sitoboyama. İnce prep
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Звіт цитології:Знахідка:МоментЧасу:Шийка матки/Піхва:Документ:Цитофарбування.тонкошаровий препарат
Synonyms: Cervix; Cytology stain; Cytostain; Document; Finding; Findings; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Gyn; Gynecology; OB; ObGyn; Obstetrics; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Papanicolaou smear; Point in time; Random; St; Stains; Stn; UniversalLabOrders; Vag fld; Vag fluid; Vagina; Vaginal fluid
zh-CN Chinese (China) 细胞学报告:发现:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:文档型:细胞学染色法.薄片法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 临床文档型;临床文档;文档;文书;医疗文书;临床医疗文书 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈;生殖道 报道;汇报;调查报告;报表;报导 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 细胞学染色.薄片;细胞学染色.薄片法;细胞学染色法.薄片;细胞学染色薄片法;细胞染色.薄片;细胞染色.薄片法;细胞染色法.薄片;细胞染色法.薄片法;细胞染色薄片法;薄片细胞学染色法;薄片细胞染色法 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

47528-5 Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

Cytology report
Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Cytology Cvx/Vag Doc Cyto
Display Name
Cytology report Cyto stain Doc (Cvx/Vag)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Cytology report, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.19
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Informe citologia:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Doc:Tinción citológica
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Informe de citología:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Documento:Tinción de cito
fr-CA French (Canada) Rapport de cytologie:Observation:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Document:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Rapport de cytologie:Observation:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Document:Coloration cytoplasmique
it-IT Italian (Italy) Referto citologico:Osservazione:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Doc:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Osservazione Punto nel tempo (episodio) Referto Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) cytologieverslag:bevinding:moment:cervix of vagina:document:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina cytologierapport
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Citologia Oncótica:Achado:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Doc:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: Finding; Findings; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Цитология отчёт:Находка:ТчкВрм:Шейка/Влагалище:Док:Цитоплазм окраска
Synonyms: Вагинальный Документ Точка во времени;Момент Цитология заключение Шейка или Влагалище
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Sitoloji raporu:Bulgu:Zmlı:Cvx/Vaj:Dokm:Sito boyama
zh-CN Chinese (China) 细胞学报告:发现:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:文档型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 临床文档型;临床文档;文档;文书;医疗文书;临床医疗文书 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈;生殖道 报道;汇报;调查报告;报表;报导 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

19762-4 General categories [Interpretation] of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

General categories
Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Gen Categ Cvx/Vag Cyto-Imp
Display Name
General categories Cyto stain (Cvx/Vag) [Interp]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
General categories, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Categorías generales:Impresión/interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Nom:Tinción citológica
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Categorias generales:Impresión / interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Nominal:Tinción de cito
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) categorías generales:impresión/interpretación del estudio:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Nominal:tinción citológica
fr-CA French (Canada) Catégories générales:Impression:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-FR French (France) Catégories générales:Interprétation:Ponctuel:Prélèvement cervicovaginal:Résultat nominal:Coloration cellulaire
fr-BE French (Belgium) Catégories générales:Impression/interprétation d'étude:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
it-IT Italian (Italy) Categorie generali:Imp:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Nom:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Impressione/interpretazione di studio Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) algemene categorieën:interpretatie:moment:cervix of vagina:nominaal:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Categorias gerais:Imp:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Nom:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Gen Categ; Interpretation; Interp; Impression; Impressions; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Nominal; Pap Smear; Pap Stain; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Общие категории:Впчт:ТчкВрм:Шейка/Влагалище:Ном:Цитоплазм окраска
Synonyms: Вагинальный Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Главные категории;Главные разделы Номинальный;Именной Точка во времени;Момент Шейка или Влагалище
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Genel kategoriler:İzlnm:Zmlı:Cvx/Vaj:Snf:Sito boyama
zh-CN Chinese (China) 一般类别:印象:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:名义型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 印象是一种诊断陈述,始终是对其他某种观察指标的解释或抽象(一系列检验项目结果、一幅图像或者整个某位病人),而且几乎总是由某位专业人员产生。;检查印象;检查印象/解释;检查的印象/解释;检查解释;解释;阐释 大类 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 种类;类目;派别;类;分类 细胞学;细胞学检查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本

19764-0 Statement of adequacy [Interpretation] of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain

Fully-Specified Name

Statement of adequacy
Cyto stain

Additional Names

Panel Name
Short Name
Stat of Adq Cvx/Vag Cyto-Imp
Display Name
Statement of adequacy Cyto stain (Cvx/Vag) [Interp]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Statement of adequacy, Cervix Or Vagina Specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
86636-8 Family planning report - FPAR 2.0 set
54037-7 HEDIS 2009 panel
57820-3 HEDIS 2010 panel
60442-1 HEDIS 2011 panel
67767-4 HEDIS 2012 panel
72199-3 HEDIS 2013 panel
74234-6 HEDIS 2014 Value Sets
75868-0 HEDIS 2015 Value Sets
79544-3 HEDIS 2016 Value Sets
82955-6 HEDIS 2017 Value Sets
87625-0 HEDIS 2018 Value Sets
90766-7 HEDIS 2019 Value Sets
94137-7 HEDIS 2020 Value Sets
96068-2 HEDIS MY 2020 Value Sets

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Angabe der Angemessenheit:Interpretation:Zeitpunkt:Zervix- oder Vaginalabstrich:Nominal:Zyto-Färbung
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Declaración de adecuación:Impresión/interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cervix o Vagina:Nom:Tinción citológica
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Declaración de adecuación:Impresión / interpretación del estudio:Punto temporal:Cuello uterino o vagina:Nominal:Tinción de cito
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) enunciado de suficiencia:impresión/interpretación del estudio:punto en el tiempo:cuello uterino/vagina:Nominal:tinción citológica
fr-CA French (Canada) Énoncé sur la pertinence:Impression:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
fr-FR French (France) Déclaration de capacité:Interprétation:Ponctuel:Prélèvement cervicovaginal:Résultat nominal:Coloration cellulaire
fr-BE French (Belgium) Énoncé sur la pertinence:Impression/interprétation d'étude:Temps ponctuel:Col de l'utérus/Vagin:Nominal:Coloration cytoplasmique
it-IT Italian (Italy) Dichiarazione di adeguatezza:Imp:Pt:Cvx/Vag:Nom:Colorazione citoplasmatica
Synonyms: Cervice o Vagina Cervice uterina Citologia Impressione/interpretazione di studio Punto nel tempo (episodio) Vaginale
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 적절한 진술:해석:검사시점:자궁질:명칭결과:세포 염색
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) verklaring van geschiktheid:interpretatie:moment:cervix of vagina:nominaal:cytokleuring
Synonyms: baarmoederhals baarmoederhals of vagina
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Declaração de adequação:Imp:Pt:Colo uterino/Vagina:Nom:Coloração citológica
Synonyms: ; Stat of Adq; Pap Smear; Papinacolou Smear; Pap Stain; Interpretation; Interp; Impression; Impressions; Point in time; Random; Genital tract; Genital vaginal; Vagina; Cervix; Nominal; Citostain; Citology stain; Papanicolaou smear
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Заключение о пригодности:Впчт:ТчкВрм:Шейка/Влагалище:Ном:Цитоплазм окраска
Synonyms: Вагинальный Впечатление/интерпретация исследования Номинальный;Именной Точка во времени;Момент Формулировка относительно пригодности образца Шейка или Влагалище
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Yeterlilik ifadesi:İzlnm:Zmlı:Cvx/Vaj:Snf:Sito boyama
zh-CN Chinese (China) 适合性声明:印象:时间点:子宫颈/阴道:名义型:细胞学染色法
Synonyms: Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 涂片试验;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏涂片;巴氏涂片试验;帕帕尼科劳试验;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;细胞学染色;细胞染色;细胞染色法;阴道抹片检查 Papanicolaou 涂片;Papanicolaou 试验;巴氏早期癌变探查试验;巴氏染色;巴氏染色法;巴氏涂片;帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验;帕帕尼科拉乌试验;适合性(适宜性、适当性、适用性、合适性、充分性、充足性、足够程度、恰当性、适当程度、充分程度)声明(陈述) 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 印象是一种诊断陈述,始终是对其他某种观察指标的解释或抽象(一系列检验项目结果、一幅图像或者整个某位病人),而且几乎总是由某位专业人员产生。;检查印象;检查印象/解释;检查的印象/解释;检查解释;解释;阐释 子宫颈或阴道;宫颈/阴道;宫颈或阴道;子宫颈/阴道分泌物;子宫颈分泌物/阴道分泌物;白带 宫颈;生殖道 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 染法 染色方法 染色法 着色 着色方法 着色法 细胞学;细胞学检查 阴道分泌物;白带;阴道标本;阴道病理标本