Version 2.80

Term Description

This panel contains all of the "Special circumstances" LOINC codes that are used to report the specific context during which a particular measurement was taken, where that context may affect the measurement value. Circumstances that can affect measurement of certain variables include when the patient is asleep, in pain, crying, febrile, or during a period of apnea. This panel is attached to the generic LOINC code for each measurement so that the circumstance under which the measurement was taken can be reported along with the primary result.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
89263-8 Special circumstances associated observations panel
Indent10224-4 Hemodynamic method special circumstances
Indent55285-1 Glasgow coma score special circumstances
Indent55416-2 Oxymetry special circumstances
Indent8304-8 Body height special circumstances
Indent8337-8 Body weight special circumstances
Indent9278-3 Breath rate special circumstances
Indent9848-3 Body temperature special circumstances
Indent9855-8 Blood pressure special circumstances
Indent89299-2 Heart rate special circumstances

Fully-Specified Name

Special circumstances associated observations panel

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Special circumstances associated observations panel
Short Name
Special circ assoc obs pnl

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.64
Last Updated
Version 2.64 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type
Convenience group

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πίνακας παρατηρήσεων που σχετίζονται με ειδικές περιστάσεις:-:Pt:^Ασθενής:-:
Synonyms: Πίνακας παρατηρήσεων που σχετίζονται με ειδικές περιστάσεις
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel de observaciones asociadas a circunstancias especiales:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Osservazioni associate a cisrcostanze speciali, panel:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:
Synonyms: Clinico Panel osservazioni associate a cisrcostanze speciali paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set clinico NEC (non classificato altrove)
zh-CN Chinese (China) 特殊情况相关观察组套:-:时间点:^患者:-:
Synonyms: 关联的 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.临床;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).临床(CLIN、Clinical) 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 有联系的 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 特殊情况(情景、背景、情形、上下文)相关观察(观察指标、观察项目、观测、观测指标)组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目) 相关的 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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